HI Jenny, this is my first chat and also signed up your blog as well. Brought my first stand-up mixer was a bit intimated making your homemade cinnamon buns. It was good but didn’t turn out the way you had it on your YouTube. Not sure if I knead it too long or my KitchenAid oven at 325 degree was too hot. I did use a large pan for the rising part (1 1/2 hrs over a large bowl of very hot water covered with a large towel for rising). Mine turned out more like Pillsbury cinnamon rolls. My husband love it and differently will try again.
I’ve been a huge fan of the Jenny Jones show for years, I was wondering if anyone knew where I would be able to find full episodes of the show because i can’t find the one in particular that I’m looking for on youtube…well i could find it on youtube but the person that posted it, it was so distorted and the quality wasnt’ good at all so it was difficult to see what i was trying to see…there was a particular episode back in 2000 and the episode was “Out of control Gay teens” and there was one particular girl on there that looked like my best friend I hadn’t seen in years..many years and her name on the show was “SUNSHINE” or “SUNSHYNE”…I really couldn’t tell if it was her or not and i can’t remember if her real name was mentioned but if anyone knows, even you Jenny what her real name was, been looking for her for years
Hey everyone. Haven’t posted here much. Been a busy year. Things really got busy in September when we had our inventory at work. Which our inventory turned out great. Did better than expected 🙂 …After that was our soup social which turned into a block party…lol.. 😆 …a cousin of mine found our 4th cousin on Facebook and he does karaoke part time and he was rocking the neighborhood. This social event keeps getting entertaining year after year. Plus I was one of the 4 hosting the event. I also attended my 30th year class reunion the same month and it was nice seeing old classmates. Now we are here in November and December when holidays hit us hard, but I’m use to a crowd so it doesn’t bother me as much. I would rather be busy instead of having a day that’s slow and drags by…
Now about this polar blast coming down upon us. Usually I can handle the cold, but it came in way too early for me. I hope we have a early Spring 😀 …It seems the whole USA is in for a bad winter, so everyone stay warm and be safe. Take care 🙂
Just wanted to stop by and let you know my thoughts and prayers are with the people in California. Hope you are okay, Jenny. I’ve been thinking about you since this earthquake happened early yesterday morning. Take care and be safe…
I’m a day late but wanted to wish you all a Happy 4th of July. I hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend. Oh and glad to see you stop by Wendy and Tom. Hope to see you post more often. This chat room/ message board isn’t like most rooms/boards, it’s nice here. Jenny makes sure of that 🙂
Danny, this place is one of the best on the internet. Can’t thank Jenny enough for reopening chat room. I thought it was gone forever. It really made me happy to know she gave it back to us 😀
Okay Josh, I thought you would have posted by now. I hope things are okay with you and you are just busy…
So glad i stumbled upon this site! I was looking up Sweet potato fries, and Jenny Jones playing with a Mr. S potatohead came up! My kind of cooking show! Jenny, i raised my 3 fine children while watching your show. Learned so many things back then that only YOU were willing to talk about. Miss the honesty,humour, and good looking hosts that your show delivered! Please come up with a show for us gals that are lost in the empty nest yet loving it but don’t know what to do with myself kinda show!
Rosie, you are in the chat room. It is always open and visitors simply come and go. You can add to someone’s post or make your own by scrolling to the bottom for a new window.
Welcome to chat room, Rosie. Did you watch any other talk shows, if so which ones? Love talking to JJ fans and so glad chat room has reopened for us. Thanks Jenny 🙂
Good to see you again, Jenny. Watched your show every day with my grandmother and sister as a child on WWHO (UPN/WB) in Columbus, OH and MVC (UPN) in Dayton, OH.
Funny story: When I was learning how to read, we used some show titles to teach about rhyming too. (Pre-Teen, You’d Better Mind… or Moses’ Boot Camp is Not Far Behind!)
I hope everyone had a great Father’s Day weekend, especially all you dads. As some of you know my Dad passed 5 years ago this October and it’s still hard for me to except it during the holidays especially when Father’s Day and his Birthday comes around. I don’t think we ever get over losing a loved one. I’m off work next 2 days and it helps going to see him at the cemetery when I miss him most. It helps me connect to him and fill the void of him not being here, but I’m fine for the most part…
My Chat Room is back! Some people became friends here in this chat room and it’s now back open for anyone who wants to say hi. If you watched my talk show all through the 1990s you may have something in common with visitors here. My thanks to everyone who remembers me and takes time to visit. – Jenny
Coming here and seeing chat room open again made me happy to see. This has brighten my day. You are the best, Jenny. You are not like most celebrities. I don’t even see you as a celebrity. You’re one of a kind. You are a true friend to a lot of us and I’m glad to be one of your biggest fans and friend. You really do rock 😎 I’m so HAPPY to see this room open again you just don’t know 😀 And yes I have a video to share 🙂 Thank you, Jenny. Hugs to you…
Jenny’s the best and I always have said that even before her show ended and for her to do all this for her fans now when she couldn’t having her show just makes her rock more now than before. Her autobiography really tells what type of person she is and where she came from is good to know. It seems Jenny was only seeking happiness and I’m glad she has finally got it. Knowing her life’s ups and downs helps you understand why she did her Jenny’s Heroes after reading the book and watching her show for 11 years and being a audience member to her show just tells me she’s a awesome and amazing person…btw, have you read Jenny’s autobiography?…
Happy New Years to all of you. I wish you all well and good fortune in 2014. Sharing a couple New Years video and a song I’m stuck on listening too. Katy Perry is awesome. Thank you Jenny for giving us fans a place to vent and talk to each other. You are the coolest and you’re awesome as well. I know you have a lot going on with other websites so you stay busy and I’m glad for that. As long as you’re happy is all that matters. I’m not too sad about the chat room closing now but it will be missed. I enjoy what you share here along with your other websites. You work hard for us for the other things you do. Like your videos which I love. You make them fun to watch because I don’t know what to expect like with the plastic wrap. That was hilarious…lol…
Happy New Years to you Danny. I hope you had a great day. It seem a bit ealry when I saw you post on FB but I know time is different where you were and it’s finally made it to the states. West Coast still has an hour and 12 minutes. That means Jenny’s about to celebrate the New Year 🙂
How sad! I will miss chatting with all of you! Rhonda and Josh! Jenny. Josh are you on facebook bro? I would like to friend request you! I’m friends with Rhonda and Jenny already!
Oh no! I’m sad 🙁 This is not good news. It’s almost as worse as your show going off air… Things don’t last forever and it was fun while it lasted though… I will be glad to add anyone to Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and yes I still have a Myspace. Hope the links work… (Jenny, Josh, Danny, Kathy, Marty, Becky, Sue, Lesli, Tiffie)…
I agree it is sad to see the chat go, but I can understand the reasoning. It does seem like less and less are posting here, and we can always keep in touch through comments.
I will try to send you a request Rhonda, and if that doesn’t work I will post my page(s).
Hope you are doing well. I bet Jury duty is a big hassle, but for some reason, I always thought it would be fun lol thankfully though I have never had to go.
I went on a job interview last week for some restaurant, bar, show combo that is set to open soon. It does seem cool, but when I got there, I was like **** because it was a group interview which I never like. I can see why people may chose to do them, because you do get to see how people interact with people that they do not know, but at the same time is seems a bit lazy. I did get a private one at the end where I was asked a few questions.
I hope that I did alright. I guess another good thing is that you do get to see your competition.
I use to hate talking in groups. I was the shy and quite one when I was younger but I can’t say that now…lol…, I do have my silent moments though. Large groups still make me a little nervous so I can understand you being nervous doing this interview. Jobs are hard to find now a days and since it’s a new place opening soon maybe the luck will fall in your lap. Good luck with the job interview, Josh. My fingers are crossed 🙂
I like being called for Jury Duty. It’s interesting and fun just like you thought. Some people might not have the patient for it but if you can stand the waiting then Jury Duty isn’t so bad. It seems like a job. They give you 10 min breaks every 2 hours and 1 1/2 lunch plus they pay you. Here we get paid $25 a day for Jury Duty it might be different else where. They talk to us before they start calling names and the OJ Simpson trail was brought up when they were talking about our pay. During the OJ trial Jurors only got paid $15 a day and that was a long trial. Can you imagine? Your work will pay you too not always but I’m sure most jobs do pay because if you are called for Jury Duty there really isn’t no getting out of it, unless you are over 70 years of age or you have health problems… I’ve been called twice for Jury Duty. I didn’t get picked this go around so I was only there for 3 days. They start releasing people by Wednesday unless a Judge wants to try and squeeze in a case before the weekend, but on the other hand my first time called for Jury Duty was about 6 years ago and I was picked and I ended up being there all week…
Hey guys thought I would pop in to say hello. I’ve been MIA here for a few weeks but October was a busy month for me and it seems November was too. I feel I’ve been going since inventory non stop. I even had jury duty 2 weeks ago to top it off. Since Thanksgiving and Black Friday is over with I feel bit of a breather. My side of the store seems a bit slow in December up until the week of. I truly don’t like having inventory this close to the holidays. It’s as bad as going through a remodel dealing with all the freight coming in. For the last few weeks we were getting high trucks 10-14 pallets Friday and Saturday nights and those are not fun to get. Now we are back down to receiving 6-8 pallets which is average for us. We got the tree up today but need more lights. I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. Take care and have a great week 🙂
I was kinda bummed out when Dunkin Doughnuts left Taiwan! Earlier this year, I know most of you are saying a donut is just a donut! But no. DD reminded me of home. Guess what I read in the paper?! krispie Kreame is coming to Taiwan! WOO HOO! I was craving them for the past few months! I can’t wait till December! I hope Rhonda and you Josh and Jenny are doing Fabulous!
The weather here in Taiwan is Fabulous! I’m on vacation from school as well. We are going to Hong Kong in 2 weeks, so I cant wait! Josh my brother from another mother I hope things are working out for the best for you, Jenny and Rhonda My sistas from other mistas I hope all is well with ya’ll! LOts of loove and best wishes from Taiwan to your front porches! XOXO!
Glad you are getting a break from things and enjoying the weather Danny. It’s almost Halloween and I know you like horror movies. I have kinda gotten away from them, but liked watching them when I was younger. Some horror movies they make now a days don’t faze me. I like the ones back in the day best that kept you on the edge of your seat. I still like watching Halloween with Michael Myers. That one keeps me on edge still. I have to say though if my nieces are staying the night at the house and they have movie night and find a horror movie on On Demand that I haven’t seen before it will make me jump and cover my face with a pillow. Halloween night if I’m not working I will watch scary movies and hand out candy to the neighborhood kids, but I work this year on Halloween, so not sure what I will be doing…
Josh, I hope everything is okay with you. You seemed a bit wired up about things but it’s understandable being in a new state and not knowing many people can be tough I’m sure. Not knowing what’s going on back home with family and friends can be even tougher. Are you still talking to your parents when you are able to? Stay connected to your parents. It will help you through hard times when they come about. Plus you have a place here of course to chat with us… Glad you are finding things to do like go to these shows that you seem to be enjoying. Keep yourself busy is my best advice for you right now. I never ask how long do you plan being there in Vegas. Just until your schooling is finished? or do you plan on making that your home and where to find the career job you’re going after? Oh and Josh do you like horror movies? Since it almost Halloween just thought I would ask 🙂
Thank you Rhonda, you too Danny, it means a lot that you would both take the time to not only read what I write but to also put so much thought into your reply!
I hate coming off as one of those obsessive and controlling type people because I’m not that way at all and I am never jealous really. I did take your advice Danny, and my bf and I did talk and things seem to be going better now.
My bf did tell me that when he first met this “friend” he thought that there might be something more there, but after he spent time around him, he realized they were just meant to be friends. Ah, it is still a sore spot for me, but my bf says nothing happened and I do believe him. I guess my question is: Do I have the right to tell him not to be friends with this person? Like I said, I’m not controlling, but it would make me feel a lot better, I just need a little advice on that : )
I like Vegas, and I haven’t even thought of ever going somewhere else. Although, even those this is years away, I would like to do my residency in Orlando with Dr. G. She is one of the factors that motivated me to go down this path, although that is probably more of a dream than a goal.
Yes, I love horror movies! Every Halloween we watch the first and second Halloween, they are favorites of mine. Another favorite horror film of mine is Phantasm, they scared me as a kid, although what I was doing watching them at 7-8 I will never know lol.
Even though you have to work on Halloween, I still hope you will get to have a little fun. I know back in Indiana, all the employees at walmart would dress up. I might be wrong, but I think they even passed out candy there a few times.
That’s great that you guys talked Josh and glad that things are okay for now. I really really LOVE Horror. I grew up watching movies like Nighmare on Elm St, Halloween. I loved Phantasm and still do. I remember watching The Exorcist! at such a young age, Rosemary’s Baby I just love. I love supernatural horror stuff well I guess I do love slasher films as well. With Halloween coming up I’m really exited! They will be showing the movie Sinister on TV, so I can’t wait. I remember growing up and being exited about Halloween. This is like my Christmas. Keep your head up my brother!
Jenny sorry about the Tilt O Whirl story. Rhonda working or not on Halloween I’m sure you will have fun. When I was in High School I used to work at a Department store they made me work! I was devastated! but I gaved out candy lots of them and that made the customers happy which in return made me happy. Watched horror movies when I got home, then morning came! I had to go to school. Happy Halloween everybody! Remember to always check your candy before eating them all! BYe my loves
It seems you both are so busy and that’s good but I understand you also have to have breathing time taking in it all. At least you have the weekends if you don’t have a lot of homework. Josh, it’s not easy for some of us to meet people especially you being in a different state. Neighbors would be a start for you to meet people where you are or like Danny suggested join a club or something you are interested in and go from there. Try not to worry to much about your relationship. 7 years is a long time. Keep faith with those 7 years and try to be comfortable with things. It will all work out for you. I’m not gay. I don’t have a problem with gay people. I think they should be treated equally and have rights like we all do. Oh and Josh one Long Island and I’m through. I don’t drink a lot either only social gatherings and for dinner sometimes. Like tonight we ate at a oyster bar and I had about 8oz of beer along with raw oysters and a salad. Danny stay safe. I saw where you guys are having some rough weather heading your way. Are you close to and around the area it is suppose to hit? Concerned…
I’m in northern Taiwan we are just getting rains and all the winds. The Phillipines got hit rough! I will be travelling very soon! So I hope everything will calm down!
Lately I have been feeling suspicious and obsessive, good lord, I hope it ends soon and I can go back to being my normal self. Maybe I just have too much time on my hands that I have to build things up?
School does take a lot of my time though! Last week I dissected a heart. It was really interesting to have it in front of me to see what it actually looked and felt like. I know some people might have trouble with dissecting, but I tell you after everything I have seen in anatomy nothing seems to faze me anymore lol.
I have been busy with school an getting into the groove of living in a new state and everything else, so I have not had a real chance to meet any friends. I do have friends, some of whom I have known for 14 years! However it can be hard for me to meet people and just strike up conversations. Do any of you have any tips? I know it will come to me, I just have to put myself out there more and go more places where I can meet friends.
On a different note (I say that a lot lol) I went to see KA the other night. It’s a cirque show, and I did really love it, although the Beatles LOVE is still my favorite, (GO SEE IT IF YOU HAVE THE CHANCE!!) Anyway, I wanted a drink to have during the show, so I ordered a long island, I wanted the small one, but the guy told me I could have the collectable glass if I ordered the 32 ounce one, so I did.
I don’t drink much, usually a couple times a month or just a glass of wine every now and then with dinner. However, 32 ounces of alcohol was a bit much for me! LOL I ended up dumping the rest out after the show, but I was pretty buzzed by that point. I got my glass though!
Oh Josh I’m having the same kind of trouble here in Taiwan I have life long friends back in the States but not any here in Taiwan! My teacher invited me to a church bbq I meet a few people but it’s not the same. Once in a while I will have eye contact with other foreigners here and exchange a smile but thats it. When I go to a bar I smile and talk to the bar tender, sometimes people will have a brief chat with me. Once I sober up school just takes up all of my time! I have been here for over 1 year, I get homesick once in a while but it does get better!! lol. I just have to get used to buying ketchup, mustard in the foreign isle! lol
Im sure you can join a a study club or something at your school.Like you said You just have to put yourself out there lots of luck to you bro! ( I hope you don’t mind me calling you bro)
Rhonda and Jenny I hope you ladies are doing awesome as well.
Thanks for the advice Danny, I really do appreciate it and it must also be hard for you being in a foreign place!
I don’t know if I have ever told anyone here, I’m not ashamed or have tried to hide it, but I am gay, and that really isn’t even a defining thing about me, because you know I’m so much more than just that little thing alone.
I have been with my partner for almost 7 years now. Sometimes after so long, you just get in a rut and I want our relationship to be magical again and I really do think that it can be and we have talked and we are going to work hard to make it better.
Now, not to sound like a Jenny Jones show guest or anything, but I am not a jealous person at all, but at the same time, recently, he has made a friend who is also gay, and he says that they are only friends and there is nothing deeper there, but at the same time for whatever reason my heart is telling me that him being friends with this person is bad news. Nothing has happened between them, so maybe I am just being silly, but do I have a right to tell him who he can and cannot be friends with?
He said that he would tell his friend that they can’t be friends for now anyway, and that takes a load off, but I’m just worried that he is just telling me what I want to hear and he will still talk to him or text. I don’t know why It bothers me so?
I trust my bf, but I also trust my heart, and I never trust a stranger! I just hope he is serious and ends the friendship. I don’t care about him having his own friends, even gay friends, it’s just this guy, I have a bad feeling about and I don’t know why!
Do you have advice for that Danny? If you have read this far, thanks so much!
Oh Josh I’m sorry you are having this issue with your boyfriend. I’m also gay I’ve been with my bf for 5 years now. I would say trust your heart, you seem like a very smart and nice guy. Only you know whats best for you buddy. This is my first gay relationship, This is also my first long term relationship. I’m not the jealous type eighter, if he isn’t happy with me he could say the word and I’m gone. LOL you are not sounding like a Jenny Jones guest! that’s me! makeover show! LMAO. Yeah I so feel from what you are saying I’m gay as well and that isn’t who I am. I’m Danny. Me and my bf have the same friends “our” friends and seperate friends. I feel like it’s always a good thing in any relationship to have our own friends, and our own lives. I’m recently have been hanging out without him and its a great feeling. I love him and everything but I need my space. You should talk with your boyfriend but as I read you did already, when you have your talks just express how you are truly feeling, and be honest with your self and with him. You will be suprised on how liberating you will both feel and by doing this you will learn something new about your relationship.
Take a little “stay cation” with yourself, go to a new coffee shop or something, try something new. If you have a LGBT center I’m sure they will have classes or something in that nature you might meet new friends. I really hope for the best for you Josh! Rhonda, Jenny love yah!!
I’m sorry that you are feeling this way Josh. I’m also gay and have been with my boyfriend for 5 years. When I moved here it was hard lol. I was kinda annoyed with myself and my boyfriend and school. We argued. We had a long conversation about how we are really feeling. Long story short school or my bf were not the problem. The move was the problem. I was so homesick and I guess I looked for something to blame I guess. We talked about how the move affected us. That was a good talk we had. Now I love my school! ( studying is a different story lol) We are getting along great. I guess you and your man need to really talk things through and be honest with each other, try not to sound confertational that will annoy him or worse he will clam up. Tell him you love him and care for him, tell him that you trust him and how you feel about this guy. Relationships are hard work and you guys have been together for 7 years . You guys can do alot of different things to spice things up. Try to get to know each other all over again. My and my bf are trying new things here in Taiwan lol going on little dates here and there, kinda nice. Rekindling a relationship will be a fun thing to do as long as you both are shipping in to do the work, take turns planning different activities be as creative and sponteneous as you both can be.
I really hope things work out for you. Don’t forget to invite me on your Wedding Day! Are you on Facebook? I am. Talk to you later Big hug!
Rhonda and Jenny hope everything is going Fabulous with you!! Love Danny!
Hi Rhonda, I the request! lol. It’s almost 1 am here in Taiwan! Im here studying at a Cyber Cafe! Listening to Greenday and facebooking lol Now I’m Jenny Jonzing lol anyway hope we can talk on facebook in “real time” lol. That’s why I got on Facebook so I can keep in touch with friends back at home! Miss them like crazy! I can’t believe I been here a whole year! Feels like longer! It’s nice to know that I can come on to JJ and talk with you and Josh!
So Josh how ya doing bro? I hope everything is well on your end! Hope you wont need an exorcism! I’ve seen exorcism of Emily Rose! She didn’t end up to well! I feel like an over worked zombie trying to study! I might need to borrow yours and Rhondas brain in a little while! Swear I wont eat them lol. I am hungry though! I’ve seen a lot of exorcism films so if you need to be exorcised I’ll be your man! lol. save your money I wont charge! Well going back to study! Jenny hope everything is well with you as well! And everyone else too!
Need braaaaaaaaainss! here in Taiwan! BYE! Love you all! Take care humans!
Hi how is everybody doing? Hi Rhonda Jenny!The weather here has been crazy! HOT HOT aND very humid it’s in the 90s! and its still humid even when it rains. Went to Hong Kong with my man, they just had a Typhoon, Luckily for us we mist it. We just had a Typhoon here a while ago! They postponed classes for a day. Still going to school, thinking about switching to afternoon classes instead of morning. I wish they had midnight courses since I’m more of a night owl. Well I hope all is fabulous with ya’ll !!!
Hey Danny, hot weather isn’t pleasant at all and I’m sorry you have 90 degree weather. I know how miserable that can be. Here in Georgia it’s been really nice. 2 days last week people had hoodies, sweaters and light jackets on so it’s been nice here. Outside was cool when sitting on porch. I love when it’s cold so the AC stayed on low to make it crisp at night inside. It’s easier for me to get warm than it is for me to keep cool and I was not going to turn the AC off and wake up hot. I’m not a happy camper when that happens…
My niece just left for college and here classes started today. She’s a good kid and I know she will do well. Glad you are sticking to your classes as well. I hope you can find the right times comfortable for you to continue. Stay focused regardless like I’ve told Josh. I’ve known of people going through tough classes and putting in a lot of time and credits and lose focus on things and don’t move forward with things. Good luck to you and to you too Josh…
Stay safe Danny. I hate the weather sometimes it can be quite scary. Glad you are okay after the typhoon you experienced. Btw, if you don’t mind me asking, where are you going to school?…
We’ve had rain for 7+ days now and it still continues. It really has kept us out of 90 degree weather and it makes me appreciate 80+ degrees. Sharing 5 day forecast…
Hi Rhonda, Raining cats and dogs all day today! Well I hope your niece has a fabulous time at College. I go to the Taipei Chengshih University. People from all over the world go there, Its like the UN of schools. People there are nice. Weather has been rainy for the past few days!
Me and my man had Real authenticChinese food! really good! Had Tofu, Kung Pao Chicken! and some other thing with shrimp and lots of delicious veggies! (Jenny you’d be proud of me I had all my veggies!) liver and onions! Of course I had a few beers! I had tea as well.
Well it’s 03:45am where I live! couldn’t sleep! Nightmare city lol. Well yesterday I re-arranged my furniture! cleaned house top to bottom! Made a wonderful late dinner for me and my man! . I made the switch to afternoon class! Yay! I start 12:00-3:00pm!! today! Had a Typhoon holiday the day before yesterday! Made the best of it! Went food shopping, facebooked! lol chatted a lot! Almost 4 am dont want to go back to sleep! lol Hope all is good with you all! Wish me luck! (new classes and all)
It seems your schedule is set in stone for now anyway. I need to work on a better schedule. I stay up late because I don’t have to be at work until noon. Even before my schedule changed I was night owl. I don’t like naps. They really mess my sleep up. Hopefully by the holidays they will have hired us some help and I can get back on track with things. I would have time in the evening and at night to do some house cleaning by cleaning out clutter. Cabinets need to be cleaned out and closets too. I wish you luck Danny with your classes and the new schedule…
Jenny you have me wanting to buy new cookware and dishes…lol…out with the old in with the new. I don’t think I’m gonna save as much money as I did last year because I’m usually a penny pincher, a tight one. I’ve been still penny pinching but also splurging here and there with things as well…
I hate taking naps, messes up my sleep paterns as well! But I still take them. 5 mins till 4 am! Well anyway. Had a real fun time at schol. My new teacher is a real jem! We worked on my tones for a long minute. She’s really cool very VERY! patient with me! made a few sentences in chinese. Need to work on my strokes when writing Chinese Characters. You need to be an artist to write those Characters! Really beutiful language. Everytime I’m here is a new and beutiful experience! Asia is very heart warming! Wish you were here! We could do brunch and talk about our favorite Jenny episodes and gossip all day! I could show you around town. We could swap food recepies! Listening to Jem and the Holograms music videos! I know it’s just a cartoon, but for me it’s a lifestyle! talk to you soon! bye!
I’m also a night owl, but no matter how late I stay up I always seem to wake up early lol.
It’s strange to think that I have lived here almost 6 months now. I am still loving it, and I am anxiously waiting for the cool(er) weather. My lease will be up soon and I want to start looking for a new place, something just a little bit bigger.
I went from having a large 3 bedroom house to a small one bedroom apartment with an open living room kitchen area lol, but it has worked out great. I would just like a little more space.
I still have some of my stuff back in Indiana, so I’m also wanting to send for it. I do miss my kitchen things, most of which I’ve had to put into storage because there was so much of it lol!
Danny what is your major? So far classes are going good for me, but we’ll see in a couple of weeks if I’m running around campus like Emily Ros3 lmao.
I’m attending Taipei Chengshih University. I’m currently learning how to speak, write, do everything Chinese. Really hard but it’s fun. Learning abroad really fun and exiting. Being so far from home really is strange. I miss the comforts of home. I also left a nice big house 3 berooms! Huge front and back yards. Now I have to settle for a small 1 bedrom! no kitchen which sucks because I just love to cook! Well at least I get to taste other new foods here in Taipei. Love it! I do miss the old neighborhood in Long Beach CA!!! Ive been up since yesterday I just took a 1 hr nap around 4pm yesterday! Now Its 7:11am Saturday! been Faceboking/ youtubing since then! I think I should be doing better things like studying! LOL! But it is the weekend! Mon- Fri all I do is non stop study! I guess we can all take a break! Nice chatting with ya! Jenny Rhonda Josh hope all of you are have a wonderfu Friday night! BYE!
It’s great you are doing so well in Vegas with things Josh and you too Danny in Taipei. I see both had to down size living space but Josh I can understanding wanting more space. The house me and my mom live in had 6 people living in it at one time a long time ago and looking back we think how did we all fit…lol…it worked out though somehow. Now there’s just 2 of us and it’s spacey enough for the both of us, except for the kitchen. It’s really small. Wish it was bigger but it’s not so bad as is. My dad talked about adding on to that side to make the kitchen bigger but he never got that going. Who knows maybe I can get that done if I really wanted too…
Danny, Jan and Tyler were my favorite guests of all. That show drew me in to watch the show more and more. So May/Dec relationships was probably my favorite shows. I also liked makeovers, out of control teens/boot camp with Raymond Moses and update shows as well. Which no topic was a boring topic coming from her show. Jenny was the best at what she did. She learned from Donahue which was my all time favorite talk show until Jenny came along. The more I think about it. It just came natural for her to be the best she could be as a host and she did a great job with that 😀
Sorry to have been M.I.A. for so long, but classes have kept me very busy! Luckily right now I have about a week off before my next semester. I am taking the next Anatomy class, which is going to be somewhat tougher than the last one I took. They are hard enough to make you want to rip your hair out, but at the same time, I find it all so rewarding, and it’s all very interesting to me, so the pro’s do outweigh the cons, and truly I love learning all these new things about how the body is formed and how it works.
On a different note:
Has anyone seen any Cirque Du Soleil shows? I have seen a few, and I love them!! I remember several years ago they showed a few on TV, and I didn’t care much for them, maybe it was because that was all my aunt would watch and it burnt me out, but honestly seeing them in person, they have such a magical feeling to them!
Glad you are still doing classes but sorry they are getting tough for you, but who says school is easy. If you are willing to try that’s all that matters really, right? Keep focused and stay on track with things and you will succeed is my motto for you or anyone willing to better themselves with more schooling. Now a days you have to do more schooling to get a good job to be able to live comfortable, that is if you have or if are thinking of your future with a family to support. Right now I’m happy where I am. My pay at Walmart is nothing for me to worry about with bills and things, so school for me right now is something I don’t think about that often. I’m comfortable where I am. Walmart has changed but I blame the economy collapse for that…
Speaking of work, inventory is October 9th and I’m staying on top of things to make it easy for us next month in my department. It’s not my job to do a lot I’m doing but if it means no stress then I’m willing to do it. We have a department manager and she transferred from Chicago. She’s been with us 6 months and she told me just a couple weeks ago she don’t know if she will last. We are short handed in frozen/dairy and I mentioned in a meeting about what needs to be done and what they expect because they tell us to do one thing and then something else has to be done and there’s not enough people to get it all done. When I asked what to do the manager holding the meeting told me they know we need help and 3 positions have been opened up and they are working on things for my ares. I just hope they get us people before the holidays. Walmart does try and fill positions as best as they can but it’s not their fault if a person has a bad background or if they can’t pass a drug test. My department manager just interviewed someone for dairy and has no idea what happened with that person not coming back for the job. She probably knows. I just haven’t asked her again…
And to answer you about watching Cirque Du Soleil shows. I may have come across some but they never really had my interest. I will have to youtube and check them out. I do know I love Broadway shows. I never knew that I liked them so much until me and a group of us went and seen RENT at the Fox Theatre here in Atlanta. I have also went and seen Wicked a couple years ago with a friend of mine and enjoy it too, so yeah Broadway shows are pretty awesome…
I love music. Sharing last 2 songs I heard on the radio. “Fun” I love these guys. His videos seem so energetic. Can almost feel the energy he has. “Uncle Kracker”. I find him handsome and attractive, but doesn’t compare to Bon Jovi. Nobody compares to Jon Bon Jovi. I just love him. Bon Jovi was my teen idol. I bought magazines only if he was in it…lol…seriously and yep posters inside went on my walls. I have all his CDs as well 🙂
There is this restaurant in Vegas called “lotus of siam.” It’s upscale Thai food. The first time I went I expected the food to be greasy and just alright, but it’s actually some of the best food I have ever had.
The chef has won numerous James Beard awards and the restaurant has been covered in so many magazines and a lot of celebrities frequent. Really, if any of you ever come to Vegas you have to go! The prices are reasonable and the food is out of this world!
Alright, now on to my story.
So I had ordered a cup of spicy and sour vegetable soup to start. It has mushrooms, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots and lemongrass, it’s really good. However, this time I said I wanted it medium heat, and upon tasting it, I should have said low lol! But it was still good so I ate it, it was hot though. So I had my cup of soup (Which is just a small bowl) sitting directly in front of me, and it’s still 2/3 full. My spoon was also in my hand as I picked up my glass to take a drink of water. Just then the waiter came by and took my soup!
I was shocked lol the thing was almost full. I have never seen anything like that before. I would have said something like “WHOA WAIT A MINUTE!!” but I was in shock and it took a few to register as to what just happened! Luckily the rest of the meal was great, but I did guard my plate haha. I have been several times now and even with the soup issue it’s still one of my new favorite places.
Josh, I love that restaurant. We go there every time we’re in Vegas (when we can get in!) and it’s really great. Even thought it’s off the beaten path, a good restaurant will always get discovered.
Josh it would have shocked me to for someone to take food from me without asking first. It’s good you can let things roll off your back even though the waiter was in the wrong for taking your food. The soup sounds really good. I love everything that’s in it. I love Thai food. I haven’t had a lot of it and the first time I had it was when I went to Seattle to visit a friend. I don’t think we have a Thai restaurant even here. We have some Asian restaurants like Chinese and Japanese but I like the Japanese ones better. I just think it’s so neat how they cook the food right there in front of you. I’ve also had Indian food too. That can be a bit spicy as well. I do like foods that bite back. Lady at work made curry and brought some extra in for some of us to try and wow it was a bit warm but I liked it. Never had Korean, but all these different cultures are similar food wise…
You had me watching it and I agree it does bring back memories. I miss her show so much but things don’t go on forever and must come to an end. The audience was one of the best parts of her show. She let them talk whenever they wanted to speak. Unlike some of the other talkshows only talking the last segment for audience question. A lot of them did that but not Jenny. She learned from the best which was Phil Donahue and he was good at hosting too. Best way to describe her show was everyone was there to have a good time and believe me her show isn’t scripted like others us to say on other message boards. Her show had a good run and I’m glad she has a talkshow under her belt among everything else Jenny has done in life. She has done so much to be proud of. Now it’s time for her to just kick back and enjoy the things she loves doing. I understand fans miss seeing her on tv but I wish WB would come out with a type of series for each year she was on air or just a long Best of DVD just to make everyone happy 🙂
Hi Rhonda, it’s been a while since I blogged on here. Hope you are doing awesome! Im doing well, I decided to have a mental health day today with my man. Had a nice much needed time together, had coffee and talked. Also I had a chance to go on the internet today. Also had a chance to do some “Spring Cleaning” of our apartment we share ( felt guilty for ditching school) Listening to Belinda Carlisle while cleaning! Just love her! Still listening to her while on the internet. LOL. Work hard play hard right? Or in my case spend time with boyfriend,ditch school, clean house, Jenny Jones and Belinda Carlisle break.
Don’t worry Rhonda I don’t make ditching a habbit. Such a dork because we have summer break next week! Been working hard, I forgot! Well at least cleaning is out of the way! Knowing my man or our son ( Devil cat) I will have to clean all over again! I call our cat The devil cat because that’s what he is! he bit me on my eye brow while I was laying down today. Left a scar as well. How will I explain my scar at school tomorrow? Yeah I was sick! my cat bit me! Very believable huh?
Well let me digress, yeah They need to make out with a Jenny Jones dvd set! (While there at it they should do the same for One Life To Live, and Passions!!) Jenny’s show was one of a kind. It was very entertaining, fun and exiting. Jenny cared for her guest. She was very welcoming. When I was “older” I had a few mimosas with my brunch watching the show. While in high school during vacation my younger siblings would know that at 11am 2pm was their quiet time. I would reward them with pizza and soda for their cooperation. Anyhow Sorry got sidetracked. Jenny kept things fresh on her show. It was her warm hearted humor that kept the show alive.
Everything Jenny does, she does it with love. Wheater it’s her cooking, Jenny’s heroes, her cook books, and yes giving makeovers! She does it with love and compassion. LOL I just loved her makeover shows! You are lucky you were there at a taping! Jenny’s show was a real jem. That’s why she lasted for 12 whole seasons!
Well I said a whole mouthful. I hope everybody reading this novel of a post, is having a great time. If not there is always a light at the end of the tunnel!
You seem to be really busy with things and ditching school isn’t a bad thing depending on the reason you ditched, right? I hope you plan on sticking with school because it’s good one goes to school. Maybe I could go back to school but I have no idea what I want to do. My sister just tonight mentioned it to me because she is going back to school and she’s trying to encourage me to as well but nah not right now anyway. I don’t have it in me. I don’t feel I do…
Speaking of spring cleaning I need to do that. I consider myself an organized person and things are not right here at the house. The hall closets are a mess. I think so anyway. I do have jackets to go through and give to good will and I actually need new clothes and work clothes. I like to save I don’t like to spend but I will have to go shopping soon. I did manage to upgrade my phone and got an iphone4 this past week and I’ve been trying to get use to it. Funny thing happened this morning. My shift I work is 12-9pm it use to be earlier but the closer transferred back home, so now I have to close which is not working out for them because they keep calling me in early like this morning. They called me around 9:30am and I reached over to turn off my phone thinking it was the alarm and it was my work and my asst got hung up on…lol…by accident of course. She called back before I could call her…
Work is going okay. I was told last week 2 positions have opened up for frozen dairy one person for each area because we have lost help in both areas. Once they are trained on what to do with downloading trucks and things like what I do on 2nd shift. I was told I will be working 9am-6pm reason being because things are not getting done during the day. Our inventory was at a 10% almost at a 9% when I worked earlier and when they changed my shift inventory went up to a 23%. They want the number as low as possible. I don’t worry about it. I’m not there to control that anymore until they make changes…
Oh and the new guy I felt sorry for. I don’t feel as sorry for him anymore. He seems like he doesn’t want to work and he doesn’t listen. I became frustrated with him, so I let him be. If he isn’t willing to learn then I’m not gonna waste my time trying to train someone like him…
You are one busy woman! Way back I used to work night shift. I used to be a checker at a Department Store I’m not naming them because they were jerks to me! I was in my late teens. Dealing with the public is no picnic! Then after that I worked at another Dept Store part time and had another office job, Oy the headaches! Training people is no picnic! Been there done that! I tell all my trainees If you really want to work here you do as I tell you, I’ve been where you are too. Those that didn’t, lasted a few days.
Now I know how Jenny felt like dealing with those unruly teens/ Adults. Then I also had a few warehouse jobs which I loved because they were grave yard!
Like I tell everyone, It’s never too late to go back to school! At any age. It’s up to you. You will know when it’s the right time for you!
Yeah I work too hard I think. They tell me when I come back from vacation they are glad to see me…lol…seriously though I appreciate knowing they appreciate me and my work. They say thank you to me a lot. With school being out we are busy but I like it that way. Slow days are for the birds. They can feel like the longest day ever…
The public can be difficult, I agree but I have to say working at Walmart is not so bad. I wouldn’t be there for almost 14 years if it was bad. I have had rude customers but most of them are the nicest people you would ever want to meet. I do my best in trying to help people find what they need and the funniest thing happened not to long ago. A lady was looking for Hispanic cola and when I didn’t know where it was she found another associate and told them she wanted to speak to a manager. The 14 years I’ve been with the company I have never had a complaint but I had a complaint. Don’t know what she told my manger but my manger came out the doors and said to me “Rhonda, did you have a complaint today?” I just smiled at her and said “maybe”. I explained to her that the lady jumped the gun and didn’t give me a chance to remember we have a Hispanic isle. I have changed a customers whole personality and mood just by how he/she was talked to and approached…
I’m gonna have to say between Jenny’s show helping me understand people and my job being in society and the public eye makes my job easy to go to everyday. Jenny’s show was a whole lot of society based topics. One that interest me. I guess boot camp and Raymond Moses is a perfect example. I loved when he was on and put those teens in their place. I also loved her psychologists that appear on her show. Jean Cirillo and Debra Cooper. I loved their input. Maybe psychology could be something I could think about doing for college. I can read people like the back of my hand sometimes it seems…
Jenny, I just wanted to post this and share it. It reminds me of what your show was all about as I watched your show year after year. I’ve always thought this with this song and your show…
Josh, it’s awesome you passed with A’s and B’s and it seems you are doing just fine out in Vegas. Tough for anyone to find a job now a days but I wish you lots of luck with the job hunt. If this one didn’t fall through then just keep looking. You need something to keep you busy anyway until fall at least, so find that job 😉
Did you sense my vibes?…lol…seriously… I thought about you on my way to work today because I know last time I posted you had mentioned looking for a job. It’s summer and places will need the help so keep looking. Btw what type of job are you looking for? Just wondering…
Sorry again for your Grandfather’s passing. It will take time for healing. I still get upset because my Dad isn’t here. My Mom on Mother’s Day got upset because I was leaving for work and I wish her a Happy Mother’s Day and she get’s upset. I had to calm her down before I left and ended up being late. I think it’s was because my Dad’s not her and she’s just sensitive to anything. One of my sister’s called right when I’m about to leave out the door and gets her upset again…lol…I have no idea where Tiffie is. It’s been a while. I kinda miss her and Lesli both 🙁
Work is okay. My partner in crime…lol…transferred back to her home town and boy do I miss her 🙁 I trained her well on what to do and now my help is new, young and never has had a job before in his life, so he’s really new. I bet he isn’t over the age of 21 years old. He’s just sooo slow getting it. I feel like I’m running circles around him…lol…it’s gonna take time for him to catch on. Walmart goes by your productivity and I hate to say it if he doesn’t speed it up in the next couple weeks I don’t know what they will do with him. Most likely they would move him around to different areas until he fits in and takes on what he can handle, because Frozen/Dairy ain’t no joke. Poor guy does try and do his best. I give him a 6 on a scale 1-10… I want to share these links of Full Albums. These might be before your time Josh but you might like’em, so I want to share’em…
I hope everyone is doing well. It’s been hot the last couple of days, in the 90’s! But it cools down at night and there is a breeze which makes it nice.
My dad called me the other day to tell me that my grandfather wasn’t doing well and that he was probably going to pass away.
As much as I do love it here, I do miss my family and it feels hopeless not being able to be with them or my grandmother especially, during this time. Also, other expenses came up, like a huge electric bill(!!) so I wasn’t able to pay my phone bill this month, so I’m still waiting to hear back from my family or them from me. None of them know how to use a computer either lol, which complicates things and does cause me to feel a tad cut off.
I’m trying to think positively and not dwell too much on the bad/sad stuff.
Aside from that, things are going good with me, my classes will be finished up the week after next and then I will be able to transfer, which I am looking forward too. Also, there is rosemary growing everywhere here! People use it to landscape. I go out at night and clip some and then use it to cook with lol. There’s so much I doubt anyone will ever miss it.
Aw Josh I’m sorry to hear your grandfather isn’t doing well. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. It makes me sad knowing you are having a tough time right now. Things will look up for you soon. It doesn’t seem you are settled in either but give it time. At least the weather is nice. At night we still are using the heat especially after it rains because it gets cold at night so I know what you mean. You mentioned electric bill and I have to say I’ve even lowered my bill. They just redone my budget for my electricity usage a month and it went from $175.00 a month to $131.00 a month…
It’s funny Josh I’m glad you can just walk out and pick all the rosemary you want just like soon Jenny can walk outside and pick all the tomatoes she wants…lol…seriously!…Maybe it won’t be too bad this year Jenny. You’re tough you can handle those things growing crazy like they did. Hey maybe you and Josh and throw something together using the crazy plants you guys have come across…
Take care Josh and you too Jenny and BTW Josh, I wish you were closer to family because of your grandfather being ill. I hope they are at least keeping in touch and informed of his well being 🙁
Thanks for the prayers: ) My electric bill was so high because of getting it turned on, and because there have been some days where you have to run the air conditioning all day long, then at night you can usually turn it off and open the windows.
Needless to say, I miss my phone especially when things are going on. I finally tracked down a payphone so I was able to speak to my family, even though the call was a little choppy in sound. Sadly my Grandfather did pass away. I know I’m with them in spirit, but it feels disconnected in a way.
I do know what you mean about being “settled” I do think that will take a little time but it will happen. I just wish I could talk to my family as often as I did.
Also, the other day, I began having slight pain in my foot, which quickly became worse to the point of me limping. I did a little research and its tendonitis, which is painful and makes it hard to get around. I’m trying to stay in the house with my foot up and ice on it.
I’m sorry this post is such a downer one, I really didn’t mean for it to come out that way. I’m just glad there are people who will listen to me work through some of this stuff, so thanks for that! 🙂
I’m sorry for your loss, Josh. My thoughts and prayers are still with you and your family. Really for you because if you are a close family I know this is hard for you to deal with being away from them when a crisis happens. I think you feel disconnected because you are a close family and you are many states away from them. I feel so bad for you because you are by yourself when you need family support during this time but at least you can speak to them on the phone and vent to people on the internet and I’m one who will listen to others. You seem to be doing okay. I’m sure you are handling things just fine. You seem like you are. Again, I’m really sorry for your Grandfather’s passing…
Oh and Josh take care of that foot. Walking probably caused you to get Tendonitis. Maybe take it easy on the walks and take the bus and try to balance it out. Do research on what to do for it if you haven’t already because you don’t want it to get worse. I went ahead and searched it too. Maybe you can change things up a bit for a quick healing process 🙂
My foot is finally all better! Thanks for all the great tips. I think staying off of it as much as possible really did help.
Classes ended last week and I am happy to say I passed them all with A’s and B’s! I have one more Anatomy class to take, but I am going to wait until fall for that since summer classes are only 10 or 8 weeks. I need the extra time for that one lol.
It’s been really hot here lately, but I’m still not bothered by it. I’m still on the hunt for a job. I have an interview tomorrow afternoon and I hope it goes well. It would be nice to not only be making money but to be able to be more productive. It’s weird but once classes end its like YES! And then I’m like OH! There isn’t anything to do lol.
I hope everyone is doing well. Send me good vibes : ) And thank you Rhonda for your well wishes about my Grandpa. It’s was and is really hard. I finally was able to talk to my grandma and thankfully she is keeping it together. She is a strong lady. I know that in time it will get better, it’s just tough right now and I do wish I was able to go visit my family, but I know I will be able to eventually.
BTW where is Tiffie? I haven’t seen her on here in a while.
Hey Josh, I hope things are going good for you while living in Vegas. Has your Dad adjusted to the time and letting you at least sleep in some days and how is the schools out there?? Are they any different??? Sorry for the 50 questions but just wondering how you are adjusting to things. A bit concerned with having you chip a tooth and you are new to the area. By the way have you fixed the tooth problem by chance? Just wondering if you are okay 😀 Take care Josh…
I really like it here, the heat is nice and I love how it can be hot, yet not humid at all! Being here, I’m actually walking a lot more, usually 5 to 8 miles a day depending, the most I’ve managed to do is 12 in one day! I sold my car before I moved so walking is how I’m getting around and also buses. I’m sure I will need to get a car at some point but until then I’m enjoying walking, and I feel so much better being active.
