Blog Categories

February, 2011

The great earring debacle of 2011

We have to start over. Here’s what happened: Yesterday, I said everybody was over and to enter your new guesses in the new “Everybody’s Over” posting.  But I couldn’t  figure out why every guess was so low. Then I realized this morning that after my alert, some people added their new guesses to the original “Parsley Earring” posting which caused some confusion about which guesses were over. Are you with me? Does anybody have an abacus? This has become the great earring debacle of 2011! So we have to start over. Right now. Back to square one. You know the drill – Guess how many earrings I have, enter it in THIS POSTING ONLY, and we’ll announce the winner Tuesday morning. In case you haven’t figured it out, the total is under 100. Whew!  I need a nap.


Everybody’s over!

How many earrings can one person own? Not as many as everybody thinks! I can’t give away my money – everybody’s over! Based on the numbers that have come in, I suspect you’re all planning an earring intervention… “Jenny, we’re here because we care about you. Now slowly step away from those earrings. They are sucking the life out of your ears, and your brain could be next!” Bottom line: we’re starting over. The contest is extended until noon tomorrow Pacific Standard Time. So you have less than 20 hours to guess how many pairs of earrings I own. Enter your new guess in this posting, just below. The good news is… it just got a lot easier. Good luck!