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My Christmas Poem

My Beef With Santa

Hey Santa, What’s up Dawg? You chillin’ tonight?
Don’t get too cozy, ‘cuz I’m about to pick a fight.

I didn’t get bupkus last year, thanks to you
I wrote you a letter – how much good did THAT do?

You’re lucky you’re up north and not down here,
I would kick your ass. Somebody hold my beer!

Listen, fat man, you better stop slackin
Deliver the goods or bad things can happen.

Just bring me my stuff – I am not jokin’
If not, you may have to sleep with one eye open. 👀

I’ve been planning revenge through most of the year
Be a shame if something happened to one of your reindeer.

I’d be careful before drinking that next shot of eggnog,
And you may want to protect your precious little yule log.

My list this year is the same as my last one.
I’ve made my point, so don’t pull a fast one.

Just bring the nail clippers and hat – no games or schemes
Or I will haunt you and your elves every night in your dreams. 👻

Now I’m sorry for causing you all this stress
Cuz I just found those things at CVS.

I still love you, Santa! 😍

9 Responses

  1. Laura Morales says:

    Hi Jenny,
    I came looking for you after rewatching a bunch of your YouTube videos and realized that you hadn’t posted anything in quite a while. I love your content and I hope you’re well. You are just a lovely person inside and out. And, quite the poet! 😊

  2. Greg says:

    Hi Jenny – you have been on my mind as l cook your recipes this week – l hope you and yours are safe . Best – Greg

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you. So far we are safe but ready to evacuate if needed. So much sadness and pain for so many…

      • Greg says:

        Hi Jenny – l hope you are well and safe and that your home survived.., there really are no words – sending love and prayers to you and all the communities and the animals … in this horrible mess l look to those who are helping to keep my spirits up. Take good care and keep cooking!

  3. Sue says:

    Keeping you in my prayers and all of CA during this horrible time. I hope you are safe.
    Sue McCarthy

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you. We are packed and ready to evacuate if needed. It’s just surreal, like a bad dream… So hard to believe what is happening.☹️

  4. Cheryl says:

    Hi Jenny,
    I just looked you up in the wee hours of the morning, because I have several of your recipes saved in my “food favorites”. From there I poked around to your blog, and found this post! 😂 Loved your poem!! and some other posts I’ve read. Growing older right along with you, and smile sharing so many same thoughts!
    Wishes for a wonderful year ahead, and so glad I found you again, feels like I found a friend. 🌸

  5. Sue says:

    Lmao!!! Jenny you are a poet and you dont even know it!!! Thanks for the laugh!! I hope you had a great Christmas and Happy New year today! Wishing you the best of health and happiness always! Much love! Sue McCarthy 🥳

  6. Monet says:

    Not looking for a lost episode, but I was wondering if you remember a man on your editorial team named Raymond Elmore?

    If not, no worries. Lovely poem by the way, and happy new years.

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Looking for a lost episode of my show? Sorry, I have no access to old shows.