My dad is still calling me at all hours lol, but I do think he and my mom are adjusting to me being here. They were understanding and really happy for me, but it’s been hard on them and me too being away from them.
The school here is really nice, and very big! I’m still in classes at my Indiana school. They are online, I just have to remember the time difference so everything gets turned in on time. I’m planning to enroll and register with this school next week.
I was in so much pain with my tooth, but thankfully it is no longer hurting. I still need to get it fixed and I’m really going to try to find a place but so far it’s been hard to find a place that will offer payment plans especially since a few of the places I’ve gone to charge a lot just to pull a tooth.
I’m also job hunting. I’ve been on a few interviews and I have another one today It’s an office type job. Maybe if I get the job they will offer me full dental! Lol Thanks for asking about me : ) Is everything going well with you?
Glad things are working out for you Josh and I’m glad you are liking it out there. I forgot you were taking classes online but I’m sure you will like the school you checked out even better. It will help you socialize with others. Have you met anyone out there? Like neighbors or other students maybe being in Vegas for the same reason you are? AND have you had to tell on the noisy neighbor being loud?…lol…don’t mean to laugh Josh but it’s just the way you said “you were going to tell on them”…I’m also glad your parents are taking it okay, but like I said with your Dad calling too early at least he thinks to call and check in on you. I think that’s so sweet. He seems like a really great father and I’m sure your mother is sweet as well. It’s good that it’s not humid there and you can enjoy your walks. I’m walking on my breaks at work just to get some exercise in and to change my routine up some Hopefully you can get a job soon to get you a car and get your tooth fixed. I’m glad it’s not hurting. Just be careful eating on that side until it is fixed 🙂
I’m doing okay. Thanks for asking. A few weeks ago we had an awful hail storm. I’ve got little dings on my car from the storm. You really can’t see them unless you get really close, so it’s not to bad. I thought it was going to break my car window because it was hitting so hard and the house window…Omg!…I was praying they wouldn’t break. The hail was the size of a baseball. Anyway I don’t want to make a claim on my car because it’s an old car but still in great shape. I keep the maintenance up on it like I just had new brake put on the front and back yesterday. Next is an oil change but my sister’s car is older than mine and they wanted to total hers out instead of fixing it and she wouldn’t let them. Plus I don’t want to have a problem with meeting my deductible if it’s not gonna cost much to fix it and then my insurance go up. I plan on having it painted soon anyway so I will spend the money then to get the dings out. Heck, it already had dings in it from car doors hitting it at work so what’s a few more, ya know?. I love my car. My car gets me around and about. I do park it while on vacation and chose to rent instead. It saves the life of your car is how I see it…
Oh and the pollen is awful here. How bout where you are?? I’ve got itchy watery eyes and I need to stop rubbing my eyes because it’s making them feel chapped and red. I have been using eye drops though. I don’t like taking meds either Jenny but I might have to take some Claritin…ugh…
I’m sorry to hear about your car. I know even if the dings can’t be seen by other people, you probably still notice them lol, I know I would. They should be an easy thing to fix though. It sounds like it was an awful storm!
I was on the bus yesterday and all of the sudden the bus driver slammed on the breaks, everyone went flying and people were screaming, so I look out my window, which I’m sitting against and this huge white truck is pointed at my window. It was so close, I could see him perfectly. Luckily no one was hurt, and you better believe I do feel lucky!
If the bus driver hadn’t acted in the way she did something horrible would have happened!
Aside from that, I have spoken to some of my neighbors, mainly when I’m going in or out. I’ve had to tell on the ones three times now for playing their music so loudly. It vibrates the whole place, and is so annoying.
I haven’t really met anyone else, it’s a little hard for me to meet people, especially in such a new place, but I know in time I will : )
I’m still on the hunt for a job, and I hope I find one soon! LOL. I did go to an interview last week and they told me I got the job.. Don’t get excited. It was a scam!! I’m going to write about it in a bit, it’s just going to be long, so I’ll do a separate posting.
Hope you’re doing Alright. I will keep you posted with the job hunting and the tooth.
I was sitting here the other night surfing the web and eating chex mix. Well, I bit down on one of the “bread sticks” and it chipped one of my back teeth!
Now my tooth is in horrible pain and I think it may be infected. Last night was awful, I woke up every 20 minutes, and that’s with using orajel and rinsing my mouth with salt water (Which actually does help!)
I know that I need to go to the dentist, and I am scared of the dentist, but at this point I’m like YES BABY!!! hahaha.
I must admit that at one point in the night I did try to pull it myself, but because it’s so far back I think I only made things worse. I guess when I get up in the morning I’m going to see if I can find a dentist. There are a ton here. I thought about going to the er. but I doubt they would be able to do anything and I would feel strange calling a dentist that I’ve never met before at 4 in the morning for an emergency.
Hopefully in the morning I will find a good one and be able to go right on in and have it taken care of.
Aw Josh I’m sorry to hear you are having issues with a broken tooth. I hope you have gotten that tooth taken care of. A bad tooth is never a good thing. Jenny can vouch for that one, huh Jenny? And I can’t believe you tried to pull the tooth out yourself. I’m glad you didn’t get it out. It sounds a bit dangerous doing it that way. You don’t want to leave root or pieces of bone deep in the gum and have a more serious problem. At least you found something to ease the pain until you found a dentist. Salty water is also good for a sore throat warm salty water that is…
BTW Jenny, I got my cookbook yesterday and thank you for signing it. That was a nice thing to do. When seeing your show Live I took your autobiography with me and the guy seating us took it backstage for you to sign for me and I thank you for signing that as well. Since you signed the cookbook it makes me want to tuck it away with your autobiography and not share with my sisters…lol…
Ha, when I was writing that I was thinking of Jenny’s trip to the dentist. I’m still looking for a dentist here, and hopefully Money I will be able to get this taken out. Thankfully it hasn’t been hurting quite as badly as it was. I can’t believe I tried to pull it either! I’m not as tough as that makes me look haha, I was just in that much pain. I’m glad it’s slightly better while I look for someone to take it out and I think I have found someone, I just need to get info together like proof of address and such. Jenny, I got my cookbook today! Thank you so much and thank you for signing it, I feel so special, you have no idea!! 🙂
lol…I thought of Jenny too and her trip to the dentist. I felt bad for her and I feel bad for you because you still haven’t gotten it taken care of and I can bet you are watching what you eat until it’s fixed. I’m sure when you first broke your tooth the pain was unbearable but you never know how much a person can stand until they do what you felt like doing with your tooth and you might have succeeded with pulling it if the pain didn’t ease. You are probably tougher than what you think Josh, but now I know you said that as a figure of speech. I think you are smart enough to know it wouldn’t be a good idea to pill a broken tooth and I’m glad your looking into finding a dentist you can trust. I just hope you find one quick so you don’t have to prolong it any further…
Jenny is just so nice and she does make her fans feel special like you said Josh.
Guess where I am? Vegas! I talked to my parents and they love me so much that they wanted me to do whatever makes me happy. I do feel blessed to have them as my parents. They always taught me what was important in life, but they also instilled in me the importance of discovering yourself and creating your own world.
They told me that if I ever want to come back, I can. Thank you Rhonda and Jenny for your advice. Like what you were saying my mother told me that in life you do need to take risks and have new experiences.
I love Vegas, the heat and palm tress (Although it hailed the other day!!) Walking down the strip just one block, about 15 people will offer you discounted tickets, coupons, pornographic cards etc. That is what I find annoying!
I got an apartment here and I sign the lease and move in tomorrow. My new place is right next to the college and still close enough to explore the city. I’m going to finish this semester with online classes and then transfer for the next one.
I feel really good about things, and Jenny I wont be gambling!
Hey Josh, it’s great that your parents were so understanding of you doing this. I think they see that you do well for yourself and need not worry about you being out of state for school. My niece wants to go to a school in New York but my sister has mentioned she doesn’t want her that far away, so they are some parents out there who are against what you have done for yourself with parents approval. Harrayy! for you Josh. Hoping things are better for you there and hoping you can get where you want to get career wise. For you to find things annoying walking the strip tells me you aren’t there for fun. You seem like a really smart person, so where you are with all the site seeing and temptation of gambling for some people I don’t think you have all that in you. I think you are in Vegas for a better life and I hope that you get it 😀 Good luck in all you do, Josh and of course keep us posted 🙂
Thanks for your kind words; it means a lot to me 🙂 I’m all moved into my new place, I like it here. It’s so quite. The only thing is for the past 2 nights around 1am a neighbor will play music so loudly I can feel it vibrating my walls! I’m new here, so I’m going to wait to see if it’s just an occasional thing, if not I’m going to tell on them lol. I did hear someone else playing a Spanish version of “piano man” lol so that was pretty cool.
The one thing that I have yet to adjust to is the heat, as soon as I walk outside I’m already sweating. I give it 2 months before I get a buzz cut. I do like it here though; it’s so pretty and as strange as it is to say, off the strip Vegas can be a calm and relaxing place.
I still don’t know anyone here, so I have moments of loneliness but I will make friends. I’m looking forward to what this place holds for me. I have to admit that I did gamble only twice. The first time I won 2 dollars on penny slots and I cashed out as soon as I got it! Then the next day I played them again and won 7, I cashed that out too! That’s enough gambling for me, because as fun as it is to win, it sucks to lose.
My Dad doesn’t understand the time change though, and he will call me at 4 or 5 in the morning and ask what I’m doing lol.
I’ll keep you posted and thank you for your well wishes! Congrats again on winning the contest, I can’t believe you and I both won 🙂
You’re welcome Josh. You seem like a good person with a good head on your shoulders and deserves to get what you want out of life. I’m sorry your Dad calls so early, but at least he’s thinking about you. He will adjust in due time. I know it sucks when neighbors are rude. I hope that’s just a faze here and there for you. If it’s not then I don’t blame you for telling on them…lol…and Josh it doesn’t hurt to enjoy yourself every now and then if you have the money to do so. I’m glad that you won but please take Jenny’s advice on that one. Don’t let it get out of control. I have faith in you that you are still a smart person and will do the right things living in Vegas. Just remember why you went there to begin with. I think you know when you can and when you can’t spend and chance it at gambling. Stay cool and don’t let the heat get to you this summer and continue to keep us informed and updated 😀 Take care Josh…
Recently I have decided to move to Vegas. There are several reasons, such as the weather, the culture of a large city, better schools for me and a lot more jobs than there are here in Indiana. Not to mention the rent that I would be paying would be cheaper than what I’m paying here!
I’m so excited, but I’m also extremely nervous because I just bought my plane ticket and I haven’t told my parents yet! It’s been sort of last minute but it’s well thought out, I just fear it’s going to look like I’ve waited until the last second to tell them. We also live in different towns, but we are extremely close and see each other a lot. I don’t want to hurt them or cause them to feel like they will never see me again.
How can I break this news in the best way possible? I am telling them today because I can’t wait any longer, I just wanted some input first. Thanks 🙂
Wow! Well, first off, I used to live in Las Vegas and my stepmom lives there now. It’s a vibrant city with a lot of opportunities (as long as you don’t gamble – seriously – it’s for visitors only!) Tell your parents right away and I would consider canceling your flight and then re-book it after you’ve told them. Otherwise, they will surely be hurt that you didn’t tell them first. GIve them a little time to adjust to the idea. To help sell them on your move, remind them that almost everyone loves going to Vegas and now they’ll have a place to stay and someone who knows the best buffets. I personally believe you have to take risks in life. If you don’t make the move you will always wonder, “What could have happened if I had gone to Vegas?” I will also ask you the same questions they probably will: ~Where will you stay? ~Have you researched the job opportunities? ~Do you have enough finances while you look for work? ~What’s the long term plan?
Good advice from Jenny. Your parents should know before you make a move. Re book like Jenny said if you have to. I think your parents will come more of understanding if they think it’s something you are considering in a week or so instead of right away. They do need time to adjust to the news of you moving out of state. I know it’s hard to go to school and keep up with everything else and it seems you might be having difficulthies where you are in indiana. I say if it helps to make this move then go for it like Jenny said. I hope the move brings you comfort and makes things a bit easier for you… Take care Josh and keep us posted 😀
I was surfing around and came across Rosie’s FB page and I figured I would see what’s up with her new show on OWN network and I found out she has been cancelled after 5 months. Wow! Didn’t last very long and I hate to say it but she will never be a star like she once was. She has put a bad image in people’s minds with her attitude and the way she is towards others. After seeing her on E.T. one night slamming Jenny and her show made me not even give her show a peep and watching the View the last year she was on I really didn’t like her. She’s just out and right mean and very hateful. I’m sorry but that’s my honest opinion of her…
I hate celebrities who think they are above others when they are merely an equal. Just because you have a lot of money doesn’t make you any better than anyone else. I can’t stand people like that celebrity or not. Jenny is the perfect celebrity whom deserves to be respected to the fullest. I’m sure they are more celebs like you Jenny but I’m just saying, because I’m venting again. These 2 really tick me off more than anyone because I loved Oprah once and Rosie was okay until they started bad talking other people. How RUDE!!!…
Oh and Jenny it seems Oprah moved Rosie’s show from New York to Chicago in hopes to be a hit and I was Youtubing and I got the feeling after watching a couple of Rosie’s clips it seems she was trying to draw in your audience from the windy city with musical bands and games and fun stuff like you would do on a show. I feel like she tried to copy your show. Shame on her!…
Rhonda, yeah like I said many times before Jenny actually cares about people and not ratings like all the other wannabes. That’s why their shows failed.
It takes more than good looks to run a talk show. It takes a special kind of person who is compassionate loving and caring. That’s why Jenny’s show lasted for a long time. I also liked Oprah and Maury. But this is a Jenny’s Page! lol.
Thanks for the code Rhonda, I’m going to write it down and the next time my connection acts up I will give it a try. Luckily though it’s been working fine lately.
I agree, Jenny is such a nice celebrity and really most people in her position wouldn’t even take the time to acknowledge us, let alone really care what we think and have to say.
I watched a few episodes of Rosie’s show, but due to it being on at night, I was doing other things most nights. It seemed like they were trying to do the old show, and recapture what that was, but in such a way that they were trying to make it look like they weren’t which caused a watered down, almost cheep feeling to it.
When I was in Chicago, I saw Jenni from “flipping out” on the sidewalk, and I must have looked like an idiot just looking at her, but she was so nice! She was on her cell phone and even told them she would have to call them back, and she talked to me and shook my hand.
I am totally with you Rhonda, Some celebrities aren’t nice people, and Rosie comes off a RUDE when she is not in front of the camera. Our Jenny J is a wonderful person, kind and down to earth!
You’re welcome, Jenny and your show had a great run. 12 years is something to be very proud of and I’m sure you are proud 🙂 We fans think you are awesome. You give us something here to enjoy day after day and year after year and the good thing about it. You can enjoy life and the things you love to do and share them with your fans 😀
Well Jenny You were nice back then while taping your show and still are. I remember watching your show back in 91! Im 30 years old now. Back then watching you interact with your guest they seemed comfortable talking with you and felt safe telling their story to you. They didn’t seem to be shy and that all of America was watching,you were their friend.Your studio audience seemed entertained by what you had to say and they also cared for the person as well. I remember as a young boy thinking wow this lady is really nice. I felt like you were my friend. Im going to stop now I’m tearing up. lol. As an teen watching the show I felt the same way. I felt like I was growing up with the show. Your topics were one of a kind! your producers may I say were the best in daytime! or whom ever came up with the topics great job! As an adult one show really touched my heart. After the September 11 attack. You were wearing a baseball cap, and in the backdrop you had the American flag. Thats when you really made me cry! you said some emotional things during the show. You said the same things that I felt. In the end of the show you made a real plea for peace. You said that we are all family and should respect one another no matter what we all are gay/ straight. As a gay man that really just touched me. I know it touched so many people. Thats why Jenny, people still care about you then and now and forever. Thats why we come on your web site many years later. You are a real jem Ms. Jones. Your last show was sad as well I remember watching! We will always Be Jonsing for a bit more Jenny!!
Aw Danny you made me tear up reading your post, but you are so right about Jenny and how she made everybody feel at ease and comfortable. I always have said on other message boards Jenny didn’t interview her guests she had conversation with them and chit chatted like she had known them a lifetime. Jenny was comfortable so everybody was comfortable and being in the audience you really could feel the comfort level. Jenny made things fun during commercial breaks. I felt like Jenny never had a boring minute…
Jenny, I remember being in your audience and music being played and they were playing “Before I got High” and you were walking across the isles and you stopped and just looked up on the back wall and the music just stopped and you said something like we’ll have none of that…lol… One more thing I remember during a break. Someone sneezed and you said “We need some kleenex because someone just snotted on themselves…lol… 😆
There will never be another show like yours. They can try to be like your show was but you have to have the right Host doing a show like you did. You were great! I truly miss your show 🙁
You were lucky to be in her audience Rhonda! I bet you had a blast! Do you remember what the topic was? Still wish the show was still on the air. Now that I’m older I could have attended a live taping. The audience seemed so lively and seemed to be having fun. Watching Jenny’s show on youtube just isn’t the same! We need her back on tv. I remember one audience member wanting to hit a guest with her belt! It was a wild teens one. I remember being in high school watching her show during my last class. teacher didn’t seem to mind because I was her assistant. Eventually people found out what I was up too, they wanted to watch as well. Good times. My favorite shows (obviously all of them)were the season premiere’s new stage and her intro music videos were cool too!
It was a Geek to Chic topic with guest coming face to face with their bully. The look at me know topic Jenny had on her show. It was fun being there Live. If her show was still on air today I would’ve probably already went back and seen a couple shows. I still want to go back to Chicago because we didn’t really see a lot of the city. Just there for Jenny’s show mostly and some good pizza and chicken… Oh and Jenny the chicken place was called Harold’s. There’s a girl at work who is from Chicago talking about Harold’s being the best chicken place and I remembered it when talking to her about me visiting there and yes Harold’s is the best 😀
I didn’t know that Rosie slammed Jenny. I know that she has a feud with Donald Trump. It’s really stupid going on TV and talking smack about somebody. That’s rude. I’m no shrink or anything but what I see in Rosies’s behavior is an act of jealousy and she is being a hater. Hating on one person , yeah but having this mean feeling towards more than one person??? ad its on TV, we all can see who the problem person is. Jenny didn’t respond. Donald did respond and yeah he owned! made her feel stupid. Too bad for Rosie, I did like her once. Safe to say not anymore.
Me not liking Rosie has nothing to do with her hating on my girl Jenny. Which by the way is rude! Nobody talks about our Jenny in any bad way! I did like her other show (rosie) but i did not like her new one. I think that OWN released it way too early. The OWN network I think that it was released way too early. It was too much too soon. The people behind the network thought that that just because Oprah’s name was behind it that it would really pick up. It failed. They should have waited. But that’s my opinion.
Rosie’s show failed because of her nasty attitude. Which will create an unhealthy working environment. People pick up on things like that, you can really feel tention. Jenny’s show was successful because she had and still has a great attitude. If Jenny’s show was still on the air I bet you her ratings would be great. She would be “winning” yeah I just quoted Charlie Sheen but who cares! lol.
Oh this about Rosie talking BS about Jenny’s show was aired on Entertainment Tonight years ago. When Rosie had her first talkshow. It seemed everytime a new talkshow came out they attacked Jenny and her show because I remember Sharon Osborne talking smack about Jenny and her show when she was about to be put on air with a show. The only thing I can say is it seems many were intimidated by Jenny and her success that they had to slam her show to try and make her show look bad but it back fired because they didn’t last no more than 5 years on air. Jenny lasted 12 years and if not so many new comers trying to have a talkshow I believe Jenny would still be on air today. I believe Oprah was intimidated too because Jenny was too close to home for her and on the same turf. They both were taped in Chicago and I sense Oprah didn’t like that… I loved Oprah but her purse has become too big for her. I see that it’s all about money with her and that’s called greed in my book. Why couldn’t Oprah just stay put with her talkshow she had? Why take chances on something bigger when you are already a giant? Eventually you will fall…seriously!…I hope she falls hard just so she will be taught a lesson that money isn’t everything. When I first started watching Jenny’s show I felt like Jenny was on the same level as Oprah but Jenny is NOTHING like Oprah. In fact Jenny pulled me away from watching Oprah’s show because of the way she was as a host and just a person with a great personality. Jenny was the greatest and still is. I mean look what she does for us fans and she does it because she couldn’t interact with us being known as a famous celebrity star. I know she has to feel free and to do as she pleases. I miss her show but for Jenny to be free and do the things she loves doing I can see why she doesn’t want to be back on tv and I don’t blame her for making that choice to be honest…
Lately, I have been having trouble with connecting to the internet on my regular laptop. It’s so annoying because everything I need is on it. What’s strange is the other computers can connect with out any problem at all. That one just wont no mater what I do, but it has done it before and it usually goes back to normal and will connect again after a few days. I think it might be a bug in the Samsung software. What’s even worse is get this, when I click the windows network troubleshooter, there is a place to searching for other options, and one of the options is get help online!! I’m like if I could do that I wouldn’t be troubleshooting my connection! I’m just glad I’m able to use my old laptop, but I do hope my other one gets sorted out because I hate having to go back and forth. You have to question though who put together that troubleshooter anyway?
That happened to me last week and when that happens I’m thinking it’s my router and I’m gonna have to buy a new one but I’m determined to work around it and avoid that because routers can be expensive. There’s one thing I do and I forget when my connection fails but this time I put it away so I would remember what I did to fix it. Try it next time if you haven’t already gotten it fixed. This is what I do and it fixes itself. LOL, yeah people who do our resets at work throw us for a loop every now and then because things don’t fit like they should on the shelf so we have to modify things and that can be a headache…
Go to “Start”, click “Run”, Copy and Paste” %windir%\network diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe ” into box and then click okay and follow the next screen’s directions that come up. It’s easy to follow. I hope it works for you…
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. It’s in the 70’s here during the day but come Monday it’s gonna turn cold again. I’m trying my best to save on electricity and I have to say in 2 years I have gotten it descent. I’m on budget billing because my Dad had it and it was just never changed. I like it that way because you know how much your bill is every month. When my Dad was here the bill stayed at $220+ a month. I’ve gotten it down to $175 a month and I’ve noticed that I have saved and lowered usage from a year ago, so I’m hoping it will knock it down another $50. I’ve also noticed when paying bills this month I’m also saving $14 on my water bill 🙂
The only new years resolution I managed to keep for 2012 was to save money which I did. I saved a few thousand (4,700) 😀 Hopefully in the fall of this year I can start replacing the windows for the house. Once that’s done I think I would save more on my electricity bill. I’m one who doesn’t like to spend money. Call me a penny pincher…lol…I will pinch my penny every chance I get 🙂
I haven’t posted a song video in a while. This one has been playing a lot this past week and it’s kinda grew on me…
Hi Rhonda, I’m good. Last week it was in the 60’s here, now it’s in the low 30’s and 20’s lol. My bill is about $200 a month, but the house is big and old. The windows probably don’t help either. I turn the heat down low at night, because I actually like it colder when I’m sleeping. I’m a big penny pincher!
My classes started Monday, and so far they seem alright and not anything that’s going to cause me to go nutty! I’m taking cultural anthropology, a class on literature, psychology of human sexuality (LOL) and a fitness class. OK the fitness class is one they make everyone take, and all you do it write short papers on ways in which you can be healthy and the changes you make in diet and exercise, and I guess also your progress. It seems like it’s going to be more discussion than actual action though.
I’ve been thinking of maybe applying to medical school after I get my bachelors. That idea may change but with the way that it’s more spread out than the anatomy class I took, I don’t think it would be as stressful as that one class, and I remind myself that by the time I finish, I would be that age anyway! Right now it’s just a thought but I might look into it. I did find anatomy to be very interesting!
I’ve heard some stuff by the fun band and I like them. I also like the song “home” by Philip Philips, he won American idle.
Our house is old too. That’s why I want to replace the windows and patio doors. I’ve used less heat this year. It’s just me and my Mom and she likes it warm. I like sleeping when it’s a bit cool too. If it’s too warm I can’t sleep and I’m tossing and turning all night and I can’t have none of that…lol…
My niece will be graduating this year in May and she is going right into college. She’s going to be on campus and she’s excited. She wants to be a doctor and if I’m not mistake she has already taken an anatomy class this year. It’s good you are doing as good as you are with school and Med school? Wow! That’s wonderful!! Like you said though it may change but at least you are considering it and I think it’s a great choice 😉 😀
I like the song Home by Philip Philips also. He’s from Georgia ya know. It’s funny I liked his song for a few weeks and I still like it but then Some Nights by the Fun band started playing more and more and it grew on me. I get caught up on one song to be a favorite for a while and to my surprise another one jumps in and takes it’s place and sometimes it’s someone I’ve never even heard before like with the Fun band and they are up for 6 grammys and album of the year which I didn’t know until I Youtube them. If I’m not mistaken the Grammys come on Feb10th at 8pm if anyone is wondering…
And Yay! American Idol has started. Try outs are okay to watch but I like when they have like the Top 24 and then the action begins…lol…j/k… 🙂
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving/Holiday! This year I won’t be doing any black Friday shopping. Last year was enough for me. My nerves can’t handle the rude crowds lol. It makes you feel bad for the people who actually have to work in it!
Today I went to Bestbuy, it wasn’t even full, but this older woman kept getting right up on me, so finally I moved to the next isle and not even a minute later there she was again, right on top of me reaching over me. I was like, “Excuse you!” She looked at me all weird, and I thought I was going to have to say it again, buy thankfully she got the point. It’s sad how she must not have even realized she didn’t have any manors at all!
I think this year I will do my Holiday shopping online.
Hey Josh. Hope you are doing good. This time of year people can be rude. Just today at work we were so busy and here I am trying to work out on the floor and I don’t mind stopping and helping someone find something because that is part of my job, so I was helping this lady and what she needed was behind me and when I turned to go in that direction there was an elderly man not paying attention to where he was going in an electric wheelchair and he ran into me. It knocked the breathe out of me and made me bite the side of my tongue because I was talking as I turned around, so I was none to happy. I’m okay though. Just glad today is over with, but tomorrow’s a whole new busy day…
I work 6pm to 3am Thursday night into black Friday, so I will be taking me a nap tomorrow before going to work these sale hours. I was told I would be there for register backup, but if they have enough cashiers I will be out there on the floor with the crowd and to be honest up front on the registers is the safest place to be because these people are really wild at these sales. I’m sure you all know about them and how they can get out of control and thank you Josh for thinking of the ones who have to be there working trying to keep things well organized…
That’s crazy Rhonda, but totally believable. I hope you’re alright! I also hope your big day at work went alright, I bet it’s frustrating, but I would also think time would fly! I had a break from classes this past week and it was nice being able to do something other than read and study. We are working on the nervous system right now, it’s very complicated but on my last test I got a B, which is crazy because I had to guess on one question and thought I did much worse. It’s an online class, but next week we are supposed to do an actual dissection of a brain. Up to this point they have all been virtual. I have no idea where or how I’m supposed to get a brain!! The school isn’t selling them anymore and I didn’t know I needed one for this class. I think I will be alright if I just youtube it though. Oh, I was out somewhere the other day and someone commented on my Jenny Jones key chain. I was like “thank you it was a gift from Jenny Jones” haha. Hope everyone is keeping warm:)
It wasn’t as bad as I thought and I’m alright. I was actually bored when I first got there, so I did returns and claimed those out and cleaned up the back hallway, so I missed the 8pm sale. All lights look like they were on up on the front end, so we had plenty of cashiers. I then was put on handing out tickets for TVs for the 10pm sale and keeping people straight in line. Time did fly by up until midnight. After midnight there weren’t hardly anyone shopping and I was off Friday, so the 5am sale probably brought in more people. Last year I dodge all of it and this year wasn’t bad. I can see why Walmart has 3 sales now instead of one big sale. Less chaos and crowds at once, but you still have people determined to get that one gift everybody wants. TVs are easier than anything I’ve done. I did a game system one year and OMG! We actually had to get security over there to stand with us before the sale even started…
Glad you got a break from classes you probably needed it. It’s good you are sticking to things and hanging in there and making a B is great news for a class that seems difficult. Just don’t get frustrated and lose your focus because I think you’re doing so well. I love Science but dissecting things wasn’t my favorite thing to do but to earn the grade it must be done. Sucks you didn’t know what you needed for this class but hey Youtubing it is the next best thing 😉 🙂
Kinda cool someone noticed your JJ keychain. I’m sure Jenny has tons of fans and would know her logo from the show. I had a JJ keychain and carried it around until I dropped my keys one day and the keychain broke. Call me clumsy…lol…seriously. I also have a bad habit of locking my keys in my car. Not so much now but man it was bad a while back. Good thing I gave my sister a spare key. Oh and it’s nice during the day here but at night it can be a bit chilly, but for the most part it’s warm here. Hope you are staying warm also Josh 🙂
I was at walmart today going down the middle of the store where they have those bins of stuff, and I heard this woman screaming at her children and then she yelled something like, “Get over here! NOW!” and then the child ran right into my cart. I guess you could say I mowed down a small child today!!
I felt so awful. The child was fine but started crying due to the shock I guess. I was like, Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Then as soon as I could I hightailed it to another part of the store, where I hoped I wouldn’t “run” back into them haha.
Aw Josh, sorry that happened to you. I would’ve felt bad too. For the most part customers at my store pay attention to where their kids are, but then again we have some parents who yell at the child which in turn causes them to cry and pitch fits. I see a lot. I see customers fight or struggle rather to keep their child in a cart. It’s best for small children to be in a cart so they won’t get hit by other customers. I wish parents wouldn’t let their small child ride underneath the basket part of the cart. That scares me really bad. A child can easily get his or her fingers stuck in the wheels and a parent has to realize how dangerous that is and not let them lay across the bottom of the cart…
Holidays season is coming up and I’m prepared for it. Can’t wait for our soup social again this year. Jenny, I’m making your Lemon Bars and I’m think I might make your Blueberry Muffins as well. I’m just doing desserts 😉 🙂
Jenny, Rhonda, Josh, I’m scared! Late last night before I could turn the bedside light off, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. It was one of those spiders that look like it’s coming to take you & your entire family hostage! I can’t even remember what I grabbed to kill it (my heels were not in bed or that would’ve been my first choice for a murder weapon!), but how exactly do you smash something in to an extremely soft bed?! When I took my hand (& I think the remote control?) away, it ran & went long ways down the bed! I screamed/let out a sound only most cats can hear & out of bed I went! Thank goodness I was sitting up & at an angle or I probably wouldn’t have made so much air time, (HAHA!) but it’s true. It was nowhere to be found & I debated several things; one being, rearrange the room? (Not at that hour & it’s still in the room so what’s stopping it from coming back to finish me off?!) So I went on a scavenger hunt for bug killer. I could only find the stuff that kills weaker things so that wouldn’t work. I brought it with me though & I even grabbed a full can of hairspray from my bathroom! If anything, I’d give it a new do?… I don’t know what I was thinking, HAHA! I kept looking to see if it came back & debating my limited options but I could not seem to get myself to get back in bed, so I decided to sleep in a guest bedroom. Today, my Mom & I went to the store & I had her double-triple-quadruple check to see if the right bug killer I bought would keep the filthy creep away. She kept reassuring me I would be fine since the stuff killed ALL spiders AND scorpions. We went to my place & SHE sprayed the room, around the bed, in all the other rooms & I (being the chicken I am), kept asking her, “Would you get back in that bed? I mean, it was RIGHT by my pillows! You don’t understand; if it comes back & my face is RIGHT there, you’ll be attending a memorial service…for ME!”
Why do they have to invade our space?! An unexpected sighting in the basement is bad enough. A run in while in the living room is not appropriate but we’re talking my BED?! …it didn’t even buy me dinner, first! The nerve!!!!!
My mom is terrified of spiders and bees, so it’s a wonder that I didn’t grow up being afraid of them.
I live in a good size older house, so occasionally you will find a random spider.
There are these things called “Hedge Apples.” I guess you would classify them as a fruit, but you can’t really eat them. They are ugly looking green things. You get a couple of them and put them either, under your house or in your basement. They naturally repel spiders and other insects.
It’s weird how they work. We used them when I was a kid and they get the job done. You don’t have to cut them or anything, just throw um in whole and you’re done!
Not sure where you can find them other than farmers markets, but you should all look into them!
Okay Tiffie, I have to say your story is pretty creepy. I say I’m not scared of spiders and I’m not honest, but if one got in my bed like that one did I wouldn’t be sleeping there either not knowing if he’s still in the covers. Glad you’re okay even though it made you sleep in the other room… Josh, I looked up the hedge apples and they are prehistoric fruit. Very interesting how they repel insects and bugs now a days… Jenny, I know how you don’t like spiders. I hope you didn’t have any bad dreams because of Tiffie’s fright night the other night…
It’s starting to get cool here, which I like a little. I just hope it’s not a bad winter! I got my car fixed last week. It was the spark plugs! I even helped put in the new ones. It’s nice to know that now I will be able to change them in the future.
Today has been a lazy day. I need to go pay my electric bill, but I’ve been too busy watching Jenny Jones show on youtube haha. I’m glad someone has put them up.
I know you went to a taping Rhonda, what was the topic? I liked how they always rhymed.
I love the weather right now, Josh. This cool weather is perfect for me! It’s perfect weather to wrap up & watch movies in. I’ve been doing a lot of that & that doesn’t happen often. HA!
Car problems are always a pain! I’m sorry you have to go through that & who wants to pay an electric bill when there’s so much money to win at casinos?! HAHAHAHAHA! Don’t listen to me; I’ll only get you in trouble 😀 No. If you lost your money I’d just introduce you to the right sugar daddy/mama & wah-la~NO MORE ELECTRIC BILL! HAHA! Now, I’m REALLY kidding 😀
Tiffie, I like doing the same thing with cool weather approaching. Today though was kinda muggy here, but at night it’s so much cooler and relaxing. The fall is my favorite time of year. Now I can see why bears hibernate. I kinda feel myself hibernating like a bear when it’s really cold out. January is the coolest month here and it’s hard for me to get out from underneath the covers in the mornings…lol…
Glad you got your car fixed Josh and it’s great you helped, so you can do it yourself next time. I’m sure it easy and not much to replacing spark plugs. I use to like sitting outside and watch my Dad and uncle work on cars. They have been times they almost rebuilt the whole engine on cars they got just to have something to do on the weekends. I think my Dad use to say they tinkered with cars as a hobby…
I’m sorry Josh, but it’s been 10 years and I’ve been sitting her for the last hour trying to recall the topics, but I can’t remember right off hand. I do know that one of the shows I saw live was a Geek to Chic topic. People that were bullied that confronted their bully and one guest on that show ended up on the show more than once. Her name was Colette. I remember her, because she was really loud and very talkative and argued a lot. I liked her though. She spoke her mind well. If you are watching Jenny Jones shows from youtube look up “Rude Jude losses his cool” because Colette is on that show, but that isn’t what I saw live. I still have my tapes of the show I saw somewhere. I will see if I can find them. I didn’t buy a copy I just recorded them at home, so most likely I still have them stored away…
I went Monday to get 2 new tires for my car and they didn’t have my size for my car and told me they would have to get from another store, so I asked how long would it take for them to deliver from one store to the other. They said 2 hours maybe…ugh!…they reserved them for me and told me to call back, so I called back on Tuesday at noon and they still wasn’t there, so I called them back again around 3pm and still not there, she then told me they would call me and I haven’t heard from them, so I will be calling them back one day this week. Good thing I’m doing it a couple weeks early and don’t need it done right away…
I also like the weather, after having such a hot spring and summer; it’s nice to have a little break. We have a casino around here, but I haven’t had to time to go check it out yet. I hear that it’s nice though. I like slot machines and black jack the most.
My classes are going well, but I’m having an issue with my biology class. You are only allowed to miss 4 classes and if you miss any more than 4 you automatically fail no matter what. This is new to me and I think it’s only for this class, because the other ones if you miss a certain amount they will just deduct 5% of your grade. I don’t plan on missing a bunch of classes, but things come up like illness and things in the family, that causes you to miss.
I’m thinking about withdrawing from the class and then taking it next semester with a different teacher. The other classes I’m taking are hard ones and I feel if I have the extra time to devote to them, it would be better. I just feel embarrassed and like I’ve failed something by withdrawing, but I’m just telling myself it’s better than missing 5 classes and getting an F and then having that on my record and having to retake the class.
I also don’t want to sound like I’m ageist, because I’m not, but this teacher is in his 80’s and it’s a little hard to follow him sometimes and he is a little forgetful. cell phones are not allowed to be used or out in the class which I agree with, but he accuses people of using them when they were just writing on paper or something! I’m not a teenager I can keep from texting and keep my phone put away and I don’t need to be scolded for something I didn’t do!
Sorry this is so long. I just wanted to get it out somewhere. Thanks for listening and wish me luck. I think I’m going to withdraw from this one, just nervous about it.
Things happen Josh to make us revamp things for the better, so don’t feel bad for quitting a class you feel uncomfortable with or one you feel you won’t do good in. Your teacher does seem a bit strict and moody and treating you like children. That right there is enough to make you not want to even go to class. You seem to be making right choices for yourself, so I don’t think this one is any different in whatever you chose to do. I do wish you luck in whatever choice you chose. I think you will be okay 🙂
Later that day I did withdraw from the one class and then I felt bad all day like I was a quitter. I’m feeling better now, and I do plan to retake the class with another teacher. I didn’t like being treated like a child, and I didn’t like his rule of only being able to miss 4 classes. I probably wouldn’t have missed that many, but sometimes when it snows you have to because the roads and everything. I guess this way I will have more time to concentrate on my other classes. I really like anatomy. It’s tough, but so cool to learn about all the things that go on in your body that you have no idea about.
Last night I saw Ruthie Foster in concert. She’s a blues type singer. It was so great and I was no more that 6 feet away from her lol.
For class, one that I am taking at home, I had to put an egg in vinegar for three days and this is the last of the three days. It’s grown in size and the shell has come off. It’s supposed to teach about diffusion.
Next you have to put it in corn syrup. It will make shrink the egg, then after a day of that, you put it into water for a day. So the whole process takes 5 days, and the lab is due Monday. I feel badly for the people who probably waited until yesterday to even look at the lab haha.
On another note, my car needs to have the spark plugs changed. It’s doing what it was the last time, where it shakes and it seems to misfire like it’s going to stall or something. Yes, I thought about changing them myself and googled it, but then I realized I have no business doing that! lol. I will have a family member do it!
I didn’t know who Ruthie Foster was and I checked her out. I have to say I like the blues type singer and she seems quite talented. I came across a song from YouTube called Stone love that I really liked, but I’m sure in concert is better than online. It seems you had a good time seeing her concert 🙂
Is it a Science class you’re taking to have to do a project with the egg? Just wondering because it seems interesting and my favorite class in school was Science. I hope it turns out the way you want it to and I’m glad you are staying on top of it because it seems like a long process with this project. Never fall short or you will always fall short on time, not with just this but with anything 😉
Sorry you are having issues with your car but the good thing about it is that you know what the problem is and it’s good you have family to fix it for you, so you can save money for your schooling. For the most part I take my car for maintenance when it’s due, so I won’t have issues. I got 2 new tires a few months ago and now I’ve noticed the older ones which are on the front need replacing, so that will have to be done soon. Probably will have that done my next oil change which is in a few weeks…
She was great in concert; the drummer even played the spoons for one song haha. I also like stone love, and her song hole in my pocket.
The egg thing is for my Anatomy class. Today is the last day!! Now I can throw this nasty thing out lol. The vinegar did turn it to rubber and then the corn syrup deflated it and then the water turned plumped it back up and now it feels like a water balloon! Now I have to explain everything that took place during those steps.
Thanks, I am lucky to have people in my family who know a little about cars. I have been stuck at home for the past few days though because I don’t want to drive it like that. My family lives 40 minutes away though and I can make it there no problem. I just wanted to catch up on my homework first and ignore the problem just a little bit, but I’m sure tomorrow it will get taken care of!
Oh, my tomatoes are nothing like Jenny’s but I’m getting like 20 to 25 a day now, I need to figure out what to do with them all.
I spent celebrating Labor Day yesterday up in North Georgia with my brother and his wife’s side of the family. We had Chicken, Baked beans, Cole slaw and corn and dessert was red velvet cake and cookies. They also fried their fish after they caught and cleaned them and had a sort of fish fry later in the evening a long with hush puppies, potatoes and bratwurst on a bun. They love a big gathering like we had yesterday. Most of the people there were staying at the campsite up until Tuesday I think and that’s why all the food was cooked Saturday. I didn’t get home until 1am because it’s a 2 hour drive. Last time we got together like that my Dad was alive and we all had tent’s to stay over night but this was kinda of a last minute plan to travel and plan for staying overnight wasn’t made…
I felt today I needed something simple and very light, so Jenny I just made your vegetable pasta and it was so delicious and way so simple to put together. As I’ve mentioned before about my Mom being a picky eater and just so you know she loved your vegetable pasta dish 🙂
I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend. Have fun and stay safe 😀
There’s a tropical storm that’s moving in closer to home. I’ve been keeping my eye out on this one and it don’t seem to scare me as bad, because it seems to be breaking apart throughout the US as it gets closer to land. I noticed it is moving fairly quickly across the states. Now I’m off to make some blueberry muffins, Yum! 🙂 Take care everyone and have a great week 😀
I love the ocean and I was going through email just now and thought I would share this video with you guys. It’s so cool to watch and very relaxing for me anyway 😀 Hope everyone is okay. I’m doing good. Just a bit busy with getting things done before getting back to work.. Take care everyone and have a great week 🙂
That’s really pretty Rhonda, I love the ocean. I haven’t been since the last time I went to California and that’s been a while. The closest that I’ve come lately was the Chicago riverfront and it does kind of look like the ocean lol. I’ve been thinking about Chicago more and more since my trip, I really liked it and I think I might look for colleges there 😉
My classes started this past Monday and they are going good, but the Anatomy class is hard, mainly because of the memorization and there is so much to the human body, it blows your mind! The photos in my book are so horribly nasty though!! It’s not even just showing you an organ this stuff is gross! I wont even speak anymore about it lol.
Hey Josh glad you are hanging in there with those classes. It seems you are doing really well with them. My niece went to a human exhibit a few weeks ago and she found it interesting. She’s about to go to college next fall. She graduates this year from high school and she’s wanting to go straight into college. She wants to go into nursing, but we’ll see. When they are that young they really don’t know what they want but she is smart and can make great decisions, so I’m hoping she choose the right school best for her success…
Rhonda, I remember thinking of what I wanted to do in the future, right before high school graduation. At my graduation party, people would ask me what I planned on going to college for & I knew I couldn’t tell them “get married to a wealthy doctor”, as I had planned, so I thought about it & I choose to go in to nursing school. I went through all that schooling & low & behold; I never worked as a nurse & married an attorney! (…& then, the doctor!) But that’s not the point! HAHA~! I’m sure your niece will have a great time in nursing or whichever career she chooses. Just as long as it’s one she truly wants to be in. Josh, I remember anatomy class TOO well! It was gross then, & I’m sure it’s just as gross now. I had an anatomy professor that had a stuffed cat on the end of a stick & he used it as a pointer for his chalk board! I aced the class because there was NO WAY I was sitting in that whack-a-do’s class a second time! HAHA!
Well I had to get a new laptop!! My old one which I bought less than 1 year ago started acting up so I got spyware/adware programs and they didn’t even work. Finally it just shut itself off and when I tried to turn it back on the windows screen wouldn’t start.
Geek Squad was very nice but sadly i had no idea where my receipt was and I tore the house apart looking for it.
even more sadly, I am somewhat “good” witch computers and I could have fixed mine but I didn’t have my recovery discs. No way was I going to spend 99 dollars to have them do it for me when I could do it myself, but I was lazy and never got around to it.
So now I have a new laptop which is better than the old. The only sad thing is as always all of the photos and files are lost somewhere forever. On a good note though I did pay the 99 dollars this time and then another 99 dollars to have extended protection! I also just put the recovery discs from this computer into my old one and windows is installing.
Hope everyone is doing good! Rhonda I haven’t seen you around here in a while, are you ok?
Josh, I’m okay. Stress got the best of me again. It’s happened before and I’m doing everything possible to fix the issues with stress. I haven’t been around because I’ve been busy with appointments. Right now I’m out of work until Sept 4th and there’s personal things I need to get done that I have not yet taken care of I’m behind with. Deep down I think it bugs me, so since I have time on my hands I’m gone take advantage of it to get things caught up. I’ve been doing what you told me to do and that is just breathe. I thank you for that comment 😀
Sorry you are having computer problems. I use Norton and I love it. They protect you. They even let you know what websites are safe or not. I’ve had no problems with them at all. I got mine through Comcast. Check to see if your cable offers it for free, if not here’s a link for you I wanted to share. Take care Josh…
Thanks for the link. Since I now have two laptops I’m going to give my old one to my mom since she has never had a computer and I believe the only way to learn how to use them is to jump right into it. If I can’t get my disc to install I may give that link a try.
My new one came with built in protection. I even got the protection that covers damage like if I dropped it, which is good lol.
Sorry you’ve been stressed. I also get stressed out sometimes. I think sometimes it’s good to walk away for a few minutes then when you go back you have fresh eyes and you may be able to see things differently.
