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February, 2013

Eating this way can save your life

I’ve always believed in the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, which consists mostly of olive oil, nuts, fish, fruit, vegetables, and a glass of wine every day. Then there was a big news story this week all about the life-saving benefits of eating this way and how it can prevent heart disease.  The evidence is pretty clear so I’m posting the food pyramid here. I hope I can make a difference by sharing helpful information like this. And for anyone on Pinterest, I have a board just for Mediterranean recipes. The way I see it, it’s Mediterranean 6 days a week, and on the 7th day – pizza!

Who’s in charge at YouTube?

First of all, congratulations to Marlis on winning my cookbook! There were 271 almonds in the jar and she guessed 272! Now, onto my YouTube fun…

I recently posted a new cooking video on hash browns and noticed a link for “transcript.” What the transcript said and what I actually said, bore only some similarity but the differences are hilarious! Here are some examples:

“We’re gonna start by killing a potato … We’re gonna preheat japan … Gps unfolds two small children mushy potatoes … This is the perfect size –  just pray that it takes … We’re going to get the moisture out of this police …” ???

Who’s in charge at Youtube? This is not a job to be shipping overseas!

If you want to have some fun, watch my hash brown video or any youtube video with instructions and enjoy. 🙂

Here’s the link to my youtube channel:

My Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day to Denis, my  partner of 27 years.

I call him my “precious little puppy fluff.”

He makes me laugh every day.

He still tells me he loves me every night.

Is this a bad day to ask him to clean the garage?

Whatever happened to me?

In the tabloids again? When I heard that I was in the National Examiner, I was expecting the worst.  It was a relief to see that it was just updates on what we’re all doing except there was no mention of my cooking!

Oh well, it could have been worse…. It could have been “Stars Without Makeup” or “A Tub of Cottage Cheese or Jenny Jones’s Thighs? You Decide!”