They finally started working on the new playground in my hometown of London, Ontario. This week they are installing the handicapped accessible equipment. Then next week the entire area gets covered with rubber safety surfacing. After that, some last minute work, and then the grand opening in Springbank Park.
This is the park where I used to play growing up. My sister and I couldn’t wait to get on the swings and teeter totter and we loved the little round wading pool. Springbank Park is a beautiful place that sits alongside the Thames River. Yes, both London, Ontario and London, England have a Thames River.
I have only seen pictures of what’s to come and I can’t wait until it’s actually there. The grand opening is coming soon!
Yesterday I went to Shelah’s Place as I routinely do. Love how families fill this space with laughter and fun.
Unfortunately this area of the park I was told had been rented out to a large group who didn’t seem to respect others use
of Shelah’s Place. They were monopolizing the equipment and leaving garbage, water bottles,candy sticks etc all over the place.
I wonder if Jennie Jones ever intended the place be available to rent?
I doubt this.
I will pass this on to the city parks department. Thank you.
The park coordinator is looking into this as they do not believe you can book the playground, only picnic spaces. I appreciate knowing about this (I shared the information privately) so thank you for alerting me. I will post their response here when I hear back. Thanks again for taking time to let me know.
I was just informed by the city (to my relief) that the playground can never be reserved or rented and only picnic areas are rentable. I was told that this was just a very large group but the playground was not closed to the rest of the public. On the bright side, it is good to know that the playground is so popular.
You have to be so excited. Time is near for this to be a done deal ?