Classes start this Monday, so I will try to remember my own advice 🙂
You’re welcome Josh. I had McAfee when I first got my computer. McAfee isn’t bad but I kept getting spyware with them and maybe Comcast changed to Norton because of complaints with McAfee, but Norton is really awesome if you are needing one for your laptop 🙂 I guess I’m prone to stress and I’ve just to nip it in the butt before it gets out of control, plus I’m a worrier. I don’t worry to much like I did before. I think what got to me was I forced myself to drive through a monster storm after getting my Mom from my sister’s house and the weather was bad. Normally I stay put or if I feel I can drive in it I try but then I end up pulling over and stopping to let it pass through but I guess I wasn’t scared at the time and we got home okay. The next morning I woke up and didn’t feel good so I called out, because I didn’t think I was able to make it in to work. I was having anxiety attacks I think. My sister came by the house and she knew something wasn’t right because I wasn’t at work…
I’ve been reading and searching to try and understand myself better with my stress and this is what I’ve came up with so far. I could be wrong, but this is how I felt that morning after driving through a storm maybe I shouldn’t have… Oh and Josh its great you can take your own advice but from time to time we all need others to help make a decision and the right choices. Just so you know, I don’t mind advising people to help them out. It don’t stress me at all 😀 😉
Here’s a link. I haven’t finished reading it yet. I’m posting it here so I know where it is. I’m going to my sister’s house for dinner, so I got to run for now. Take care Josh and good luck with your classes…
Summer semester is now over and I have a little break before I go back on the 20th. It looks like I’m going to be taking math again!! you have to laugh. I think it was much harder because I didn’t take it in an actual class room, but this way at lest I will have some idea of what to expect. I also think I’m going to wait until next semester to take it, because my mind needs time to rest haha.
This fall I’m taking a lifespan class, a class on poetry, anatomy and biology. When I first started school, they had us all look at our majors and write down every class we needed to take, and we got to choose from like different English classes etc, but when I was looking up the English class for this semester, It was 18th century British literature. I was like OHH NO!! so I switched it with a poetry one. I really have no clue why I wanted to take that one, I’m sure it’s interesting but nah!
Hope everyone is doing well. My tomatoes are turning red, but I still don’t have enough to compete with Jenny. The big ones are all still green though, but there are a bunch of them!
Josh, I am so proud of you for sticking to your schooling! I have never met you face to face but I am extremely proud of you, none the less. I was always good in English & Geography. I was present during poetry, HAHA! I can’t really say I was ‘in to it’. Like I said before, math was fine as long as we were not dealing with shapes (Geometry) but, when we got that far in to the class, my mind went straight to boys. What can I say? I was a serial dater! HA! If there were a class for Puppy Love/Gossiping/Hair-Dos/Make-up/Skipping-School-for-the-Mall, I would’ve taught the class. 🙂 I guess what I’m trying to say is; don’t use me as a role model! HAHA! I did graduate & go on to college & do well but you seem to have the drive to really get in there & succeed at something fantastic! I wish you ONLY the BEST! 🙂
My step father’s garden is doing great. I have enough tomatoes (different types), cucumbers, peppers of all kinds, & zucchini to last a while. I’m always sent home with plenty & I give some to my housekeeper. My Mother told me that I can have three of their watermelons when they’re ready, so that’ll be nice. I myself have large hanging baskets & I’ve noticed over the last three days that my petunias are looking sad. I’ve given them plenty of water & watched so I wasn’t scorching them or over watering. I think it was just their time to say, “au revoir”. All the ferns & other flowers/hanging baskets are doing great, so I still have a pretty front porch & balconies. I bought some new planters for the hens & chickens that were outgrowing their planter & would you believe, they have blossomed so much that I’ve had to replant them in to three completely new planters?! Things are getting a little crazy in the horticulture department, HAHA! Oh well. Everything looks pretty & I haven’t seen this place look this floral in six years. My hens & chickens have been passed down from my great-great-great-grandmother. It’s all on my mother’s side, & it’s traced back on each maternal side. I have exact bulbs that my Great-Grandmother had in her garden/planters, (which I know because she’s the one who gave them to me 🙂 which is pretty amazing, to me). I wish I were able to give you a starter. 🙂 It would be great to pass something like that on, to friends! To you as well, Jenny & Rhonda! 🙂
Thank you Tiffie 🙂 and it does feel like a big accomplishment to cross off the classes that I’ve already taken! I wait for the day when more are crossed off than not! I like hen’s & chickens, we used to have them in the yard and in pots when I was growing up. We also had a similar type that looked like they had spider webs in the middle. I forget what those are called though. It’s cool that you’re family has had them for so long! They really take little care and they spread so quickly.
I still haven’t gotten any big tomatoes from my plants yet. They are all still green, but there are so many of them.
We’ve have been having thunderstorms almost everyday for 3 weeks now and I’m loving it. I had the worse dream last night though. It scared me so bad it woke me up. I had a dream a monster tornado was passing through. In the dream it was so dark outside all I could do is get on the floor and crawl to the hallway, but it was weird during my dream after the storm had passed I opened the door and everything was destroyed but my house and yard. I was terrified to see the destruction and that’s what woke me…
2 weeks ago a tree fell in my sister’s yard and destroyed here electrical lines to her house. She had to live in a hotel for 2 weeks and she hated it. After 3 days she was ready to be back in her house but it took time for things to get fixed. That’s why I made them your meatloaf dinner last week and my brother-in-law just loves your meatloaf Jenny. He actually took some home for meatloaf sandwiches the next day and he’s carpet helper enjoyed it as well…
With all that has happened in the past few weeks is probably why I dreamed what I did. I know Jenny has had bad dreams and they are not fun at all. What do you think about dreams? Do they have meaning?…
Rhonda, I have horrible nightmares about tornadoes, at least twice a year. It seems as though I have them around the same time each year. They’re terrifying! I hope we/you never have to experience them. They are an extreme fear of mine. I hope you start sleeping better! There’s nothing worse than waking up to a nightmare and being alone. I can sympathize with you, on that. We are expected to have some heavy storms tomorrow, around 4pm & ending around 6pm. As long as no one is hurt/my electric does not go out/no lightning hits us/no tornadoes(!), I’ll be a-ok. HAHA 🙂 I just want rain & thunder is alright.
Wow didn’t know that about you Tiffie, so we can relate on the same fear of high winds and tornadoes. Those are really terrifying for me and for you as well I’m sure. I can handle rain and thunder and maybe a little lightning, but high winds, no way. I don’t dream that often of tornadoes but I would say once or twice a year, but I think something has to trigger them for me to have a bad one. I’ve been keeping an eye on weather forecast for almost 3 weeks daily non stop. I want to be prepared for bad weather and not be surprised with one. The worse nightmare I had of a tornado was a few years ago and I woke up in a panic with my heart racing. The tornado was huge and it was coming right at me. I woke up before knowing the ending of the dream and I didn’t want to go back to sleep. Kinda like what Jenny experienced a while back, those kind of dreams are breath taking…It’s late, gotta run. Take care and stay safe, Tiffie…
The other morning I woke up at 5 to the storm, the power went out and was off until 3! The gas station’s power was also off so there was no place to get coffee lol. While I was out though, I saw trees everywhere.
We are supposed to get storms again today, so hopefully it will just cool things off and not do any damage 🙂
I’m not afraid of tornadoes, but I’ve noticed that as I’ve gotten older I’ve become afraid of heights. When I went to Chicago, I went to the John Hancock building, if no one has been the elevator takes you to the top floor is what 13 seconds!?
I thought I was going to have a panic attack haha, then once at the top I was scared to walk over to the windows. I did get some nice pictures of the city though. That ride was just so awful!!
Today, we had some serious rain, extremely dark clouds, thunder & lightning. It lasted for about half an hour & rained for about an hour. Then, it rained on & off, after the Sun came back out. My area did not get the extreme of it. There were never reports of tornadoes, just thunder & lightning. I can handle what we had today (thunder & SOME lightning), but nothing any more serious, please. It did cool down; thank goodness! The power flickered twice, but it came right back on. The first time, it was out just long enough for everything to shut itself off & start back up. As soon as the television found signal; it flickered again! I had to laugh because it was as instant to come back on, as it did to go off. As soon as the television found signal a second time, the power dimmed but never went out. I said out loud, “OHHHHH, NO YOU DON’T…..*it brightened up*…..THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT!” HAHA! Luckily, it stayed on. I just had to go around reprograming appliances’ clocks. Hey, I’ll take that over anything worse, any day 🙂
Our garden & flowers got the drink of a lifetime, that’s for sure 🙂
Lightning isn’t something I favor either but it’s okay not to bad. It’s funny…lol…it seems you and the tv are playing tag. I try and turn off things plus not be online when a thunderstorm rolls through here and talking about watering the garden and plants with the rain. I’ve done that too…lol…it’s been raining daily here for the past month now and I’ve been taking our hanging plants from the porch every chance I get to set them out in the yard so they can get rain water and with the yard plants we have probably watered 5 or 6 times this month. That just shows how much rain we’ve gotten…
When this heatwave first came my Dad’s peace lily plant I kept from his service looked horrible. All the leaves were hanging down the side of the pot it was in. I almost cried because I thought I’d killed it and I’ve had it for almost 3 years. I forgot to bring it in when the temps were really high. I watered it and left it outside until night time. I sat it on the floor inside behind his recliner until the next day and it may have had 3 or 4 leaves standing. I thought, let me put it in the bathroom because I’ve heard they like those type places. It’s doing a lot better but still isn’t 100%. It actually has a lily flower growing after all it went through 🙂
Don’t you just hate it when you don’t get that first cup of coffee in the morning, Josh? You must have went out looking for coffee…lol…can’t say that I blame you. I would have done the same thing. If I don’t make my own coffee. I usually stop by Quik Trip or Starbucks because both places have good coffee…
It makes me moody to be woken up too early. I feel like my best sleep is between 5am and 7am and if it’s interrupted I’m not a happy camper. If I go to bed early I’m up early and my normal wake up time is between 8am and 9am. If I have to be at work at say 8am I’m forced to be up around 6am, by 6:30am at least…
As I got older things came about or changed rather with me. Heights don’t scare me and I’ve been to Chicago’s John Hancock building and the ride up didn’t faze me, but when I was younger I feared an elevator. Don’t be surprised if your taste for food changes. I didn’t like cranberries for a long time because I thought they were just too bitter, but in my mid 20’s I had cranberry sauce during the holidays and I have just loved it ever since…Take care Josh and you stay safe as well 🙂
Yay!…remodel is over and we are back on track. It took 6 of us last week to get things straight. I appreciated the help but it made me feel out of place and I wasn’t capable to do it. Which with what we had to do I couldn’t grasp things. I think I do too much, that’s just me. I like things done right so I don’t mind doing the work if that means my day will run smoother. The dept manager told me last week it’s hard for him when I’m not there, so being off this week I hope they stay on top of things so I can grab hold of it Wednesday. Fingers are crossed 😀
Oh and the good thing about work is that last quarter we had a really good bonus and we are tracking for another good one. I’m hearing it might be better than last quarter. Walmart’s sales and profits are rising. Stock is like 68.00 a share and here lately we’re making 1.2 million a week in sales just my store alone. I’m feeling it, but that’s okay 🙂
And by the way Walmart had it’s 50th anniversary a couple weeks ago and there are 2.2 million Walmart Associates working for Walmart worldwide. In my opinion, they aren’t money hungry like some people may think. They have to take care of Associates when things come up like bonuses, etc., plus they have to maintain a business. Can you imagine how much they pay out to the electric and water company? Wow!…
I’m glad everything is back to normal & well for you, Rhonda. It must be a hassle going through a remodel. I’m sure it’s now worth it 🙂 When I was working in the offices for my Mother’s companies, I would take the new employees under my wing & teach them ‘the ropes’, around the office. In about two weeks, things seemed ‘back to normal’ & I was rarely needed for any questions. Transition can be very exciting, fun, & at times a little nerve racking, as I’m sure you’ve found out. Keep up the good work; it shows that you’re well appreciated 🙂
Thanks Tiffie, it was beyond hard. During the months of May and June. We got 5 or 6 pallets of freight almost daily and now that our inventory is in the system we now get 3 or 4, so it’s slowly coming down. The less freight we have the easier my day goes. I found out today that we are doing good with our inventory. We were at 24% and now we have it at 14%. They want us under 10%, so there is still work to be done to be right on track and I’m happy where we are now 😀
It was nice of you to step in and make things a little easier for your Mom’s new employees. I’m sure they appreciated you for being there to learn the ropes. It’s not easy being new on the job. I’m glad I’ve learned what I know the 12 years I’ve been with Walmart. It wasn’t easy first starting out…
I always liked voluntarily training the new employees. I would hear them talk to other employees & they would say stuff like, “I would’ve learned a lot of this the hard way if it weren’t for the great, indepth help at first.” That & other types of good comments let me know it was good training & that they truly appreciated it. People are not always nice but it’s nice to be a good one 🙂
Congratulations on finally getting the remodel done! I bet that’s takes away a lot of your stress! Good luck with your bonus too I think after going through such a large remodel you should get one just for sticking around.
I wasn’t able to take the math test, but my car finally got fixed. The test was only worth 100 points so if I do Okay with everything else I should still be fine. The math though is getting harder, now they have exclamation points in the problems. I had to google what it meant haha. apparently it means, say it’s 4!, It means 4 x 3 x 2 x 1.
Just confusing to get the hang of. I have to come up with a real world example of something that I would “count” in my profession. I’m getting my degree in Human Services to become a social worker within the foster care system, I’m just not sure of an example. So if anyone has any ideas!!? lol
The examples my teach gave are, how many different ways can you put tires on a car, how many different ways can you paint a room.. Can’t use though and they do need to be in my field of study.
Hope everyone is doing well, glad it’s cooled down some!
Man, Josh sorry to hear you are having it tough with trying to do this math test. I feel bad for ya because you are losing 100 credits and that’s a lot, but you seem to be doing okay without it. Math isn’t easy. I’m confused already with the 4!…lol…I don’t like math. I got as far as algebra1 and that was it for me. My favorite subject was Science. Very interesting subject. Lots to learn about from the stars in space to the ocean floor and everything in between. Good luck to you with earning your credits and I think it’s great to know you want to be a social worker. I think it’s a great choice 😀
Oh and the bonus isn’t going to be as great as expected. I was told we had an accident. Don’t know what type or anything about it but it affects our bonus when accidents happen. It’s still going to be a descent one but I was hearing this one was going to be the maximum which is $550. Last quarter’s bonus was $466. Accidents really do suck!…
I’m really glad the remodel is finished we are doing a lot better with inventory and freight flow. I feel refreshed and energized and yes less stressed 😉 I’m still listening to music for relaxing though. It helps. There is a song by Jessie J. I love. I hear it quite often on the radio. It’s my favorite this week…lol…
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. I had to work but went to sister’s house after work. They had BBQ ribs, slaw, baked beans, potato salad and mac & cheese. I ate a little of everything but the mac & cheese. I didn’t like it…Yuck! I’m really picky about how mac & cheese is made and Jenny, if I didn’t have to work early today I would’ve made your mac & cheese. I’ll have to make your mac & cheese for Labor Day and let them taste your yummy mac & cheese. Your foods/recipes should be called a “taste of goodness” because it taste good and it’s good for you 😀 Take care everyone and have a great week 🙂
Have you tried the Kraft mac&cheese that comes int he blue bag? I really like that kind. I haven’t tried Jenny’s but I’m sure I would like that too!!
It’s supposed to be in the 100’s tomorrow. I want it to rain so badly to cool off. My friends that live in TX are always complaining about how hot it is there and when I mention the heat here they always are like “Yeah right!” but lately it’s been hotter here than there lol.
I have a math test tomorrow so I’m hoping that the power stays on until I’m done that is one test I would not want to redo. I’m getting the hang of the math but it’s really tough, set theories etc yuck! It makes graphing seem so easy and Ive actually gotten good at that lol.
Good luck on your math test, Josh! My least favourite subject was always math. As the other classes were basically a social scene for me, math class was the true definition of school, HAHA! I was always ready for the bell to ring so I could LEAVE! 🙂 If the problems dealt with numbers, I was fine. If they dealt with shapes & theories, it was time for me to keep my mouth shut from talking about boys & pay attention (or at least look like I was! HAHA!).
Happy Fourth/Fifth/& soon, Sixth! HAHAHAHAHA~!!!!! I hope you guys had fun, on the holiday. I was flipping through channels & caught a glimpse of some prerecorded fireworks, with Neil Diamond’s ‘Coming to America’ playing in the background. I watched for about fifteen seconds & called it a Happy Fourth 🙂 I had my ‘fix’ HAHA!
Sorry Tiffie I didn’t see you there. Glad you got to see fireworks and a little music along with it for your 4th of July It’s really to heat to be outside. I went to my sister’s house had dinner and we did a few fireworks from last year’s fireworks that was leftover, but I guess you can say that was my fireworks fix 🙂 I hope you are staying cool. A few of us went and seen Magic Mike with Matthew McConaughey and Channing Tatum Tuesday for a girls day out and because it was the day before the 4th and everyone would be busy on the 4th. We had a lot of fun. It’s was funny, one girl with us said it was worth it just to see Matthew’s butt…lol… Tiffie you and Josh take care and stay cool as well…
Hey Josh, mentioning mac & cheese I found out that the mac & cheese we had for the 4th of July was frozen Stouffer’s. No wonder I didn’t like it. I took 2 small bites and pushed it to the side and it was the only thing left on the plate and my sister asked, “you’re not going to it that?”, uh no…lol…If I make mac & cheese from a box I using use Velveeta with the shells, but Jenny’s is really good, so I will start making it her way using her recipe. Mac & cheese is better home made I think and I don’t know why they bought frozen for the 4th of July. Usually someone makes it from scratch and it’s good, but I will have to keep an eye out for the Kraft blue bag you mentioned. I’m willing to give it a try 🙂
Temps here have dropped a little but it’s still hot being in the upper 90’s during the day. Hopefully this heat wave won’t be with us long. I’m ready for fall weather to arrive. At work most my time is in a cooler trying to maintain it and keep it organized but my sister thinks I’m a bit silly. I go outside on my lunch to get fresh air and to enjoy a little sunshine, but here lately I’ve been going back inside before my lunch is over because of the heat, so yeah I’m trying to stay cool from the heat. It’s nice at night when the sun goes down… You stay cool as well Josh 🙂
Aw, I’m glad your are in the swing of things and catching on to math. I hated math in school because it’s not the most easiest of subjects. I wish you luck on your test and my fingers are crossed that you have no problem getting your math test completed 😀
Well I missed my math test!! hahaha. I studied and was all ready then when I went to start my car I had left the lights on!! luckily I think they are open tomorrow.
What’s even worse is when I got home yesterday and took the keys out, the car was making the loud beeping sound, but I didn’t know what it was for, because it was in park, and it was daytime so I knew it wouldn’t have been the lights, even though I didn’t look. I just closed the door and noticed that when I did the beeping stopped so I thought it was fixed.
Josh, I’m sorry that happened, but the good thing about it all is that you didn’t have it finished like your other test. Oh and something like that happened to me too by the way, when I came from overnight to 2nd shift I had a habit of turning on my headlights when I left for work and when I was leaving work my car wouldn’t start and I got to looking for the reason and saw that my lights had been on all day. My brother-in-law came and charged my battery and it was fine, so I hope your battery is okay and you don’t have to buy another one 😀
Ah, we are getting lots of rain right now, but also lots of lightning and thunder with hail. I walked outside earlier and the grass was so dry it made a crinkle sound when I walk. I was going to water the grass later but now I don’t have to 🙂
Just want to add some sad news. Another celeb passes away… R.I.P Andy Griffith 🙁
I still watch The Andy Griffith Show on TV Land in the mornings before work. I like watching Matlock but can’t seem to find it airing where I am. He leaves us with great entertainment. I had no idea he was a comedian until now…
I was so sad to hear this! I called to tell my Mother & she said, “I heard. It was on the television, this morning.” Later in the day, I was at her house. The news was on in the background & when we both heard how quickly he was buried, we immediately asked, “Was he Jewish?!” That’s very common for us, Jews. I don’t believe he was though because the way the news reporter said it, it was implied that he just wanted a quick service. (I could be wrong, but that’s the way it was implied.) He will be sadly missed. His legacy of laughter will live on 🙂
Hello, hello! I noticed the last conversation box was filling up so I thought I’d start a new one 🙂
Rhonda, I’m not up to date with a lot of urban slang. I’m not completely out of the loop, but I’m not “hip”, either. Do we/can we still say “hip”? HAHA! 🙂
I’m closer to Josh, (I’m in Central Ohio). The storm you mentioned on Friday Josh, hit us, too. I was having lunch with a friend & the weather was fine (well, HOT!). When we were driving across town, I noticed an extremely black cloud heading our way. It was like one I had rarely seen before. We (strategically) found shelter in an ice cream shop. As we were getting out of the car, I could feel the wind get insanely strong & it was steadily raining. I told my friend to open her car door & go first (since it’s never good to open both doors at once, with there being so much wind & a car parked on her side). She went first & as she was walking around the back of my car (the shop was on ‘my side’ of the car), I kept trying to open my door. As soon as I managed to open it, stand up, & (it practically shut itself), the rain just fell like a ton of bricks! We scrambed to safety, fast! Later, I heard many people say they were expecting a tornado at any time. I was no where near a television & I never had my radio on, & since the storm came out of nowhere, I was completely unaware. After the storm, there were a lot of traffic lights out & many people lost electricity. I heard a news report today say that there are still people with out electric, from that storm. They expect it to take until Saturday for the final restoration! Can you believe that?! I feel SO horrible for those people!
Many trees were down & A LOT of limbs! We noticed an enormous trampoline had flown up & over someone’s privacy fence, across a grassy area, over three lanes of traffic, & half way in to a field. That had to have scared the you-know-what out of anyone who witnessed it! I’m still schocked on how powerful the wind had to have been, for it to have landed there.
I’m glad you two are keeping cool 🙂 I’ve been staying in, myself. I can’t wait until October-type weather! Then again, that’s my birth month…..& that means another year older…..Ok, I’ll wish for late-September weather! 😀 HAHA!
Hey Tiffie, you are getting miserable weather also. Glad you and Josh are okay. It seems you both got one nasty storm. High winds scare me but over the weekend I think I wouldn’t have minded it at all. After work Sunday going to get my Mom from my sister’s house I was going south and there was a nasty looking huge cloud in the distance. I kinda sighed and thanked God for the break in this heat wave. We decided to go eat out for dinner. When we walked back outside it was a breeze of fresh air. It was nice after having 3 days of 100+ temps. It wasn’t much wind or rain here so we probably got the tail end of the storm you guys had…
I was looking at the west coast and it’s temps, because I have a friend who lives in the north west and Jenny you’re in the south west and I’m a bit jealous with you guys having temps in the low 70’s and low 80’s on the west coastal line, but maybe August won’t be so bad and temps will start to drop sooner than expecting, but if I am correct it usually don’t get cooler here until after Labor Day, so yeah Tiffie I can’t wait for September to be here either 🙂
I think it can be funny and clever, but if not many people are using the sayings then you have to ask huh and for people to explain, which can be annoying.
Hey Josh. I hope things are going well. I was just wondering why people have a hard time with how people talk. It’s a misunderstanding in what’s being said, so I agree it can be frustrating and annoying to some people. Being from the south it’s all around me, so it’s in my vocabulary. It’s considered southern slang, country grammar and ebonics, so I see it as another language being from the south and something I’ve grown accustom to. One I can relate to and understand. I try to watch myself but at times urban words just sneak in on me without realizing what I’ve said and many times it has to be brought to my attention before I can see that I’ve used a certain word. I’m not too bad with how often I use urban words. I don’t see anything wrong with urban slang, but some people do. If people would take the time to study up on the language they would understand it better and not have so much of a problem with people who use such language 🙂
Josh, I don’t know where you live but it’s sooo hot here, 100+… The last couple days have been scorching hot, sticky and clammy. I hate this type weather. It’s makes me miserable. Can’t wait til September when it starts to cool off, but that means 8-10 weeks of nothing but hot, very hot weather here… Take care Josh and I’ll talk to you later 🙂
Rhonda, I live in Indiana, and it is never this hot! The other day it was 107 and I about died from the humidity and heat. You walk outside and it takes your breath away.
Luckily it did rain Friday and cooled off for the rest of the day then heated back up haha. I was at the school taking at test on the computer for my online class and I was done with it and reading through to make sure I chose the right answers and right as I was about to submit it the power went off and they told us to get to the bathrooms!
OMG we were in there for 30 minutes waiting for the storm to pass and when it did I had to redo the test from the beginning.
People talk funny here too, I think no matter where you are people do. Instead of saying “wash” some people say “WARSH” haha I say wash though. They talked about it in my communications class.
Aw Josh, I’m sorry you had to do your test over. Falling short on time isn’t fun, but it had to be done. Glad the power was back on for you to do the test again. I would’ve been so mad but it seems you are taking it pretty cool 😎 How much more do you have with school before you get a break?…
You’re having miserable weather too and it sucks. It was 109 degrees here today, suppose to be 102 tomorrow, but we got rain late this evening and the temp dropped 20+ degrees really fast. Which made it 82 around 7pm and it’s made it a comfortable night. With temps as high as we’ve had them lately it makes you appreciate 80 degree weather 🙂
Gary Indiana is a state we drove through when we went to Chicago and I have to say I loved it. We drove through Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana and my favorite state on our trip is Indiana. It seemed peaceful and free with open land. It was day break so the morning sun was coming up beyond the horizon and it was so relaxing to see that. 2nd trip to Chicago is when we ran into a snow storm in Gary Indiana. It wasn’t bad but it took twice the time to get to Chicago because of the snow…
Today I’ve just be laid back because I don’t know what my work week will bring. I don’t know what I’m going back into Wednesday. They are a day behind doing our cooler and that being said it didn’t affect my work schedule. I didn’t want my schedule to be messed with, so I’m happy about that 🙂
Instead of doing our cooler Tuesday night they are doing it Wednesday night and I’m hoping they have it emptied out before I go back to work Wednesday. We then have to work out of a refrigerated trailer and I’m hope it’s not going to be difficult. Hopefully by Friday things will be back to normal and this remodel will be complete. Oh and I was surprised last week. We got a new parking lot on top of everything else, but that wasn’t so bad. It looks really nice 😀
Oh and one of the remodel guys gave me the name Dairy Queen…lol…I gained that name on 3rd shift 10 years ago. They use to call me that when I worked overnight and I kinda like it. It lets me know they acknowledge my work…
And this song just relaxes me so much. I here it everywhere even at work. It’s grown on me. My favorite song lately 🙂
I’m so glad you had a day to relax, Rhonda. Isn’t it nice? I just LOVE those days! I didn’t do too much for the first part of today, but I did manage to do some grocery shopping. I even bought myself a book. (Yes, a real life book, HA! Remember those things we used to read from & we had to even turn the…..what were they called…..pages?…..HAHA!) It was only $3.97! It’s by Jackie Collins, called Poor Little B**** Girl I hope it’s a good one. I very rarely read fictional stories but this one jumped out at me, so I’m taking a chance 🙂
I like your nickname; Dairy Queen! HAHA! 🙂 It seems to fit, just right. It’s good to feel acknowledged & I’m glad you feel that way. If you weren’t feeling that way, you would not be working in the place you rightfully belonged. Keep up the good work; it seems you are much appreciated 🙂
The overnight manager actually gave me the name Dairy Queen and before going to day shift they shortened it and called me DQ. Childhood nickname is Nah-Nah and the way that came about is my oldest sister couldn’t say my name correctly and it sounded like she was saying “nahnah”, so I kept it as a nickname. My brother still calls me that…
I think I’ve said it before but I’ll tell ya, again; Friends call me Tiffie. My family always called me by my middle name, Rui (pron. “Rue”). Some of the kids will say “Ruby”…..it must roll off the tongue better, for a child because I doubt they’re referring to my red hair, HAHA! If I hear “Tiffie”, “Rui”, or “Ruby”, I know what I’m getting. Either an aquaintance/friend, a family member, or a rugrat HAHA! 🙂
I like the name Tiffie. Is it short for Tiffany? It seems like it would be. The name Rue I’ve never heard of before and seems a bit unique 😀 And kids are funny. We laugh about things like how my sister said my name and how the name is still with me. My brother is always coming up to me giving me a hug and saying “Nah-Nah!”. I think the name is cute and my sister said I should thank her…lol…and I do 🙂
That’s too cute that your brother does that LOL! 🙂
My first name is Tiffie 🙂 I get asked if it’s short for Tiffany, a lot. I also get my middle name mispronounced, only if it’s read off a paper. The person will say, “…..uh…..”roo-ee”…..is it”, & I say, “hahahahaha, no. Just “roo” ” HAHA! The “i” is rarely used; you’ll usually see it spelled with an “e”. Think of Rue McClanahan 🙂 I’ve had one person read my name off of a paper & say, “Tiffie ‘roo-ee’? It rhymes!” I said, “That’s just awful! HAHA! You’re saying it wrong….. 🙂 ”
Tiifie that is so funny…lol…Rue seems like a simple name and it rhymes with Sue, but I guess some people have a hard time figuring it out because of the “e” at the end. They want to add an extra vowel sound when the “e” is silent. Right? It really doesn’t seem that difficult…
Oh and my brother he’s really a sweet and caring guy. He loves his sisters and would do anything for us. He’s a big guy so I like the bear hugs he gives and he likes to joke around, so he’s the comedian of the family. He cracks me up all the time…
I was just watching your latest video clips and the one with Phyllis Diller is so funny…lol… I love Nelly and was excited to see him perform on your stage. Did you have Sysco appear on your show? I can’t remember. I also like Tyrese and Usher. You had some really good performers appearing on you stage and if I’m not mistaken I didn’t even know of Tyrese until he performed on your stage. I also liked the video of Brooke Sheilds. I didn’t like her when I was younger for some reason but I guess I didn’t know her and misjudged her. She seems like the most sweetest person after seeing her in interviews including the one from your show. She had me upset speaking at Micheal Jackson’s memorial. It was sad…
Seeing that you are adding new stuff to your website last night I’m doing a bit of exploring tonight on here and it wasn’t Sysco I saw on your stage it was Mystikal. I got the 2 mixed up. I actually went out and bought Mystikal’s and Tyrese’s CD after seeing them on your show. Already had Nelly’s and Usher’s CD 🙂
Oh and the younger pictures of you are amazing. You look like a top supermodel in a lot of them if not all. You look like you should’ve been in the movies with your looks. You actually look better than superstars who have been in movies. You have great poses for a supermodel look. You did very well for yourself back in the day 😉 😀
Work being so hard in the past few weeks I found myself listening to music more when online from YouTube today and it helps me to relax and today I found this full concert video from Adele and I know a couple of you (Jenny & Josh) like her and I just wanted to share it. I love her and her music. Can’t find anyone coming close to the way she sings. She’s funny too 😀
My Mother & I just love her music! 🙂 (It’s safe to say, she is the bigger fan between the two of us.) I walked in to her side living room to see her sitting in her big comfy chair, with her laptop on a pillow on her lap & her earphones in. She was watching this very concert HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! My Mother is the softest, sweetest, loved-by-all type of lady (that’s not just my opinion; everyone loves her to pieces), & I get a kick out of going through the pre-set music stations in her car, when she drives. I’ll start laughing at all her “jams”, some of them I don’t even listen to, let alone, heard of HAHA! She’ll say, “Will you stop? Pick one, already…..wait…..go back, you’ll like that one; it’s new.” She’s definately part of the “in crowd”, compared to me & my forever love of 80’s music 🙂
I love watching Adele do an interview. She’s such a funny, bubbly, type person. She says the funniest things and she seems like a natural at it. She does interviews really well. She makes’em fun to watch, because she’s unpredictable in what she will say and I also like the way she wants others to see her. Her interviews talk about all that, so tell your Mom to check out her interviews and you too if you already haven’t. Take care Tiffie and I’ll chat with you later 🙂
Aw Tiffie you posted the 500th post and yeah that is a lot of chit chatting 😀 I like talking to you guys as well. We do get busy though, but I try to make time before I go to bed to check in here. I play my games on Facebook and I have to keep up with some of them daily, but here recently I’ve just been playing cards for relaxation, which I feel I need, so I’m online almost every day/night…
Work is a little better. Things are back where they belong and it’s just organizing things and getting inventory/overstock back in the system right. That helps with the flow of freight and it hasn’t been done right for 2 weeks that’s why it was so hard to work, because things could be done right. 2/3 days last week we got over 10 pallets of freight but it was for 3 departments and dairy alone gets half of what comes in. Maybe once organizing is done our trucks won’t be so big and things will run a bit smoother. I hope so. I am start to see progress for the better 🙂
I really need to get myself back here, more often! I haven’t been doing too much lately. I’ve been shopping, maybe a little too much but it’s nice to get out of the house. HAHA! I wonder if that’s what shop-o-holics start out saying? HAHA!
I hope work is getting more manageable for you, Rhonda. I understand what it’s like to be out of your normal routine & its surroundings. I bet you want it to be over with, already. Oh, Josh; I COMPLETELY feel for you by having to write about yourself. I had to do that in college, too. It was such a pain. I was always wondering if they wanted to know the boring me (things like; I have red hair, my signature nail polish colour is ‘I’m Not Really A Waitress’ by OPI, & could eat my weight in chocolate, etc.), or the reason why I signed up for the class! HAHA! I’m sure you’ll do well. It seems like yesterday you signed up for classes.
I noticed that this post will be number 498. Let’s see makes number 500! 🙂
I promise to pop back in here, sooner than later. Take care, everyone!
Glad to see you Tiffie. I know you get caught up with doing things you enjoy and I know you’ll pop in when you can 🙂
I really don’t care for much shopping. Working in retail has just made me not so into it as I use to be. I will shop for groceries, because I have to, but to just do it for fun just isn’t happening. It seems some people take it as being a sort of hobby like yourself and some people become addicts. I do enjoy shopping on vacation and that’s about it. That’s usually when I buy new clothes is vacation time so it can be fun I guess. I just don’t shop as much as others do…
Work isn’t any better. Now I’m being told that they may need me to change my off day on the 25th to help clear out our cooler so the remodel people can do my department and usually when they change my off days I have split days off and I like having my days off together, but whatever they decide I need to know soon and not last minute so I can plan my week on when to get errands done for that week and appointments if any need to be changed, but I’m okay. I can’t let work stress me out like Josh said. Remember to breathe and I do. Oh and my store has finally started playing music again, so that helps listening to it as I work… You take care as well Tiffie 🙂
Hey guys. How are things? Just wanted to vent a little I guess about work. They are finishing up our remodeling that started months ago. Remember I posted that the coolers and freezer units will be done later? Well they started working on that right after Easter and they still are not finished and it’s beginning to become a headache. Things have to be moved from one refrigeration to the next and it’s not easy to work with things out of place. Most the time I have to make room before I can actually do my work and today was awful, just awful. As you might can tell I like to be organized and I just hope tomorrow is a better work day. I don’t know how much I can stand…uggh!…
That’s got to be such a hassle! You can’t even start your job until you move everything out of the way. I hope they finish up soon, because I know it has to be really stressful.
I’m doing good, I start class this Monday. I’m taking four and half was going to be online and the other half was going to be in a classroom, but I found out last minute that one was cancelled so I had to quickly sign up for a new one and it’s online too lol. I was going to have to spend 8 hours every other day in those two classes so at lest now it’s only 4.
I talked to my neighbor a few weeks ago, the one with the curbside/roadside garden. She is really nice and i really got some insight. I thought she was just tacky and trashy putting a garden right there, but it’s because everywhere else, front yard, back and side are already taken! She has a huge garden and is growing everything you can think of. She even offered to give me some veggies when they are ready. I’m not one to turn down free food 😉
Now if we can only hush the one neighbors up. They are always being so loud and disrespectful. They will be out on their porch talking like they are at a rock concert, trying to talk over the music, this goes on even at 3, 4 in the morning and I have to keep calling the cops. Some people have no manors.
Hope work goes better for you, remember to breathe and to try not to stress out!
Josh, I’m really glad you are hanging in there with your classes and adjusting to them at last minute changes. You seem like one busy guy but well with it 😀 Neighbors can be the nicest people but then every now and then you get a bad apple in the neighborhood. Sorry you have to deal with rude neighbors, but I’m glad you meet your neighbor so you could get a better understanding of her actions. It makes sense now as to why her garden is where it is and it was nice of her to offer you fresh veggies 🙂
I’ve decided to take this remodel day by day. I can only do what is allowed. I feel I’ve lost control of it because of the interruption and that’s what bothers me. I feel I’m not doing my job and it bugs me. It’s just hard dealing with merchandise that is scattered throughout the store and unorganized. I literally got a headache when I got to work today and had another one right before I left work. They are half way finished and I really am going to hate it when they Start in my area. I’m trying to stay positive because at the end when all is finished it’s going to be better than it was before. I can already see other areas who’s area is finished run a lot smoother, so that helps me stay positive and just go with the flow…Oh and Josh thanks for the advice about remembering to breathe. I need to do that more. I actually did that more than once today and it helped me get through the day, so thanks for reminding me to do that 😉 🙂
One more thing, I appreciate Walmart doing this for us. It needed it really bad, so I shouldn’t complain, but going through this remodel isn’t easy, but we manage the best we can. We are a grandfather store and the units we had were 16 years old and I just appreciate them for putting money back into our store to make it easier for us all…
I went to visit my family yesterday, they live about 40 minutes away and I stopped at the store on my way back as they have a nice selection of healthy foods, an entire section really with isles and frozen section! That store is also doing a remodel and it’s all messed up, with things sitting all around and walls have been put up in crazy locations and it hard to get around. Not to mention there are areas with no flooring, so I can understand if you have to work in something like that just how frustrating it has to be.
Thanks for the nice words! Classes start tomorrow but the info is already online so I’m trying to write my post that introduces myself, it’s hard to think of something to say, especially when you have to use 150 words! I’m sure it will come to me though lol. It always takes about two weeks to get into the swing of things.
Josh, I had to laugh. I was with my Mother in Clearwater, Florida. She’s looking to buy & I’m not looking to visit. HA! I don’t “do” (very) hot weather! I told her, “I’ll visit during your cool season & you just fill me in on the gossip, over the telephone.” HAHA! Kidding aside, I ALWAYS have a wonderful time with my Mother, even if she dislikes my three prong dinner forks. HAHA! I call them “diet forks”! 🙂
Rhonda, I loved watching Bob Ross. He would make me anxious, the longer I watched him paint, though. I would think, “You’re going to ruin it, if you keep adding all those happy-little-trees!” He always knew what he was doing because he never left one looking shabby. 🙂
Hey Tiffie, how are ya? 😀 Bob Ross was amazing with the speed of his brush. Painting on canvas isn’t easy. It’s easier for me to grab a pencil and sketch tablet and draw lights and shadows. Call me lazy…lol…I get told a lot that my drawings are good, so I enjoy that most when it comes to art, but I do want to paint more often than what I do… Oh and Josh that’s pretty cool that his show was taped at the school you’re going to. Didn’t know where it was taped, so thanks for the info. I found a couple videos I liked since talking to you about Bob Ross. I enjoyed seeing these and wanted to share them. He makes everything look so real…especially mountains 🙂
Anybody watching American Idol? There are only 4 singers left and I like when it gets this close. My favorite is Hollie. She makes me nervous though. She has a great voice. I love the way she carries her voice. I’ve only had 3 favorites win out of the 11 years I’ve been watching Idol and that was Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood and Jordan Sparks and out of those 3 my favorite is Jordan Sparks, Hopefully Hollie came win this year. Here are some of Hollie’s best performances I like most…
How is everyone!? I hope you are all doing well, Tiffie is probably off at some great vacation home haha. I’m doing well, I just finished my second semester, I was worried about my math class, so much that I couldn’t even bring myself to check the grades, but it turns out I did good in that class too 🙂
I have a couple weeks off before I start again and I plan to finish painting a room that I started and then abandoned lol one wall is still unpainted! It’s ok because It’s just my office and I hardly go in there now since I have my laptop, but with the paint job finished I just might!
I also haven’t “painted” on canvas for a while either because I haven’t had the time, so I might try doing that too. Oh and now that I have some free time I will be able to monitor this page better haha.
Hey Josh, glad to see ya back and glad you did well in your math class 😀 I figured you were busy with classes and I’m glad you get breaks in between. It would be horrible if you had to work all way through the year with no breaks…
Looks like you are going to busy at home though. I need to paint 2 rooms myself and I would probably not finish it either like you have, but at least it gets done right? Once you are done enjoy your office because I know it’s going to look great. We have a fun room. I have things for the kids to do. No game system because they get enough of that at home. I have board games, puzzles, crafts, tv, with cable, stereo and of course the computer but they are limited on the computer. They can get online but they can’t live on it…lol…
I love art. I sketch/draw every now and then, but painting on canvas is something I want to do more of. I’ve taken art classes but painting isn’t easy. I use to watch Bob Ross (forgot his name until I Googled…lol…) and I loved that show. His show aired on PBS. It was probably my favorite show after school back in the 80’s. I linked you in case you didn’t know who he was and you can probably find him on YouTube doing his work. He was awesome with his brush 🙂 Later Josh and enjoy you time off from school 😀
Thank you, and it is so much easier to close the door and ignore it than to finish haha! But since it is almost done I’ll see it though and I will enjoy it once it is done. I’m taking an art appreciation class this summer and I’m excited about it. This time I got some online classes so I don’t have be gone so much, but also got some actual ones as well because I think having it in person does also help.
Yes, I know who Bob Ross is lol I used to watch him when I was a child! It was so weird to see how he create a painting in such a short amount of time. His show was actually filmed at the college here!
I loved your show. I enjoyed watching you play the drums. I am also a female drummer. I will always love rock and roll. I grew up in Dublin, Virginia and you had a segment on your show where average working guys would come on your show, because they were really handsome etc. etc. My friend dated one of the UPS drivers that was on your show. I think he was from Radford, Virginia. This was so cool all of my friends watched this segment. This really brings back memories.
I remember that show – the one where the fireman picked me up. And I remember the UPS guy! How could I forget a stage full of hunks? It’s nice to hear from a fellow drummer.
I never thought I would be corresponding with Jenny Jones – how cool. Technology has really come a long way. I was very envious, I remember that good looking guy picking you up, and yes you were surrounded by several hunks. ~Valerie W.
Hello, hello, hello. Guess who! 🙂 Sorry for being M.I.A for so long. I took a long vacation in one of our get-a-way homes. I needed a change, for a while.
I use to take my laptop with me but my cell phone company made me upgrade to a new phone & I get the internet on it so I left my laptop at home, figuring I would just use that. I was using a MAJOR “dinosaur” phone & it was holding on by a thread. Finally, it went to cell phone Heaven & I was given the latest & greatest of the phones. It took a while to figure it all out but I’m getting use to it. I can’t believe how nice it is. I never wanted to get rid of my old phone because I was so use to it, but I’m glad I have what I have now. I still wish I would’ve taken my laptop with me! HAHA!
I went back & forth for about two weeks so I was able to check in when I got home. I’m home for good & getting back in the swing of things. It was a much needed, much loved vacation. I promise not to go so long with out a heads up 🙂
Thank you Rhonda & Sue for all the nice things you said over in the contest comments. That was very sweet of both of you. It made me smile, from ear to ear 🙂
Josh, you MUST post a picture of your neighbour’s “garden”! HAHA!
Are you talking about an Iphone!? If so you’re lucky lol. I just got a new phone myself and it also has the internet. You wouldn’t imagine how many things you need to look up when you are watching TV and have your phone hands 🙂 It’s so great being able to look up a case from 48 hours and see if there has been any change haha.
I registered for summer semester the other day. You have to take 12 credit hours in order to be full time, and if I don’t go full time it will mess my loans up. It’s going to be busy because classes only last a little over a month! Luckily two are online so I can stay in my pajamas 🙂
I’m doing graphing in math now and it sucks! Not to sound like a 6th grader but this is something that I will never use! If the job calls for it I wont even apply lol.
Welcome back Tiffie. I figured you were out enjoying yourself. Sounds like you had a lot of fun and I’m sure it was much needed and your welcome I was just wondering where you were since you hadn’t been around. I know we get busy with other things so i try not to worry about others not popping in. It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Lesli though. I hope she’s doing okay…
Josh, I get what you’re saying because my neighbors have a huge back yard and I don’t get it either. I can see something what they’ve done in the back yard, but to turn your whole yard into a garden in the front just don’t seem right. It don’t look good at all. I think they just didn’t want to deal with cutting grass and replaced the grass with plants all over. It’s tacky as well. Jenny has a very nice garden and yard from the pictures she shares with us and what I can see it’s really nice, so Josh, you must share a picture 🙂 Oh and Josh take it easy and stay calm and relaxed, because you seem to be one busy dude with your classes. 12 credits for just a month does seem to be a lot of work involved. I think you’re a strong people and you will be able to handle it though 😀
I to got a new phone last year. I like a flip phone, so I’m still old time because the other day my youngest sister asked me when I was going to get a new phone and I told her I just did, a year ago, and she told me I need to get rid of my “dinosaur” phone and upgrade…lol… I have a Convoy. The only flip phone Verizon had, so probably my next phone will be to upgrade, because my brother-in-law said they are doing away with flip phones, so I need to make a change, so Tiffie I know how it is to hang on to something. Even though you had this new phone with internet. I would’ve wanted my laptop as well 😉
It’s been rough at work because of Spring Break this weekend, so I’m preparing myself for the rest of the week and Easter weekend. I go on vacation in a couple weeks and it’s much needed as well. We’re thinking of going camping at the lake for the weekend, so it will be relaxing to get away for the weekend 🙂
Thanks Rhonda, I’m trying to stay calm 🙂 in my communications class, we have to present on a theory of communication, well it’s just me and three other people in my group and none of them are from America so they have a little trouble understanding me and I have to say “what?” a lot lol it’s funny.
