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Geranium at Dusk

Jenny Jones BlogWhat happens at dusk that makes colors so vibrant? This is an un-retouched photo I took yesterday in the backyard right around 7:00 pm. I went out to check on the apple tree and make sure there would be enough apples for ALL the squirrels!

I saw the flower and ran back in to get my camera. It’s just a geranium in a hanging blue pot but in the magic lighting that happens at dusk, it looked pretty exotic to me.

5 Responses

  1. Malinda says:


  2. Catherine says:

    I feed the squirrels in my backyard to they run up and down the roof they running all over playing. Pretty Day. I sure did enjoy visiting with you yesterday, While you gave me the Chocolate Cake recipe, and the cinnamon rolls recipe I’ve never made a dough before my own so you wouldn’t you explained it very thorough now I can do it thank you so much for that my favorite thing is cinnamon rolls I really appreciate you have a good day.

  3. VICKI says:

    The geranium is beautiful and one of my favorite flowers.
    I enjoyed reading your bio as I saw this recipe and it reminded me of my dear departed friend, Irene Reiss Sekely, who made such tasty ones. Reading further, I then I realized you are the Jenny Jones whose show I watched when it was on tv and did not know you had such a difficult life which you have turned into a wonderful life. I wish more people would do that today!
    Thanks for the memories of your show and this fabulous recipe I can’t wait to try!!! Regards.

  4. Ann says:

    Watching your cooking show on you tube, I laughed so much!!! Love your healthy tips. Thank you

  5. Sue McCarthy says:

    Lol!!! Like you would ever feed apples to those…deep breath ? mangy, rat-faced no good, low-life, beady-eyed, scum sucking, tomato-stealing squirrels!!!!! Whew!!! Release!!! Now you’re ok with them??? Since when??????

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