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My recycled art

Hair wasn’t the only thing that was big in the 80s – so were earrings! ย The bigger and brighter the better. And I had some of the best and biggest, in fact some were so big & heavy they had to be clip-ons to provide ballast and stability. But they also had history: I wore one of them on my first date with Denis, one when I presented on the People’s Choice Awards, and another pair on Star Search, so I found a way I could enjoy them every day. I went to a craft store and bought a cardboard heart and some glue and I made this recycled art to hang on my wall. It’s full of sparkle and color but mostly beautiful memories.

3 Responses

  1. sue says:

    what?? no feather earings???


  2. Rhonda says:

    Pretty! It looks really nice and I’m sure it looks great on the wall…
    I have to agree that is a creative way to hang on to such memories. Nice job putting it all together ๐Ÿ™‚
    Oh and Jenny I’m stuck in the 80’s somewhat…lol…
    I still think it’s cool how things were back then, even your earings. My favorite ones there are the blue ones. Those seem to form your art piece perfectly ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Take care,

  3. MrsNews says:

    I love that!! So creative….I have over 20 pairs of funny sunglasses that I wear from time to time. Maybe I can do something like that to display them when I don’t wear them! Or maybe I should just buy a sunglasses display that turns and put it in the familyroom for everyone to enjoy!

    I told my husband that when I die I want him to put a pair of my fun glasses on me so when people come to visitation I will still get the last laugh!!

    I really, really love the earring art…Kudos to you, my friend!


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