Speaking of cell phones, has anyone heard of Cricket-wireless? oh man, it sounded like a great idea, 50 a month for talk text and web so i ordered the phone and the service. They say it’s processed within one day and shipped the next overnight. Months and months later I have still not gotten this phone, and there is NO WAY to contact the company. the phone number is automated and wont let you speak to a person or select the option you need.
I just want to cancel the order because I got a new phone and service while I was waiting, and plus this company seems like a scam, and if they don’t respect their customers that much then!! OK! Finally yesterday I emailed the president of the company explained the situation and was like if this isn’t resolved within three working days and I don’t have the money back into my account I’m going to tell everyone how awful this company is. Yeah I went there, but sometimes you do.
They said they are going to look into it. It did sound like a good deal, but I guess you get what you pay for.
Aw Josh it seems like a scam to me. I can sense your frustration. It sucks you had to go with something else waiting for those losers. I would’ve went there too. I hope you get your money back. Keep hounding them and maybe they will get tired of you calling. Don’t let them get away from doing people wrong. You seem like one who will make these crooks pay for ripping people off. I’ve never heard of them, but good for you for giving them a bad name 😉 😀
Oh no I hope your classmates don’t make things harder for you, but I see you’re laughing about it, so maybe it won’t be so bad for you…
Josh, I’m so glad you got your money back. They may not be crooks but they are still losers for giving you a had time 🙂 I’ve been looking to see if you shared a picture of your neighbor’s garden and it’s made me want to take a picture of my neighbor’s yard but I’ll have to try and take one when I know the neighborhood is slow to be able to stop. They live on a street that’s busy with people going to and coming home from work… Happy Easter everyone. Have a wonderful weekend 😀
Hope everyone is doing well, with the weather being so nice it makes it hard to go to class lol but I’m not skipping I promise!
I just wanted to share. My neighbors across the street, keep in mind that I don’t live in the country, I live two blocks from my school, yet my neighborhood isn’t a party street/trash place you know what I mean..
The neighbors across the street have started a garden, they have stakes and posts, a small fence, lights trellis’ you name it! I’m all for gardening and starting one where you can grow food, it’s a smart thing to do, however this garden is not in their yard, it’s in the space between the sidewalk and the curb!!!
It’s so trashy looking! I don’t know how it is where you guys live, but here you have to get a permit just to plat a tree in that area, and you have to get permission to paint the house numbers on the curb. I should take a picture of this lol last night it got cold and this morning when I looked outside some of their “crops” were covered in sheets and bedspreads hahaha
The weather here is about the same. At night it can get a bit chilly and I had to use the defrost this morning on my way to work…
We have a new guy who does the yard and he’s done a little trimming on my mom’s rose bushes and they are starting to bud. He also cut the grass and he will be back in a couple weeks to do some trimming on the bushes in the back which need it really bad. Friday my sisters want to plant some azalea bushes for my mom for Mother’s Day. Which Mother’s Day is a little less than 2 months away but they want to plant them now. I like digging in the dirt but I’ve got to work, so I’ll have to plant her something in her little garden in a few weeks…
Neighbors on the street over from us has turned their whole yard into a garden. They cut down all the trees and they have very little grass in the front yard. I don’t like it. I think they should have left one or 2 trees standing because it looks so bare and it’s kinda boring. Maybe it will look better once everything is in full bloom…
…lol…I bet it was funny seeing things covered like you did from your neighbors’ garden. I think it’s still too early to plant some things in some areas. That’s why we try to plant what we know is in full bloom, because if not, it’s a waste of time and money. Oh and I would think that your neighbors would have so many inches\feet from the street to plant things. I’ll have to remember to look at my neighbors yard. If I’m not mistaken my neighbors do have grass so far back from the curb…
there is not much space at all in this garden but it must be their pride and joy lol. I don’t get it because they have a yard that they could plant things in. I think I will take a picture just so you will have a better understanding of the tackiness haha.
I planted some basil seeds two weeks ago in a pot and they are starting to grow!
Just wanted to say hello and happy Friday! I’m so glad the week is over, even though it flew by! I’m ready to rest lol. Last week I went to Olive Garden and ordered a margarita to drink with dinner. I hardly ever drink but felt like I deserved it. I hadn’t eaten all day so it hit me really quickly lol I felt like a fool! Got to laugh though!
I’m going to Chicago tomorrow. I have never been! Rhonda I know you’ve been to see Jenny’s show, do you know of any cool spots to see?
I want to see that big chrome thing, the fountain, and oh if I see Oprah walking around I will be sure to tell her we are all still mad at her for ignoring our Jenny!
It wasn’t built when I lived there but everyone tells me that Millennium Park is fantastic. Also, try to see the lake front – there’s a great bike and walking path that runs for miles. Oh, then there’s Rush Street, and OMG – Michigan Avenue! I LOVE Chicago!! Have fun! p.s. Potbellies has the best subs.
Aw Josh, sorry if I’m late with my reply and a thank you Jenny for replying for me and I will have to keep Potbellies in mind for when I do go back to visit Chicago 🙂 Jenny’s right. Michigan Avenue is fun. We walked it because we needed the exercise after sitting in a car for 10 hours. My grandmother stayed at the hotel so it was me and my 2 sister out roaming around. Long trip but well worth it. We were there 3 days and mostly stayed close to where Jenny taped her show and didn’t go to far into the city. That’s why I want to go back and see more of Chicago. I heard it’s a lot to enjoy there. The Navy Pier is something you should check out as well and of course the Buckingham fountain I love. It’s really pretty at night because of it’s lights … I’m sure Potbellies is a awesome place to eat but Chicago pizza is the bomb 😉 It really is a nice place to visit. Enjoy your trip to Chicago Josh 🙂
Thanks for all the tips! I found Rush Street, and Michigan Avenue lol. They were both great with so many things to see and do!
I don’t know if any of you have ever seen Flipping Out, but the woman from it was standing on the sidewalk!! It’s so crazy to see someone in real life that you have watched on TV! She was so nice and even got off the phone to shake my hand and talk to me.
I saw the lake front and went to the top of the building on the sky walk. It was so high up I thought I was going to freak out, but I did manage to get some pictures of the city.
Chicago is such a great city, It’s kind of like New York but the people are nicer. I was surprised at how clean the city was! I can’t wait to go back.
I agree Chicago is a great city. It’s one of the largest cities I’ve been to and to think of it Josh it was quite refreshing and clean to me as well. I’ve been twice and want to go back and stay a bit longer to be able to see more. I take it you went to the top of the Sears Tower and are afraid of heights. I visited the sky walk as well and loved it. The water front was nice too. We stayed closer to where the boats dock. There’s a building close by where Jenny taped her show that I love. It’s called the Wrigley Building and it’s structure is awesome. I like the way it was built and I love the big clock at the top of it. You actually had me searching online about Chicago and the Wrigley Building has beautiful lights at night like the Buckingham Fountain does and I bet it just as pretty as the fountain is with all it’s lights on… It seems you had fun and enjoyed your trip by wanting to go back 🙂
Jenny, I was looking at your heroes section and I clicked into “press room” and was reading some articles and I had no idea you lived here in Georgia. If I only knew you worked at the Punchline Comedy club here back then I could’ve seen your Girls Night Out show…bummer! 🙂 It’s funny the Punchline is still here and us women are all wanting to have a “girls night out” with limo and go to the Punchline for some drinks and laughs…lol…that is so funny 😆
I’m back from my annual January (extended) weekend getaway; let’s chat! 🙂
It was so nice to get pampered! It was just myself & a friend & we had a blast~! Manicures, pedicures, all sorts of spa treatments…I’m exhausted just thinking of all the things we put ourselves through…
Hey Tiffie, glad you had a great weekend of relaxing. My weekend was good. Was off work Saturday and went to a bowling birthday party. My brother has 3 girls and they were born in February different year of course, so they had one birthday for all 3 girls to celebrate. It makes it easier to get together. I was gonna bowl but my carpal tunnel was messing with me last week, so bowling wouldn’t have been the best thing to do with a bad wrist. The wrist is better after wearing a wrist band for a few days…
It’s been nice here also, Josh. Suppose to be in the mid 60’s by the weekend. It’s weird that we haven’t had any real cold temps this year. I think for the month of Jan. temps got low twice, in the 20’s. The temps drop fast after the sun goes down. Enough for a light jacket or sweater. Glad you had some free time to enjoy your warm days 🙂
I have a three hour computer class today. I’m pretty good with computers, but it’s just one of those classes that you have to take. Last class the teacher spent an hour showing us how to make a new folder in your documents haha.
Most of the people in that class are new to computers and they are still learning, so they are very slow. The teacher paired us up so we could help one another. This guy has a question about every single thing. He would not leave me alone last class lol.
I understand him being new and it takes time to get comfy with computers but by the time I left class I was exhausted lol. And he was asking how to do other things like add a class, so I was telling him and the teacher goes, “Josh are you paying attention to me!?” LOL haha
lol…funny Josh. You made me laugh at what you said about it taking an hour to learn how to make a new folder, but when you’re new to the computer it can be tough. It took me a few months to learn when I first got my computer back in ’99. Glad you knew already what to do and it’s always nice to help others out not knowing your way around in cyber space. It can be a bit confusing if you don’t know what you are doing…
The snow has turned to ice & with tomorrow being Saturday, I doubt if I’ll leave the house. Thank goodness we’re all stocked up here at Chateau de Tiffie! HAHA! How is it where you’re at? Stay safe (& stay warm, if it’s anything like it is here).
It was fine here until the other day when I woke up to snow! I can see the roads from the window at the stop of the house and they didn’t look clear so I just stayed in and walked to class lol It’s only three blocks away.
It snowed last night and now everything is covered! I’m not sure if it’s all ice covered of what but you could hear it hitting the windows and such. I hope I’m not stranded inside all weekend lol.
It’s funny you mentioned hearing the ice hit the windows because, right after I made that post, I could hear it hitting my windows. Everything here is covered in a big blanket of snow but the roads are still okay. I stayed home all day & went in to hibernation. Tomorrow, I’m definately getting out of the house because another day like this & I’m going to go stir-crazy! 🙂 I can’t believe you walked three blocks in this. Then again, years & years ago, my friends & I would bar hop in weather way worse HAHAHAHAHA AWE HAHAHAHAHA! 🙂
Glad you were prepared for your weather Tiffie. People here wait til the last minute to stock up in snow storms and they end up wiping us out and people are none to happy and Josh it’s a good thing you live close by school to be out in it. I guess it’s safer to walk in it than to drive. No snow or ice here. It’s actually warm here and a front moved in today bringing tornado warnings and fog after the sun went down. It’s hard to drive it that foggy mess. My sister told me to drive with my hazards on but I just went under the speed limit and stayed focused on the tail light in front of me and kept my distance. We just got home safe and sound. Suppose to be thunderstorms all the way til Tuesday. I hope it’s nothing like it was today… Stay safe and warm guys and try not to get out in it if you don’t have too 😀
Hey Tiffie. How are you? It’s windy here also. Yesterday was horrible. At work on my lunch I went to my car and going back in the store was a struggle because the wind was so gusty. Still a little breezy but nothing like yesterday thank goodness. It’s suppose to warm up over the weekend and get cold again mid week next week. It’s not cold for me unless it’s in the 30’s. I work in a cooler at work and the temp stays around 40, so the 40’s outside isn’t so bad… Take care Tiffie and have a great weekend 😀
☆•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ To All Jenny’s Blog Buddies ☆¸.•*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ☆ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸A BIG New Years (((HUG)))¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ☆ ★.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ To spread Love & Happiness ☆.•°*”˜˜”*°•.★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.☆ Have a wonderful New Year!!☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.
so sorry i have been awall for a few months been busy around here. Just want to make sur I wish you Jenny and all the other lovely friends I made her a wonderfull healthy and happy safe new year!!!! Hugs to all, what will everyone be doing this new years eve? me and hubby will celebrate 28 years wedded Jan 1st (the day we met exactly jan 1 1983
Glad to see you Lesli. We’ve missed you. I know how it is when you get busy and don’t have time for much fun. Stick around. We like your company 🙂 I hope you have a Happy New Year and Happy 28th Anniversary to you as well… Take care and have a great weekend…
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas &/or חנוכה שמח Rhonda, I was at a party & a white elephant exchange was held. It was pretty neat. I ended up with a couple sprinklers for the yard (not by choice, HAHA!) & my Mother received two holiday coffee cups. They were brand new & we had the chance to use them 🙂 So, one gift out of two isn’t bad. We think the game was rigged b/c the lady that decided to have it drew the first number out of the cup (to go first, surprise surprise) & said that once everyone had taken a turn, the person that started the game got to go one more time after everyone had played. A couple women made some comments about how she was sort of making up rules as the game went along & so the lady never took a second turn. She was upset with the video game remote controllers she got HAHA! Oh well 🙂 It’s all in the name of the game.
Jenny, I had posted a comment under the picture of Kathy’s cookies but it never showed up. I didn’t know if I did something wrong? I’m just checking 🙂
Tiffie, the game is a lot of fun. It can be played with different rules and it seems we might have to make new rules next year. Players 12-15 wanted 2 main gifts and towards the end of the game those 2 gifts did nothing but circle and it didn’t end until a couple of them gave up. Which we played it different. Usually the gifts are separated boy/girl. This year we had one big game and the rule is if you have a gift taken you can only open a new gift and not take from anyone. Well those last few players didn’t follow that rule and was taking gifts from each other, but it was still fun. I pick a pocket knife which was a guy gift and my nephew ended up taking that from me so I got a chance to open another gift which was a coffee mug 🙂
I just got on this site after reading Jenny’s Book. Would you happen to know how long it takes for Jenny to answer when you go to just ask me anything ?I ask a guestion about a week ago and have never gotten a answer. Maybe I’m not looking in the right place . I had to get my email I thought I would get the answer there but nothing yet.Have you or anyone else in this room ever ask her something and got a answer? Thanks, Charlotte
Hi Jenny, While promoting your book ,on your show,you made a comment some big star propostioned you while you was on a USO show with Bob Hope. You said we would have to read your book to see who it was. I finished the book a month ago and you never mention your tour with the USO. I just wondering who the big star was. Thanks Charlotte
Charlotte, I never toured with the USO nor worked with Bob Hope and I don’t recall being propositioned by a big star. I’m sorry but I wonder if you may be thinking of someone else. In any case, I’m sorry that I don’t have an answer.
Thanks Jenny, Maybe it was someone on your show promoting a book and I thought you was talking about your book. Anyway I loved your show and wish you would have another one.I didn’t realize until reading your book how many different talents you have . God bless you Charlotte
Thanks for asking about our game, Josh. It was okay. I ended up getting another Quesadilla maker. I like getting the Quesadilla maker because so many people want it, so I took a chance and got it again. We had 15 people and 5 people wanted it. My Mom picked it first but my sister took it from her and she even told my mom “I feel bad taking it” but then someone came up behind her and said “you won’t be feeling bad when I take it from you”. It was just hilarious. Maybe I’ll keep getting the Quesadilla maker until I know only one person wants my gift, then I might consider the pizza-pizazz. Heck Josh, I like the pizza-pizazz. I might have to get myself one of those. Those look pretty awesome… I hope your Christmas day was a good one as well, Josh… Take care and have a great week…
It sounds like you had a lot of fun at your white elephant party! I guess this way you have a good idea what you can get your mom for her birthday, that is if it wasn’t before Christmas lol.
The Pizza-pizzaz is really good, I’ve only used it with frozen pizzas but it makes them perfectly, which can be hard to do sometimes in the oven. I think it’s because it cooks from the top and bottom.
Glad you guys had some fun. I also enjoyed my Holiday 🙂
I hope everyone is doing well! Its getting cold here, but it’s only snowed twice and both times it was gone by the next day. I’m not complaining though 🙂 I do hope it snows by Christmas, as it helps to set the tone and makes the holidays seem as they should be!
My classes are over the 16th! I’m going to be so happy to get a break and have time to paint again, as I haven’t been able to with all my homework and studying. I’m all registered for next semester. I’m taking another speech class, because I know it will help in the long run. Luckily this one wont be making speeches, it’s more about conversation which should be fun and easy lol.
I’m also taking a psychology class which I am excited about. For my English class I just wrote a 12 page research paper which made me so tired! They press upon you the importance of not plagiarizing and how easy it is to do without even knowing it. You have to cite every single source you use and everything you say that is not a new thought. What a drag haha.
I’m doing good and I hope you all are too! I finally put up my Christmas tress. One big on, one table top and one mini!
I’m so happy you have one semester down & ready to take on the next, Josh! You should get out & have some fun. You deserve it, after all your hard work! On your last day of school, I’ll be seeing Sandra Bernhard, in concert. I can’t wait!
I haven’t bought anyone a gift yet. I’m ready to do some serious retail damage, though! Time is flying by so, the next time I walk in a store, things are going to get serious HAHA I’m going to spend, spend, spend~! My Mom gets so aggravated when we shop together. She’s constantly telling me, “Stop shopping for yourself!” I hate to admit it but, I’ve already bought myself a Coach purse, two pairs of lounge pants (I wore a pair the day after Thanksgiving b/c I felt like such porkasaurus), & a big container shaped like a gingerbread man to put cookies in. I really should think of others & give out all the things I’ve already bought, as gifts. Talk about a Christmas miracle HA!!!!! HA!!!!! HA!!!!!
Haha I’m the same way! I’ve already bought myself a few things while shopping for the others on my list! I do plan on having a little fun once school is out. It will be so nice not to have to give speeches anymore, that gets old really fast 🙂 I love Sandra Bernhard! That’s great that you get to see her!
Glad you can get a break, Josh. I know you don’t like those speech classes and it’s good you’re keeping the class and don’t have to speak in the next class you take. I think the hardest of speech class is passed you. Keep up the good work, Josh 😉
Oh and about the sandwich maker. I’ve never made anything but sandwiches. I will have to figure out the pies because that’s a great idea. I haven’t had the maker long so if you have any more ideas shoot’em my way 🙂 And I’ve given a Quesadilla maker as a gift before. We play a game for adults at Christmas time called white elephant and it’s where you only buy one boy/girl gift and draw a number and the first person can take a gift from under the tree or take someone’s gift and my Quesadilla maker got picked and taken from everybody. The last person got the Quesadillas. They loved it 🙂
I need to think of another good gift like that one. Any ideas?
That sounds like a fun game. How about a pizza-pizazz I think they are called. They are a little expensive in stores but I’ve found them online for cheaper prices. They make pizzas perfect. I even make garlic bread on them sometimes. I’ve even baked cookies on it haha.
Thanks Josh for the idea. I thought about getting another Quesadilla maker since everyone wanted my gift but I’m scared they will be bored of it. We all love pizza. I’ll have to checkout the pizza-pizazz. The game we play is fun and I like to get a gift everybody wants. It makes it that much more fun. I thought they were gonna fight over the Quesadilla maker the year before last. Last year I bought a air popper that makes popcorn but 2 other people thought of the same idea, so we had 3 of them as gifts, so the game last year was kinda blah and not exciting…
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Hey ladies! I hope you are all doing well. I’m pretty good, keeping busy lol. I just bought a lap top so now wherever i go I can be connected. Jenny goes to a pharmacy and buys a new wardrobe, I’ll know! lol
Hey Josh, I wouldn’t think it’s too early to put up a tree. We were going to put our tree up this weekend since I’m off but I told my mom we will do it on my days off the following week. We will get things out and ready this weekend, plus I’ve got to see if we need anything new for the tree. I like buying a new ornament for the tree each year. I started doing that after my dad passed. I try to find one that’s for him. It helps me deal with him not being here during the holidays… Take care Josh and try not to work too hard 🙂
Oh Rhonda that is a great idea! I think I will do that for my cousin who passed. I hadn’t thought of it, but it would be a good way to keep loved ones close during the holiday.
I’m glad to hear you got a laptap, Josh. You can connect anytime, anywhere 🙂 I love mine~! It’s nice to go portable, huh?
I’ve been pretty low key for the last two weeks. Can you believe less than a week until Thanksgiving?! I’m still wondering where Easter & Passover went. I think Christmas trees should be put out after Thanksgiving. I like to take each holiday as it comes by. It’s officially Christmas time for me when, I see Santa at the end of The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. We always keep the television on as we do our annual “food-a-thon” (HA!) preperations & someone is always in the room to be able to yell “HURRY! He’s almost here!” We watch him go by & then we’re back to whatever we were doing. I’m guessing that is sort of an unspoken tradition because everyone seems to know the drill. HAHA 🙂 At our house, we display Christmas trees & menorahs (for family heritage sake) & I truly enjoy decorating this place (AFTER) I’ve forked down fifteen pounds of turkey, two serving bowls of sweet potatoes (WITHOUT marshmallows), nine to ten pecan pies, & anything else I can get my paws on 🙂
Rhonda; when my (one certain) Great Grandmother passed away three years ago, my Mother gifted my Grandmother an ornament for her Christmas tree. It held a little poem that made it comforting on the loss of my Great Grandmother. My Mother has always held tradition by getting all of her nieces & nephews, my Grandmother, & myself a new ornament for our own trees. Each one is dfferent & unique in its own special way. I think it’s so nice that you have found a way to start a tradition close to the one we have. The holidays are so wonderful & yet, they can be cold at times without the love & support, memories, & love from family & friends. I’m glad that you have found a way of comfort. You’re doing a great thing & I’m sure he’s happy you’re finding ways to keep these times enjoyable.
Hey Tiffie. Been a bit busy and haven’t posted in a couple days. I like the ornament idea. I’ve even thought to do that with my nieces and nephews. They get plenty of toys and this could be something new to them and something they can collect through the years and maybe they will start doing the same tradition. I wait until last minute for shopping sometimes because work is so busy and sometimes it takes the fun out of shopping when I have to be rushed. I hate being late and rushing I try to avoid, so just giving ornaments out for Christmas would make things a lot easier for me, plus I love going to Hallmark and looking at all the different ones they have. I think my dad’s first ornament I got for the tree the year he passed is a Hallmark ornament, but it’s fun to add new things to the tree. Plus keeping my dad in memory is what he wanted from us. He told us all he ask for is for us to keep him in our hearts and don’t forget him, so this helps me feel like I’m doing just that with the ornament each year… Take care, Tiffie…
Hello! I haven’t been around here in a bit. I was on a week vacation with my cousin from (last) Monday to Saturday. It was very nice. I went that entire time with no internet, unplanned, and completely by choice. After the first day, I said “That wasn’t so difficult!” It was so nice to be able to shut off the electronics and have fun. I did have my cellphone on me but, I limited my calls & told everyone in advance that I would get back to them on Sunday/Monday (today). How has everyone been? Can you believe Christmas music has ALREADY been playing on the radio?! AAAAAHHHHH~!!!!! 🙂
Hey Tiffie, glad you had a fun time. Vacations are nice when you can get away from everything and just relax and yeah the holiday season is here and I just enjoy hearing Christmas songs from the radio in my car. Reminds me when I was a kid riding with my parents and siblings in the car on Christmas Eve looking at all the decorations in the neighborhood 🙂 You take care as well…
I love it when you get those feelings/memories of when you were a kid. My Mom & I were talking the other day & I said, “Can you believe that was 20 years ago?” Then, I got a wave of memories from around that time. It was so wonderful & such a rush! 🙂
I was a little alarmed that, as I drove through town & the kids were trick or treating was when I heard my first Christmas song of the year. That’s a little TOO early. I say, let the turkey have its worst day of the year & then bring on Christmas & Hanukkah. 🙂
Hi Jenny and gang, I know i been missing in action for months now, I had comp issues and finally got my laptop fixxed (so happy that Im even doing the snoopy happy dance) he he. I adore you all and send out group huggie!!!
Hey girls I’m glad you both had such a great time with your friends. I hadn’t seen one of my friends for 10 years and it was just like old times, like no time had passed at all.
I hope you both have a nice Halloween, if nothing else just eat some candy 🙂 That’s what I’m going to do as I eat a couple cheese pockets 😉
I had one of those years ago. Have you tried making little pies in it Rhonda? I also have a quesadilla maker, but it’s silly if you ask me, not to mention that sometimes I can’t get it to open after I’ve put my tortilla and cheese in.
I make mine on the stove in a skillet. I lightly butter one side of each tortilla fry it put my cheese on and the top one, flip it and then cut it. it’s pretty simple but it’s good.
Hope everything is going well for you both, I will try to come around sooner next time. I’ve just been so busy lately.
Thanks Josh and Halloween was good. Hope you had a great Halloween as well 😀 I was off work so I carved a pumpkin and handed out candy. We had tons of trick or treaters for about an hour and I still have candy left. If it were a weekend I probably would have more come by so next year I’ll know to get less candy. I handed out fun size candy bars and tootsie pops was for the younger kids. My sisters were here today spending the day with me and my mom and I told them to take the candy, but I still have some left, so now the candy will be here for when my nieces spend the weekend, because I don’t eat a lot of candy. I do at Halloween time, but I think I’ve had enough. My weakness for sweets are cookies, cakes and pies and I’m sure I’ll have plenty of that from holiday cooking 🙂
Well I missed out on being promoted. My department manger stepped down and I knew he would, so we on going on a 3rd department manger in 2 years. It makes me wonder if I would really want that position now. They can’t keep people in there and looking in doesn’t seem that hard to do. Which I’ve been working in the same department for almost 12 years and it comes easy for me to do the work, but we’ll see if this one last. I hate to be negative but I can bet they wont last…
Hey Lesli, glad to see you back 🙂 It’s just not meant for me to be there yet. I’m actually comfortable right where I am. Part of wanting this position is making more money but the biggest reason is wanting just a better schedule… Take care…
I hope everyone had a great weekend! On Friday, I spent the evening with my two young cousins. I use to spend a lot of time with those girls until, life just had to creep on in and do its thing. We had a really good time. I took them to a restaurant that they had never been to before and, they LOVED it! I was so happy they enjoyed themselves. Saturday, well; I canceled my invitation to a party. I was just not in the mood for hanging with “the gals”. It’s rare; yet, it happens. Today was WONDERFUL, though! I went to lunch with my mother and my best friend. My best friend is the closest thing I have to a sister. We went the longest without seeing her than ever before. You can just imagine how much more special it made today. We talk almost everyday on the phone but, seeing one another in person is incomparable. Not to mention; I had my nails done today! That was an extra bonus! 🙂
Aw Tiffie, the friend that just came for of visit is my best friend and I haven’t seen her in 4 years so I know what it’s like to catch up on lost time, She also seems like a sister to me as well. That’s how close we are. It’s nice to see someone you haven’t seen in a while, so I’m glad you spent time with her and it’s always great to spend time with your Mom and/or Dad… We are having a girls day next Tuesday. We’re doing lunch and then a movie. My oldest sister said we should go see Footloose. I remember seeing the old Footloose and my niece saw the new one this weekend and she liked it…
Jenny, your Roasted Tomato soup turned out so yummy. I also made grill cheese pockets to go along with the soup. What’s tomato soup without the grill cheese?… I noticed more men eating it than women and I thought “Yeah, they just don’t know how healthy that soup is, especially for men.”… My dad’s brother and his son-in-law indulged themselves and actually told me they loved it 🙂
I have a Sandwichera sandwich maker and the sandwiches come out tucked around the edges that forms a small pocket, so I call them pockets. Makes good sandwiches but you have to stay on top of it or it will get too hot from being in there too long and you then have a mess to clean up and cheese is no fun to clean from this maker because it gets everywhere if you aren’t careful. I’ve learned its best to clean it when it’s hot… Here’s a link to give you an idea of what it looks like, Tiffie…
This is for all the music fans the die hard Beatles fans espically. Get on your computer and punch in ‘a toot and a snore in 74’ . A real piece of history if you asked me. See ya.
I would say fall is here. The weather is so nice where I am. It kinda gets nippy at night but not cold enough yet to use the heat. I had to use my heat in my car last night after getting off work because I didn’t take a jacket with me. We also have the county fair coming in a couple weeks. I went last year but not sure if I’ll have the time off to go this year AND if you’ve been in a Walmart recently they have Halloween AND Christmas items already in stores. I love this time of year 🙂
I love this time of year, too. I love all the colours outside and how it’ll change progressively, my birthday coming up (okay, not so much the age thing but I’m all about the gifts, HA!), and enjoying all the soups and comfort food. A lady asked if I was already buying gifts for people and I said, “Just let me enjoy my birthday cake first and then, I’m on it.” 🙂 I like to enjoy this time because, for me; it goes by SO quickly.
I love the colors of fall also, Tiffie. The leaves haven’t started falling yet but with the weather the way it’s been the past few days it won’t be much longer. Mentioning soups and comfort foods. We are having a soup social at the house the 15th. It’s usually just close family but we’ve invited more this year. It’s almost like a small reunion from my mom and dad’s said. Close aunts, uncles and cousins just hanging out. We usually start burning debris from over the summer from trees and bushes being trimmed and have a sort of bonfire. The kids love it because they can make s’mores. I’m making my beef stew but I’m also wanting to make Jenny’s tomato soup. That just looks so tasty from her book. So I might make both…
Josh, I am SO glad that my story helped you! The expression, “everything happens for a reason” is SO true. I’m glad it gave you that little bit of a push in your confidence. Now that I know it helped, it was worth going through for myself. Public speaking is horrible for so many people. I use to be okay until I was out of the loop for so many years and then once I went back to school, I thought “how did I get like this?!” I got to the point where, giving speeches stopped bothering me. I looked at it as an opportunity to see if the guys I thought were cute, were interested enough to watch me give my speech ROFL~! My only rule was; never look at the guy(s) you like while you’re speaking. It keeps you from going speechless, losing your train of thought, and blushing. If you want them to know they exist, do it while you’re going back to your seat 😀 HAHAHAHAHA~! Leave it to me to turn everything back around to guys~! 😀 HAHAHAHAHA~!
Happy Friday everyone! Although I will read that about Tuesday and feel depressed that it’s over lol 🙂
I made lime bars yesterday, from scratch. They came out great. Although the next time I think I might try adding just a little coconut milk to my lime curd. 😉
I’m off to class, just wanted to wish everyone a good weekend. Talk to you soon!
Yumm!…your lime bars sound as good as Jenny’s lemon bars. I’m glad they turned out and I’m sure they were delicious. I’ve been wanting to make Jenny’s lemon bars but keep forgetting to buy a zester. I might have to make a double batch when I do make the bars. I’ll do half lemon and half lime. Josh, are your lime bars made like Jenny’s lemon bars?… Glad school is okay. It seems you have moved right along with things with no problem 🙂 Oh and guys my vacation starts tomorrow so if you don’t see me around that’s why. I’ve planned the weekend and my friend from out west will be here tomorrow evening and we will plan the rest of our vacation Monday. Not quiet sure what I’ll be doing next week but the weather’s nice so I’m sure I’ll be out and about enjoying this blackberry weather we are having. It’s so nice and I’m glad 🙂 Take care everyone and have a great week 😀
I’ve been enjoying this weather like crazy, today. I’ve been snuggling up with my oversized white comforter with the pink polkadots all over it. I can’t seem to get my lazy self up for anything. Josh, if you could; ship me a dozen lime bars. ROFL! I’ve never tried them but, they sound really good. I’m sure I would have them all gone by Sunday 😀 I have absolutely nothing planned for this weekend so, I may be seeing a lot more of this big, comfy, blanket.
I hope you have a great weekend, as well. Take a break from school 😀
Hello and Happy Friday again lol. The lime bars didn’t last long, I ended up making a second batch, but I didn’t try them with the coconut milk but I still plan on trying that sometime.
Rhonda after you mentioned Jenny’s recipe for lemon bars I looked for it, but was unable to find it. They are one of my favorite things and I would like to give her’s a try. It was my own recipe. I just made a simple pie crust and added a stiffer lime curd that I made, so that it wouldn’t go all gooey once it was cut.
This week gone by so quickly, yet I am so tired from it 🙂 My public speaking class started Monday, so now I have three classes Monday and Wednesday. Last Wednesday we had to interview a classmate, then they interviewed us and then we had to go stand in front of the class as they introduced us and then we had to introduce them, all with things we got from the interview we did.
I went second and as the guy was introducing me my anxiousness started skyrocketing haha I don’t even know what color I was turning, but for a second I was afraid I was either going to faint, throw up, or just die right there.
Once it was my turn I took a deep breath and tried to quickly gather myself. Tiffie I remembered the story about the pick nick table you told and it kind of gave me the push that I needed. It reminded me that everyone is nervous. I gave my speech as quickly as possible and sat the **** down!!! I felt so much better afterwords, but now I am worried about all the others I will have to do. Luckily they are spaced out and I’m sure I will do fine. I have no idea how Jenny could speak to millions day after day with just ease and grace.
I do feel better now though that I have an idea of what it’s about. It’s just so strange to think a few months ago I would have ran from this and now I am trying to embrace it.
Sorry for the long message! I hope you are doing well. thanks for your support it means a lot to me 🙂
Glad your schooling is moving right along for you and it’s great that your speech went so smooth. I tell my nephew the more you do something that makes you nervous the easier it becomes. So keep at it with those speeches. You can do it Josh 😀 Oh and Jenny’s lemon bars are in her cookbook. Maybe when Jenny has time she can post it for you or better yet buy her cookbook. You seem to enjoy cooking and her recipes are real easy to follow and so delicious 😉 Take care guys and have a great week 🙂
It’s funny I listen to my horoscope and sometimes it’s right on how I feel and today this is what it said… “Unexpected disputes and challenges in your extended family may seem a little heavy in places, today. Remember the old truism that music soothes the savage beast. Not loud, booming hip-hop music now, the kind of music that THEY like instead.” I found myself youtubing Adele. Her voice is amazing and I love her songs. She will be in Atlanta at the Fox in October and I wouldn’t mind going to see her sing Live. “Rolling In The Deep” is a bit up beat, so I tried listening to other songs she sings and the way I’m feeling it really is soothing for the soul. It’s totally relaxing. I still haven’t got her CD because I can’t find it in stores. I will have to order it online…
Well inventory is over, thank god. I’m still feeling it though. Haven’t totally recovered just yet. I was not a happy camper by Saturday. I had the moody blues…lol…but vacation starts this Saturday and I’m so ready to be off for a week. I’m glad I didn’t take vacation this week because I don’t think I would’ve wanted to do much but by the end of the week I’ll be ready to get out in this nice weather we’re having. Temps during the day is in the low to mid 80s and at night in the 50s. Oh so nice to open the front door for some fresh air 🙂 By the way, we had a good inventory. Did better than last year. They expect shrinkage because of thief, so under 200 thousand is what they expect in shrinkage. Last year we shrank out 700 thousand, but this year we had a shrinkage of 350 thousand. It’s still a lot, but that’s what happens when we have dishonest people or should I say shoplifters in our store… Oh one more thing, the good thing about it all, since we had a better inventory that mean we have a better bonus for the quarter 🙂
It’s good to hear your store did so well. I’m glad you’re looking forward to your vacation. It sounds like you really deserve some time away from there. The weather has been SO nice. I’m glad that the hot weather has passed. My motto is, “no one looks good when they are sweating their tush off!”
Yeah Tiffie, I’m ready for a break. I’m looking forward to being off. Last week was hard. It will take 2 weeks for things to get back to normal, because after we inventory freight comes in like crazy because of on hand stock adjustments. Like Sunday we worked through stock for Friday and Saturday and Sunday’s truck we got well over a half truck load (15 pallets). I thought, I’m glad I’m off the next 2 days because I’d had enough by Sunday. Hopefully this week will tapper off a bit and freight will slow down if things are done right that is…
Tomorrow, we are taking off and spending the long weekend with distant family. We’re heading out of state for our annual family reunion. It should be fun 😀 I’m going to take my laptop but I don’t know how often I’ll be able to get online to chat. Last year, my phone had zero reception because they’re no where near what I like to call “civilization”. Just incase I don’t “hear” from anyone on here; I hope you have a safe and very relaxing extended weekend~! 😀
Tiffie, reunions are nice because you can see relatives you care about but don’t see that often. Enjoy your reunion with family and have a safe trip 😀 Same goes for me if you guys don’t see me posting this month. Remodel is over, but inventory is Thursday and I have to work 6 days this week which mean a day of overtime. Only 2 people from my division (frozen/dairy) could work an extra day. I hope I don’t regret it because that has me working 2 days, the weekend, then off Monday and doing 6 day straight before having another day off, then back to regular schedule for a week, then I go on vacation Sept. 17th. I haven’t seen my friend out on the west coast in almost 4 years. I miss her so much! She’s been busy with school and that’s completed and now she has time to come see me 🙂
And by the way Josh, I hope things are going good with you and school 🙂
Thanks Rhonda It’s going very well and I really like it. I like all of the teachers too. I will say though, that now I see why everyone loves the weekend lol. I’m glad you finally got the remodel done! Sorry you have to work so much the next few weeks, I’m tired just thinking about it! Try not to let yourself get overwhelmed.
Are you going to the west coast for your vacation!? You know I love the west so much!
You’re welcome Josh, just was wondering how things are with ya and I’m glad things are smooth sailing 🙂 I’m not going to the west coast. She is coming here and we’re doing things around here. She’s been out here more than I’ve been where she lives, so I plan on treating my niece to a trip after she graduates to the west coast to visit my friend out there. My niece has never been on a plane and not to far from home so i think it would be the perfect gift for her graduation present…
Fall is in the air. We had a tropical storm come through from the gulf and it’s suppose to be as low as 58 degrees tonight and it’s kinda chilly out there now…burrr…I hope the temps stay like it is, with no more hot days 😀
Hi Jenny how are you doing? Hope you are doing well. I just wanted to say that I just finished reading your autobiography. It was a REALLY REALLY great read! I was just so amazed by it.
It is a really good read Jenny. It really tells what kind of person you are and where you came from. I suggest your book to anyone, so those fans out there who hasn’t read it. I suggest you get a copy before Jenny make the next chapter…lol…I would love for you to make part 2 of your autobiography. I think it would do you some good to vent in chapter 2 like the mishaps you had with Oprah. I’m glad you expressed yourself and didn’t hold back from us here. We’re here for ya, Jenny 😉 🙂 😀
Something unbelievable happened in my neighborhood, right next door. I got home from work and I heard cats fighting outside so I went to see what was up with the cats and I stopped to look out the front window and there were 2 police cars outside so I waited a minute and I stepped out on the porch and there were 3 policemen, guns drawn, at my neighbor front door. Which he’s caught someone breaking into his house before and it seems to be his house is a target because he’s hardly ever there, but I stayed back closer to the door because it scared me. They actually found somebody inside and it was 4 kids ranging from age 8 years old to probably 14. I was expecting to see an adult come walking out with hands raised but to see such young kids come walking out floored me. I was shocked. Parents were called, but one lady showed up. Don’t know if all kids were hers, but those policemen were none to happy… And Jenny, one officer was so outraged he looked and sounded like Raymond Moses. That’s what I thought about. He was those kids worse nightmare I’m sure…
Rhonda that sounds just awful! I’m glad that they caught these kids and I hope their parents actually try to do something to correct their lack of respect for everything, and everyone including themselves! I hope you aren’t too scared. You know, because your neighbors house was broken into the statistics that you’re house will be broken into are greatly, greatly lowered! So I hope you can take some comfort in that.
I liked Raymond Moses, He was really tough but you could tell her also cared a great deal.
Thanks Josh for the statistics. It does help me feel better knowing that 🙂 I feel pretty secure here. I lived here since I was a teen. I wasn’t too scared that someone was in my neighbor’s house. He works for the state penitentiary, so he has his house bugged with all kind of security cameras and alarms. He takes care of his elderly mother and I told my sister his house must be a target because he’s never home… He’s asked me to keep an eye on things and to call him or his son if I notice something strange and I try to watch his place but I don’t get home from work most nights until 9 or 10pm. It scared me more to see weapons drawn by police. I didn’t know what they were going into and they probably didn’t either. I could tell their adrenaline was racing and to see they were up against kids caused one police officer to go into a outrage. Kinda teaching them right from wrong kinda way… I liked Raymond Moses also. I could tell he was a caring person as well…
We are FINALLY finished with the Horrible Renters Adventure of 2011! What a thrill it was, too (not!). I’m SO glad to see you getting in school, Josh. Being nervous is normal. Listen, when I went back to school I had an odd first day. I was SO nervous that I walked up to the building, sat at a picnic table with a group of strange girls (much younger than I am), they eventually talked to me and everything was going great. Once everyone started to notice the time, they went in for their classes. I waited for them to all go in the building because that’s when I got in my car and drove home. I was THAT nervous. I laugh AND I think, “how stupid of me!”. It really was a stupid thing to do but hey, sometimes you just have to ease your way in to things. Once I attended the second day, I was fine though. (Moral of story; go to class????? ROFL! :-D) I went every other day too and I loved it that way. It gives you more time to get things done. If I can do it, you can do it 😀
Glad your rental is back in tip top shape, Tiffie. Renters can be horrible and rude. They just don’t care because it’s not theirs. I’ve only lived in 4 places in my lifetime and I have to say my parents made sure things were taken care of and was never left messy. My Dad was a handy man so when things needed fixing he fixed it. We never left a place trashed like I know some people do. Before my Dad passed we had to have the house, me and my Mom live in, put in my name. I took off a month from work to spend time with my Dad and to do such paperwork. I’m glad he decided to buy this house. It’s comfy here and I’ve been living in this house since I was 12 years old. I feel secure here. I like calling it home 🙂
LOL Tiffie, thanks for that story, that sounds like something that I would do! The first time I went to the school to register I parked played with my phone and then drove home.
Classes actually went really well and I feel good about it. Glad the stress of it is slowly fading, although Financial aid has been giving me trouble.
I’m dyslexic and I have it under control most of the time, Well I inverted the second and third social security numbers so they needed to see my card which I had no idea where it was and I wasn’t in my town. So I went to the social security office and got a new one and I gave them the proof so that was OK,
then they said I didn’t sign up for selective services and I told them that I did and they said that, it would probably come in, in a few days. I kept looking at the website and nothing, so I go to the selective services website and sure enough it said that I was registered so I went to tell them and they said that I could just print that off of the website. I was thinking, “Then why didn’t you tell me that to start with!!” The woman looks like Palin btw lol.
So now it’s all pending, which means I can hopefully get my books tomorrow before classes. Good thing is you don’t really use them the first day.
I’m kind of an introverted person and they have me going to a public speaking class, where I will be making several speeches in front of lots of people. That has me nervous lol Maybe Jenny would have some advice on that one.
I’m glad your awful renters are gone! And thanks for letting me know that I’m not alone in being nervous!
Thank you too Rhonda It’s such a nice though to know that people out there that you’ve never met in real life are rooting for you and cheering you on! It means more than you know 🙂
You’re welcome Josh. Even though I don’t personally know you. I feel like I know you enough to know you are a good person and one who deserves the very best. I do wish you a lot of luck with going to school. I know talking in front of a lot of people isn’t easy for me either, but I see it this way… stay calm and ease your way to do the speeches and the more you do them the more open you will be to others. You can do it. You seem to have that move forward attitude like my nephew does. You are the same age as my nephew and he just went back to school as well. He wants to be an EMT and then eventually work at the fire station and I’m glad to give some support to you and him both. It’s good to know young people still try and do good for themselves instead of throwing their life away. Just hang in there and don’t let anything get in your way to succeed in your life goals…
Classes start tomorrow, still waiting for financial aid to come through which should be next Monday so that’s not too bad, and the woman made all of my classes afternoon and she made it so I have every other day off!
I’m excited and still a little nervous , but it’s all good. I will still come here as much as always you know we have to get our Jenny fix. She is always hanging out with wild animals hahah!
Hey Josh, it’s hard for some people to get going with school and a new routine, but I think you’ll do just fine once you get passed the first week or 2 and you know what your classes are going to be. Thank you for keeping us updated on how things are going for you, I like hearing positive things from people like you and it’s good for you to do this for yourself 🙂 And Josh, since Jenny has no show we get our Jenny fix online now huh?…lol…and wild animals is right. Jenny, has a zoo of the wild where she is for sure. I love animals and wild life and it’s great Jenny can share her photos like she does. We have a place here where endangered animals are and it’s like a small zoo. They have some pretty cool animal there. My favorite is the cougar… Here’s a link for you to checkout. http://www.dausettrails.com/
I go on vacation next month and this might be a place to go and spend the day and take pictures. I enjoy taking pictures myself but not near as good as Jenny’s photos…
For some reason I thought about a song that was from the 80’s that I can’t stop thinking about, The Curly Shuffle, so I youtubed the 3 Stooges and I had to share it with you guys. I know Jenny likes them and I can remember watching them in the morning before school when I was about 5 or 6 years old. I thought Curly was the funniest. Does anyone remember this song? I was a teenager back then and use to sing it all the time…lol…
Thanks everyone for your well wishes! It does mean a lot, It’s been scary and nerve racking and there is still things to do!! Tomorrow I am going to meet with an adviser and hopefully after that I will be able to chose my classes. They want you to do a 2 1/2 hour orientation (that I’m sure will be very tiring lol)
Luckily I found out today that I can do that online if I wish. I just have to think if that would be best or if actually going in person would be better.
Rhonda I have heard the same thing about the OWN channel. A lot of new channels start out very rocky. I haven’t been watching it, it just doesn’t seem like something that I would really want to watch. It’s like when the hallmark channel started running every show Martha Stewart ever did, It’s good in moderation but too much is overkill.
Tiffy sorry about your drama with your renters. I hate how filthy some people can be. I guess they wont be getting back their damage deposit?
