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Happy Valentine’s Day

I met Denis 26 years ago when I was a struggling stand up comic and he was a Hollywood location manager. I had invited a personal manager to come and see me perform at the L.A. Cabaret in Encino, hoping he would sign me for representation. He invited his friend, Denis, to get his opinion on this new female comedian. I guess Denis must have liked me because the manager signed me, but I never heard from Denis after that. I tried to let him know I was interested.  He had a great sense of humor so I would often call him for his opinion on some jokes, saying, “It’s Saturday night and I’m just home working on material.” He was clueless. My manager brought him to other performances but Denis still never asked me out. For a year. Yes, it was almost a year from when we met that Denis finally asked me out. He picked me up in his 1969 Volkswagen Bug (that he still has!) and took me out to dinner. It seemed like we could talk forever and I was in love. So was he. I took a steady job in Las Vegas with the Playboy Girls of Rock & Roll as their comedy act, and Denis came every weekend, leaving right after work Friday to catch my late show, he stayed for the weekend, and he’d stay up with me Sunday night until 2 in the morning, and then drive back to L.A. in time for work Monday morning. I called  him my “precious little puppy fluff.” As my career progressed, he supported me at every turn. He was at every Star Search taping (that’s where this picture was taken), calming my nerves with his humor, he travelled all over the country just to be with me when I was on the road.  He has been my source of strength through family emergencies, my breast implant nightmare, the talk show crisis, and I know he will stand by me no matter where life takes us. My wish for everyone this Valentine’s day is that someone loves you the way Denis loves me.

9 Responses

  1. sue says:

    A day late, sorry, we were so busy at work I’m just now checking in! Great love story JJ!! I’m so glad that your still together after all these years! 🙂 Me and Mike are in our 17th year together. We have been engaged for 16! Everyone keeps asking “when is the big day?” But we are happy this way! 🙂 I’m not going anywhere and neither is he. Do you think long engagements are wrong?? We are eachothers best friends… My parents even buy him son-in-law cards.
    Anyway, Happy Valentine’s Day to all and for anyone who has not yet found their true love, it will happen!!

    Take Care!
    Sue 🙂 🙂

  2. Tiffi Rui says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone~!

    You shared such a great time in your life with us, Jenny. Thank you! It gives us single gals something to look for. It’s a good reminder that, “not all of the fishies in the sea are carp.” HAHA~! MrsNews, your story is definately a reminder as well that, God is wonderful/great/powerful, etc. God Bless you!

    ~Tiffi Rui

  3. shelly says:

    Happy Valentine to my forever hero
    shelly and her faithful companion–Snickers

  4. MrsNews says:

    Thank you for sharing your story this morning…I loved it.

    I have one of those great guys too. I was divorced for 23+ yrs and thought that I would never find love, but I did. My husband had been a friend for many years but he was married and lived in a different state. He called one day to tell me his wife had died at the age of 40. We spent many nights on the phone talking to each other in this terrible time. As fate would have it we fell in love. He moved to Kansas with his 10 y/o son just to be with me. We married 10+ yrs ago. One year after we married I got sick and was given one year to live (long story obviously God wasn’t ready for me). My husband was crushed at the thought of burying another wife. He was my angel, he took such great care of me that I think he willed me to live.

    He doesn’t have the most outgoing personality so I am sure I am can be a handful at times…because as you might have guessed I am very outgoing! He loves me, he thinks I am beautiful and sexy eventhough I am not ‘easy on the eye’! And best of all in all of our years together he has never made me cry! I love that about him!

    My wish is that everyone finds someone that loves them like my husband loves me and I love him…believe me 23+ years of waiting…I had given up on ever being blessed like this!

    Happy Day, Month and Year to all of you! If you don’t have anyone special this year love yourself and enjoy your family, friends and smile at a stranger today, you just might make their day!!


    • Rhonda says:

      Aw Kathy, being the softy that I am your story touches the heart as well…
      My family (parents & siblings) are a close family. They are there regardless of any situation. I have one close friend who is there for me as well. I chose my friends wisely. I appreciate the ones who are there for the support and strengths in my life. I have friends in my life who envy my family, because of what they see. So yeah, we all need somebody to be happy with in life even if it’s having a close family/friends…
      I’m glad you found your happiness 🙂

      Take care,

  5. Rhonda says:

    Aw Jenny, this kinda touches the heart. Reading this brought tears, because I’m such a softy. Love stories especially gets me most I think, because everyone needs love in their life and you said it perfectly 😉
    I am glad you have Denis. He does seem like a perfect gentlemen that loves and cares about you. I’m glad he’s there to help you with troubles in life and for giving you strength to help make you the person that you are. I see you as a very strong woman and you truly are a good role model for other women, seriously 🙂
    If you haven’t read Jenny’s autobiography then you should. It really is a good read 🙂
    Happy Valentines Day, everyone! Have a great day…
    Take care,

  6. K. says:

    Happy Valentine’s Jenny & Denis! <3

  7. Tara says:

    Thats wonderful. Great post 🙂

  8. Jean says:

    Happy Valentines Day to you and Denis Jenny!
    “precious little puppy fluff” that’s so cute. 🙂

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