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My new iPad carrier

My man, Denis, has been the love of my life for over 25 years but if the house caught on fire and I had to run back in to save just one thing, Denis would have to find his own way out. I would save my iPad! I love love my iPad! I take it everywhere I go – I even take it to bed to read or play games. I’ve been looking for a carrying case since I won’t ever leave it in the car but nothing came with a shoulder strap. So I decided to make one.

I went to Jo-Ann Fabrics last night and bought some reversible quilted material (cost: $4.66) and spent about 45 minutes to put it together. The wide strap is comfortable and now I can take my iPad everywhere I go and never have to leave it in the car. I left Denis in the car once but I was mad at him. Served him right. 😉

12 Responses

  1. Joe says:

    Hey Jenny very creative. They sell covers for a ton of money and for less than $5.00 you can’t beat that. Great job. That is the next thing I want…an ipad.

  2. Rhonda says:

    Aw Jenny that looks awesome. Very nicely done. I love the paisley design and if you cherish something you must always protect it and it seems you cherish your ipad 🙂
    Oh and I think Denis is a big boy he can find his own way out if there was a fire and he must have really made you mad to leave HIM in the car. I can’t picture you doing something like that…so funny 😆

  3. marty says:

    Boy how did we ever get through the 70’s without Ipads,Ipods,smartphones,cellphones and computers Ithink we did just fine.

    • Jenny says:

      Seventies?! I grew up in the 50’s – black & white TV, no fax machines, no computers, no cable, no cell phones, no nothing! Our home phone number was 7-2-9. I’m continually in awe of how much things have changed. We played music on a turntable. But today… twenty thousand songs on a tiny stick? Awesome!!

      • marty says:

        Oh Jenny I was born in 1957 I remember black and white TV and tuntables and buying 45 singles even to this very day I enjoy getting up early on Saturday mornings and watching the Rifleman on AMC. When the 60’s came along and we went to color TV and the westerns looked so cool. Do you know which western was first broadcast in color?

  4. sue says:

    I love homemade stuff, I enlarged your picture and WOW how awesome!! In my own life, “what’s going on?” As if anyone cares… “Out with the old and in with the new… No I did not break up with mike..HA HA 🙂 I finally traded in my 2002 Grand Cherokee Laredo for a 2012 Grand Cherokee and HOLY CRAP is this thing amazing!!!!!! They actually gave me 7.000 for my trade in so my new payment is pretty awesome. I just brought it home yesterday, worked late today so I will send a picture tomorrow, sooooo in love!! 🙂 (Up this late because I was cleaning:( 🙂 2:27.a.m. going to bed!!:)

    Sleep tight Jenny and Denis and don’t let the bed bugs bite! 🙂 Oh!!!! 🙂

    really though, love, Sue

    • sue says:

      I am having trouble with my hard drive. It’s not excepting my memory card from my digital camera. I wanted to share a pic of my new jeep. I will keep trying.

  5. MrsNews says:

    To cute!! You can wear it with your apron! I love the shoulder strap!!


  6. Roll Dog says:

    I would die without my laptop computer. When the hurricane hit where I was last year and the power went out for several days, I went a little crazy. I wanted to go on the Internet so badly. But, thank God I had the chance to use it at a hotel.

  7. Becky says:

    Very cute, Jen!! 🙂

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