Hope all of you are doing well and look forward to hearing back from you soon. take care 🙂
Keep up the good work with school and trying to get back into it. I hope everything works out for you. I know you will be busy and it seems you’re busy just trying to get thing underway, but you’ll get there 😉 Speaking of Hallmark. I use to watch that channel every afternoon but like you said too much Martha Stewart caused me to find something else. I really don’t watch much tv anymore. I like watching tvland late night. Everybody Loves Raymond and Rosanne are my favorite shows. Those 2 shows have me rolling. Such funny shows. I also like Hot in Cleveland. Those girls are hilarious. I like shows like Law and Order CI and SVU, Bones and House. I also watch food network, USA, TNT and SciFi…
Hey Lesli, glad to see you back 🙂 I was wondering where you were. I know last time you were here you mentioned computer problems, so I figured that’s why you weren’t around. That happened to me once and it took me a few months to get back online…
I’m so glad to hear you are starting classes, soon! I attended an orientation very similar to what I think you’re talking about. (Not for myself; with a younger family member). If you go in person and it’s anything like the one I had to sit through, be prepared to be “bored out of your gourd”~! It was awful! HAHA! Oh well. I guess they’re helpful (?).
The family of renters that we are STILL cleaning up after has become the WORST family we have experienced! We have several rentals and over years (and years), we have never had one become remotely close to being as bad as this. You’re right when you asked about not returning any deposit. I should take some of that money and send them all to The Housekeeping 101 School for the Lazy and Disrespectful of Others’ Property 😀
I also love Roseanne. I have seen it countless times and never get tired of it. I also love the closer and It’s always sunny in Philadelphia, which is such a rude show but it has me LMAO lol.
People really are disrespectful and there is no excuse for it. A friend of mine lives in a house that has been made into apartments. The font doors are inside of the house, if that gives you an idea.
Well first this really weird old couple moved in and they would “scream talk” and they had a portable fireplace going and it was Summer time haha but that’s not here nor there. One day when I was there these people were inside yelling for help so we go to their door to see what’s wrong and they yell how they have locked their selves in the apartment. I’m like “turn the **** lock.” I think they were only there for two days..
Then this other couple moved in and they were there for a week before they were evicted and when they were moving out they decided to “throw” the sofa over the stair railing.
I’ve never had much problems with my own neighbors, I feel lucky!
What a week this has been, so far. I THOUGHT I was going to sit back and relax this past weekend but, no such luck. We made an inspection on a rental house of ours and we had to immediately begin repairs. I can’t begin to tell you how sad, angry, and hurt I was by the way this family had left the place. They moved out (THANK GOODNESS!), before they could be evicted. I’m glad to see them go but I am NOT okay with the trash, grit, and grime they left for OTHER PEOPLE to pick up! By the end of all this; there is going to be a bottle with my name on it! (HAHA I’m kidding…..for now :-D) Tomorrow is my Grandmother’s birthday and we’re going to do something nice for her. It’ll be our day to take a break from doing repairs at the rental, so tomorrow should go great 😀 I hope everyone is having a great week…..
I just hate messy people and it seems you have a mess on your hands. I hope it’s not too bad because I hear stories my sister tells about her rentals. She has a couple of rentals and she works in real estate. I’ve heard it all and I’ve actually helped her clean up after a move out with one rental that she sold because she was fed up with who she rented to. She was tired of dealing with families like what you are dealing with. I’m sorry you have a mess left behind and I hope when you rent it out again those people will be better…
Hope you have a wonderful time with your grandmother on her birthday. Those times are special 😀
I’m wondering where time went too Tiffie. School starts back tomorrow for some kids and it’s like summer break flew them by. It seems proms and graduations were weeks ago. Back to school and plus having the remodeling of the store going on kick my behind this weekend. I’m tired! Glad I can re-coupe the next 2 days. I think I need it…
Yes time seems to be flying by! Tomorrow is Friday and it seems like I was just griping that it was Monday! Hope everything is going well with you two.
How’s the remodel going Rhonda?
I’m going back to school starting in the fall semester. I have to take some kind of test today before I can choose my classes though. I’m really nervous. I know I can do it but I haven’t been to school in a long time. I took some time off and that turned in to years!
I’m hoping I can take basic classes and then transfer to a college that has a more specific program. Wish me luck 🙂
Sue Are there any developments regarding your friend and her son? I’ve been praying for them. Hope everything is going better for them.
That’s great Josh that you are making time to get back into school. Do you have a main study and what are you interests?… Keep us in tune with how things are going. I think you will do just fine with school. You seem to have the motivation, so stay positive and move forward with it 🙂 …I hope you get the classes you want and I wish you lots of luck 😉
Oh and remodel is blah. Thanks for asking. I hate it. Last weekend, which was back to school weekend, they had my department a mess. It look like a tornado came through. They finally did our floor in my area but I hear we won’t get new cooler units until after the first of the year and I’m thinking they are behind schedule is why, because we have inventory and then the holidays hit us and we don’t need a remodel going on during that time. That would be just awful if we did. I don’t even want to think about that…lol…can you imagine?
” Tomorrow is Friday and it seems like I was just griping that it was Monday! “-I hear ya, Josh! Oh wait, TODAY is Friday! OH YEAH 😀 I’m so glad! I’m going to do as little as possible this weekend. On Monday (I shouldn’t even say that word, today), I have inspections to make on our rental homes. I’m not too thrilled about that but, atleast it’s not done often. Good luck with school, Josh. You’ll have to tell as all about it like Rhonda said. Rhonda, it’s hard to imagine a well kept store during the holidays, let alone one that would be under a remodel HAHA! You’re right; who would want to think of the mess? 😀
Hey Tiffie, Good Luck with your inspections. I can just imagine how important that can be for you and your rentals. Enjoy your weekend of not doing much. I hope my weekend is better than the 2 past weekends have been because of remodel… Oh and I don’t know what’s going on anymore with remodel. Now I’m hearing our cooler units will be placed after inventory… Man! no break. We are gonna be busy from now until new years…whew!… Hope I can stand it 🙂
I need some opinions here. Every now and then there’s a cat roaming around and I was feeding him until he started fighting with my cats and I don’t need a vet bill because of my cats fighting with him. I feel bad not feeding him but he looks well taken care of and that tells me he has an owner. I think he lives behind us because he’s always jumping the fence in the back. I do leave water in the yard towards the back, because it’s so hot here… What would you do in this situation?
How bad are they going at it? I know sometimes cats will just fight and then be done with it. Is it mainly happening when you are feeding them? If so it could be because the food is too close to the other cats. Ours are all indoor cats and they each have their own food bowl, but still sometimes the other two will go over to other ones and push him away. I will feed them and then move his bowl to a different spot and monitor them as they eat lol.
You could try a spray bottle to get the cat to stay away. Hope this helps a little.
Oh by the way I went to pet smart the other day and almost had a little episode, it’s so incredibly sad to see those little cats all in cages! I of course made my way to each cage and tried to pet them through the bars. I swear if I had the room and the money I would have a house full of cats!
I do that, too! When I pet one, I have to pet them ALL!! HAHA~! I wouldn’t feel right if I missed one and, when I can’t get to one (or they won’t come to me), I feel a little bad. HAHA! I think, “but you HAVE to love me back!” HAHAHAHA!
I have a great-aunt who is a 110% cat freak! She has all kinds of cat trinkets; everything short of wearing them on her clothes (which will not surprise me when she does because, it’s just a matter of time HAHA~!). I have a running joke with my Mother that, I’m going to carry out my great-aunt’s legacy with her love of all felines. HAHAHAHAHA~!!!!! I’m always saying, “one of these days this house is going to be filled with Garfield and Felix knick knacks!” We laugh now but, I doubt it’ll be so funny when it actually happens HAHA!!
It’s not too bad. I just feel bad feeding him and then having to stop because of his behavior. He jumped one of my cats and when I saw him do that. I had to run him off. After feeding him for a week they kept their distance from each other, but the visiting cat became a bit cocky and territorial. My cats are indoor/outdoor. They don’t go anywhere when outside and stay around the house. He shows up in the morning and at night meowing sometimes in the back yard and to hear him makes me feel worse… Our Pet Smart keeps their cats behind a glass window separate from each other, so unless we ask to see them they can’t be touch. It’s nice that a store let’s a rescue use space to try and find homes for cats 🙂 I have 3 female cats. Names are Gypsy, Dixie and Cleo. 2 long haired and one short haired. How many cats do you have and what are their names? Oh and by the way, my cats hate a spray bottle. I don’t even have to spray’em. When they see it in my hand they take off running. They don’t like the spray bottle at all…
I have a seven year old, blue Cornish Rex named Mameha. She is tiny, even for a female, and even for a Cornish Rex. She is a total love-bug! She has a pink blanket where she hides all sorts of things. She has “stolen” and stashed books (that are always heavier than herself), socks, dvds, you name; she’ll try (and usually succeeds) taking it. She LOVES LOVES LOVES make-up brushes! I don’t allow the little thief around make-up and have to keep it put up. Thank goodness for caboodles! HAHA! She has three make-up brushes of her own because, once she sinks her teeth in to it/rubs her face in to it, it has officially become hers. HAHA! I never thought I’d see the day where I have to keep my stuff (pretty much) locked up but, that day has come HAHA!!
Sorry, I forgot to ask about your cat. My bad. Nice cat and sneaky one too…lol…She’s just playing head games with you by hiding things…lol…I think it’s funny she takes things and hides them. It’s nice of you to let her keep things or you would always be looking for what you need… Gypsy is a 8 yrs old tortoiseshell maine coon. My stray, Dixie is 4 yrs old and I thought she was a black and gray tabby, but the vet said she looks more like an Ocicat and if so she’s part wild and they said she is probably with some money and my youngest, Cleo is 2 years old and she looks a lot like a gray and white rag doll and oh so soft. I’ll have to check with the vet to make sure. I could be wrong. Normally I ask the vet but I forgot when I took her for shots last year. Shots are coming up due soon…
I wouldn’t put any food out if that’s the reason why he shows up. He was eating somewhere else before so, I’m sure he’s ok. It’s nice that you keep water around, though. I have one cat that stays inside and NEVER goes out. There are two thom-cats that have gotten through the gate and love to admire her as she “flirts” from the window HAHA~! They show up at different times (THANK GOODNESS!), because; I would HATE to hear that mess.
I think that’s why he shows up is to eat because it was cool last night so I opened the door to get that night air and he comes in and straight to my cats eating place. I had to run him out. I hesitated for a minute but I went ahead and ran him out. He does look healthy and not feral. If he seemed feral I would probably go ahead and feed him and then run him off…lol…, but since he looks healthy I’m sure he has someone taking care of him. I do leave water for him because it helps me feel better knowing he at least has water to drink… I didn’t like cats for the longest but they are my favorite pet now. I grew up having dogs as pets and about 8 years ago I decided to try having cats for pets and they are easier to take care of because they are somewhat independent…
I hope everyone has a great week~! I was ready for this weekend to come around, last Monday. Now, it’s OVER! AH! lol!
Today, I attended a family reunion and it was very nice outside until lightning and (extreme!), rain took over. You have never seen a redhead run inside as fast in your life! HA! 😀 One of the most stunning things happened, though. Once everyone had gathered inside, one of my Mother’s cousins asked for everyone to collect in to a living room. He showed us a dvd that has (old) family movies on it. I got to see my Mother when she was three years old at a bithday party! (I get teary eyed just typing that!) It was one of the biggest surprise-Blessings I have ever been given. On the dvd were great-aunts and great-uncles, my Mother’s two sisters, and even my Grandmother (a double Blessing to see!). My Grandmother was much younger than I am now and I was almost froozen where I stood. We were given a copy and all I could think was, “…..wow!” I had no clue that any of this footage existed! Talk about being COMPLETELY schocked. 😀
I watched it with my Mother to my right and my Grandmother within a foot from me and I got teary eyed (thank God for waterproof mascara!)., To see them from the ages they were then from now, was amazing. I don’t do this with pictures (HA! Could you imagine? I would be a blubbering idiot :)), and I wondered why I got a little emotional today, though. I think it was because in the film they were interacting and showed full expression to the camera. It was truly as if someone gave me an opportunity to go inside a photo for just a little length of time and be a part of everything that was going on. To say I feel fortunate is an understatement. 🙂
Aw Tiffie you kinda got in touch with family and how it was before. Family reunions bring back memories for the ones who are there at the gathering and does that to people. It seems you have a good relationship with your mom and to see her in those home movies at a young age triggered your emotions and was quiet emotional for you I’m sure. All in all it sounds like you had an enjoyable time with family 🙂 We had a family reunion in March it was at a park but it turned out cold and rainy, so we didn’t make a full day of visiting with each other. They are suppose to be making it for another day but haven’t yet. I’m glad someone had it planned for you to watch home movies because of the rain. That was smart of whoever thought to do that and such a surprise for you 😉 😀
that sounds great Tiffie! I’m so happy you got to see those videos and you got a copy too! Not long ago I saw a device that allows you to transfer tapes to dvd, and they said that a lot of tapes can deteriorate and or be ruined completely over the years, which is a scary thought! Glad you had a nice time and that you didn’t let the rain ruin your fun 🙂
I had to go to the store before the rain came and I made it back just in time. It’s pouring rain but no thunderstorms and high winds. Just a calm rain storm which we need, but since it’s raining, I was bored so Jenny I broke out your cookbook and I’m making your blueberry muffins. They are in the oven now. Can’t wait to try them 🙂
I wanted to make your lemon bars but I don’t have a zester. That is on my list to pick up when I go shopping again…
Yum!…your blueberry muffins are really good and so moist. All your cakes and muffins are so soft and delicious I’m sure. I already had 2 muffins. I’m hooked…lol…I will have to put them in the closet and lock the door and wait to have one for breakfast if not I will have a 3rd before bed and that’s just too much in one day…lol…
Oh and Jenny the best part about the muffin is how the blueberries just melt into the muffin. Your recipes are addictive, seriously. I love it! 🙂 😉
Jenny, you have me googling and youtubing squirrels and the things I’m coming across are so funny. I had to share this…lol… And Jenny, it reminds me of the small zoo your yard attracts, so if you ever own a Jeep Liberty drive it with the sunroof closed. You have to see this guys 😆
Is it me, or is the Monday following a four day work week a little worse than an average Monday that leads in to a full five day week? This time last week, we had another free night and a complete day to ourselves…..:( why can’t we have three day weekends every weekend?
I think we should petition this! 😀
Ok, well I’m off to bed. Being a total bum all weekend has me tired. LOL!
I think a lot of people wish for longer weekends. I put off going to the bank today because I wanted to sleep in and it’s just too hot to get out in the heat, so I was a total bum today. I put off house cleaning which it’s just me and my Mom so the house doesn’t get too messy. We pick up after ourselves, but tomorrow I will have to get back on schedule because it’s back to work Wednesday…
I COMPLETELY understand about being a bum. I (yet again!), “bummed it”-as they say 🙂 Tomorrow, I’ve planned on seeing my cousins at their county fair. They’re showing rabbits, (how does one show a rabbit?! HA!!). I don’t do fairs, however; I’ll go to support them and then, “high tail it outta there”!! 😀 Who knows, maybe I’ll cave and get a giant jug of tea to wash down the enormous elephant ear I keep hearing about…..ya, right!!!!! No, thank you. I just hope it’s not hot (here’s hoping!), because I can just imagine the SMELL! 🙁 Why do I sign up for these things? HAHA! Oh well, it’s for them 🙂 That’s what matters. 🙂
Tiffie are you sure you just aren’t worried about messing up your hair and nails :p Yes Fairs can tend to be smelly!! I haven’t been in years but I do like the lemon shake-ups! It’s so odd how now days people deep fry everything and people will stand in such huge lines to buy it. I saw a photo a while back of a bacon double cheese burger and the bun was two krispy kreme donuts haha that just seems like over kill to me.
Have any of you heard of Josh Ritter? I was doing a search and it came up for some reason I like his music.
Josh, I didn’t know of Josh Ritter until you posted about him. I’ve been listening to his music and he’s pretty good. My favorite is “Real Long Distance” the other’s I’ve heard are soothing for the soul. It’s actually relaxing to hear him sing the softer tunes. It’s kinda cool you came across he’s music from out of the blue. I can see why you like his music. It kinda grows on you…
Thanks for sharing your findings of Josh Ritter and Josh I’m doing good. I hope things are good with you as well 🙂
Josh and Rhonda, I’m doing good 🙂 I’m just thankful I haven’t been deep-fried! LOL! I went BACK to the fair tonight, (I torture mysefl, right?! HA!) and, we had a good time. My cousins are showing all sorts of animals. I didn’t get to see them in competition; just their pretty ribbons. Josh, I think you nailed my personality on the head. I don’t DO smelly, dirty, grit nor grime. 🙂 I like my hair to stay in place and my nails to remain ON my hands. (Breaking a nail would nearly bring me to tears; HAHA!!!!! Ok, I’m not THAT bad 😀 ) The weather was PERFECT! When we went through a cow barn (hell almost frooze over; NO HAHA!), I could’ve fainted if it weren’t for what was on the floor…..ok, I’ve said enough. Use your imagination because it won’t take long 😀 HAHAHAHAHA 😀 Ewwwww, ICK!! How are you two doing?
I’m off to a nice CLEAN, goat/cow/chicken/sheep/horse/donkey-free bed 🙂
I’ve been seeing a lot of people keep the memory of Caylee Anthony alive by keeping her imagine alive and this just touched my heart when I came across it 🙁
That is very touching. It’s so awful. I watched the news a lot when it first came out three years ago? But I didn’t watch much of the trial. In fact I was shocked when I heard Dr. G, (Who I love) did the autopsy and took the stand.
I, along with a lot of people think the system failed this little girl, but hopefully everyone who Casey lied about and slandered will sue her, and even though she is going to be “set free” I highly doubt she will ever have a good, carefree life. Things even themselves out. O.J. is in prison after all and hopefully she will be as well someday.
I hope out of this whole thing people take from it and will begin to speak out when they suspect child abuse, sadly Caylee is just one face of the many, many. children. It’s so heartbreaking.
It is a sad case and I’ve been following it since before the trail. She is the most hated person right now. She might be set free soon but her life will never be the same. I saw on the news where they had her hearing and jurors were talking saying they weren’t enough evidence. I believe they were enough evidence to convict her… It’s a shame the system failed this little girl 🙁
They really are beautiful. I hope you get to see them in person, some day. I LOVE to travel. If only I could pack along my own bed, I’d almost never be home HAHA! Yesterday, before my Mother and I left her vacation home at Lake Erie, I tried to make reason why I needed to come back home. The only reason I had was my hair appointment that I had today at one in the afternoon HAHAHAHAHA! I’m glad I kept my appointment 🙂 Who doesn’t like to be pampered?! I know I DO 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Now, I’m ready to go back to the lake HAHAHAHAHA~!
I like too travel too, so I’m sure I will go to Vegas some day to see The Bellagio Fountains. I’ve seen Chicago’s Buckingham Fountain and it’s really nice at night when the lights are on. I even enjoyed seeing The Navy Pier’s fountain and of course the Fountain of Rings here in Atlanta are a site too…
My bed is what I miss most when I travel too 😉 I love the water whether it be the beach of just streams and waterfalls. I’ve also wanted to go see Niagara Falls. I’m a water sign and I found it true what they say about Pisces 🙂
It’s good to pamper yourself and treat yourself. It keeps you in check with yourself. Most the time I do my own manicures and pedicures, but it’s nice to have someone else do it every now and then 😀
If hair & nail salons and day spas shut down, I’d go in to panic mode! I LOVE getting everything done. I go in for what I call “The Works” and I wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂 I’m finicky, though. I only let one person do my hair, a specific length for my nails, etc. I don’t treat anyone beneath me at the salon/spa and I love to tip good because “Team Tiffie” does a fantastic job, (at making me feel good about myself which, is the most important thing). 😀
Weather has risen again in the south. Not good. High winds, lightening, thunder and a freaking down pour. It’s raining really hard. I got off work at 6:30 and in my neighborhood a tree was down blocking the road. I prayed, “just let me make it home before things get worse”…
I’m sorry to hear about the horrible weather in your area, Rhonda. Please stay safe 🙂 Everything has been good here. I woke this morning to a tiny mist of rain that lasted til a little after noon. Luckily, it didn’t warm up after and get hot. It stayed nice and cool. I had another three day spa getaway with a cousin and a lot of friends. There were fourteen of us that got to have a great time, and on Saturday night we had a wonderful party. The food was great and I REALLY enjoyed the teriyaki chicken mini-sandwiches and a couple chocolate dipped strawberries. I was in my own little piggy heaven! HAHA! Well, it’s back to reality 🙂
I actually tried to do a Jenny move with my camera…lol…I wanted to take a picture of the tree that was down near my house and I got the nerve up to drive around there before it got dark but where the tree was the picture was too dark. I like the calm cool rainy days like you had but here lately our weather has been mostly monster storms and I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of them. They usually let up around September and then we get nicer weather. I love October weather. I enjoy those rainy days then 🙂
Glad you had an enjoyable spa day with friends. Sounds like fun. I love teriyaki chicken and fried rice, but never had teriyaki chicken sandwich. I like lemon pepper chicken among the flavors. Rotisserie chicken with lemon pepper is my favorite. I also favor lemon pepper wing over hot wings, but I’m trying to stay away from fried foods, so I curb the craving of lemon pepper by having the rotisserie and not fried…
I hate weather like that, and side note I’m always afraid I’m going to spell it whether haha. I also try to get photos when it storming but I can’t ever seem to take a picture that does it justice, or I forget where I put my camera.
Glad you had a fun time Tiffie 🙂
My new favorite thing is fried rice, I forget who makes it, but I get this fried rice seasoning and mix it with soy sauce, rice and some veggies and it’s great! I would eat it every day if I could lol but I guess if I did I would burn out on it real fast.
It’s wild how you guys are talking about fried rice. We went to a gourmet Cantonese restaurant, tonight. It was GREAT! I LOVE this place. It’s extremely healthy and I haven’t met anyone who hasn’t enjoyed going. If only I could place a take-out order (they do not offer it there), to the spa…..I don’t think I would ever leave, HAHA!!!!! After three great days of pampering and the harsh reality of having to come back home, going tonight made it almost worth leaving. 🙂 I guess we can’t have our Wor Su Up and eat it, too…..
I made a phone call and found out that the sandwiches consisted of; teriyaki marinated chicken off the grill, grilled pineapple, and some sort of white cheese on little sandwich buns. YUUUUUM YUUUUUM! HAHAHAHAHA! 🙂
I would stay away from the fried foods, Rhonda. You don’t want that stuff going to your heart. Leave that to all the stuff that actually tastes good 🙂 like the cheese that isn’t 100% good nor 100% bad for you, if you know what I mean (moderation-foods is what I call it). The healthy fats are needed but there’s just no sense in putting your body through all that. Plus, we like chatting with you, we don’t want you falling apart on us 😀
I almost forgot; I love lemon pepper chicken and October. My birthday is in October and you know what that means…..GIFTS 😀 yaaaaay 😀 (plus, the weather is really nice around that time, haha!)
You’re funny Tiffie…lol…Speaking of not falling apart my friend from out West has brought me to taking an interest in yoga. It’s not as easy as it seems, but it feels so good after a workout. I feel refreshed the next day. She said I’m getting up there in age and need to stay fit and plus my horoscope said I would be good at it, so I atleast do something for 10 to 20 minutes a night to keep up with it, so I will get better with it. The more I do the easy it gets it seems 🙂
I only treat myself to lemon pepper wings every now and then, but I haven’t had fried lemon pepper wings in almost a year or so. I’ve learned to get a fresh pack of wings from the store, skin it, lemon pepper them and bake them in the oven and it keeps me from deep frying them which I know is bad for you and that’s why I hold back on eating them the fried way. I will splurge though if I’m on vacation or something but for the most part I don’t eat too bad. I also try to eat as much fruit and veggies. I’ve thought about just not eating any type of meat for a while and getting protein from eggs and beans and such…
Josh, what are some good tasty protein foods that isn’t a meat produce do you get your protein from? I know you have mentioned you stay away from meat produces and was just wondering 🙂
Oh and by the way, I like talking to you guys as well 🙂 😉
Beans are good and quinoa is a perfect protein. I use morningstar products as well. If I want to make a quick hamburger helper I just use their meat crumbles instead of hamburger and it comes out great. They also make chicken pieces which are good on salads and in stir fries.
There is a lot of meatless options out there, even fish, but even when I ate meat I still wouldn’t eat fish lol, but I’m not the type of person to push my views on anyone else.
Thank you Josh. I didn’t know what quinoa was, so I looked it up. I think I might try it. I like brown rice and oatmeal, so I’m thinking maybe I would like it. It wouldn’t hurt to give it a try…
I got a question that might be a bit silly but is eggs considered a meat product? After I posted yesterday it dawned on me, maybe it was…
I don’t think I would consider eggs meat. I just have never really liked eggs. Vegan’s don’t eat them because they come from an animal.
I have substituted eggs in cakes for applesauce and it’s worked really well. They make a “fake egg” which is a powder you mix with water and sometimes it has worked but other times it has ruined things. I used it in a brownie batter once and the brownies boiled. I had to throw the pan away lol.
My assistant manger was being funny today. She told me I wasn’t allowed to go on vacation anymore. All I could do is laugh…lol… That just tells me that my work is appreciated. They miss me when I’m not there and they actually tell me that when I go back to work after being out on vacation. It’s not an easy job but I’ve worked for Walmart for 11 years and I’ve gotten use to staying busy. Would rather be busy than slow. I hate those slow days. Makes it feel like the day is longer that what it is. I guess that’s why I don’t mind working the weekend… Would rather not work the weekend but maybe down the road a department manger spot well come about and catch my interest. I’ve been wanting frozen/dairy for the longest but I have a write up. Back in Feb. I got wrote up for salsa sitting on top of a case of eggs and they consider that cross contamination. What do you all think?…
I don’t think so either, Josh. I mean come on. You put raw eggs with ready to eat foods in your shopping cart and in your frig. I don’t see any difference if they are on top of each other in the cooler. I thought it was a silly write up, but if Kay Chemicals say it’s a no no then I was in the wrong. KC gave us a red because of it and it was my fault. I put it there and didn’t remove it before I left work. I totally forgot it being a pick, meaning it would go to the floor on the shelf. My manager said since it was on paper, I had to be written up and she hated doing it. She even told me that she didn’t want to write me up, but she had to…
I guess I’m kinda venting about work, because I feel like I’m going miss out on getting frozen/dairy again. I missed out on getting frozen/dairy before when my Dad passed and I was out for a month. The person there now is a bit frustrated and mentions stepping down, if not demoted first. He’s just having a hard time and I think it’s because he worked GM side and Grocery is no joke. They say Grocery carries the store in sales most the time and I can believe it…
Write ups keep you from moving up to higher positions. They stay in your file for a year and they drop them after that. So I’m stuck where I am until Feb. of next year. You have to be on you toes, because 3 write ups mean possible termination. I just have the one write up…
I missed out on the whole Adele conversation; I LOVE her! I was a way for a bit and look what I missed, LOL! I went to The Go-Go’s concert with my Mom on Saturday and we had a BLAST! The B52’s opened for them and we both had SO much FUN! It was well needed after all the pain that’s been in the air over the passing of Patt. I thought of Patt some, while at the concert. I was just thinking of all the happiness that can still be enjoyed and how much I know Patt wanted nothing but laughter, peace, and joy for everyone. I was able to have a good time because I got that feeling you get when you know that everything is a-ok and your not alone on this “big-ole-ball of dirt”. (Isn’t life just full of lessons?)
Josh, thank you for asking how I’m doing 🙂 That was very kind of you! How is everyone? I hope you’re okay, Rhonda. I wasn’t able to have a strong relationship with my Father the way you did. I know your love for him is just as strong as ever and I hope yesterday was as easy on you as possible. 🙂
Aw thank you Tiffie. I know that things are a-ok with my Dad as you do with Patt. I was fine for most the day until later when I got home. I thought about my Dad at work and my emotional side wasn’t there, happy times were. I thought about times we had together as a family and we still manage to stick together. It feels odd without him around but I know he’s looking down upon us, so knowing that make me a-ok too 😉
Hearing Luther’s song on the radio got the best of me, but I think it was meant for me to hear that song to keep those memories of him alive. Jenny said on her blog she didn’t know if it was sadness or joy and I think with me on Father’s Day it was a combination of both, but I’m doing good and I’m glad too see you are as well 🙂
I like the B52’s also, I’m glad you enjoyed your concert with your mom 🙂
I’m so glad you were able to have fun at the concert. I was worried you might be too down to go, or to truly enjoy yourself. The b52’s where there? Now that must have been great!
I also like adele and I love that video. For some reason the glasses of water speak to me lol don’t ask I don’t know why. I had heard people talking about her for quite a while so finally I looked her up to see what all the fuss was about.
Have you heard her sing “Make you feel my love?” That is my favorite by her. She has a lot of talent. As soon as she sang the first line, I went to itunes and bought all her albums lol.
Jenny and Josh, I can see why you both like her. She is amazing and I’ve found in her interviews humor and I love that in a person. It’s so funny how she talks about P. Diddy on the golf course…lol…
I find meaning to her songs and me being a Pisces I think it’s a connection we Pisces find in people that has drawn me to her. I didn’t know she existed until I IDed her song. I thought…WOW! what a nice song, so I reached for me phone. Luckily I was stopped and had the chance to find out who sang it and I like her also…
I like the video I posted and I’ve heard the more softer ones and I like them as well. And Josh the glasses of water do have a sort of life to them. I don’t know why it seems that way either. I’m getting her CD next time I’m out and about…
I’m having a lazy day today because I’ve been on vacation and I go back to work tomorrow…ugh! I’m sure I will get back to my work schedule in no time. It’s just the first day back is a little rough but I’ll manage…
Well you will love the album 🙂 Going back to work after vacation is a drag lol. Is your store still in the middle of the remodel or have they not started yet?
They started the remodel 2 weeks ago. Before I went on vacation they were re-doing the floor and our break room. I don’t know where they are with things now. They work fairly quickly and mostly at night but they have things roped off for customers and it makes things congested. The remodel will end sometime in August if not before then…
They call our store the grandfather store because it’s one of the older stores that has been transformed into a super center. I was told we are getting new cooler and freezer units and of course all the shelving for Grocery & GM (general merchandise) side. Customers hate a remodel because they are use to the old way things were. They get lost and so do we…lol… but once use to the new way things are everybody’s happy with the outcome. It takes time to get use to where they move things. Walmart usually does remodel every 2-3 years and this is a major remodel for our store…
I hope it goes quickly and smoothly. I know it’s got to be just as frustrating for the people that work there as it is for the people who shop there. I do hate walking around and not knowing where anything is, but when walmart does shuffle things around they tend to leave them that way, unlike some store I have gone to, where they move things every other month!
It’s frustrating for us all, but the remodel team doesn’t work the weekend because we are too busy. Customers, and us too, hate for items to be deleted also. They actually deleted my favorite coffee creamer and customers complained to home office so much they brought it back in a smaller size. Regardless what size, it’s better having it instead of not having it at all 🙂
They’ve started painting the walls and they’ve taken self checkouts out because of thief (under ringing items) I think. I hear we are also get new touch screen registers and the store will be closed Monday for 4 hours over night to put in the new registers. It’s actually coming along great. I’m kinda getting excited for the outcome because it’s long over due We had remodels before the 11 years I’ve been with Walmart but nothing like this 🙂
I found out a little bit ago that my friend Patt passed a way this morning. She was one great girlfriend! She was the first person to take me to get my nails done, helped me gain that extra bit of confidence during my early twenties, and had a larger than life laugh. I was able to trust her with questions I wasn’t exactly comfortable asking anyone else; those, “can you help me figure out my direction in life”-type questions. She wasn’t even an entire month younger than my Grandmother yet, I had more fun hanging out with her over the gals my own age. (I’ll miss you until I see you again, Patt) <3
I’m sorry for your loss, Tiffie… I have to say, older people are wiser than people my own age and there are a few that are younger who are wiser. Not many people my own age seem as wise. I guess we trust others rather than our own peers…
Patt seem to have impacted your life. Keep those memories of her with you. It will continue to help you through life…
Tiffie I’m sorry I’m just reading this now. I understand how awful it is to lose someone so special to you, especially when they were a part of your everyday life. It can feel so hallow at times and you just don’t know what to do next.
It’s alright to allow yourself to feel the sadness, I know this sounds so corny and exactly what people say in “times” such as this, but times does lessen the sadness. The memories will help get you though. I find that it also helps to continue to speak about the person.
we are all energy and that is still here and around us and continues to go on, even once the body is no longer.
Thank you SO much for your very kind words Jenny, Rhonda, and Josh. They really did lift my spirits. I had a couple tough days after the day she passed. I couldn’t get over the fact that I wouldn’t be able to reach her by phone anymore. I replayed many, many happy times her and I shared over and over (and over), in my head and that helped by keeping myself sane. Holding all those precious memories in my heart is something I will treasure forever. Patt was so wonderful and I know she’s in a great place. Thank you again for all your support. 😀
Talking about the Go Go’s concert and mentioning Wilson Phillips had me looking at both group’s music and I have to say Wilson Phillips songs were so uplifting to me. It was my favorite song that they sang. This is my favorite song by Wilson Phillips…
I love Wilson Phillips! I use to know every word to their debut album, by heart. I’ll have to find the cassette (lol), and see if I still do. I know every word to every Go-Go’s song because I’m crazy like that 😀 I can’t wait to see them, again. I’m SO glad that they announced that, this is NOT their official ‘farewell’ tour!!!!! They said, they are going to play this summer and continue on. YAY! 😀
If you haven’t seen the movie Bridesmaids; go see it. Not only is it HILARIOUS; there’s a surprise at the end I think you’ll LOVE!
Just wanted to say hello to everyone. The rain and cold has finally stopped and it’s now in the 90’s and very humid! Oh can’t there be a happy medium? I’m not really complaining though, besides it does cool off at night so you only need the fans on.
Yeah Josh, I like the medium temps also. Some days are hotter than others here, because of the humidity changing from day to day. Today the humidity seems better. I actually sat outside mid day today and could breathe, so that means maybe a cooler night after the sun goes down. Once the sunsets behind the trees I like sitting outside until night time which is about 2 hours…
The last time I got to do that I did some pruning on my cherry plum tree. I’ve been reading and researching how to care for them because it needed some attention. I have 2 seedlings growing underneath the tree I just hope the grass guy doesn’t mow over them. I might try and mark them later so he will know to go around them. My next project is my red plum tree. It’s only 3 years old and needs to be in a different location, so I will be tending to that one next…
I actually bought a Mandevilla plant which is a running vine plant. The stars and striped ones caught my eye and these plants attract hummingbirds which I like watching. I want to plant it on one of my mom’s metal rose fans which probably would be the best place for this plant. I linked you to what they look like in case you didn’t know what they were.
I’ve been able to do a little in the garden. I planted tomatoes and bell peppers. Inside, I’ve been trying to grow a lemon from a seed that I got from a lemon lol. I’m not sure if it will do anything other than grow leaves but it’s still fun and nice to daydream.
I haven’t heard of Mandevilla but it really is pretty. It kind of reminds me of a hibiscus for some reason. I really like it.
I hope everyone is doing great. I had a wonderful week at one of my Mother’s vacation homes. I had a great time and relaxed to the nines. Rhonda and Lesli; I thought about you ladies. I tried the almond milk after all. It was good. I think it tastes like a coffee creamer. It was great when I added it to my coffee and the extra bit of vanilla kicked things up a little. I’m not big in to vanilla like most but I have to say, it was yuuuuummy! You ladies should really try it that way, sometime. Now that I’m back home, it’s time to get back to reality. (Feel bad for me please, LOL! I’m kidding.) I can’t wait for the next couple weeks to come around because, I have tickets to a Go-Go’s concert! AHHHHH I can’t wait!!!!! 😀 I hope this summer turns out to be just as great as it has started!
Hey Tiffie, Everybody is out enjoying vacations and outings. My vacation is coming up. I usually take a week off right before inventory and plus we have remodel to do before inventory, so our store is busy, busy busy. I take another vacation right before the holidays to rest up for the madness at Christmas time. I have to say work went smoother than prior years, last year. I guess Walmart has figured out the right plan and that’s a good thing 🙂
I love the Go-Go’s. Belinda is my favorite. I also like Wilson Phillip back then also, so enjoy your concert. I hope you have a great time 🙂
Oh and by the way since you said the chocolate almond milk is yummyyy I will have to give it a try and I’m still having coffee but not as much. I have cut back. I’m still having hot teas and now Iced tea to try and cut back even more…
I LOVE Jane! I can never pick a favourite Go-Go. I think they’re all great. Jane and Kathy are hysterical while Gina is just right down awesome! I love Charlotte and Belinda, though. I have to say Jane and Gina intrigue me the most. They were on Good Morning America, this morning. Of course I couldn’t miss it. I hope you get to see them, too! 😀 I’m counting down the days til the concert…..it’s killing me~! 🙂
I must have missed them on GMA! Were they on today? I will try to catch it on youtube. I saw them a year or so back (on TV not in concert) and they all looked great. I would love to see them in person someday.
They were on Friday (yesterday), morning. It’s already on youtube (lucky you :-D). You better hurry if you want to see them. This is their farewell tour and after next weekend (Ohio’s show), they’ll only have eleven dates left. Most of the last shows are in California, Colorado, and Texas. I really hope you get to see them, Josh 🙂 Take care and “rawk hawn”!!!!!
Jenny, I had to hop over here and say I appreciate your show being what it was. It helped me understand people better. People are misjudged in this world by our society and your show was merely a reflection of our society and people who didn’t like your show was too scared to see it. I will judge those who do wrong, like Arnold and the Botox mom and not feel bad about it because it’s wrong doing. The type of wrong doing who put respectful people to shame. I don’t like that type of behavior…
I think a lot of people are misjudged for the wrong reasons and your talk show has shown me that within our society. I didn’t get that from other talk shows, I only seen that through your show and I think it’s because of how you hosted to give audience people a chance to speak their minds as well. You were a terrific host and the best 🙂
That was sweet rhonda and I agree with you tiffie 🙂
When I was a child I would watch talk shows instead of cartoons and Jenny was always the high point. It was on late when I was a kid so I would secretly stay up so I could watch it.
I remember seeing a woman who drank milk up her nose and then made it come out of her eyes and trying it with coke haha.
I loved how Jenny made no judgments about the people on her show and how she would even tell the audience not to “boo” the kids who were bullies even when they probably needed a little more than just booed.
I remember watching a bio of Jenny and being floored when they said her age, which I wont even say because it’s rude to speak of a woman’s age. She simply didn’t look it and she doesn’t now. She looks amazing.
I watched through many time changes and when it was finally moved to 3pm (where it stayed for years) I would rush home to catch it.
As with many it was a big part of my life and I hold a special place in my heart where I keep those memories.
One night I was wondering what she was up to now so I googled and found this site which has been a great experience! and even more so since the “comment” feature was added 🙂
Aw thank you too Josh 🙂 I have to agree about Jenny not judging anyone any different. That’s how I’ve learned to approach others and for the most part I feel like that type of attitude should be with us all but it’s not with some people so I try and make anyone I meet feel valued as the person they are no matter who they are. I do meet the nicest people and it’s because of the understanding I have of people…
Oh and Josh the weather is nice here. How bout you?…
Aw thank you Tiffie. I am a kind hearted person even to the rudest people. I feel rude people only strive for kindness and understanding, because something about them they don’t feel good about. Kind of like kids are with being bullies. So that tells me adults who act out in a negative way is immature and need to be approached like children, seriously. We do have adult bullies out there who strive for things they lack in life. If everyone had kindness and understanding towards the people around them, there would be no hatred in this world…
I Agree I watched and was a loyal fan of your show also Jenny. It was the only show I feel was different refreshing and real. I agree you had such a lovely way about you, you always made Your guest feel welcomed, You always had a variety of topics for each week, I could go on, The day your show went off the air it sadden me. I felt just like when you loss a good friend thats Moving far away. When i discovered you were back with this website I smiled and thought “yeah we ve got our jenmy back” Ty Jenny its good yo have ya bavk hon, love and hugs, Lesli
Lesli, I liked the word you use “real”. I have to agree with you. Jenny’s show was the real thing. I have to say it was refreshing to connect to her show like I did. I may not be that understanding person I am today. I do give Jenny and her show a lot of credit, but working in retail, being in society, meeting different people has helped too. I guess that’s why I don’t have a problem working in retail because you do meet different people and I treat people all the same, no matter who they are…
Well it was very hot for two days last week, and now it’s cool again lol I don’t get it, but after the heat I’m kind of liking it. still wish i could get my garden together :/ well there is always next week lol.
Josh, if you don’t mind me asking, what state are you in? The weather is the same here in Georgia. It rained all weekend and now we have low temps. I agree, it can be nice when we go for a while with hot temps and then cooler temps. It almost seems like fall is here but I know this isn’t gonna last long. Hoping the temps aren’t as scorching as they have been in the past summer days…
I was able to put down mulch last week for my mom around her knockout rose bushes. I got poked a couple times but it didn’t hurt too bad because I used caution…lol…they have thorns as big and sharp as sharks teeth…ouch! I hope you can work in your garden soon. I agree with Lesli it can be very therapeutic…
To be honest Josh, I myself like to grow your common house plants. I never really had luck with plants/flowers outside. It’s been a while since I’ve worked around a garden. The plants are my Mom’s and she has lots of roses, hydrangeas and begonias and some that are new to me, because my sister got them and planted them. I’m sure I’ll figure out what they are soon enough…
I like fruit trees and fruit plants. They are easier to take care of, especially with the heat that we get. Helping my Mom out with her flowers outside has made me want to start my own garden and give it a try with my own plants. I don’t do too bad with hers…
There’s a tree that started growing in the front yard, which I’ve got to research and see what kind of tree it is. My Dad wanted a dogwood out front so once I get the dogwood planted I’m wanting to have a little garden to enclose around the 2 trees and start my garden there. I’ve seen gardens enclose around trees and I like how it looks. I’m researching flowers now to get ahead of myself…
I’ll have to find out and get back to you on what we do have outside. I know we do have 2 plum trees and variety of berry plants and seedless grapes which are my plants for outside…
We have a plum tree and they don’t get huge but they are good. We also have roses, I’m not sure which kind they are. We also have several different kinds of peonies.
I am also better with house plants lol. I do enjoy growing herbs.
How’s the weather where you are? It’s finally nice here 🙂
I have a red plum tree and the other one is a cherry plum, probably what you have. They are bite size plums. About the size of a grape and I loved those as a kid and had to have one in the yard. The way I got it is it started growing in the front yard, so I guess that’s why I watch for seedlings of trees just to try and figure out what it is growing out there. I love being outside in nature, because it just gives me things to research. It’s fun and interesting…
Oh and Josh I forgot to mention the black cherry tree in back. It’s in the far back of the house and I didn’t start that one. I guess I don’t claim it since I didn’t plant it. I really didn’t know it was there until I researched it one day. I like rainier cherries. The common red cherries are good too. Don’t really care for the black cherries…
i am sorry been mia been busy working on yard and put in a second garden well I have yet to plant the veggie but took a long time to dig over grass to invert into a garden. I love doing this thou something so theraputic its worth all the hard work. How is everyone doing this fine friday? Hugs to Jenny and all my friends here Love ya all. Lesli
After the cold winter days people need to get out and about and do things after being stuck at home in the house. Like I told Josh it can be very therapeutic for people who’s been couped up for a few months. In the winter time I somewhat hibernate and don’t do much except normal house cleaning but outside I love it. I will just sit outside sometime and do my thinking there. I do that when I’m trying to change things around in the house or it’s good for me to sit outside to see what I can do to enhance the yard…
No need to be sorry for being mia, Lesli. It’s nice weather in some places and I don’t blame you for taking advantage of it 🙂
I have to say, my last post had me in tears, happy tears 🙂
Jenny has did something good for herself and for her fans. I took myself back in time when I defended you Jenny and to have a place like your website just makes me happy it’s here. It was a battlefield out there when I did things at Yahoo and Acme-City, but it was well worth it 😉
You deserved better and I did my best to help people see that you did and I have to say at tvtalkshows.com I gained respect from others and I may have put another image of you in there minds to help you gain some respect there as well…
Tvtalkshows.com has closed their site down. Trevor liked the chaos it brought and it truly wasn’t a nice place to chat. This place is like my yahoo club I had and Acme-City I patrolled, but I’m on the other side and I hope you aren’t having a hard time with haters wanting to intrude and cause problems…
When Josh said he was grateful to have this place, I am grateful as well…
Oh my It’s not even fun to go yahoo because people are unbelievably rude! The same with youtube, I can watch something but I fight myself to not look at the comments because it seems people just say whatever awful thing pops into their head.
I think it would be fun to have a chat room lesli. maybe Jenny could work that out in some way.
