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A Birthday Present From YouTube

Jenny Can CookJenny Jones Youtube VideosI never expected anything like this! When I made my cooking videos, it was just a hobby. I love to cook and just wanted to share my recipes in case some of my fans might be interested. I knew a lot of people didn’t even cook but it was still fun. I watched as the number of views continued to grow and my videos were soon discovered by the entire world. It was international! Comments and questions came in from 200 countries (where they use the metric system – I never planned for that).

Then the corona virus came and the whole world was quarantined at home and had to cook, and bake bread. My recipes are simple and they always turn out so people who have never cooked before and needed to learn started watching and they had questions. A lot of questions. I want to help and I try to answer as many as I can but it’s impossible to keep up. I’m doing the best I can so please understand if I don’t answer your question.

As timing would have it, the millionth subscriber signed up on my birthday today. Now that is a birthday gift I never could have predicted but it makes me so happy because it means that my little home videos are helping people eat healthy home cooked meals and knowing I’m making a difference is the best gift I could have received.

18 Responses

  1. SouthernVetUSA says:

    Please start your YouTube videos back. I miss you! I just made your pancakes this morning and they were really good. Thanks for sharing.

  2. SherriNDallasTX says:

    Where have you been posting your cooking shows? This post from you is in 2020 but the last video I’ve seen of you on YouTube was for meatloaf back in 2018!
    I’d love to pickup watching your cooking again! Are you still into healthy eating like you used to talk about?
    Love you, Jenny. And Howdy from Texas!

  3. Joy says:

    Merry Christmas Jenny 😘 miss you on your YouTube cooking channel and hope you are doing great.

  4. Missyoujenny says:

    Hi Jenny.
    I’m from the uk and I have over the last year been following your Jenny can cook videos. I was curious why you had stopped producing videos. I loved how fun and a cheeky you are and you humour shone through!! Your recipes are great too. Found myself looking you up. To find out what a celeb you’ve been in America and what good works you have done. I just wanted to say thank you for all of your videos on you tube. I miss you! Your such a talent. No chance of anymore Recipes?! 🙌❤️

  5. Sue says:

    Hi Jenny – I noticed you haven’t posted any new recipes for a while on your youtube ch… I came looking for you. I have always enjoyed your fun, friendly approach in your cooking videos and your recipes and skills are amazing! Thank you!

    I didn’t realize you are THE Jenny Jones until today! Hope you are happy and well, take care!….🇨🇦 sue

  6. Rosemary says:

    Recently found your Jenny Can Cook videos. I made your apple pie which was the best apple pie ever. My pie crust didn’t look great but it still tasted really good. I also made the baked ziti and that was fantastic too.

  7. Wendy Natter says:

    Hello Jenny,

    I recently stumbled across your cooking videos on YouTube- thank you so much! I appreciate all you share from foolproof recipes, to information about health, cooking tips, and your fun, friendly, welcoming demeanor with a tinge of irreverent humor (sometimes!) With each video I come away with something that makes me a better cook and a healthier person. I know these are A LOT of work for you to put together and appreciate all the effort!

    Thank you,

  8. Björn says:

    Even though over a million subscribers should tell the story – would still like to thank you for all your work on your you tube channel.

    Great, funny and I feel like I am sitting in your kitchen enjoying your company! Just hope that you will continue making more of them one day!

    Best of all Björn

  9. Robert says:

    Hi Jenny
    You are a wonderful cook and truly enjoy your shows. It always puts a smile on my face!!!
    Have you every made cabbage soup or have a family recipe?
    I remember as a child my great grandmother would make delicious cabbage soup but have not found one that has the “ love “ from my grandma

  10. Robin solod says:

    Omg Jenny! I stumbled on your cooking video!’ I was such a huge fan of yours! You’ve aged beautiful’! I felt bad when I saw how many years it’s been! You know how time goes on so fast! It was so nice to hear your voice again. Ill be making the cabbage rolls. I’m
    A cancer pt here in nyc and time just flew by. Still standing tho!!’ Best, robin solod

  11. CharG says:

    Hell? JENNY❕

    What a TREAT? for my having run into you via your #LEMON BROWNIES recipe [ ] (“subscribed”!?….).

    As I was paying attention to your instructions, delighting in your bright, sparkling, personality (& wishing that I could get a transfusion …?…) I kept having this gnawing sense that …”I’ve ‘SEEN’ her somewhere before … !”

    & THEN! ‘Bam!’ Of COURSE! #THAT daytime host: #JENNY JONES❕

    I am so delighted to have drawn your energy back into my world, viewing your vids, besides benefiting frim tasty dishes, thank you for bringing your ebulliently bright energy to my day!

    [Question: if anyone monitiors these comments would you please share the source of Jenny’s polka dot blue knife with holder that she uses in this featured vid? ]

  12. neal nemiro says:

    Thinking of you lately hoping you and Dennis are doing well. Truly miss you and the time we spent together. As I tell everyone that asks about the people I have met and worked with, you are the best boss ever. I really mean this,,, I loved working with you. Love Neal………………

  13. Pam says:

    Thank you for your great videos and happy birthday, belatedly. I’m making your ribs recipe for my husband’s Father’s Day dinner. It’s my favorite oven ribs recipe.

  14. Pattie says:

    Hi Jenny,
    I made your Meatloaf today and my grown son who is starting a new career and thus living at home said your Meatloaf was the best he has ever eaten.
    Warmest Regards,
    Pattie McKeough

  15. Rhonda says:

    Congratulations on your 1 millionth subscriber. I’m glad people are enjoying your YouTube channel. It is pretty awesome you are doing it for the reasons you are and I’m sure it’s came in handy for people who have stayed home month after month here recently…
    I’m a couple days late but wanted to stop by while I’m thinking about it to wish you a Happy Birthday ?
    Take care Jenny and enjoy the rest of your week…{{{hugs}}}

  16. Lori K says:

    Happy Birthday Jenny! I found your sweet baking channel when the pandemic lockdown started and shared it with so many people and we all text or posted photos of our bread! Best bread ever! Now- tonight I’m looking for a pierogi and gnocchi recipe for all the potatoes we have on hand and your channel pops up and comes to the rescue! It just now tonight clicked why I adore you so much on there channel and we all set how sweet you are- you are THE Jenny Jones I watched everyday when my girls were little. So I had to fall down the rabbit hole tonight and look up everything Jenny tonight for fun- such a great show! You look unbelievably pretty and young for your age – absolutely amazing and I hope to look a fractional well as you do! You haven’t aged and are as fun as ever.. what a brilliant life you have had and continue awesome you continue to inspire and help people. I’m a home chef and photographer, so I really loved finding your website. Hope your day is amazing and you had great cake! Congrats on the million because you are one in a million!
    Lori K

  17. Sue McCarthy says:

    Happy birthday Jenny!! Wishing you the best today and always!????

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