Some people can be so rude on the internet, Josh. I like places monitored to weed out the negative posters. I consider these people internet bullies and lost souls. They just say rude stupid stuff for attention and want a reaction from someone…
I haven’t been to yahoo message board and chat rooms lately. So I’m sure it’s no different than when I last chatted there. At Youtube I don’t even read comments I just surf and watch what I’m searching for, because I know there’s someone in the mix who has posted that are not very nice…
It use to get under my skin to see someone be so rude to someone else. I think it still does, so I won’t post where there is chaos anymore. I think I’ve had my share at tvtalkshows.com and I don’t want any part of rude people anymore. I try to ignore such people, they feed off your reaction, so why bother giving them what they strive for. They do disappear if no one notices them…
Scheduled time chats sound like fun. I think it would be one more fun filled thing to add to Jenny’s website 🙂
Ok now i may being going out on a limb here but Jenny please tell me what ya think, I had this awesome idea (not sure how you feel about it, but) wouldnt it be awesome if you could get a small gathering of us regulars here on chat, me you josh, rhonda, tiff, ect, and go on a chat like we could all talk in a chat room you could even make it private somehow, us gals could look into a free safe chat room (where not everyone could get in for privacy sake) but wouldnt that be so awesome, Jenny – you and me and tiff and rhonda Josh how do you all feel about my idea. we could make it for mid summer maybe one night, what ya all think? If not i understand but i thought it was cool idea. Hugs, Lesli
I had a yahoo club for JJ fans and they have chat rooms like what you are talking about there. I liked it because me and another girl monitored it and it was actually fun…
I also use to monitor Jenny Acme-City community when Warner Bros. had communities for their television shows. I kept haters out of Jenny’s community there. That was fun too…
So I like the idea Lesli, because Jenny’s site is monitored and controlled by her and Damon, maybe I would be up for it. It does sound like fun…
I didn’t realize this until now, Lesli. I’m a Pisces too. My birthday is Feb 26th. I don’t know why I didn’t realize that when you posted your birthday a while back…
It’s nice weather finally, so I might be doing some yard work myself. I want to work around the flower beds and get them looking nice. One of my sisters has already started on one side of the yard. I want to do the front Monday or Tuesday. I’m behind doing it, because of the weather we’ve been having and it usually rains when I’m off work, so I’m hoping this week the rain will stay away so I can get things in order…
Sorry to hear about the computer problem. Glad to see you’re back… Oh and Good Luck with your garden, Lesli 🙂
I have been wanting to clean up my garden and get some things planted as well but it’s either been raining or too cold and they say it’s going to rain all week lol I hope they are wrong. At lest I can plant my herbs in pots 🙂
Yeah Josh, I know the feeling. I’m a month behind doing stuff out in the yard because of the rain we’ve had as well. There’s a 20% chance of rain tomorrow but I think it will be okay to start this week with my yard work…
I bought some gloves for weed pulling today but couldn’t find the mulch. I will have to go to Home Depot or Lowe’s but regardless if I have the mulch or not the weeding has got to be done tomorrow before it gets out of hand. I might place pine straw underneath the bushes until I get the mulch for them. I hope I don’t get poked by the knockout rose thorns. I’ve been poked before by them and it hurts…
Hopefully the rain will stopped so you can work in your yard as well… Good luck with your plants and garden, Josh…
Wow! yet another storm coming through Atlanta. Really dark where I am 🙁 I wish these storms would go away and not appear on a weekly bases… Here’s a link to Atlanta’s tower cam…
Still kinda cloudy where I am, but not as dark 🙂 It will be heavy rain and some wind tonight. There’s a stronger storm behind this one that is still lingering. They say low threat of servere weather, but any little bit of darkness and noise scares me now after dealing with so many storms in the past month. After the damage the last storm did to Alabama and Georgia, it freaks me out now. I’m okay though. I try not let it get to me. I can’t do anything to stop it. All I do is pray it don’t harm us when they do appear. Prayer is good 🙂
You’re right, Rhonda. Prayer is good. I’m glad you’re okay and my heart goes out to all the victims that have suffered, due to the horrible storms. It has been raining a lot, here. It’s flooding some areas but nothing close to me. Some yards look like inground swimming pools! Between the rain and the unusual cold temperatures, the wind has been the worst (when it was doing its damage, last week). Luckily, everything has remotely calmed down. I pray your area will be a-ok.
We’ve decided to revamp our gardens this year; any suggestions?
Thank you Tiffie. Sorry to hear about the flooding in your area and I’m glad you’re okay as well. This weather all over needs to calm down some it is kinda weird and odd here lately. This time last year we were in drought. I don’t mind a lot of rain but too much of it can be damaging as well…. Umm… I like double knock me out roses. They could be a filler and take up large space, so I suggest you add those to your garden. We have 2 double knock me out rose bushes out front and my mom loves them. I’ve got to get out there though and pull weed underneath them for her and maybe add some mulch to stop the grass from growing. We have a lawn guy who cuts grass every 2 weeks and it’s time to pull weeds up and do some trim work. I enjoy the outside, so I don’t mind doing things like that. Plus it makes the yard look so nice 🙂
They are called double knockout roses not knock me out roses, but here’s some pictures of them if you haven’t seen them before. They are beautiful roses…
The true flooding is ways a way. My area is showing very mild-wet lands; where they may be. My heart goes out to anyone who, has the hardship of dealing with such matters. We shall all be blessed when times are peaceful, yes?
I LOVE the roses~! Thank you for the idea. I have already handed over your advice to my gardeners. I think those roses will be a wonderful bonus in our gardens.
How have you been Rhonda? I’m wondering how Lesli is doing, as well. I hope she touches base, soon. If anyone else has an update; please share! 😀 We LOVE to hear from each and every one of you!
I’m doing okay. Thanks for asking Tiffie 🙂 My car is finally fixed. That was a major headache tryingto work it out with the insurance company and it still didn’t go right for me. I ended up paying out of pocket for a radiator. I had too. I needed my car. I didn’t have time nor much patiences left to wait on these people, but that’s all passed me now. I’m kinda stress free and enjoying life 😉 Work has picked up and it can be a a headache at times, but for the most part work is fine. I like staying busy rather than those slow days…ugh!
How are things with you Tiffie?… And yeah, I hope Lesli is okay. I haven’t seen her around. It’s been weeks now since her last visit here…
“awe!!!!!!” You guys rock! Thats so sweet of you to be worrying about me Rhonda 🙂 I am fine, I am so sorry I ve been having computer issues and as well busy for a change lol. I have been getting artistic moood, and trying out painting for the first time. My father was an Artist when He was alive, and being a pisces thats one thing Ive always loved was Art but never could be one, But still I am finding it so theraputic. And then secondly I been busy last few days digging over dirt (which I prob shouldnt since I have problems with my back to began with, but me and my Daughter wanted a garden, we said that for the last two springs and never did, but this year I said thats it we’re gonna have a dam garden lol. So I went out there and started digging, today got the fencing for around it, needless to say (and hense the reaosn why nededing the fencing, My Dogs are sitting by the fenced in garden and sighing with their sad faces. the love to dig in the dirt and I could never have anything growing hadn’t I fenced it in. So Im excited, blueberrys, strawberries, and rasp berries is what we will grow in garden, Im so tempted to do one more garden in another are aof our yard since I have seeds, we ll see. oooh my poor back lol. Hugs to Jenny Tiffie, Rhonda, and bless you all my ladies. Happy Mom Day to you all. Lesli~
As you all know we have been having tornadoes at least once a week for the past month here in the south and yesterday and last night was the worse. I was praying that it would stay away and where I live we were sandwiched in between 2 killer storms with deadly tornadoes about 25 to 30 miles north and south of me. I’m in central Georgia. !5 people killed in Georgia and more were killed in Alabama…
I linked the news coverage if anyone is interested. I’m sure coverage has been on CNN and Fox News too. It’s a terrible thing to happen and this is why it scares me so bad. I get knots it the pit of my stomach just looking at the damage 🙁
We didn’t get any damage here, aside from a few shingles blowing off the house. It’s awful to see all the damage and all of the people who have been hurt. Is the weather calming down any where you are? Did you have any damage?
No damage here. It was actually calmer than I thought it would be, but the storm turning like it did made it mild where I am. 2 weeks ago was bad for me with a 17 hour power outage. Nothing like that here this time. Just high winds and rain. The lightening never made it to me, so I sleep until about 5am which is a bit early for me to be waking up, but it’s because I fell asleep early. The hardest hit closest to me was about 25-30 miles south of me. The storm north of me was closer to Tenn.
Glad you’re okay as well Josh. These storms really are nothing to play around with. They are so powerful and that’s why I am scared of high winds. It is awful just knowing how many lives were lost and the damage it brought…
Rhonda Are you still OKAY? These storms are scary stuff. We had a huge thunderstorm here last night and a tornado touched down a few county’s over. it knocked my internet off until this afternoon.
Thanks Josh for asking. Tonight I’m fine. I’m sad though because of how many lives were lost in these storms. Almost 300 people totally so far and that’s sad… Last night was really heavy winds and lightening and thunder in the distance, but I was a nervous wreck. Didn’t really know what was coming my way. It seemed one of those “super” tornadoes was crossing over the state line from Alabama around 9pm last night and that’s when I was most nervous, but I couldn’t stand to even think about it, so I tried to get some sleep in case it was another night like 2 weeks ago when I had no sleep but the storm that was headed NE of me started going East after it crossed over… It killed 3 people 2 counties south of me. If it would’ve stayed on track going NE it would’ve cut straight through central Georgia, which is Metro Atlanta, which is where I am…
I agree Josh scary stuff for sure… How are you doing and was it bad where you were? Anything damaged close by?
Before I go to bed, I wanted to stop by with an update. My kitchen is D-O-N-E 😀 and I LOVE it! Everything was finished, just in time for Passover. I couldn’t be any happier. Have a great weekend, ladies and gentlemen. 🙂
Glad you are finished with the remodeling because I know it can be a headache until things are back in place. It seems you love it and I’m glad things worked out to your liking 😀
Hi all, haven’t been around because I’ve been stressing over trying to get my car fixed. Insurance companies are a major headache and it’s like pulling teeth with these people. Highly annoying…
It’s in my paper work clear as day that my radiator was shifted in the accident and they had to realign it but fail to notice the damage to the radiator. I don’t get it, if they had to pull it back into place then what’s the hold up with making that decision…
Maybe I should become an adjuster because the ones I’ve dealt with do a crappy job. I actually got the dealership people involved and it seems to be coming along just fine now…
Sorry, had to vent a little… I hope everyone is having a great day…
Awe sending hugs to you sweetie hope things are going better. It was sunny today and i had a good day today amazing. I felt like planting sunflowers even,however got a tad to cold. Mybe this weekend. Hugs Jenny and everyone.
Aw Lesli, I’m okay but I have slipped a little with the coffee, but not too bad. I’m back to having one cup in the morning again. I am still having tea though 🙂
I called the dealership guy and he said it was damaged during the accident. I thought once the guy at the dealership made a decide they would take his word. but Nooo! They are wanting to send an inspector out now to look at my car, but you know? I’m tired of dealing with this insurance company and I’m tired of waiting. I told my sister last night that if I didn’t hear from them by the end of the week I will just pay out of pocket and have it fixed myself. I’ve already checked around and I can have it fixed for $300. I would rather do that to get rid of the stress and headaches…
Hey Jenny and my other sweet Gals here, how you all doing, And Rhonda so glad to hear you are safe hon. Sorry I been MIA, Lots going on this past week. And You ll be glad to hear Hubby is all better and back to talking, now if I can only find that MUTE button (lol J/k) HE’S HAPPY HE can once again eat to his desire reg food and not soupy mush lol. His words. Anyways just touching base with You Jenny, Rhonda Tiff. And Oh yes I’m still reeling with the news that they are taking All my children off the air, thats like as american as apple pie 🙁 Hugs to you all, Lelsi have great Sunday Gang. And a terrific week. Lesli~
Aw Jenny, I’m okay. It was bad about an hour ago but I hear it from a distance coming my way, and since it slowed down for a min I thought I was hop on here to check a few things, including here. I’m glad I got a break, I didn’t want you guys to worry… We still have tornado watches out, so I’m sure there’s more to come. It’s suppose to do this all night and I’ll be sleeping on the sofa again 🙂
Rhonda, I am so glad to hear you’re doing ok. The rain poured down last night and the winds became heavy, in my area. Today, the winds are worse and the sun is no where to be seen. Last weekend was perfect Spring weather and now it’s gloomy and cold. Earlier, it sounded like a bear trying to get in through the side of the house! LOL! (Bears only live in zoos around here! :-D) The wind is terrible!!!!!
LOL!…so funny! 😆 That’s why I wanted to get online last night to let you all know about another storm coming through, but Jenny had posted her concerns and that was so nice of you Jenny. I thank all you guys for being so concerned… It’s good being a JJBB-(Jenny Jones Blog Buddy)-(sigh) 🙂
Hey Tiffie, The storm last night hit hardest North of me. I’m in south Atlanta. Most the damage and power outage was north Atlanta. Any time they call for tornado watches and warnings it scares me and they had extended the watches until 6am. At least I did get sleep this time, because it got quite around 1am. I live not too far from the airport and I could hear planes flying over which was music to my ears 🙂
It was really windy today as well, but a beautiful sky with very little clouds and the sun is so bright. My sunglasses glared a reflection, because it was so bright… We might have to turn the heat up tonight. The suns going down and it’s quite chilly outside. It almost feels like fall weather. It’s nice though 🙂
Just wanted to let you all know that they make dark chocolate Almond milk. At work today I was making sure the labels were right with the product and there it was. It’s fairly new so some stores may not have it yet. I haven’t seen the chocolate Coconut milk yet, but I’m sure they will have that eventually…
Lesli how is the hubby doing? I hope he’s doing better…
Tiffie how are things going with the remodeling?…
And Josh I hope everything is good with you as well 🙂
Thank you for keeping us up to date 🙂 I’m going shopping tomorrow so, you got me right in time. I’m going to keep my eyes open for it.
Everything has been going smoothly and so far, nothing has set us back. LUCKILY it remains that way. Work will resume this weekend and I’m pretty thankful because it is nearly freezing outside. Over the weekend we had a record breaking high and now you can see your breath! What a difference in our weather, in just a few days. With the workers going in and out, it would be so difficult to keep the house warm.
How have you been, Rhonda? Lesli, I hope everything is well with you and your husband. You take good care of him 🙂
I’m okay, but I’ve been better, thanks for asking Tiffie 🙂 I am dealing with my car being fix. I was in a car accident in January. Nobody hurt and it wasn’t my fault, but they did a crappy job with the repairs. I had to have my bumper, fender and headlight replaced, which is fine, but then Saturday, my nephew was changing out the other headlight for me and he noticed a crack in the top corner of my radiator. Not good! I’ve contacted the insurance company and I was told she would look over my claim and paper work and get back with me about it, but I haven’t heard from her… It took 2 months for them to give the okay to fix what they fixed and I just hope they are willing to fix their mistake. I’m kinda annoyed about it, because it shouldn’t have been overlooked…
I had an accident last year. It wasn’t my fault, I was parked and in the house lol and the person ran off. I turned my forms into my insurance company and didn’t hear back from them for the longest time so I just went by the office and they had gone out of business!
Thank you for asking, I am doing alright, and taking it one day at a time, although it still hasn’t totally sunk in yet. I am grateful that she is in a better place an no longer in pain. I promise once I am able to actually take a moment, i will write a little about my cousin as Jenny suggested. That alone may help in dealing with it.
Josh, some people can be so inconsiderate. That’s happened to me before. I was at work and my car sits in the parking lot all day and it looks like someone tried to cut across the parking lot and clipped my back bumper. I went to management about it, but they couldn’t do anything because it has to be reported within 24 hours and I had no idea when it even happened…
I have been busy, busy, busy! If anyone is planning a kitchen remodel; stop and rethink it! HAHA! I warn you now.
Everything is looking wonderful and I’m trying my best to keep everyone comfortable while they work. The weather is PERFECT and things are looking great 😀
Yeah Tiffie, it can be a job and things be out of place, but the finished work you will enjoy. It seems you are keeping your patiences with all the chaos there, because I know how things can be jacked up during a remodeling of a home… I bet it’s going to look fantastic 🙂
Here at the house, after the major replacing of the floor and counter was done, I helped my Dad add more cabinet space. The house is 60+ years old and the windows need updating. He was in the process of getting a new roofing job done but he passed before he could do that, but we have already taken care of that last year. My Dad never got around to replacing windows and patio doors either, so me and my sisters are trying to get that underway…
One of the best things about remodeling is, getting the chance to grill out. LOL! Even if it is gloomy out. (It’s what we’re doing tonight.) 😀 You make the most of things, huh? 🙂
I said, “PERFECT” weather and on the local news, they gave a report on how our area had a record breaking eighty four degrees. Hmmmmm? I don’t know how I didn’t feel it. The breeze was great here so, I’m guessing they were referring to the inner city.
Today was my cousin’s funeral. She died Wednesday.
I can’t even begin to process it, it’s still so raw and it doesn’t feel real. I just wanted to write that somewhere, and i am grateful that there is such a place as this website.
I know it’s going to be OK and that she is in a better place now. Please keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers.
Josh, I am so very sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers and I know all the rest of your friends here will feel the same. When you feel up to it, tell us as little about your cousin. xoxo
“OMG Jenny!!” Today I made the Meringues, Ive never ever made them before, and let me tell you I was amazed at how simple and easy they were to make, and rather fun to, Both my Dogs Freedom and Bella were at my side to help (more like begging for some batter). I LOVE THEM!!!! I wonder Jenny how many calories are in them, a friend was asking after I told them about making them. Let me know. They are amazing hon. You have some of the neatest ideas and recipes. HUGS to jenny and my gals here. Have nice night. Lesli
Aw, thank you all for your concerns. I had to run to the store after the power came back on and you wouldn’t believe the trees down in my neighborhood. I had to take a detour out of the subdivision and take the long way out. These trees I saw were huge oak trees and some pine. It gave me goosebumps to be face to face of what high winds can do… Not out of the woods just yet. I was listening to the radio and we still have tornado warnings 🙁 I’m calling it an early night since I didn’t get much sleep last night and I hope there’s not another night of bad weather…
Hi gang, hubby had outpatient surgery today (hes fine they took out a cyst and he can only eat soft food for ten days, ladies give me some ideas of what i can make for him besides mashed potatoes, ect. He cant talk right now either, and he writes everything down. Im waiting on him hand of foot, but this not talking ya think its a girls dream lol, but i tell ya I dont know whats worst not talking or trying to read his notes every ten minutes lol. Anyways give me some food ideas Jenny and gang. Hugs, Lesli
There are certain foods that help promote healing of wounds and I would definitely recommend he eats as much of these as possible. They are: sweet potatoes, carrots, potatoes, mango, papaya, eggs, yogurt, beans, avocado, & bananas. Fresh pineapple is a great wound healer (not canned). The healthier the foods he eats, the faster he will recover. You could also make oatmeal, rice pudding, cream of wheat, refried beans, scrambled eggs, cheese omelette, and what about crustless cheesecake? Make sure he gets protein. Babyfood is good too and when he can progress, try mashed tuna or sardines. My best to your hubby.
Your welcome Lesli. Glad it’s helping and I’m glad he is feeling better. I’m sure maybe by next week he will get that steak. Just make sure he eats things that Jenny listed for about healing and what foods to eat. She knows a lot about health, so I would take her advice 🙂
Hey everybody, Update on Hubby. He is doing a lil better today still not up to talking however. So another day of pen and paper (writting notes to me all day). Poor guy is so wishing he could have a steak right now. Im trying to sit in the other room and not eat in front of him. But just wanted to thank you all for your food ideas and we been using some of them as well. Hugs to you all, Lesli
Lesli, I’m glad to hear he is moving in the right direction. He’ll make it to a full recovery in no time 🙂 You must have a lot of patience and love 🙂 I can tell you are full of both.
Here’s a few things that might be helpful, Lesli: Applesauce, Ripe Banana, Soft Ice Cream, Yogurt, Pudding, Jello, Soups, Refried beans and baby food if he can stomach it…lol… Ensure would be good for him to drink 🙂
This is what I’ve been dealing with all day 🙁 No power since midnight last night. We had a 17 hour power outage because of a storm that came through last night around midnight. I was so scared. Such high winds and I just can’t bring myself to be comfortable with those kinds of high winds we had last night… We have more trees in the back of the house, so I stayed in the front of the house and sleep on the sofa. Trees and high winds are not my thing as I’ve said before. It was a scary night. I couldn’t sleep because of the lightening and thunder all night and not to mention the hail hitting the windowing… I added a link of the outcome of the storm here. There are picture here of the damages this storm brought if anyone wants to check it out. 6 people were killed and the damages are estimated at $32 million…
Oh Rhonda, I am terribly sorry to hear about the deaths.
Weather like that is aweful to deal with, not to mention it being at night. I always tell my Mother that I can handle nasty weather in the daytime, a lot better. Hopefully, your sanity has come back. I bet you will have excellent sleep tonight 🙂
Thank you Lesli and Rhonda (CCA pride!), for the best of wishes to my new kitchen. If it’s not the kitchen of my dreams, after an estimated month of (long) weekend remodeling, I’ll just scream LOL! Like I said; I went through SO MANY samples of anything you could imagine. At first, I was critiquing everything. Then, I went to a simple, “Love it. Hate it. Love it. Hate it. Hate it. Love it.” method, ROFL! I am half way finished and so far, I LOVE the outcome.
Your welcome Tiffie, it’s good to go with your gut sometimes if undecided… Keep us update on how things are going with the remodel of your kitchen. I’m sure it’s coming along great 🙂
Jenny, in your reply to me about using loose leaf tea or tea bags I realized I needed to google the difference. No wonder she gave me the IngenuiTEA tea cup. Loose leaf is better. Tea bags are convenient. No wonder I liked it better 🙂
Josh, I know that catnip tea relaxes the body, but what I didn’t know is that it helps with headaches.. Yep Lesli, it help with sleep and headaches. It’s good for numerous things. I linked you to my finding 🙂
Chat Room Update: There is a limit of ten comments per posting so if your comment is not accepted, just start a new thread by clicking the Comments link above…
Since I’ve cut back on coffee and drinking more hot tea at work, a co worker notice I wasn’t drinking coffee and making my hot tea instead and she got this for me the other day. I thought it was so nice of her, but to be honest Jenny’s way is easier for some reason 😉 I feel bad, because I don’t feel like I would use it as often as I would the microwave and if I don’t use it at work she may wonder why I’m not using it, so I don’t know what to do or say to her. Any advice 🙂 Jenny have you always used tags bag or have you also used loose tea to make your tea?
Jenny this brings up a good topic, Is there any TEA that we can drink for us people that take forever to fall asleep? ALSO: Is there any natural herb or food we can eat that might help aid sleep? signed: sleepless in michigan zzzzzz (or: Lesli)
There are several herbal teas for relaxation with ingredients like valerian root, chamomile, catnip, & hops but they have never worked for me. There are also herbs like melatonin you could try but here is how I deal with insomnia: 1) Don’t drink anything with caffeine after 12 noon. 2) Expose yourself to bright sunlight for an hour or two a day. 3) Exercise in the morning, not in the evening. 4) Eat carbs or drink warm milk before bed. (I have cereal for both) 5) If you take calcium (and you should), take it before bed. 5) No alcohol before bed. It disrupts your sleep cycle. I hope that helps.
Thank you so much Jenny, I also will share this info with my 19 year old Daughter that has been having the worst time falling asleep at night (and shes in her first year of college and needs to be bright and aleart in the morning) Hugs – Lesli
“Happy Saturday to all” I slept in (lol) oh well it is the weekend. 🙂 Its bright and sunny today. But so far its 44, hopefully it warms up from that. Have good day my friends, Hugs oxoxo, Lesli
I got to sleep in a little, myself. I had to get up at a decent time because I am having some things done around my kitchen. Last weekend launched the start of a new kitchen floor. The floor is all finished and now I’m getting new faucets put in. This weekend is not as labouring as last weekend or next weekend, (next weekend is all new cabinets), but then again; I’m not the one in there working.
I’m LOVING the outcome of my new (woohoo!), kitchen. Every time I walk in there, my eyes are looking at everything, trying to picture what else I can have remodeled. I like to keep everything up to date so, I felt it was a good time to mix things up. I looked at flooring samples to the point that, I almost passed on the project. When I about gave up, all I could hear in my head was, “You still want marble floors. You still want marble floors. Do it. You still want marble floors.” Now, I’m THRILLED I went ahead and went with the plan. My kitchen isn’t finished with ‘her’ facelift just yet. It’ll be all worth it, in the end 😀
Tiffie, how long is the remodel going to take from start to finish? Just wondering because it took my Dad and a friend of his to redo our kitchen almost 2 weeks to finish. I’m hope it’s what you wanted when all said and done. You seemed undecided at first what you wanted 🙂
And a happy Saturday to you both and you guys are lucky 🙂 Glad you got to sleep in. I had to be at work at 8am this morning. My schedule is being generated and modified because my assistant is on leave for 6-8 weeks. At least I get off work earlier 🙂 Oh and I bought some vanilla Almond milk, but it’s a little too sweet for my taste. What do you suggest I do to make it taste to make it taste good to my liking? I don’t want to waste this milk and I was thinking maybe buy some unsweetened Almond milk and mixing the 2 together and kinda do it like Jenny does her milk to cut the fat. What’cha think? Jenny?…
OH I bet then hon you would like the coconut milk because its doesnt have a huge bang to it, its just a very mild coconut taste. Yes I suggest you buy a carton of the plain almond milk and mix it with the one (almond vanilla) you already have and it will prob be to your liking. ENJOY. Lesli~
Oh, so you’ve tried the coconut milk, Lesli? I was gonna try the coconut milk next but the Almond milk seemed healthier, but I will try mixing the 2 and see how it taste. I had a feeling I should have got the original Almond milk…
Good luck on your little kitchen adventure, Lesli 😀 I’m glad to hear you are doing good. I’ve been trying to keep warm, from the latest snow fall we’ve received.
Awe Tiffie sorry to hear its cold where you reside. Im midwest and we hit a heat wave temp today of 44 degrees lol. I do not like hot weather, it seriously makes me feel ill at times, thank god for AC. But my fave season is Falltime (aaahhh I love Falltime….. Which Jenny, I have an idea, here at the chat, wouldnt that be so awesome this Sept/October to do a theme. You could have us send in some falltime recipe idea’s, along with your fab ideas, and you could do some cooking or even artisy type fun how to videos, What do you think, I think it be so much fun. Lets all chime in on this idea what ya all think. jenny I love the fact that I found your website hon, I feel like im welcomed here and have met you and other gals that are so sweet here. TY For making this website for all of Us Jenny. Hugs and have a good night (stay warm too Tiffie, its cold here this evening as well) P.S. Jenny, I just made my JEN MICROWAVE POPCORN for my midafternoon snack, Lovin it. Peace~ Lesli “skye”
Oh, don’t be sorry for cold weather. I LOVE cold weather~! Call me crazy but, I think hot days are horrible. I love the snow we just got. I was all sorts of excited. No one else around here shares my enthusiasm for snow. I’m a loner, HAHAHAHAHA!
I !LOVE! the Fall~! Not only is my birthday in October; the weather is nice and cool with beautiful colours EVERYWHERE. I always know that the cruel Summer days are out the door and, the holidays are getting closer 😀 (Not to mention, snow is on its way!) You’ve picked the right girl to share in your love of Autumn with, ROFL! I don’t like ice on the roads so, that is the one MAJOR downside with all that freezing, white puffy stuff. If it were not for the ice, I’d be in my own little snow angel heaven. 😀
I really enjoy Jenny’s site, too. I am so happy to be able to chat with you, Rhonda, Jenny, and the others. Here’s to more laughter and good times 😀
I love Jenny’s site too! 🙂 It’s a lot peaceful than what I’ve seen on other boards and it’s great Jenny is doing this for us fans. It should have been done long before now… I also like chatting with you guys. I’m a talker as it seems to be you both are as well… I’m with you on more laughter and good times, Tiffie 😀
Thank you again Jenny for giving us fans a positive, peaceful, fun place to talk among each other and with you as well, of course 🙂
I think the Sept/October fall theme would be a lot of fun. Lesli 🙂 Fall time is my favorite season as well. It’s just so relaxing. Not too hot, not too cold. It’s just right for relaxation… Oh and Jenny’s recipes are really simple, so I’m sure you will do good making the Meringues 😉 I’ve been wanting to make her lemon bars. I might try making those soon…
Jenny, it’s okay to send my e-mail address to the others wanting it… I don’t mind sharing it… And Tiffie I would like a send out of you recipe for candy bars as well 🙂
I’m so happy Jenny that you like my Falltime theme idea, and we all certainly have plenty of time to gather ideas and recipes right? Cool. Its always been my favorite time of the year as well. Seems like we all love our Fall 🙂 Hugs – Lesli “Skye”
Hey Lesli. I noticed where you asked about giving up candy bars. Some were easier to give up, over others. I had to keep reminding myself that, all the chemicals are horrible to my body. Now, I make my own version of Almond Joys and a couple others. I still enjoy chocolate; just certain brands/types. I love dark chocolate with either pecans or walnuts. It’s fun to get a couple gals together, get out some pots and pans and, bake up a storm. It’s good to do it that a way because, it keeps you from eating them all (LOL!) and everyone is rewarded with healthier alternatives.
Tiffie can you post how to make the homemade candybars? Id love to learn how pretty please (I would love to give you gals my email addy but I am not sure if thats allowed here (Jenny can we or would you rather we didnt?) Hugs to Jenny and my gals here. Lesli~
Lesli, we are happy to help anyone share email addresses as long as it’s requested by both parties. In that case, we will send each person the other’s email (privately, of course, not on this site). 🙂
Ok Jenny I was just being respectfull of Your site hon, thats why I asked first and didnt post mine. Jenny Ive enclosed my email addy where it states mail on this post, You have my permission to send it on to Rhonda and Tiffie, TY so much, and good day to you. Hugs, Lesli~
I am more than delighted to share this recipe with you. If anyone else would like a copy, I’d love to share it with them, as well. It would be pretty lengthy to post here so, mentioning an e-mail address helps 🙂 It is perfectly fine to send an e-mail my way, ladies.
The recipe is simple. It’s just putting everything together that can be time consuming. It does tend to be a little bit of extra work in the kitchen but, just think of all the chemicals you’re eliminating by making them yourself. 😀 Plus, it’s fun to make them with friends so you’re not stuck in a kitchen, all alone! LOL!
Can you please reply back to this comment with your email address so we can then forward it to Lesli & Rhonda. We will keep it confidential otherwise and won’t post it to the blog. Thanks, Damon
Jenny I didnt get to make the Meringues just yet I do not have the cream of tartar in my household pantry, so soon as I can I will try. I did hear that you can sub lemmon for cream/tartar, but that wouldnt work with this recipe would it Jenny? L~
Actually, you CAN use either lemon juice or white vinegar in place of cream of tartar (use the same amount as the cream of tartar) but you can also make meringues without cream of tartar – just make sure you beat the bejeebers out of the egg whites. The cream of tartar just helps along to make the meringues firm. They mixture needs to be very stiff and very glossy. Good luck!
When you get them all made; go to the store and get a big box, then pack up as many as you can and ship them to me! I don’t even expect a fancy bow on top because it would just get in the way of me devouring every single one of the them! LOL! I LOVE them!
When you beat the egg whites, think of an ex-boyfriend’s face. (Don’t have any? I can refer you some names, ROFL!) 😀 I myself, use a blender and it cuts the time WAY down.
lol about the when you beat them think of ex boyfriends – comment (good one) lol i am gonna make them for sure tomorrow, I got sidetracked and didnt make them thata day as planned me bad 🙁 Hugs and have a safe night all. Nightnight, Lesli
hey JENNY You were RIGHT!!!! I have been doing some side work studying dif things that are healthy foods, here and there this past week and a half. And You were ahead of the game when you told us about your homemade granola rem you told us about Canadan maple syrup, well lookie here, another reason to use it…
I like to research and google things too, Lesli and yeah Jenny knows her stuff when it come to eating healthy. It shows when she does her How to Videos 😉 And the funny thing about it she didn’t even know how healthy she was eating from that link you shared… Thanks for sharing it. I read it and yeah Jenny…WOW! I’m surprised also 🙂
Hey Girls, Thanks for asking hon, Being as how I am now a member of the CCA, I cant hide anything, lol Yes I havent done well lately with the no coffee, Im afraid I am weak right now lol. I have had terrible sinus/migraine headaches these last 3 days (straight everyday) Last night was terrible, I ended up sleeping with an ice pack under my neck it was that bad, so I still am drinking coffee (I get bad withdrawl headaches) Hugs to everyone. Lesli~
Aw, I hope you feel better Lesli. I’m sorry you had to deal with a headache for 3 days. I rarely get headaches but when I do they don’t last no more than 30 mins or so. I try to massage first to try and work the headache out and most the time it works but if it doesn’t I take something for it… I would wait about trying to cut back on the coffee too until the headache is gone. Don’t want to make it worse…
I’ve been doing okay. Thanks for asking Tiffie 🙂 I think I’m gonna make it 2 weeks with the every other day having coffee. I almost had a cup today on break because I forgot the tea for hot tea on the no coffee days but I had water instead and ice tea for lunch. I think if I can remember to take tea to work on those no coffee days I’ll be doing good for another week like I did last week. Decaf is just not tasting good these days, so I’m not drinking that. I figure why bother, just stick with hot teas with cream/milk and honey… Oh and Jenny I like the green tea with a splash of lemon. It’s really good 😉
Daryl Hall and John Oates has some pretty cool music. I use to listen to those guys long before JonBon Jovi… Bon Jovi is my favorite. I had posters on my wall of him back in the day… I love how he flashes his smile in this video 🙂
Lesli and Tiffie, I thought about you both today at work and I actually stopped and looked at the milks you both keep talking about. The only difference in Almond milk and Coconut milk is the almond milk is high in antioxidants and the coconut milk is low in calories. They both have 50% more calcium and both are lactose free and dairy free, so out of the 2 I think the Almond milk is more healthy. Coconut milk is healthy as well but if I had to chose, I would chose the Almond milk 🙂
I love almonds. Sometimes when I want something small to snack on at work I will get a trail mix of nuts and dry fruit and I love picking the almonds out first and I try to find the one bag that I can see more almonds inside, so I might have to try the almond milk. I don’t drink a lot of milk, so I really didn’t give it much thought…
Thank you for the information, Rhonda. I’m going to keep all that in mind. When I find good things like this that are beneficial, I hold on to them for as long as I can. 🙂 With them being lactose free, I’m going to try them both. I LOVE coconut and almonds. I especially love them both with chocolate! YUUUUUM! I’ll hold off on the chocolate…..for now! HAHA~!
You’re welcome, Tiffie 🙂 I’m around that stuff all day and yet my curiosity got the best of me again 🙂 I might have to try the almond milk. We carry it original and vanilla. I haven’t seen the chocolate yet but I wouldn’t be surprised if that one comes in behind these because these are new milks we just got… It’s funny, when you said coconut and almonds together, it made me think Almond Joy candy bar and with the chocolate it really would be an Almond Joy…lol…
I LOVED Almond Joys! They were one of the hardest things to ‘shake’ once I gave up all the junk/chemically added foods. I had a weakness for Snickers and a couple others but, Almond Joys were near the top of the list.
wow Tiffie you gave up chocolate too? I am addicted to chocolate (Jenny gave me hope thou she says dark chocolate is healthy) yah Jenny 🙂
How did you ever give up the candybars Tiffie thats so so hard, I love candybars. I rarely ever eat anything like cookies or cake anymore, but Girl CANDYBARS are a weakness. Lesli~
Rhonda, Yes If I had to pick now after trying both of them between almond and coconut, Id say I prefer the almond milk because its tast richer. But I prob will have both in the house at times when I can afford to that is. I still love my soy vanilla milk, but I HEAR GOOD AND BAD ABOUT SOY, so I do not know if I should drink it or not. Jenny do You know about Soy milk (and do you drink it Jenny?
I love the idea of the trail mix too. ALSO I tryed about a week ago Jen your granola LOVED IT!!!
Jenny P.S…. I had to laugh at myself yesterday I was having popcorn withdrawls. I went to make me up my daily healthy snack of “Jen microwave popcorn” as I do now thanks to you Jenny. And low and behold, I get the popcorn all packed away into its brown bag, and “Oh no …..no staples!!!!” Thats right I was out of staples. I was so bummed out. Well happily to report today I found the box of hiden staples. Yah!!! Its popcorn Friday tonight! Woo hoo. 🙂 Everything is now back to normal and I can breath…ahhhhhhhh. Signed: Jens num 1 popcorn fanatic 🙂
Did you ever think you would be looking for staples to put in your microwave?! HAHAHAHAHA! Not to mention that, you were bummed out by not being able to put metal IN the microwave?! HAHAHAHAHA! 😀 I’m glad you found your back-up staples. I also know the pain and suffering of going through what you have to, in order to get a good (healthy) snack in 🙂
I’m sorry that happened, Lesli. I would’ve had popcorn withdrawals too 😉 I guess you know what that means though. Time to buy staples!… You don’t want to go without Jen’s microwave popcorn especially on a Friday night… Enjoy your Friday night popcorn 🙂
Jenny (and Gals) I have a into Friend out in new York (20 years younger then I but we hit it off so nicely) and shes healthy choices, she told me that I should get off the soy milk i been drinking now for the longest time I try ALMOND MILK instead, says its very healthy to drink. I wonder if you jenny or anyone else has tryed it? I got my first carton of Almond Milk (by Silk) (rem this is almond milk not soy milk) AND OMG I SO LOVE IT! The one I purchased was with a lil vanilla added, but you can sure tell its almond has a very nuttie rich smooth flavor to it. And no i dont work for silk i swear lol. Just putting out there some healthy info for us all to try. Hugs. Lesli~
I’m so glad you suggested this! I am so close to being lactose intolerant. It is always good to find alternatives. I’m going to try this out. I LOVE almonds so, let’s hope that’s a good bonus. Dairy is so wicked on my body that, I have to use a non-dairy coffee creamer. I’d prefer Bailey’s~! ROFL! …..aaaaawh!!!!! 😀
Keep at it, Lesli! I’m here to cheer you on, as well 😀
Okay you 2. You both are talking my line of work…lol… 😆 Seriously though, I work in retail and my main area is the Dairy department. The Almond milk sales really good, so I’m assuming people really like it. I stock case after case of that stuff (Almond milk)… Soy milk sells real well too. We actually got a new milk in, Coconut milk. Have any of you had Coconut milk before? I’ve tried soy milk, but I don’t like it. I do kinda like the soy chocolate, but it’s not a favorite. The way Jenny makes her chocolate milk isn’t bad. I like it 🙂
I love coconut milk but, I can’t say I have it on hand…..ever! HAHA! The only use I have for milk of any kind is used to cook with. I’ll try some of those out, though. I’ll just have to use caution. Thank you for the suggestions 🙂
I would never have guessed you were in that field of work! 😀
I’ve been in retail for almost 11 years. It’s a job that keeps me busy. I actually like it. I think Sue said I seem like a people person, so I think I got my people skills from work. We have some really nice customers, but they are some that come in at times that can be difficult but I treat them nicely. Most the time treating someone with respect no matter what type of mood they are in changes a person. I like to have that affect on people. If I can put a smile on your face then I’m happy 🙂
Hey Gals, Its ironic you bring up the coconut milk, the other day I spotted on line that silk now makes coconut milk, I screamed out like a teenager when i saw it, My daughter thinks im nuts, lol) the things you get excited about mom, geeze! she said. lol. I love coconut, i cant wait to try it, first I have to get thru my almond mllk thou, ladies you will love the almond milk, for three days now been drinking it, and i kept thinking whats this remind me of, and finally last night I thought “snickers candy bar, thats it” I even blurted it out at midnight while laying in bed with hubby. He’s like what ???? with a puzzeled look on his face. I said dont worry I’m just thinking bout my almond milk hon, you can go back to bed now. lol.
Okay Lesli, coffee update…lol… Thanks for the pep and cheer yesterday but I broke the rule and had coffee this morning 🙁 I’m still working at it and I’m determined to do this. I think it’s gonna take more time than what I first thought but like I said I’ll get there… I think this week instead of alternating every other cup I’m gonna try only having coffee every other day for the week. I feel like I’ve got to go about this slow so I don’t fall off the bandwagon and feel defeated…lol… This really isn’t easy. Almost makes me regret even having the first cup of coffee, seriously…
You can do it, Rhonda! I know you can. It’s like everything in life, you just have to go slow at first. I posted something in the conversation below. Read that and, you’ll learn that you have more will-power at this than I’ll ever have.
Thank you for the complement from below, Lesli. It’s nice to meet you. You and I can help cheer on Rhonda in her Battle of the Caffeine 😀
Thanks you, Tiffie for the encouragement 🙂 And you are so right in the post below, because most my coffee drinking is at work with other coffee drinkers, so I had coffee on my breaks and sometimes on my lunch as well. Today I didn’t have any at work. I think maybe tomorrow I will take some tea with me and have hot tea at work. I forgot to do that this morning…
Jenny, you don’t know this but in reading your book I knew you were into healthy living before your site became what it is today. I tried green tea not long after reading your book because back then I wanted to cut out the coffee but knowing what I know about how to make hot teas taste better not bitter helps more now than before, so thank you for the info on how to make hot tea without the bitter taste 🙂
I’ve made this one of my new year’s resolutions for the year, because it’s been one for years and plus the influence from Jenny and her health tips encouraged me to go ahead and try to do this 🙂
Tiffie Hi, but its not only Rhoda that needs the cherring on I do as well – Im sup to stop coffee as well, But i aint easy at all argh! So yes cheer me on too lol Thank you hon. Hope you and everyone is having sunshine today, we finally got some here in Michigan however temp is like 30 🙁
I hear ya girl same here gonna take me some time as well, I’ve drinken coffee evereyday since the first night home from hospital after having my first born Child In order to stay awake for those night time bottle feedings) never drank it before then. I got hooked on it there after. Doesnt help when hubby drinks coffee as well, I can smell it brewing and its sinnfull way it speaks out to me with its aroma….”lesli come here you know you want me, if rich dark and very tasty” You know that Rhonda you love coffee so I know you relate. But yes I tryed going without yesterday but got the dreaded withdrawl headache from hell. Yes we need to take babysteps and maybe we ll get there, all in good time I say. Hugs to you and Jenny signed with best wishes, Lesli~
Aw I’m sorry you got a headache from not having coffee. Try having something to replace the coffee and see if that helps. That’s why I’m drinking the hot teas so headaches and mood will be stable…lol…seriously I’ve been cutting back almost 4 weeks now but it is getting a little easier each day. If you are just starting to cut back, my advice to you is to get some instant decaf and alternate your cups of coffee. one coffee the next cup decaf. Hot teas might have to wait until maybe next week or the week after… Just letting you know how I started cutting back on the coffee… How much coffee do you drink a day Lesli?… Oh and Lesli, we can be considered Jenny’s “coffee buster blog buddies”…lol…
It can be a sort of “Coffee Anonymous”! We’ve already talked about the difficulties and methods to quitting, the cravings, and how it’s socially acceptable, LOL! We could call it: Coffea Canephora Anonymous~! 😀 You have the addict that is trying to quit and succeeding in her recovery (Rhonda), the one that is reaching out for help and wants to quit (Lesli), and the one that is bullheaded and refuses to quit (myself). All stages of one, good ole’ fashion, support group.
It shouldn’t be too difficult for you. Me on the other hand I can drink up to 4 or 5 cups a day. It started when I worked overnight. I work at Walmart and when I was hired, they were only hiring overnight help from 10pm to 7am… Ugh!… I worked 2 years overnight and was transferred over to 2nd shift and then day shift and now I’m back to 2nd shift again, so I can relate to the staying up late night and needing the caffeine to do it… I’m was on a coffee day today and some hot teas but tomorrow I’m restricted from coffee…lol…it seems to be working out okay, so maybe after this week I’m wanting to only have coffee every 2 days and just slowly do it that way. I think it would be great to get to where I have one cup a week. That’s my goal 🙂
Lesli, I’ve had no coffee today. Yay! How bout you?… It’s been tempting to maybe have a half cup, but I’m sticking with and trying hot teas for today. That’s the rules 😉
Oh and Jenny, I agree fast food is bad. I would say 5 years ago I’ve cut back a lot on eating it. I rarely eat fast food now. I will get Subway when I’m wanting to eat out or like today me and my mom had lunch at the Waffle House. I had a BLT with ice tea. The last burger I had was from a grill at one of my sister’s house a few weeks ago. I will splurge when on vacation and traveling though and maybe get that burger from Burger King or Krystals… On the way back from our cruise. We were hungry and they were suggesting fast food, but I spoke up and said why not Subway, so I guess even when on vacation at times I will think healthier. We ended up getting Subway 😉
Hi Rhonda, I must confess im still trying to talk myself into no coffee, i am gonna work on it. Your so sweet to wanna help 🙂 You are doing great thou hon woo hoo, keep it up girl, im cheering ya on, Hugs.
I started out a few weeks ago alternating coffee and decaf and really sticking to the routine. Then I slowly started adding hot teas. I added green tea first and then I really was wanting coffee, so that’s when I started adding the black tea. I told myself this morning to try and hold back on the coffee, so I made a black tea with a little cream and honey and it killed the craving for the coffee. Then around dinner time the craving was back so I made another thing of the black tea, before bedtime I will have the green tea…
I actually have cut back a lot. I was having 4 maybe 5 cups a coffee a day some days, but having the tea I’ve realized I have maybe 3 a day. Which I had ice tea for lunch. I think I’m gonna drink more water. I do okay with water but maybe drinking more of it with the hot teas will help keep the craving for coffee away…
Ladies, I can only DREAM of the day when I can go with out coffee! It has been a staple for many, many years. It’s good that you’re trying to eat better. When I decided to cut fast food out of my life, it was a little difficult at the very beginning. Only because, (nearly) everyone around me related a lot of things to food. It was easy for me to stay a way from the restaurants myself, however; when you’re use to going to certain places with certain people, it can become tough to finally say, “no, thank you.” I thought of it this way; if I had to compromise my choices, (which eventually lead to my health) then, I would rather go home and eat a healthy meal. Even if I had to eat alone! I would have to say, coffee is definately my flaw.
I drink A LOT of water, though! Does that count for anything? 😀
You know Tiffie I drink a lot of water myself and it’s good for the body, so yes if you drink lots then you’re doing good 😉 I drink 2 16oz bottles of water and then a half of a 3rd bottle today. I try to drink 2 bottles a day, Sometimes it’s more. Sometimes less…
Jenny sweetie, I JUST turned the big “50” Yesterday on March 19th, My Family threw me an awesome Party with good friends and music last night, it was a blast. I think we are all blessed to have Friends in our lifes. I am thinking positive about the new chapter in my life turning 50 and all. I just wondered if you have any advice on the big 50? hugs Jenny love and peace to you, Lesli
First of all, Happy 50th Birthday, Lesli! It sounds like you had a great celebration. As for advice, I know that any bad habits you have will catch up with you after fifty, so it’s even more important to not smoke, not drink excessively, eat a healthy diet, and eliminate junky foods. Personally, I think soft drinks and fast food are the worst things you can do to your body (besides substance abuse, of course). Also, wear sunblock every day and most important: laugh every day. 🙂
I don’t mean to interrupt, but I’m 45 yrs old, so I’m mid way being the big 50…lol…I loved your advice to Lesli and wanted to say something on the topic… Jenny, bad habits are hard to break sometimes, but they can be broken and I’m working on it now. I have to say your site here has inspired me 😉
I don’t smoke. I will drink sometimes when socializing, but very rare. The only problem I probably have is coffee and the caffeine. I have one cup of coffee for breakfast and I try to have decaf if I want coffee during the day after that. I’m starting to have the hot teas. Like tonight I’m having green tea. The other night I had a black tea, so I’m trying, but it’s not easy. I’ll get there though 😉
Great advice, Jenny 😉 Oh and Lesli Happy belated Birthday!…
Rhonda, TY so much for the Birthday wishes Hon. I had to tell you, I’m like you im addicted to coffee as well. I have heard that coffee can be good for us thou to, But I really need for health reasons to try and get off of it, I have one big cup of it each morning as well. I think its so neat here Jenny and Rhonda cause we can also use this chat room to become healthier and inspire one another here, we can sort of cheer one another on. Rhonda we can even help each other perhaps with trying to get off of the coffee 🙂 What ya say? Hugs, to everyone here in the Chat Room (Ty Jenny so much too) 🙂 Be blessed, Lesli
I’m with you on breaking the coffee habit, Lesli. I’ve been drinking more and more hot teas and cutting back on coffee for a couple weeks now and I have to say it’s getting easier. I had a cup of coffee again with breakfast though, but I’ve stuck with green tea all day today when the craving for coffee was there. I tried decaf coffee and I actually poured it out. For some reason it didn’t taste good. Which I’ve had 2 cups of green tea and I might have a 3rd cup later with a splash of fresh lemon. I drink more coffee in the winter time than I do when it’s warmer weather, so now that it’s warmer it might be a lot easier to break the habit with coffee 🙂
Oh and I can do without sodas. I really don’t care for those. I will get a craving for one once in a blue moon, I don’t drink sodas enough, so I haven”t tried Jenny’s 50/50 combo with the sodas yet, but I will next time I want a soda…
Yes I totally agree with you about LAUGH everyday, Comedy heals and makes ones life so much healthier I believe also.
i do need to give up my colas, what do you drink instead of colas, What is a healthy but tasty alrternative? I’m learning alot from you Jenny. Hugs, Lesli~
Look at my “Healthy Combos” video under Cooking Videos for a suggestion on reducing soft drinks. If you can start drinking green tea, or any tea, that would be a great choice as tea is full of antioxidants. But if you must have a soft drink, at least buy them at Whole Foods without high fructose corn syrup. And I commend you for taking an interest in improving your health!
Ty Jenny, I will try that out what you suggested. Will you be making more of your cooking and health and beauty Videos soon? I just love them and I’ve learned alot from them. P.S., Totally off the subject but I just wanted to say How beautifull you decorated your Home I love it, Its so cozy pretty and elegant – I love the white too, Its so airy and fresh looking, Just love that look. 🙂 Hugs, Lesli jenny would you believe for the last two days finally Michigan got up to 58, but they are predicting snow tomorrow and an advisory!! Thats my State for ya, lol.
Jenny does have a beautiful home. I love her backyard. It’s nice! I could probably spend all day outside with a yard like that. Looks so peaceful and relaxing… I like your living room Jenny, where the piano is with the custom made chandelier. I wish I could see the chandelier closer. I’m sure it’s a beauty to look at 🙂 I also love wood floors in a house and I’ve noticed the floors are wooden floors. We have wood floors too. I would never have carpet. Maybe a throw rug here and there but no wall to wall carpet…
HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY, Lesli~! It sounds like you had a great time. That’s wonderful that you have family and friends that love and care about you. 😀
Thank you Tiffie (cute Name hon) for the Birthday wishes. yes Family and Friends I think one of Lifes best and most precious treasures we can have here on earth. Hugs to you all here on the Chat. 🙂 Lesli~
Lesli, I treasure family and friends as well. They are one of the greatest things to have in life, so I agree with what you said 🙂 Do you have children? Sisters and brothers? Nieces and nephews?…
Okay Marty look what you’ve done 😆 Your post is having me look at some pretty cool music. Thanks, I’m enjoying it… I like Creedence Clearwater Revival also. I like almost all their songs. I know my mom has some of their music on record… It’s funny how time changes. Now I can enjoy the oldies online with a touch of a button. I use to always pull out records back in the day 🙂
For all of the true music fans out there. Have you heard that th herd is back. That’s right the Buffalo Springfeild is back you can see the reunion on you tube. Ther is a tour this year. To me their are the best American rock band ever. That is the equivalant to a Beatles reunion in my book.Just think after 43 years.WOW!!!!
Hey Marty, I’ve always loved music since I was a little girl and at first I didn’t know who you talking about but I youtubed and I remember hearing this song on the radio when I was younger. I wouldn’t be surprised if my mom had their records in her mix of albums. She use to let me play her records when I was younger and I love the oldies. This one was one of my favorite 🙂
Hey Tiffie, I’m not doing anything spectacular. I’ve got to work on St. Patty’s Day. I work 11am-8pm, so my day is pretty much a done deal. I’ll be too tired to do anything after work. How about yourself? Any plans?… By the way, you did great with the Irish accent 😉 Oh AND are you going to share a photo of yourself? Have you found one yet?
I’ve been lounging around, today. Just relaxing and chit-chatting on the phone; nothing new. I have (naturally) red hair so, I wonder how many leprechaun jokes I’d have come my way if I left the house in green, compared to the previous years?! HAHA 😀
I haven’t found a picture/I need to RE-learn how to add one. I’m not too technologically advanced as I’d like to be. Sad, huh? HAHA! I’ll get there soon, I hope.
Maybe later, I’ll meet up with my Mother and go some where OTHER THAN an Irish pub. I don’t know of any Irish RESTAURANTS, just PUBS! (“oh those Irish” LOL) There are a lot of (Irish themed) pubs around here, seeming how we have the city of Dublin, just a few miles a way. The city, pubs, and parade are always so packed on St. Patrick’s Day that, the local news crews make it an annual event.
I hope your day was great and, you’re not sick of seeing green 😀
Hey Tiffie, My day was a bit too much. I was by myself in my department all day. Somebody overnight went on vacation and the other person was off so my area was a mess today when I went in, but after work I had went to go get my mom because they (mom, sister & family) had went out to eat and when they walked out they all had on green shirts. I thought wow, that’s what you call a lot of green… I hope you had a great day also
Rhonda las? (hehehehehe!) Did you become a “dd”, tonight’? If so, good for you! A lot of us girls (in my family), are natural redheads. I’ve noticed that, the colour green is RARELY worn by any of us. Today would’ve been our day, huh? However; I think most of us will leave that up to the little party animals across town. HAHA!
I’m so sorry you had such a tough day. Have a seat, kick up your heels, and free your mind 🙂 May tomorrow bring you relaxation 😀
p.s. I spell most words ending in ‘or’ with ‘our’, such as; colour and favour. That’s the way I was taught over seas so, please do not think that is ignorance on my behalf 😀
Aw Tiffie it’s okay. I’ve seen words spelled like that before. I know what it means and I’m sure others reading your post do also 🙂 By the way, if you don’t mind me asking, where are you from?… This might be a dumb question Tiffie, but what does “dd” mean? Sorry, I have know idea what that means 😆 I actually took a nap when I got home this evening and that’s why I’m still up. I don’t like naps because this is what happens when I do nap. I’m up all night…Ugh! Work should be better tomorrow. At least somebody is there tonight working and the person I work with comes back tomorrow, so there will be 2 of us and it’s a lot easier with someone working with you…
“D.D.” means ‘designated driver’. It seems as though, nearly every thing is appreviated these days; ‘lol’, ‘rofl’, ‘brb’…..dare I say, ‘etc.’? HAHAHAHAHA!
lol….I told you it was probably a dumb question and to answer your question, if my Mom would have drank then yes I would’ve been the “dd”… My Mom don’t drink. She don’t even like wine. Nothing. Which is a good thing…
Jenny, Hello sweet Jenny, I wondered do you have any healthy ideas for snacking, I love chocolate but I eat it to much (Im slender and all but still I relize this is not a good thing to be eatting it everyday. Can you give me some better ideas when my sweet tooth screams out in mid afternoon/nighttime….What can i do when i want chocolate, any ideas? Hugs from Lesli (Wrona)
Actually, chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, is full of antioxidants and is good for you, but in moderation of course. When I’m craving chocolate, I only have it with nuts. My favorite is dark chocolate almond clusters from See’s. The dark chocolate satisfies your sweet tooth and is also anti-aging, & good for your metabolism and brain and immune system. The almonds provide protein for extended energy and a healthy metabolism, plus they also protect the heart as well as improve your skin and hair. So don’t give up chocolate, just have it in moderation, with almonds.
Thank you Jenny, I think Im gonna try your chocolate suggestion, can you give us some other healthy snacks that are sweet tasting for those days that we need a healthy but sweet alternative? I love your youtube channel I have learned so much from it, and trying out alot of your recipes. But I got to tell ya everywhere I am online Im tlaking bout your verson of microwave homemade popcorn. What an awesome idea that was. Its so healthy compaired to store bought. I even am trying it with dif healthy toppings like cinnamon, cayenne peper with garlic powder or even chilli pepper spice (I love zesty) think of all the things you can add, olive oil, ect. Next when I have it I am gonna try and make your margerine sub recipe. Can I ask you is there a way of making a healthy kind of cool whip Jenny I LOVE that stuff. Let me know ty so much for this web site, Im so loving it and its at the top of my GO TO every day, Hugs, Lesli “Skye” Wrona
Another healthy sweet snack could be kettle corn. It’s slightly sweet, high in fiber, and nice & filling. I’ve made this sweet popcorn before and loved it. I did it in a pot using a little oil and about 2 tablespoons of sugar, heat it up, add the corn, then just shake the pot as it pops. As for Cool whip, it’s made of water, corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated coconut and palm kernel oil, sodium caseinate, vanilla extract, xanthan and guargums, polysorbate 60 and betacarotene. That’s a pretty scary ingredient list. I use real whipped cream, that I whip myself – it takes about a minute: whipping cream + a little sugar.
Jenny I just discovered your new blog and new channel on youtube and girl i was like so geedy when I saw the video on how to make homemade microwave popcorn I never ever knew you could make it in a bag and staple it never ever, so i tryed it last week and I was so happy and excited you would I have thought i made some huge discovery the way i was smiling lol. I been making it that way ever sence. it is so much healthier, how did you ever get into the healthy foods and all, you have given me alof of good healthy cooking and eatting ideas hon, ty so much. We sure miss you, are you going to do another tv show in near future? hugs and have a lovley weekend. Lesli Wrona
Hi Lesli. I’m glad you found me and that you liked the popcorn. I make mine that way all the time now – fat free and fluffy! I won’t be doing any TV – I really don’t want to. I enjoy my blog and website as well as spending time with my foundation, Jenny’s Heroes. http://www.jennysheroes.com
Oh my goodness ty Jenny for writting back. Yes the way you prepared the microwave Popcorn is now becoming an everyday way / recipe of life for me, Im trying to eatting healthier and im so appreciative to you jenny for showing me a better and (easier) healthy wya to prepare it, I know that the food ingred. they ADD to microwave popcorn is not good for any of us. So ty again so much for showing us all a better way. Hugs Lesli ~
Welcome Lesli… Glad to see you chatting. We really are all nice people here 🙂 I wanted to post to you and suggest Jenny’s chocolate french toast. It’s really simple and she has a video in her “How to videos” up top. It really is delicious. I heard her lemon bars and granola is good also. I haven’t made those, but I will one day…
Thank you again Jenny for what you do share with us here with your health tips and what you do to stay healthy 🙂
I have a complete “Ladies Weekend” ahead of me~! I’m leaving a (little) later in the day to meet up with the others, check in to our personal suites and, get the show on the road 😀
We have spa treatments, manicures, pedicures, etc. awaiting us. (I can almost feel the relaxation now!!!!!)
If I’m not too “exhausted” from everything, I just may have the energy to watch The Academy Awards…..
Oh that sounds like fun, Tiffie. I was on vacation this week and I sometimes do things like that on vacation with a friend or my sisters, but this vacation was an early spring cleaning week…Ugh!… I had things to do around the house and completed most of it. The rest will have to be done on my off days, because I go back to work tomorrow. It seems I never have enough time to finish tasks… What are your choices of winning The Academy Awards? Post them on Jenny’s “Academy Awards” post. I’m curious and want to know more guesses. I’m sure Jenny does too 🙂
hello to all I’ve been reading all the blogs for a while now, I’ve just been so shy to respond, until now. You all seen very friendly and that’s very cool. This is my 2nd day posting I think so now seems like the right time to formally introduce myself to Jenny and to all of you nice people
My name is Danny 28 yrs young In a relationship ( Me and my man been together 1yr and 2 mos) Im a Gay male ( feels good saying it out loud) Loved The Jenny Jones Show My fav show was when she sang Silent night @ 2nd fav was when she did Jenny’s Jam 96!! When Amber sang This Is Your Night!! fabolous Show! I also missed the Jenny Jones Dancers! I also remember when Youngstown played and Ashley Ballard sang oooh the memories. Raymond Moses!! HOT! lol
Favorite beverages and Foods Pizza, Beer, Wine!!!
Fav. Celebs ( Besides Jenny Jones) Denise Richards, Mandy moore, Shia Labeof, Megan Fox, Bradley Cooper, Brendan Freiser. The list goes on and on lol Fav. singers Mandy Moore,Belinda Carlisle, Fav. Bands The Go’Go’s, Oh Land, Florence and the Machine, Greenday to name a few
Fav. Music 80’s, Punk Rock, Indie, Metal, Sooome Counrty.
So thats me in a nutshell, I hope to make some friends on here you all seem very cool. Thanks for reading this loooong boring post lol
Hi Jenny it’s very cool that you love to cook. It’s like we have something in common YAY! I was just wondering if you have some easy to follow spicy recepies (the hotter the better) because my boyfriend just loves spicy foods ( yes I’m gay, for some reason I was the last to know lol) I just wanted to suprise my man with a new recepie I think I’m boring him with my style of cooking, He says he’s not but, that’s the boyfriend answer right girls, and some boys? lol if you don’t have a recepie Im also throwing this question out to your wonderful fellow readers! Thanks a bunch in advance Jenny! You rock!
Danny, I don’t eat much spicy food but I do have a spicy cabbage salad that I love. It’s very healthy and easy. Here is the recipe: 6 cups shredded green cabbage 1/2 cup sliced green onion 1 thinly sliced jalapeno pepper, seeds removed Dressing: 1 Tablespoon olive oil 2 Tablespoons fresh lime juice 1 teaspoon salt Toss it all together and serve! I love it!
Welcome Danny. I see you’ve mentioned being shy and not posting either, but it is a nice place for Jenny’s fans to talk to one another and to Jenny as well without the rude comments I’ve experienced on other message boards. Jenny’s recipes are really delicious and most of them are really simple to make. Like the cabbage salad she just posted about 🙂 By the way Jenny, I love cabbage raw or cooked as I mentioned before. I will be making this and trying it out myself. It does sound yummy! 😉
Jenny, I made your cabbage salad today and I have to say it’s better than what I thought it would be. I don’t like salting my food, if I can help it, but this don’t taste to bad at all. I can see why you love it 🙂 It was so good I had to go back for seconds…lol… How long does it keep for? I got it in the frig, but I’m thinking with the fresh lime juice it should keep for a few days…
Danny, Hi my brother!! I am one of the blog buddies, my name is Sue. My fiance has a real spicy nacho recipe that maybe you and your boyfriend will enjoy! He calls them nasty nachos! Round tortia chips, spread them evenly on a baking sheet. Put Mrs. Renfro’s habanero salsa on each chip, and a slice of spicy pepperoni, then sprinkle them with monterey jack cheese and bake under the broiler until cheese is melted. If you want them even hotter, you can sprinkle with cayenne pepper! (the cayenne pepper is really not necessary he says but it depends on how hot you want them:) I hope you both like these, I personally am alergic to hot spicy, but I know when we entertain, everyone loves them!! Talk to you soon! Sue
I know that you and your readers love cooking, especially heathy things. I in the other hand do love cooking but it’s really not healthy lol. I consider myself a okay cook. I can make Posole. I think that the way I make it it’s okay, but my man LOVES it. We take turns cooking he’s an amazing cook girl!, but any way, my recepie for posole is very simple. Boil butt roast in water you can also add ribs (boneless) is better ( The Longer the better, depends on how tender you like your meat) after20 minutes (or when ever One Life To Live goes to commercial break lol ) I just add a bit of salt. Boil the meat for as long as you like depending on your taste. Then you add a can of enchilada sauce ( I personally add the red kind) there’s a green one too. Then I add the hominy. I usually add all those ingredients an hour before my boyfriend gets home, so by the time he get’s home he has a hot posole dinner. You can add cilantro, my man loves very spicy food so while it’s cooking i would add some spices. With posole you can really get creative and add things you like. So Jenny thats my recepie I hope you and your readers like it.
Jenny, whammy83 must be a fan of yours. I keep running into videos of you 🙂 I grew up watching game shows like Beat the Clock and the old Let’s Make A Deal, so I enjoy looking at old game show reruns. Whammy 83 has close to 3000 videos of mostly game shows and while looking through the videos, I came across this video of you… I find it funny and had to share it here 🙂
You may get a kick out of this. As I had said before, I was a little nervous to put my “voice” on your blog…..
Well; I have a housekeeper that comes in and we chat about just-about-everything, (as we have now become close friends), and with that, I mentioned to her how I read your blog(s) and always thought it would be nice to get in on the fun. My housekeeper Virginia said, “Oh just start talking”, and I never did.
So she said, “If you’re not going to, then you talk and I’ll type”. This is where it gets interesting, (and embarrassing on my behalf!)
Over the last couple posts, I would start to type and then I would delete, then retype, then delete, then retype, so on and so on. It got to where Virginia would say, “Oh just let me type and you talk”. She just became my designated typist on here from the first post-on. (Embarrassing!)
Since I never proof read anything she typed (I wasn’t sitting beside her), I never noticed Virginia’s mistake until I got on here to look at some recipes and got curious enough to see if there was anything new in the daily blog. That’s when I went to read old comments to old posts and see my name spelled, “Tiffi”. I looked at it…..then again and thought, “Virginia has to know how my first name is spelled. She knows my middle name is spelled ‘Rui’ opposed to the common spelling of ‘Rue’. Maybe she just made the mistake once.”
Sorry for such a long story but I HAD to share this! As shameful as it was to admit my bashfulnesss of talking in blogs (I over critique myself constantly is why), I’ve learned my first little blog lesson! Yet I’m starting to think there is more than just the one lesson I need to learn. HAHAHAHAHA! It’s partially not funny but I can’t help myself at the other part of it
I can’t wait until she shows up this mid-morning! Do I have a day of fun planned for ole Virginia
*My name is spelled Tiffie (not Tiffi) and, the “real” Tiffie will be the one typing everything out from here on…..Lesson LEARNED!
If only the lack of an ‘e’ at the end of my name is the biggest ‘problem’ of the day then, I doubt this will be a Monday to dread
Aw Tiffie, you overcome your bashfulness for blogs and message boards. I was the same way when I first got my computer 14 years ago. I’ve gotten use to talking to others and you will too. I love to reply to blogs and message boards and talk to others. I met my best friend who lives in Washington State through a message board. We have the same interests and love to travel together. I met her through a Jenny Jones message board by posting back and forward. I don’t have kids, so I see her as a daughter/friend. My youngest sister is her age, so I also see her as another sister as well. You can meet cool people on the web who can be friends for life 🙂 But you have to be careful and chose wisely… You got it easy though posting on Jenny’s blog, because of the monitoring she does. I on the other hand was at tvtalkshows.com message boards where Trevor let posters be rude and ugly to other posters and I guess I can say it caused me to be tougher and stand my ground in my own space and just pour out my thoughts, replies and opinions… I do get lost in a post sometimes and I’ve apologized to Jenny for my long post and typos and just rambling on about the topic. I’m not a good typist either, but I do need to proof read more before submitting my replies. Mistakes happens and most the time we all know what each other is saying with or without the typos being there… It’s not hard to get lost in your thoughts. Jenny’s even done it before 🙂 You seem like a really honest person to post what you just posted and I like honesty in a person 🙂 Take care everyone and have a great week
I just read your blog, and funny thing you mention that you helped out trevor out on tvtalkshow site. People on that message board let’s just say they were NOT the nicest people lol. I remember posting on the Jenny jones Show and some hater from another talk show blog came on to bash us!! and its funny how WE didn’t sink to their level and didnt do anything about it. All i did was write this day and a half long blog about Jenny and how she is doing good inthe world. So yeah the hater felt bad and didnt post anything bad so say. So long story short it is nice to meet people here and we could share our opinions without feeling shy
Trevor seems like a nice guy but to have a website that has such hatred on his boards just is something that bugs me. I didn’t help Trevor I was merely just a Jenny Jones fan posting on her message board and trying to be civil to other fans but haters would intrude. At first I would sink to their level but I then learned to ignore such people and they would go away. I considered those type posters “internet bullies” and nothing but “lost soul” just striving for attention so they hate and disrespect others to get what they lack… Posting here on Jenny’s blog is more peaceful and friendly for sure 🙂 Thank you again Jenny for opening up your website to us fans and keeping things under control like you do. You’re the best ❗
I am a 30 year old mother of one small child and I have one on the way. I can only cook the easy stuff, hamburger helper, shake and bake….so on. So, you all seem to be pretty knowledgable about cooking. I want to learn how to cook before my kids get older. Any ideas on how to get started? Easy recipes?
My “Easy Casserole” recipe might be something you could try. There’s a printable recipe and a How-To video. It’s really good and goes as long way. http://demo.jennyjones.com/kitchen_recipes.shtml 🙂
Dana, making Jenny’s “Easy Casserole” will put hamburger helper off the menu in your kitchen. It’s really simple and delicious 🙂 Good suggestion, Jenny 🙂
Tiffi, welcome to the board here. It IS alot of fun. Just jump right in whenever, like Jenny said. We’re all nice and respect each other. Jenny makes that possible and I’m glad she’s in control If you’re not use to blogging I can understand the hestation… Oh and Jenny I had to share this. I was youtubing and came across this amazing little girl. Check this out….
I’ve been reading your blogs for a while now. I have always loved the conversations that go back and forth on here. Everyone seems so much fun and I just never knew what to say as a response (as in a way), to get in to the conversation(s). With saying that (HA!), I’ve always kept quiet. I guess you can say I’m “taking the plunge” by putting my name out here! (HAHA!) I’ve never blogged before so, here is hoping to the beginning of many great friendships.
Welcome, Tiffi. It seems that my regular visitors chat more in the daily postings so feel free to put in your 2-cents anytime, anywhere. And make sure you check Monday’s posting (tomorrow) for a new contest. You’re the first to know! 🙂
I put up all of the Christmas trees. I have a smaller fiber optic one and I swear the motor was so loud I had to break it to get it to hush up lol. it still lights up nicely, it just doesn’t make the awful noise.
I have decided to make picture frames out of rolled magazines. they seem so easy to do, and I like the way they look. Now I just need to get some frames and hot glue and we are good to go!
I am about to brace the col and snow. The road outside looks pretty clear luckily 🙂
Hi. With the easy casserole, is it okay to use thin spaghetti instead of angel hair? Or would that affect cooking times? Also, I can I measure 10 ounces of pasta? Even the small box is 14.5 ounces.
Jason, I’m thrilled that my recipe motivated you to cook. So here are my answers: 1. You can use thin spaghetti. 2. It will not affect the cooking time of the casserole, but check the package label for how long to cook the spaghetti. 3. Yes, you chop the garlic using a knife as finely minced as you can, or use a garlic press. 4. To measure the spaghetti, you can eyeball it this way: Take it all out of the box and divide it into three equal parts. Use two of the three parts and save the remaining 1/3 for another time. That should give you just under 10 ounces (you could add a few more strands if you like to make it closer to 10). Good luck.
Thank you, Jenny. I appreciate the cooking advice. I tried it tonight and it turned out well. I am a terrible cook but somehow I was able to make it taste edible…to the point that I had seconds…and thirds… I’m so full now! lol
Once I get proper cookwear and utensils, I’ll try cooking more difficult things.
Jenny, they LOVED 🙂 the spaghetti casserole. It makes alot and even with a couple people going back for 2nds, it was still more than I needed to keep for me and my mom, so I didn’t want it to go to waste and they loved it so much they took the rest of it home for leftovers tonight 🙂 but of course I saved some for me for today to have for lunch… My mom is a picky eater and I thought I was gonna have to tell on her…lol… But I’ll have to let her slide because she did eat half a serving. She loved your meatloaf, so I’m thinking she’s not to fond of pasta… Thank you for sharing it with us Jenny. It was a really good dish and delicious 🙂
Jenny, I’m having company over tomorrow evening and I’m making your spaghetti casserole. I’m excited about it like I was making your meatloaf, but no dessert… Your sweet potato cake will have to wait until probably next time. Holidays are just around the corner and I’ll fix the cake again maybe next month or so. I love the cake 🙂 Whoever has Jenny’s cookbook I suggest making the sweet potato cake. It’s really good. It’s so good you would want more of it. It’s a cake you would never get sick of 🙂
hmmmm!! I haven’t heard of the sweet potato cake, but it sounds very good. what type of icing do you put on it rhonda cream cheese? that would be even better :p
Some people may think it’s cream cheese, but nope…. You may not believe this Josh, but it’s made with sour cream… I can’t get the icing right and I’ve made the cake twice. Next time will be right I hope. It really is a delicious cake. I would rather have a sweet potato cake over a plain chocolate cake any day 🙂 Take care Josh and have a great week…
The combination of sweet potato and chocolate sounds so good. I just may have to make it. I made those no bake chocolate peanut butter oat cookies the other day, they are so simple and everyone seems to know them. No one I know likes them though, except for me that is. It’s alright though lol. they are gone now and I need something for my sweet tooth.
OMG! Oprah is everywhere. Internet and tv and probably radio…lol… I respect Oprah to a certain point because she did diss other talkshows once and I kinda let it go but she used the term “trash talkshows” in an interview once and it didn’t fly too good with me when seeing that interview. In my opinion, “trash talkshows” is nothing more than the reality of our society we live in and Oprah was wrong to stick a label like that on these talkshows because that’s how she started out with topics you had Jenny and the others like you… People shouldn’t down grade these talkshows we once had that showed us the reality of the type of society we have. If you can’t see the reality of something how can it be fixed?… Sorry if I offend any Oprah fans… And sorry Jenny for even talking on this topic but I felt had too…
***** Make the judgement on this one Jenny weither to post or not. I just had to vent a little because I know I’m gonna be sick of hearing about Oprah’s last season on air. For the past hour that’s all I found myself running into, seriously…
Well I got another Saturday off again, but I’m beginning not to like it because I end up having split off days when I like my off days together which is Mondays and Tuesdays, so now I have to work Monday because some manager aproved overlapping vacations for 2 people in one area, so that makes them short handed. I got enough time in I like taking my own Saturdays off, but this time was okay I’m going now to my youngest sister’s birthday at her in laws. Wow she’s 31 years old. That makes me feel old…lol… Have a great day everyone 🙂
Happy Labor Day everyone. I love this and had to share… On my way to Dawset Trail (linked) and maybe swimming and BBQ later… Everyone have a great day! 🙂
I feel a bit of relief knowing hurricane Earl has weakened 🙂 I heard at work that Earl is still a strong storm but not too threatening… I’m off to check out updates…
Rhonda I read your comment yesterday about the storm and I meant to reply but I have been having a **** of a time with my computer and in the process i totally forgot.
I’m so glad to hear that it has weakened. I have never had to deal with hurricanes but I would surly think it would be very frightening. I hope it stays away
They are frightening. They have really high winds and I’m terrified of high winds. Even a hail storm is scary with the winds they carry. I won’t even look out the window during a strong strom in fear of seeing half a tree coming at me. Yikes! I usually get in the hallway away from windows and patio door… I live in Georgia and I remember hurricane Opal coming through here and we had blackouts all over. We were without power I think 16/18 hours (guessing). The worse storm I’ve seen is hurricane Hugo. He was a monster… Now we have Fiona and Gaston right behind Earl. I youtubed Fiona lastnight and there’s one video that caught my attention. It’s talking about Fiona hitting the east coast further south of Earl’s tracking path, so that means Florida, Georgia and S. Carolina is in Fiona’s path if he’s right and he seem to be died on Earl’s path…
By the way, I sometimes have issues with my computer and it can be really frustrating. It seems you’ve got it running again and that’s a good thing I’m sure 🙂
Everyone have a great holiday weekend and stay safe 🙂
We have a hurricane lurking on the east coast and it’s made me a little nervous. I hope I can sleep. It’s a bit depressing ontop of being scared… I just hope and pray Hurricane Earl, which from the last I read is a cat.4, starts turning and stays in the waters. It scares me, because I don’t see it turning. It’s too strong. I hope I’m wrong, but we’ll see… Jenny, I almost know what you go through with earthquakes and not knowing when it’s the big one 🙁
Take care everyone and if you’re in the path of this hurricane stay safe…
Yay! Inventory is over and done with. Thank God 🙂 I’ve had a rough 2 weeks at work. Inventory tires me out and today is the last day for it and I’m off…Yippie! 🙂 Time to relax, but I have a few errands to run and then it’s chill out time 🙂
Everyone have a great day today and a terrific week 🙂 Take care, Rhonda
Are any of you guys on FaceBook? I spend a lot of time on there. Just wondering. Jenny you should create a page with your real name so we can be friends!!
Color me stupid but with such a common name as Jenny Jones which page is yours? I saw more than one Jenny Jones and they were related to your show. Is that what you were talking about?
I play most of the Zynga games like.. Treasure Isle Resort World Cafe World Farmville Mafia Wars Texas Hold’em Egg Buddies Happy Aquarium Yoville
I have played other games like Blitz and Family Feud. I think I may have played Bejeweled before as well. Some of these I haven’t played in a while. Which I need to catch up on. These games can be very time consuming like Farmville and Mafia Wars. If you don’t stay on top of the game you fall behind…
I used to play FarmVille…I even had 2 accts so I could have 2 farms. I finally quit! As a matter of fact I just buried my alter ego Kathy Bates. She and her one eyed boyfriend Clyde were out cow tipping on FarmVille and he didn’t see her. She was crushed by one of the cows he tipped…it was very mooooving! He inherited the farm and it when to crap after that!
Oh dear!…lol…such a funny girl. I love your humor. It’s growing on me 🙂
By the way, I love Kathy Bates. She’s really a good actress. Her role in “Friend Green Tomatoes” is my favorite. “Misery” is okay, but she was mean in that movie, but I guess that’s what makes her as good as she is 🙂
One more thing, check out Jenny’s “Ask Me Anything” section. There’s a link there for you 🙂
My off days at work have changed this week and next week as well. I’m off today and tomorrow. What? I get a Saturday off? Yeah! 🙂 I’m going later to get my 2 nieces and we’re hanging out by the pool, having dinner out and possibly a movie night. Don’t know what else they want to do…
I want to make your cake again Jenny and try to get the icing right, plus my oldest niece Marissa wants to know how to make it, because she took a piece of the cake to school and her friends loved it, so she wants to make one for them when they come over for sleep overs. Now for Kristan, it’s going to be a treat. She’s never had it 🙂
Okay here’s my favorite line from Jenny’s stand up comedy act. It’s from Star Search, the part about blind date looking like a catfish in a suit… So funny Jenny, I about wet my pants when I first heard it…lol… 🙂
“I suppose you’re going to be late”… “Why? Do you have to get back before low tide?”…
I was going through old entries to your blog Jenny the other day and decided to browse through your staffer section and someone mentioned missing the show and would like to see clips, so I went searching and I found this. I remember seeing this show. It’s one of my favorites. It shows the whole show broken down into 5 parts. I really enjoyed watching it again 🙂
Hey all. I was wondering if anybody here could recommend a good blogging site? I have heard of thoughts.com but am curious as to what other sites are out there. Cheers, Tara
Hello Tara. Nice to finally chat with you 🙂 Let me see if I can help you out here… A friend of mine introduced me to this one. I dont have one, but I think you would enjoy it 🙂 Let me know what you think about it 🙂
Thanks Ronda. I checked it out but ended up creating a blog at thoughts.com . blogger.com wasn’t too bad though. Maybe it will grow on me 🙂 Thanks for the help 🙂
You’re welcome Tara. I actually checked out the video tour from thoughts.com and it seems to be better than blogger with more features. So I think you made the right choice 🙂 I think Google is part of Blogger. Maybe google needs to add more features to make blogger average up to the others 🙂
Hey Sue. It is kind of slow this weekend on here. I was here lastnight but not for long, because I searched for jokes online… Work has been hectic this week because of inventory coming up (August 25th) and back to school wasnt an easy week at all. I think all surrounding counties where I live have all went back to school… Today was one of those days I wish I had off. Hopefully tomorrow wont be so bad. It’s my Friday 🙂 I’m guessing Jenny is most likely working on her pizza video. I love pizza and I cant wait to see how she makes hers 🙂
There you are, Becky! I was about to post a call out to ya, but I got off track… I havent seen you around and was wondering where you were. I was beginning to think you got lost somewhere…j/k…lol… 🙂 But seriously, this is a great idea to keep Jenny’s BB’s grouped together, so it wont be hard to search through all post. I’m still going through all Jenny’s post to make sure no one has posted to me… P.S. If you look over on the left hand side of the page Jenny breaks it down for us and it seems alot easier to go through sections one at a time instead of looking through old entry pages page by page 🙂
LOL…funny. I knew you would be back 🙂 I know it takes time to plan trips like that. It was alot of time comsumed planning for our criuse, so I understand you were busy 🙂 Yeah Jenny and her boys are doing a great job and its so nice for Jenny to be a celebrity I can appreciate and respect for being who she is 🙂
Oh my goodness, Jenny. I just got home and got online to come here to see what was happening. There’s no telling what you’ll post about and it has become my new favorite place online 🙂 Thank you Jenny , and the boys, for all you all do for us… What a way to surprise us with this and adding fun things to your site for us to enjoy and learn about as well 🙂 🙂 🙂
Rhonda, I’m sorry I missed your post about the passing of your father. I think I miss some of them because there is always something new to respond to so I don’t always check back. I hope you did as well as could be expected considering the circumstances. I’m sorry you lost him so early in life and I hope you spent the day with good memories over tears. Thank you for your condolences towards my uncle.
For me to give condolences for your uncle’s passing just triggered my emotions and made my emotions run freely and got away from me in that post. After I posted I had to go outside and get some air, because my heart felt like it was breaking into. I have my moments but for the most part I’m doing okay… Hospice takes care of the patient and after the loss of a loved one they take of the family’s emotional state, so I think without the advice they give us, they still are sending letters, I dont know if I could hold up as strong as I feel I am now. We all appreciate all they did and still do for us before and after the passing of our dad. They are greatly appreciated 🙂 P.S. Thank you for responding… I spent the day going to the cementary, relaxing by the pool, cleaning my car and having dinner at one of my dad’s favorite places 🙂
Feature request: Can you have it so that when you click on the pictures (in this case the chat room photo) it takes you to the direct link (instead of just the enlarged picture)?
Thank you Jenny. You should be proud of what they do here and I can see that you are 🙂 They do a terrific job with your site. The more you all add to it the more I love it. They deserve credit for what they have given us to enjoy 🙂 Most social places on the web arent monitored and those are the ones I dont care for. Internet haters/bullies are a major pain in the rear, they really are. I think you already know how people can be and I like the fact you keep those people out 🙂
HI Jenny, this is my first chat and also signed up your blog as well. Brought my first stand-up mixer was a bit intimated making your homemade cinnamon buns. It was good but didn’t turn out the way you had it on your YouTube. Not sure if I knead it too long or my KitchenAid oven at 325 degree was too hot. I did use a large pan for the rising part (1 1/2 hrs over a large bowl of very hot water covered with a large towel for rising). Mine turned out more like Pillsbury cinnamon rolls. My husband love it and differently will try again.
Any suggestions?
Just wanted to wish everybody Happy Holidays!
I’ve been a huge fan of the Jenny Jones show for years, I was wondering if anyone knew where I would be able to find full episodes of the show because i can’t find the one in particular that I’m looking for on youtube…well i could find it on youtube but the person that posted it, it was so distorted and the quality wasnt’ good at all so it was difficult to see what i was trying to see…there was a particular episode back in 2000 and the episode was “Out of control Gay teens” and there was one particular girl on there that looked like my best friend I hadn’t seen in years..many years and her name on the show was “SUNSHINE” or “SUNSHYNE”…I really couldn’t tell if it was her or not and i can’t remember if her real name was mentioned but if anyone knows, even you Jenny what her real name was, been looking for her for years
Hey everyone. Haven’t posted here much. Been a busy year. Things really got busy in September when we had our inventory at work. Which our inventory turned out great. Did better than expected 🙂 …After that was our soup social which turned into a block party…lol.. 😆 …a cousin of mine found our 4th cousin on Facebook and he does karaoke part time and he was rocking the neighborhood. This social event keeps getting entertaining year after year. Plus I was one of the 4 hosting the event. I also attended my 30th year class reunion the same month and it was nice seeing old classmates. Now we are here in November and December when holidays hit us hard, but I’m use to a crowd so it doesn’t bother me as much. I would rather be busy instead of having a day that’s slow and drags by…
Now about this polar blast coming down upon us. Usually I can handle the cold, but it came in way too early for me. I hope we have a early Spring 😀 …It seems the whole USA is in for a bad winter, so everyone stay warm and be safe. Take care 🙂
Just wanted to stop by and let you know my thoughts and prayers are with the people in California. Hope you are okay, Jenny. I’ve been thinking about you since this earthquake happened early yesterday morning. Take care and be safe…
I’m a day late but wanted to wish you all a Happy 4th of July. I hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend. Oh and glad to see you stop by Wendy and Tom. Hope to see you post more often. This chat room/ message board isn’t like most rooms/boards, it’s nice here. Jenny makes sure of that 🙂
Danny, this place is one of the best on the internet. Can’t thank Jenny enough for reopening chat room. I thought it was gone forever. It really made me happy to know she gave it back to us 😀
Okay Josh, I thought you would have posted by now. I hope things are okay with you and you are just busy…
So glad i stumbled upon this site! I was looking up Sweet potato fries, and Jenny Jones playing with a Mr. S potatohead came up! My kind of cooking show! Jenny, i raised my 3 fine children while watching your show. Learned so many things back then that only YOU were willing to talk about. Miss the honesty,humour, and good looking hosts that your show delivered! Please come up with a show for us gals that are lost in the empty nest yet loving it but don’t know what to do with myself kinda show!
Can anyone tell me how to get into the chatroom plz or when it is open 🙂
Rosie, you are in the chat room. It is always open and visitors simply come and go. You can add to someone’s post or make your own by scrolling to the bottom for a new window.
Aww thank Jenny! I’m from Scotland but lived in USA from ’87 to ’97 and used to watch you ALL the time on telly 🙂 x
Welcome to chat room, Rosie. Did you watch any other talk shows, if so which ones? Love talking to JJ fans and so glad chat room has reopened for us. Thanks Jenny 🙂
Good to see you again, Jenny. Watched your show every day with my grandmother and sister as a child on WWHO (UPN/WB) in Columbus, OH and MVC (UPN) in Dayton, OH.
Funny story: When I was learning how to read, we used some show titles to teach about rhyming too. (Pre-Teen, You’d Better Mind… or Moses’ Boot Camp is Not Far Behind!)
I hope everyone had a great Father’s Day weekend, especially all you dads. As some of you know my Dad passed 5 years ago this October and it’s still hard for me to except it during the holidays especially when Father’s Day and his Birthday comes around. I don’t think we ever get over losing a loved one. I’m off work next 2 days and it helps going to see him at the cemetery when I miss him most. It helps me connect to him and fill the void of him not being here, but I’m fine for the most part…
Hello everyone! Glad the chatroom is open again.
Danny, welcome back… 😀
My Chat Room is back! Some people became friends here in this chat room and it’s now back open for anyone who wants to say hi. If you watched my talk show all through the 1990s you may have something in common with visitors here. My thanks to everyone who remembers me and takes time to visit. – Jenny
Coming here and seeing chat room open again made me happy to see. This has brighten my day. You are the best, Jenny. You are not like most celebrities. I don’t even see you as a celebrity. You’re one of a kind. You are a true friend to a lot of us and I’m glad to be one of your biggest fans and friend. You really do rock 😎
I’m so HAPPY to see this room open again you just don’t know 😀
And yes I have a video to share 🙂
Thank you, Jenny. Hugs to you…
Pharrell Williams: Happy-(Official Music Video)…
Jenny does rock! Nice to see the chat room is running again. I missed everyone on here!
Jenny’s the best and I always have said that even before her show ended and for her to do all this for her fans now when she couldn’t having her show just makes her rock more now than before. Her autobiography really tells what type of person she is and where she came from is good to know. It seems Jenny was only seeking happiness and I’m glad she has finally got it. Knowing her life’s ups and downs helps you understand why she did her Jenny’s Heroes after reading the book and watching her show for 11 years and being a audience member to her show just tells me she’s a awesome and amazing person…btw, have you read Jenny’s autobiography?…
Happy New Years to all of you. I wish you all well and good fortune in 2014. Sharing a couple New Years video and a song I’m stuck on listening too. Katy Perry is awesome. Thank you Jenny for giving us fans a place to vent and talk to each other. You are the coolest and you’re awesome as well. I know you have a lot going on with other websites so you stay busy and I’m glad for that. As long as you’re happy is all that matters. I’m not too sad about the chat room closing now but it will be missed. I enjoy what you share here along with your other websites. You work hard for us for the other things you do. Like your videos which I love. You make them fun to watch because I don’t know what to expect like with the plastic wrap. That was hilarious…lol…
2014 Fireworks
2014 Greetings
Katy Perry – Roar (Official)
Happy New years to all!!!
Happy New Years to you Danny. I hope you had a great day. It seem a bit ealry when I saw you post on FB but I know time is different where you were and it’s finally made it to the states. West Coast still has an hour and 12 minutes. That means Jenny’s about to celebrate the New Year 🙂
Happy New Year, Jenny 🙂
How sad! I will miss chatting with all of you! Rhonda and Josh! Jenny. Josh are you on facebook bro? I would like to friend request you! I’m friends with Rhonda and Jenny already!
Oh no! I’m sad 🙁
This is not good news. It’s almost as worse as your show going off air…
Things don’t last forever and it was fun while it lasted though…
I will be glad to add anyone to Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and yes I still have a Myspace. Hope the links work…
(Jenny, Josh, Danny, Kathy, Marty, Becky, Sue, Lesli, Tiffie)…
I agree it is sad to see the chat go, but I can understand the reasoning. It does seem like less and less are posting here, and we can always keep in touch through comments.
I will try to send you a request Rhonda, and if that doesn’t work I will post my page(s).
Hope you are doing well. I bet Jury duty is a big hassle, but for some reason, I always thought it would be fun lol thankfully though I have never had to go.
I went on a job interview last week for some restaurant, bar, show combo that is set to open soon. It does seem cool, but when I got there, I was like **** because it was a group interview which I never like. I can see why people may chose to do them, because you do get to see how people interact with people that they do not know, but at the same time is seems a bit lazy. I did get a private one at the end where I was asked a few questions.
I hope that I did alright. I guess another good thing is that you do get to see your competition.
So wish me luck lol!
I use to hate talking in groups. I was the shy and quite one when I was younger but I can’t say that now…lol…, I do have my silent moments though. Large groups still make me a little nervous so I can understand you being nervous doing this interview. Jobs are hard to find now a days and since it’s a new place opening soon maybe the luck will fall in your lap. Good luck with the job interview, Josh. My fingers are crossed 🙂
I like being called for Jury Duty. It’s interesting and fun just like you thought. Some people might not have the patient for it but if you can stand the waiting then Jury Duty isn’t so bad. It seems like a job. They give you 10 min breaks every 2 hours and 1 1/2 lunch plus they pay you. Here we get paid $25 a day for Jury Duty it might be different else where. They talk to us before they start calling names and the OJ Simpson trail was brought up when they were talking about our pay. During the OJ trial Jurors only got paid $15 a day and that was a long trial. Can you imagine? Your work will pay you too not always but I’m sure most jobs do pay because if you are called for Jury Duty there really isn’t no getting out of it, unless you are over 70 years of age or you have health problems…
I’ve been called twice for Jury Duty. I didn’t get picked this go around so I was only there for 3 days. They start releasing people by Wednesday unless a Judge wants to try and squeeze in a case before the weekend, but on the other hand my first time called for Jury Duty was about 6 years ago and I was picked and I ended up being there all week…
Hey guys thought I would pop in to say hello. I’ve been MIA here for a few weeks but October was a busy month for me and it seems November was too. I feel I’ve been going since inventory non stop. I even had jury duty 2 weeks ago to top it off. Since Thanksgiving and Black Friday is over with I feel bit of a breather. My side of the store seems a bit slow in December up until the week of. I truly don’t like having inventory this close to the holidays. It’s as bad as going through a remodel dealing with all the freight coming in. For the last few weeks we were getting high trucks 10-14 pallets Friday and Saturday nights and those are not fun to get. Now we are back down to receiving 6-8 pallets which is average for us. We got the tree up today but need more lights. I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. Take care and have a great week 🙂
I was kinda bummed out when Dunkin Doughnuts left Taiwan! Earlier this year, I know most of you are saying a donut is just a donut! But no. DD reminded me of home. Guess what I read in the paper?! krispie Kreame is coming to Taiwan! WOO HOO! I was craving them for the past few months! I can’t wait till December! I hope Rhonda and you Josh and Jenny are doing Fabulous!
The weather here in Taiwan is Fabulous! I’m on vacation from school as well. We are going to Hong Kong in 2 weeks, so I cant wait! Josh my brother from another mother I hope things are working out for the best for you, Jenny and Rhonda My sistas from other mistas I hope all is well with ya’ll! LOts of loove and best wishes from Taiwan to your front porches! XOXO!
Glad you are getting a break from things and enjoying the weather Danny. It’s almost Halloween and I know you like horror movies. I have kinda gotten away from them, but liked watching them when I was younger. Some horror movies they make now a days don’t faze me. I like the ones back in the day best that kept you on the edge of your seat. I still like watching Halloween with Michael Myers. That one keeps me on edge still. I have to say though if my nieces are staying the night at the house and they have movie night and find a horror movie on On Demand that I haven’t seen before it will make me jump and cover my face with a pillow. Halloween night if I’m not working I will watch scary movies and hand out candy to the neighborhood kids, but I work this year on Halloween, so not sure what I will be doing…
Josh, I hope everything is okay with you. You seemed a bit wired up about things but it’s understandable being in a new state and not knowing many people can be tough I’m sure. Not knowing what’s going on back home with family and friends can be even tougher. Are you still talking to your parents when you are able to? Stay connected to your parents. It will help you through hard times when they come about. Plus you have a place here of course to chat with us…
Glad you are finding things to do like go to these shows that you seem to be enjoying. Keep yourself busy is my best advice for you right now. I never ask how long do you plan being there in Vegas. Just until your schooling is finished? or do you plan on making that your home and where to find the career job you’re going after? Oh and Josh do you like horror movies? Since it almost Halloween just thought I would ask 🙂
Take care guys…
Thank you Rhonda, you too Danny, it means a lot that you would both take the time to not only read what I write but to also put so much thought into your reply!
I hate coming off as one of those obsessive and controlling type people because I’m not that way at all and I am never jealous really. I did take your advice Danny, and my bf and I did talk and things seem to be going better now.
My bf did tell me that when he first met this “friend” he thought that there might be something more there, but after he spent time around him, he realized they were just meant to be friends. Ah, it is still a sore spot for me, but my bf says nothing happened and I do believe him. I guess my question is: Do I have the right to tell him not to be friends with this person? Like I said, I’m not controlling, but it would make me feel a lot better, I just need a little advice on that : )
I like Vegas, and I haven’t even thought of ever going somewhere else. Although, even those this is years away, I would like to do my residency in Orlando with Dr. G. She is one of the factors that motivated me to go down this path, although that is probably more of a dream than a goal.
Yes, I love horror movies! Every Halloween we watch the first and second Halloween, they are favorites of mine. Another favorite horror film of mine is Phantasm, they scared me as a kid, although what I was doing watching them at 7-8 I will never know lol.
Even though you have to work on Halloween, I still hope you will get to have a little fun. I know back in Indiana, all the employees at walmart would dress up. I might be wrong, but I think they even passed out candy there a few times.
Take care guys!
That’s great that you guys talked Josh and glad that things are okay for now. I really really LOVE Horror. I grew up watching movies like Nighmare on Elm St, Halloween. I loved Phantasm and still do. I remember watching The Exorcist! at such a young age, Rosemary’s Baby I just love. I love supernatural horror stuff well I guess I do love slasher films as well. With Halloween coming up I’m really exited! They will be showing the movie Sinister on TV, so I can’t wait. I remember growing up and being exited about Halloween. This is like my Christmas. Keep your head up my brother!
Jenny sorry about the Tilt O Whirl story. Rhonda working or not on Halloween I’m sure you will have fun. When I was in High School I used to work at a Department store they made me work! I was devastated! but I gaved out candy lots of them and that made the customers happy which in return made me happy. Watched horror movies when I got home, then morning came! I had to go to school. Happy Halloween everybody! Remember to always check your candy before eating them all! BYe my loves
It seems you both are so busy and that’s good but I understand you also have to have breathing time taking in it all. At least you have the weekends if you don’t have a lot of homework. Josh, it’s not easy for some of us to meet people especially you being in a different state. Neighbors would be a start for you to meet people where you are or like Danny suggested join a club or something you are interested in and go from there. Try not to worry to much about your relationship. 7 years is a long time. Keep faith with those 7 years and try to be comfortable with things. It will all work out for you. I’m not gay. I don’t have a problem with gay people. I think they should be treated equally and have rights like we all do. Oh and Josh one Long Island and I’m through. I don’t drink a lot either only social gatherings and for dinner sometimes. Like tonight we ate at a oyster bar and I had about 8oz of beer along with raw oysters and a salad. Danny stay safe. I saw where you guys are having some rough weather heading your way. Are you close to and around the area it is suppose to hit? Concerned…
I’m in northern Taiwan we are just getting rains and all the winds. The Phillipines got hit rough! I will be travelling very soon! So I hope everything will calm down!
Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well.
Lately I have been feeling suspicious and obsessive, good lord, I hope it ends soon and I can go back to being my normal self. Maybe I just have too much time on my hands that I have to build things up?
School does take a lot of my time though! Last week I dissected a heart. It was really interesting to have it in front of me to see what it actually looked and felt like. I know some people might have trouble with dissecting, but I tell you after everything I have seen in anatomy nothing seems to faze me anymore lol.
I have been busy with school an getting into the groove of living in a new state and everything else, so I have not had a real chance to meet any friends. I do have friends, some of whom I have known for 14 years! However it can be hard for me to meet people and just strike up conversations. Do any of you have any tips? I know it will come to me, I just have to put myself out there more and go more places where I can meet friends.
On a different note (I say that a lot lol) I went to see KA the other night. It’s a cirque show, and I did really love it, although the Beatles LOVE is still my favorite, (GO SEE IT IF YOU HAVE THE CHANCE!!) Anyway, I wanted a drink to have during the show, so I ordered a long island, I wanted the small one, but the guy told me I could have the collectable glass if I ordered the 32 ounce one, so I did.
I don’t drink much, usually a couple times a month or just a glass of wine every now and then with dinner. However, 32 ounces of alcohol was a bit much for me! LOL I ended up dumping the rest out after the show, but I was pretty buzzed by that point. I got my glass though!
Oh Josh I’m having the same kind of trouble here in Taiwan I have life long friends back in the States but not any here in Taiwan! My teacher invited me to a church bbq I meet a few people but it’s not the same. Once in a while I will have eye contact with other foreigners here and exchange a smile but thats it. When I go to a bar I smile and talk to the bar tender, sometimes people will have a brief chat with me. Once I sober up school just takes up all of my time! I have been here for over 1 year, I get homesick once in a while but it does get better!! lol. I just have to get used to buying ketchup, mustard in the foreign isle! lol
Im sure you can join a a study club or something at your school.Like you said You just have to put yourself out there lots of luck to you bro! ( I hope you don’t mind me calling you bro)
Rhonda and Jenny I hope you ladies are doing awesome as well.
Thanks for the advice Danny, I really do appreciate it and it must also be hard for you being in a foreign place!
I don’t know if I have ever told anyone here, I’m not ashamed or have tried to hide it, but I am gay, and that really isn’t even a defining thing about me, because you know I’m so much more than just that little thing alone.
I have been with my partner for almost 7 years now. Sometimes after so long, you just get in a rut and I want our relationship to be magical again and I really do think that it can be and we have talked and we are going to work hard to make it better.
Now, not to sound like a Jenny Jones show guest or anything, but I am not a jealous person at all, but at the same time, recently, he has made a friend who is also gay, and he says that they are only friends and there is nothing deeper there, but at the same time for whatever reason my heart is telling me that him being friends with this person is bad news. Nothing has happened between them, so maybe I am just being silly, but do I have a right to tell him who he can and cannot be friends with?
He said that he would tell his friend that they can’t be friends for now anyway, and that takes a load off, but I’m just worried that he is just telling me what I want to hear and he will still talk to him or text. I don’t know why It bothers me so?
I trust my bf, but I also trust my heart, and I never trust a stranger!
I just hope he is serious and ends the friendship. I don’t care about him having his own friends, even gay friends, it’s just this guy, I have a bad feeling about and I don’t know why!
Do you have advice for that Danny? If you have read this far, thanks so much!
Oh Josh I’m sorry you are having this issue with your boyfriend. I’m also gay I’ve been with my bf for 5 years now. I would say trust your heart, you seem like a very smart and nice guy. Only you know whats best for you buddy. This is my first gay relationship, This is also my first long term relationship. I’m not the jealous type eighter, if he isn’t happy with me he could say the word and I’m gone. LOL you are not sounding like a Jenny Jones guest! that’s me! makeover show! LMAO. Yeah I so feel from what you are saying I’m gay as well and that isn’t who I am. I’m Danny. Me and my bf have the same friends “our” friends and seperate friends. I feel like it’s always a good thing in any relationship to have our own friends, and our own lives. I’m recently have been hanging out without him and its a great feeling. I love him and everything but I need my space. You should talk with your boyfriend but as I read you did already, when you have your talks just express how you are truly feeling, and be honest with your self and with him. You will be suprised on how liberating you will both feel and by doing this you will learn something new about your relationship.
Take a little “stay cation” with yourself, go to a new coffee shop or something, try something new. If you have a LGBT center I’m sure they will have classes or something in that nature you might meet new friends. I really hope for the best for you Josh! Rhonda, Jenny love yah!!
I’m sorry that you are feeling this way Josh. I’m also gay and have been with my boyfriend for 5 years. When I moved here it was hard lol. I was kinda annoyed with myself and my boyfriend and school. We argued. We had a long conversation about how we are really feeling. Long story short school or my bf were not the problem. The move was the problem. I was so homesick and I guess I looked for something to blame I guess. We talked about how the move affected us. That was a good talk we had. Now I love my school! ( studying is a different story lol) We are getting along great. I guess you and your man need to really talk things through and be honest with each other, try not to sound confertational that will annoy him or worse he will clam up. Tell him you love him and care for him, tell him that you trust him and how you feel about this guy. Relationships are hard work and you guys have been together for 7 years . You guys can do alot of different things to spice things up. Try to get to know each other all over again. My and my bf are trying new things here in Taiwan lol going on little dates here and there, kinda nice. Rekindling a relationship will be a fun thing to do as long as you both are shipping in to do the work, take turns planning different activities be as creative and sponteneous as you both can be.
I really hope things work out for you. Don’t forget to invite me on your Wedding Day! Are you on Facebook? I am. Talk to you later Big hug!
Rhonda and Jenny hope everything is going Fabulous with you!! Love Danny!
Hi Rhonda, I the request! lol. It’s almost 1 am here in Taiwan! Im here studying at a Cyber Cafe! Listening to Greenday and facebooking lol Now I’m Jenny Jonzing lol anyway hope we can talk on facebook in “real time” lol. That’s why I got on Facebook so I can keep in touch with friends back at home! Miss them like crazy! I can’t believe I been here a whole year! Feels like longer! It’s nice to know that I can come on to JJ and talk with you and Josh!
So Josh how ya doing bro? I hope everything is well on your end! Hope you wont need an exorcism! I’ve seen exorcism of Emily Rose! She didn’t end up to well! I feel like an over worked zombie trying to study! I might need to borrow yours and Rhondas brain in a little while! Swear I wont eat them lol. I am hungry though! I’ve seen a lot of exorcism films so if you need to be exorcised I’ll be your man! lol. save your money I wont charge! Well going back to study! Jenny hope everything is well with you as well! And everyone else too!
Need braaaaaaaaainss! here in Taiwan! BYE! Love you all! Take care humans!
For those Like me who are “suffering summer rain” and like Belinda Carlisle this one’s for you http://www.youtube.com/belindacarlislesummerrain.com
Hi how is everybody doing? Hi Rhonda Jenny!The weather here has been crazy! HOT HOT aND very humid it’s in the 90s! and its still humid even when it rains. Went to Hong Kong with my man, they just had a Typhoon, Luckily for us we mist it. We just had a Typhoon here a while ago! They postponed classes for a day. Still going to school, thinking about switching to afternoon classes instead of morning. I wish they had midnight courses since I’m more of a night owl.
Well I hope all is fabulous with ya’ll !!!
Hey Danny, hot weather isn’t pleasant at all and I’m sorry you have 90 degree weather. I know how miserable that can be. Here in Georgia it’s been really nice. 2 days last week people had hoodies, sweaters and light jackets on so it’s been nice here. Outside was cool when sitting on porch. I love when it’s cold so the AC stayed on low to make it crisp at night inside. It’s easier for me to get warm than it is for me to keep cool and I was not going to turn the AC off and wake up hot. I’m not a happy camper when that happens…
My niece just left for college and here classes started today. She’s a good kid and I know she will do well. Glad you are sticking to your classes as well. I hope you can find the right times comfortable for you to continue. Stay focused regardless like I’ve told Josh. I’ve known of people going through tough classes and putting in a lot of time and credits and lose focus on things and don’t move forward with things. Good luck to you and to you too Josh…
Stay safe Danny. I hate the weather sometimes it can be quite scary. Glad you are okay after the typhoon you experienced. Btw, if you don’t mind me asking, where are you going to school?…
We’ve had rain for 7+ days now and it still continues. It really has kept us out of 90 degree weather and it makes me appreciate 80+ degrees. Sharing 5 day forecast…
Hi Rhonda, Raining cats and dogs all day today! Well I hope your niece has a fabulous time at College. I go to the Taipei Chengshih University. People from all over the world go there, Its like the UN of schools. People there are nice. Weather has been rainy for the past few days!
Me and my man had Real authenticChinese food! really good! Had Tofu, Kung Pao Chicken! and some other thing with shrimp and lots of delicious veggies! (Jenny you’d be proud of me I had all my veggies!) liver and onions! Of course I had a few beers! I had tea as well.
Well it’s 03:45am where I live! couldn’t sleep! Nightmare city lol. Well yesterday I re-arranged my furniture! cleaned house top to bottom! Made a wonderful late dinner for me and my man! . I made the switch to afternoon class! Yay! I start 12:00-3:00pm!! today! Had a Typhoon holiday the day before yesterday! Made the best of it! Went food shopping, facebooked! lol chatted a lot! Almost 4 am dont want to go back to sleep! lol Hope all is good with you all! Wish me luck! (new classes and all)
It seems your schedule is set in stone for now anyway. I need to work on a better schedule. I stay up late because I don’t have to be at work until noon. Even before my schedule changed I was night owl. I don’t like naps. They really mess my sleep up. Hopefully by the holidays they will have hired us some help and I can get back on track with things. I would have time in the evening and at night to do some house cleaning by cleaning out clutter. Cabinets need to be cleaned out and closets too. I wish you luck Danny with your classes and the new schedule…
Jenny you have me wanting to buy new cookware and dishes…lol…out with the old in with the new. I don’t think I’m gonna save as much money as I did last year because I’m usually a penny pincher, a tight one. I’ve been still penny pinching but also splurging here and there with things as well…
I hate taking naps, messes up my sleep paterns as well! But I still take them. 5 mins till 4 am! Well anyway. Had a real fun time at schol. My new teacher is a real jem! We worked on my tones for a long minute. She’s really cool very VERY! patient with me! made a few sentences in chinese. Need to work on my strokes when writing Chinese Characters. You need to be an artist to write those Characters! Really beutiful language. Everytime I’m here is a new and beutiful experience! Asia is very heart warming! Wish you were here! We could do brunch and talk about our favorite Jenny episodes and gossip all day! I could show you around town. We could swap food recepies! Listening to Jem and the Holograms music videos! I know it’s just a cartoon, but for me it’s a lifestyle! talk to you soon! bye!
Hey Danny and Rhonda!
I’m also a night owl, but no matter how late I stay up I always seem to wake up early lol.
It’s strange to think that I have lived here almost 6 months now. I am still loving it, and I am anxiously waiting for the cool(er) weather. My lease will be up soon and I want to start looking for a new place, something just a little bit bigger.
I went from having a large 3 bedroom house to a small one bedroom apartment with an open living room kitchen area lol, but it has worked out great. I would just like a little more space.
I still have some of my stuff back in Indiana, so I’m also wanting to send for it. I do miss my kitchen things, most of which I’ve had to put into storage because there was so much of it lol!
Danny what is your major? So far classes are going good for me, but we’ll see in a couple of weeks if I’m running around campus like Emily Ros3 lmao.
Take care everyone.
Hi Josh,
I’m attending Taipei Chengshih University. I’m currently learning how to speak, write, do everything Chinese. Really hard but it’s fun. Learning abroad really fun and exiting. Being so far from home really is strange. I miss the comforts of home. I also left a nice big house 3 berooms! Huge front and back yards. Now I have to settle for a small 1 bedrom! no kitchen which sucks because I just love to cook! Well at least I get to taste other new foods here in Taipei. Love it! I do miss the old neighborhood in Long Beach CA!!! Ive been up since yesterday I just took a 1 hr nap around 4pm yesterday! Now Its 7:11am Saturday! been Faceboking/ youtubing since then! I think I should be doing better things like studying! LOL! But it is the weekend! Mon- Fri all I do is non stop study! I guess we can all take a break! Nice chatting with ya! Jenny Rhonda Josh hope all of you are have a wonderfu Friday night! BYE!
It’s great you are doing so well in Vegas with things Josh and you too Danny in Taipei. I see both had to down size living space but Josh I can understanding wanting more space. The house me and my mom live in had 6 people living in it at one time a long time ago and looking back we think how did we all fit…lol…it worked out though somehow. Now there’s just 2 of us and it’s spacey enough for the both of us, except for the kitchen. It’s really small. Wish it was bigger but it’s not so bad as is. My dad talked about adding on to that side to make the kitchen bigger but he never got that going. Who knows maybe I can get that done if I really wanted too…
Danny, Jan and Tyler were my favorite guests of all. That show drew me in to watch the show more and more. So May/Dec relationships was probably my favorite shows. I also liked makeovers, out of control teens/boot camp with Raymond Moses and update shows as well. Which no topic was a boring topic coming from her show. Jenny was the best at what she did. She learned from Donahue which was my all time favorite talk show until Jenny came along. The more I think about it. It just came natural for her to be the best she could be as a host and she did a great job with that 😀
Hello Everyone!
Sorry to have been M.I.A. for so long, but classes have kept me very busy! Luckily right now I have about a week off before my next semester. I am taking the next Anatomy class, which is going to be somewhat tougher than the last one I took.
They are hard enough to make you want to rip your hair out, but at the same time, I find it all so rewarding, and it’s all very interesting to me, so the pro’s do outweigh the cons, and truly I love learning all these new things about how the body is formed and how it works.
On a different note:
Has anyone seen any Cirque Du Soleil shows? I have seen a few, and I love them!! I remember several years ago they showed a few on TV, and I didn’t care much for them, maybe it was because that was all my aunt would watch and it burnt me out, but honestly seeing them in person, they have such a magical feeling to them!
Glad you are still doing classes but sorry they are getting tough for you, but who says school is easy. If you are willing to try that’s all that matters really, right? Keep focused and stay on track with things and you will succeed is my motto for you or anyone willing to better themselves with more schooling. Now a days you have to do more schooling to get a good job to be able to live comfortable, that is if you have or if are thinking of your future with a family to support. Right now I’m happy where I am. My pay at Walmart is nothing for me to worry about with bills and things, so school for me right now is something I don’t think about that often. I’m comfortable where I am. Walmart has changed but I blame the economy collapse for that…
Speaking of work, inventory is October 9th and I’m staying on top of things to make it easy for us next month in my department. It’s not my job to do a lot I’m doing but if it means no stress then I’m willing to do it. We have a department manager and she transferred from Chicago. She’s been with us 6 months and she told me just a couple weeks ago she don’t know if she will last. We are short handed in frozen/dairy and I mentioned in a meeting about what needs to be done and what they expect because they tell us to do one thing and then something else has to be done and there’s not enough people to get it all done. When I asked what to do the manager holding the meeting told me they know we need help and 3 positions have been opened up and they are working on things for my ares. I just hope they get us people before the holidays. Walmart does try and fill positions as best as they can but it’s not their fault if a person has a bad background or if they can’t pass a drug test. My department manager just interviewed someone for dairy and has no idea what happened with that person not coming back for the job. She probably knows. I just haven’t asked her again…
And to answer you about watching Cirque Du Soleil shows. I may have come across some but they never really had my interest. I will have to youtube and check them out. I do know I love Broadway shows. I never knew that I liked them so much until me and a group of us went and seen RENT at the Fox Theatre here in Atlanta. I have also went and seen Wicked a couple years ago with a friend of mine and enjoy it too, so yeah Broadway shows are pretty awesome…
I love music. Sharing last 2 songs I heard on the radio. “Fun” I love these guys. His videos seem so energetic. Can almost feel the energy he has. “Uncle Kracker”. I find him handsome and attractive, but doesn’t compare to Bon Jovi. Nobody compares to Jon Bon Jovi. I just love him. Bon Jovi was my teen idol. I bought magazines only if he was in it…lol…seriously and yep posters inside went on my walls. I have all his CDs as well 🙂
Uncle Kracker – Drift Away (video) album version audio
There is this restaurant in Vegas called “lotus of siam.” It’s upscale Thai food. The first time I went I expected the food to be greasy and just alright, but it’s actually some of the best food I have ever had.
The chef has won numerous James Beard awards and the restaurant has been covered in so many magazines and a lot of celebrities frequent. Really, if any of you ever come to Vegas you have to go! The prices are reasonable and the food is out of this world!
Alright, now on to my story.
So I had ordered a cup of spicy and sour vegetable soup to start. It has mushrooms, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots and lemongrass, it’s really good. However, this time I said I wanted it medium heat, and upon tasting it, I should have said low lol! But it was still good so I ate it, it was hot though. So I had my cup of soup (Which is just a small bowl) sitting directly in front of me, and it’s still 2/3 full. My spoon was also in my hand as I picked up my glass to take a drink of water. Just then the waiter came by and took my soup!
I was shocked lol the thing was almost full. I have never seen anything like that before. I would have said something like “WHOA WAIT A MINUTE!!” but I was in shock and it took a few to register as to what just happened! Luckily the rest of the meal was great, but I did guard my plate haha. I have been several times now and even with the soup issue it’s still one of my new favorite places.
Josh, I love that restaurant. We go there every time we’re in Vegas (when we can get in!) and it’s really great. Even thought it’s off the beaten path, a good restaurant will always get discovered.
Josh it would have shocked me to for someone to take food from me without asking first. It’s good you can let things roll off your back even though the waiter was in the wrong for taking your food. The soup sounds really good. I love everything that’s in it. I love Thai food. I haven’t had a lot of it and the first time I had it was when I went to Seattle to visit a friend. I don’t think we have a Thai restaurant even here. We have some Asian restaurants like Chinese and Japanese but I like the Japanese ones better. I just think it’s so neat how they cook the food right there in front of you. I’ve also had Indian food too. That can be a bit spicy as well. I do like foods that bite back. Lady at work made curry and brought some extra in for some of us to try and wow it was a bit warm but I liked it. Never had Korean, but all these different cultures are similar food wise…
Was watching Jenny’s best of 98! What great memories!
You had me watching it and I agree it does bring back memories. I miss her show so much but things don’t go on forever and must come to an end. The audience was one of the best parts of her show. She let them talk whenever they wanted to speak. Unlike some of the other talkshows only talking the last segment for audience question. A lot of them did that but not Jenny. She learned from the best which was Phil Donahue and he was good at hosting too. Best way to describe her show was everyone was there to have a good time and believe me her show isn’t scripted like others us to say on other message boards. Her show had a good run and I’m glad she has a talkshow under her belt among everything else Jenny has done in life. She has done so much to be proud of. Now it’s time for her to just kick back and enjoy the things she loves doing. I understand fans miss seeing her on tv but I wish WB would come out with a type of series for each year she was on air or just a long Best of DVD just to make everyone happy 🙂
Hi Rhonda, it’s been a while since I blogged on here. Hope you are doing awesome! Im doing well, I decided to have a mental health day today with my man. Had a nice much needed time together, had coffee and talked. Also I had a chance to go on the internet today. Also had a chance to do some “Spring Cleaning” of our apartment we share ( felt guilty for ditching school) Listening to Belinda Carlisle while cleaning! Just love her! Still listening to her while on the internet. LOL. Work hard play hard right? Or in my case spend time with boyfriend,ditch school, clean house, Jenny Jones and Belinda Carlisle break.
Don’t worry Rhonda I don’t make ditching a habbit. Such a dork because we have summer break next week! Been working hard, I forgot! Well at least cleaning is out of the way! Knowing my man or our son ( Devil cat) I will have to clean all over again! I call our cat The devil cat because that’s what he is! he bit me on my eye brow while I was laying down today. Left a scar as well. How will I explain my scar at school tomorrow? Yeah I was sick! my cat bit me! Very believable huh?
Well let me digress, yeah They need to make out with a Jenny Jones dvd set! (While there at it they should do the same for One Life To Live, and Passions!!)
Jenny’s show was one of a kind. It was very entertaining, fun and exiting. Jenny cared for her guest. She was very welcoming. When I was “older” I had a few mimosas with my brunch watching the show. While in high school during vacation my younger siblings would know that at 11am 2pm was their quiet time. I would reward them with pizza and soda for their cooperation. Anyhow Sorry got sidetracked. Jenny kept things fresh on her show. It was her warm hearted humor that kept the show alive.
Everything Jenny does, she does it with love. Wheater it’s her cooking, Jenny’s heroes, her cook books, and yes giving makeovers! She does it with love and compassion. LOL I just loved her makeover shows! You are lucky you were there at a taping! Jenny’s show was a real jem. That’s why she lasted for 12 whole seasons!
Well I said a whole mouthful. I hope everybody reading this novel of a post, is having a great time. If not there is always a light at the end of the tunnel!
You seem to be really busy with things and ditching school isn’t a bad thing depending on the reason you ditched, right? I hope you plan on sticking with school because it’s good one goes to school. Maybe I could go back to school but I have no idea what I want to do. My sister just tonight mentioned it to me because she is going back to school and she’s trying to encourage me to as well but nah not right now anyway. I don’t have it in me. I don’t feel I do…
Speaking of spring cleaning I need to do that. I consider myself an organized person and things are not right here at the house. The hall closets are a mess. I think so anyway. I do have jackets to go through and give to good will and I actually need new clothes and work clothes. I like to save I don’t like to spend but I will have to go shopping soon. I did manage to upgrade my phone and got an iphone4 this past week and I’ve been trying to get use to it. Funny thing happened this morning. My shift I work is 12-9pm it use to be earlier but the closer transferred back home, so now I have to close which is not working out for them because they keep calling me in early like this morning. They called me around 9:30am and I reached over to turn off my phone thinking it was the alarm and it was my work and my asst got hung up on…lol…by accident of course. She called back before I could call her…
Work is going okay. I was told last week 2 positions have opened up for frozen dairy one person for each area because we have lost help in both areas. Once they are trained on what to do with downloading trucks and things like what I do on 2nd shift. I was told I will be working 9am-6pm reason being because things are not getting done during the day. Our inventory was at a 10% almost at a 9% when I worked earlier and when they changed my shift inventory went up to a 23%. They want the number as low as possible. I don’t worry about it. I’m not there to control that anymore until they make changes…
Oh and the new guy I felt sorry for. I don’t feel as sorry for him anymore. He seems like he doesn’t want to work and he doesn’t listen. I became frustrated with him, so I let him be. If he isn’t willing to learn then I’m not gonna waste my time trying to train someone like him…
You are one busy woman! Way back I used to work night shift. I used to be a checker at a Department Store I’m not naming them because they were jerks to me! I was in my late teens. Dealing with the public is no picnic! Then after that I worked at another Dept Store part time and had another office job, Oy the headaches! Training people is no picnic! Been there done that! I tell all my trainees If you really want to work here you do as I tell you, I’ve been where you are too. Those that didn’t, lasted a few days.
Now I know how Jenny felt like dealing with those unruly teens/ Adults. Then I also had a few warehouse jobs which I loved because they were grave yard!
Like I tell everyone, It’s never too late to go back to school! At any age. It’s up to you. You will know when it’s the right time for you!
Yeah I work too hard I think. They tell me when I come back from vacation they are glad to see me…lol…seriously though I appreciate knowing they appreciate me and my work. They say thank you to me a lot. With school being out we are busy but I like it that way. Slow days are for the birds. They can feel like the longest day ever…
The public can be difficult, I agree but I have to say working at Walmart is not so bad. I wouldn’t be there for almost 14 years if it was bad. I have had rude customers but most of them are the nicest people you would ever want to meet. I do my best in trying to help people find what they need and the funniest thing happened not to long ago. A lady was looking for Hispanic cola and when I didn’t know where it was she found another associate and told them she wanted to speak to a manager. The 14 years I’ve been with the company I have never had a complaint but I had a complaint. Don’t know what she told my manger but my manger came out the doors and said to me “Rhonda, did you have a complaint today?” I just smiled at her and said “maybe”. I explained to her that the lady jumped the gun and didn’t give me a chance to remember we have a Hispanic isle. I have changed a customers whole personality and mood just by how he/she was talked to and approached…
I’m gonna have to say between Jenny’s show helping me understand people and my job being in society and the public eye makes my job easy to go to everyday. Jenny’s show was a whole lot of society based topics. One that interest me. I guess boot camp and Raymond Moses is a perfect example. I loved when he was on and put those teens in their place. I also loved her psychologists that appear on her show. Jean Cirillo and Debra Cooper. I loved their input. Maybe psychology could be something I could think about doing for college. I can read people like the back of my hand sometimes it seems…
Jenny, I just wanted to post this and share it. It reminds me of what your show was all about as I watched your show year after year. I’ve always thought this with this song and your show…
Everyday People – Joan Jett
Happy be-lated birthday Jenny!
Josh, it’s awesome you passed with A’s and B’s and it seems you are doing just fine out in Vegas. Tough for anyone to find a job now a days but I wish you lots of luck with the job hunt. If this one didn’t fall through then just keep looking. You need something to keep you busy anyway until fall at least, so find that job 😉
Did you sense my vibes?…lol…seriously… I thought about you on my way to work today because I know last time I posted you had mentioned looking for a job. It’s summer and places will need the help so keep looking. Btw what type of job are you looking for? Just wondering…
Sorry again for your Grandfather’s passing. It will take time for healing. I still get upset because my Dad isn’t here. My Mom on Mother’s Day got upset because I was leaving for work and I wish her a Happy Mother’s Day and she get’s upset. I had to calm her down before I left and ended up being late. I think it’s was because my Dad’s not her and she’s just sensitive to anything. One of my sister’s called right when I’m about to leave out the door and gets her upset again…lol…I have no idea where Tiffie is. It’s been a while. I kinda miss her and Lesli both 🙁
Work is okay. My partner in crime…lol…transferred back to her home town and boy do I miss her 🙁 I trained her well on what to do and now my help is new, young and never has had a job before in his life, so he’s really new. I bet he isn’t over the age of 21 years old. He’s just sooo slow getting it. I feel like I’m running circles around him…lol…it’s gonna take time for him to catch on. Walmart goes by your productivity and I hate to say it if he doesn’t speed it up in the next couple weeks I don’t know what they will do with him. Most likely they would move him around to different areas until he fits in and takes on what he can handle, because Frozen/Dairy ain’t no joke. Poor guy does try and do his best. I give him a 6 on a scale 1-10…
I want to share these links of Full Albums. These might be before your time Josh but you might like’em, so I want to share’em…
The Steve Miller Band – Greatest Hits 1974 – 1978 (1978) Full Album
Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band – Greatest Hits (1994) Full Album
I hope everyone is doing well.
It’s been hot the last couple of days, in the 90’s! But it cools down at night and there is a breeze which makes it nice.
My dad called me the other day to tell me that my grandfather wasn’t doing well and that he was probably going to pass away.
As much as I do love it here, I do miss my family and it feels hopeless not being able to be with them or my grandmother especially, during this time. Also, other expenses came up, like a huge electric bill(!!) so I wasn’t able to pay my phone bill this month, so I’m still waiting to hear back from my family or them from me. None of them know how to use a computer either lol, which complicates things and does cause me to feel a tad cut off.
I’m trying to think positively and not dwell too much on the bad/sad stuff.
Aside from that, things are going good with me, my classes will be finished up the week after next and then I will be able to transfer, which I am looking forward too. Also, there is rosemary growing everywhere here! People use it to landscape. I go out at night and clip some and then use it to cook with lol. There’s so much I doubt anyone will ever miss it.
Aw Josh I’m sorry to hear your grandfather isn’t doing well. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. It makes me sad knowing you are having a tough time right now. Things will look up for you soon. It doesn’t seem you are settled in either but give it time. At least the weather is nice. At night we still are using the heat especially after it rains because it gets cold at night so I know what you mean. You mentioned electric bill and I have to say I’ve even lowered my bill. They just redone my budget for my electricity usage a month and it went from $175.00 a month to $131.00 a month…
It’s funny Josh I’m glad you can just walk out and pick all the rosemary you want just like soon Jenny can walk outside and pick all the tomatoes she wants…lol…seriously!…Maybe it won’t be too bad this year Jenny. You’re tough you can handle those things growing crazy like they did. Hey maybe you and Josh and throw something together using the crazy plants you guys have come across…
Take care Josh and you too Jenny and BTW Josh, I wish you were closer to family because of your grandfather being ill. I hope they are at least keeping in touch and informed of his well being 🙁
Thanks for the prayers: )
My electric bill was so high because of getting it turned on, and because there have been some days where you have to run the air conditioning all day long, then at night you can usually turn it off and open the windows.
Needless to say, I miss my phone especially when things are going on. I finally tracked down a payphone so I was able to speak to my family, even though the call was a little choppy in sound. Sadly my Grandfather did pass away. I know I’m with them in spirit, but it feels disconnected in a way.
I do know what you mean about being “settled” I do think that will take a little time but it will happen. I just wish I could talk to my family as often as I did.
Also, the other day, I began having slight pain in my foot, which quickly became worse to the point of me limping. I did a little research and its tendonitis, which is painful and makes it hard to get around. I’m trying to stay in the house with my foot up and ice on it.
I’m sorry this post is such a downer one, I really didn’t mean for it to come out that way. I’m just glad there are people who will listen to me work through some of this stuff, so thanks for that! 🙂
I’m sorry for your loss, Josh. My thoughts and prayers are still with you and your family. Really for you because if you are a close family I know this is hard for you to deal with being away from them when a crisis happens. I think you feel disconnected because you are a close family and you are many states away from them. I feel so bad for you because you are by yourself when you need family support during this time but at least you can speak to them on the phone and vent to people on the internet and I’m one who will listen to others. You seem to be doing okay. I’m sure you are handling things just fine. You seem like you are. Again, I’m really sorry for your Grandfather’s passing…
Oh and Josh take care of that foot. Walking probably caused you to get Tendonitis. Maybe take it easy on the walks and take the bus and try to balance it out. Do research on what to do for it if you haven’t already because you don’t want it to get worse. I went ahead and searched it too. Maybe you can change things up a bit for a quick healing process 🙂
Home Remedies for Foot Tendonitis
What Are the Treatments for Tendinitis of the Foot?
My foot is finally all better! Thanks for all the great tips. I think staying off of it as much as possible really did help.
Classes ended last week and I am happy to say I passed them all with A’s and B’s! I have one more Anatomy class to take, but I am going to wait until fall for that since summer classes are only 10 or 8 weeks. I need the extra time for that one lol.
It’s been really hot here lately, but I’m still not bothered by it. I’m still on the hunt for a job. I have an interview tomorrow afternoon and I hope it goes well.
It would be nice to not only be making money but to be able to be more productive. It’s weird but once classes end its like YES! And then I’m like OH! There isn’t anything to do lol.
I hope everyone is doing well. Send me good vibes : ) And thank you Rhonda for your well wishes about my Grandpa. It’s was and is really hard. I finally was able to talk to my grandma and thankfully she is keeping it together. She is a strong lady. I know that in time it will get better, it’s just tough right now and I do wish I was able to go visit my family, but I know I will be able to eventually.
BTW where is Tiffie? I haven’t seen her on here in a while.
Hey Josh, I hope things are going good for you while living in Vegas. Has your Dad adjusted to the time and letting you at least sleep in some days and how is the schools out there?? Are they any different??? Sorry for the 50 questions but just wondering how you are adjusting to things. A bit concerned with having you chip a tooth and you are new to the area. By the way have you fixed the tooth problem by chance? Just wondering if you are okay 😀
Take care Josh…
Hi Rhonda,
I really like it here, the heat is nice and I love how it can be hot, yet not humid at all! Being here, I’m actually walking a lot more, usually 5 to 8 miles a day depending, the most I’ve managed to do is 12 in one day! I sold my car before I moved so walking is how I’m getting around and also buses. I’m sure I will need to get a car at some point but until then I’m enjoying walking, and I feel so much better being active.
My dad is still calling me at all hours lol, but I do think he and my mom are adjusting to me being here. They were understanding and really happy for me, but it’s been hard on them and me too being away from them.
The school here is really nice, and very big! I’m still in classes at my Indiana school. They are online, I just have to remember the time difference so everything gets turned in on time. I’m planning to enroll and register with this school next week.
I was in so much pain with my tooth, but thankfully it is no longer hurting. I still need to get it fixed and I’m really going to try to find a place but so far it’s been hard to find a place that will offer payment plans especially since a few of the places I’ve gone to charge a lot just to pull a tooth.
I’m also job hunting. I’ve been on a few interviews and I have another one today It’s an office type job. Maybe if I get the job they will offer me full dental! Lol
Thanks for asking about me : ) Is everything going well with you?
Glad things are working out for you Josh and I’m glad you are liking it out there. I forgot you were taking classes online but I’m sure you will like the school you checked out even better. It will help you socialize with others. Have you met anyone out there? Like neighbors or other students maybe being in Vegas for the same reason you are? AND have you had to tell on the noisy neighbor being loud?…lol…don’t mean to laugh Josh but it’s just the way you said “you were going to tell on them”…I’m also glad your parents are taking it okay, but like I said with your Dad calling too early at least he thinks to call and check in on you. I think that’s so sweet. He seems like a really great father and I’m sure your mother is sweet as well. It’s good that it’s not humid there and you can enjoy your walks. I’m walking on my breaks at work just to get some exercise in and to change my routine up some Hopefully you can get a job soon to get you a car and get your tooth fixed. I’m glad it’s not hurting. Just be careful eating on that side until it is fixed 🙂
I’m doing okay. Thanks for asking. A few weeks ago we had an awful hail storm. I’ve got little dings on my car from the storm. You really can’t see them unless you get really close, so it’s not to bad. I thought it was going to break my car window because it was hitting so hard and the house window…Omg!…I was praying they wouldn’t break. The hail was the size of a baseball. Anyway I don’t want to make a claim on my car because it’s an old car but still in great shape. I keep the maintenance up on it like I just had new brake put on the front and back yesterday. Next is an oil change but my sister’s car is older than mine and they wanted to total hers out instead of fixing it and she wouldn’t let them. Plus I don’t want to have a problem with meeting my deductible if it’s not gonna cost much to fix it and then my insurance go up. I plan on having it painted soon anyway so I will spend the money then to get the dings out. Heck, it already had dings in it from car doors hitting it at work so what’s a few more, ya know?. I love my car. My car gets me around and about. I do park it while on vacation and chose to rent instead. It saves the life of your car is how I see it…
Oh and the pollen is awful here. How bout where you are?? I’ve got itchy watery eyes and I need to stop rubbing my eyes because it’s making them feel chapped and red. I have been using eye drops though. I don’t like taking meds either Jenny but I might have to take some Claritin…ugh…
I’m sorry to hear about your car. I know even if the dings can’t be seen by other people, you probably still notice them lol, I know I would. They should be an easy thing to fix though. It sounds like it was an awful storm!
I was on the bus yesterday and all of the sudden the bus driver slammed on the breaks, everyone went flying and people were screaming, so I look out my window, which I’m sitting against and this huge white truck is pointed at my window. It was so close, I could see him perfectly. Luckily no one was hurt, and you better believe I do feel lucky!
If the bus driver hadn’t acted in the way she did something horrible would have happened!
Aside from that, I have spoken to some of my neighbors, mainly when I’m going in or out. I’ve had to tell on the ones three times now for playing their music so loudly. It vibrates the whole place, and is so annoying.
I haven’t really met anyone else, it’s a little hard for me to meet people, especially in such a new place, but I know in time I will : )
I’m still on the hunt for a job, and I hope I find one soon! LOL. I did go to an interview last week and they told me I got the job.. Don’t get excited. It was a scam!! I’m going to write about it in a bit, it’s just going to be long, so I’ll do a separate posting.
Hope you’re doing Alright. I will keep you posted with the job hunting and the tooth.
I was sitting here the other night surfing the web and eating chex mix. Well, I bit down on one of the “bread sticks” and it chipped one of my back teeth!
Now my tooth is in horrible pain and I think it may be infected. Last night was awful, I woke up every 20 minutes, and that’s with using orajel and rinsing my mouth with salt water (Which actually does help!)
I know that I need to go to the dentist, and I am scared of the dentist, but at this point I’m like YES BABY!!! hahaha.
I must admit that at one point in the night I did try to pull it myself, but because it’s so far back I think I only made things worse. I guess when I get up in the morning I’m going to see if I can find a dentist. There are a ton here.
I thought about going to the er. but I doubt they would be able to do anything and I would feel strange calling a dentist that I’ve never met before at 4 in the morning for an emergency.
Hopefully in the morning I will find a good one and be able to go right on in and have it taken care of.
Wish me luck!
Aw Josh I’m sorry to hear you are having issues with a broken tooth. I hope you have gotten that tooth taken care of. A bad tooth is never a good thing. Jenny can vouch for that one, huh Jenny? And I can’t believe you tried to pull the tooth out yourself. I’m glad you didn’t get it out. It sounds a bit dangerous doing it that way. You don’t want to leave root or pieces of bone deep in the gum and have a more serious problem. At least you found something to ease the pain until you found a dentist. Salty water is also good for a sore throat warm salty water that is…
BTW Jenny, I got my cookbook yesterday and thank you for signing it. That was a nice thing to do. When seeing your show Live I took your autobiography with me and the guy seating us took it backstage for you to sign for me and I thank you for signing that as well. Since you signed the cookbook it makes me want to tuck it away with your autobiography and not share with my sisters…lol…
Ha, when I was writing that I was thinking of Jenny’s trip to the dentist.
I’m still looking for a dentist here, and hopefully Money I will be able to get this taken out. Thankfully it hasn’t been hurting quite as badly as it was. I can’t believe I tried to pull it either! I’m not as tough as that makes me look haha, I was just in that much pain. I’m glad it’s slightly better while I look for someone to take it out and I think I have found someone, I just need to get info together like proof of address and such.
Jenny, I got my cookbook today! Thank you so much and thank you for signing it, I feel so special, you have no idea!! 🙂
lol…I thought of Jenny too and her trip to the dentist. I felt bad for her and I feel bad for you because you still haven’t gotten it taken care of and I can bet you are watching what you eat until it’s fixed. I’m sure when you first broke your tooth the pain was unbearable but you never know how much a person can stand until they do what you felt like doing with your tooth and you might have succeeded with pulling it if the pain didn’t ease. You are probably tougher than what you think Josh, but now I know you said that as a figure of speech. I think you are smart enough to know it wouldn’t be a good idea to pill a broken tooth and I’m glad your looking into finding a dentist you can trust. I just hope you find one quick so you don’t have to prolong it any further…
Jenny is just so nice and she does make her fans feel special like you said Josh.
Hello all,
Guess where I am? Vegas!
I talked to my parents and they love me so much that they wanted me to do whatever makes me happy. I do feel blessed to have them as my parents. They always taught me what was important in life, but they also instilled in me the importance of discovering yourself and creating your own world.
They told me that if I ever want to come back, I can. Thank you Rhonda and Jenny for your advice. Like what you were saying my mother told me that in life you do need to take risks and have new experiences.
I love Vegas, the heat and palm tress (Although it hailed the other day!!) Walking down the strip just one block, about 15 people will offer you discounted tickets, coupons, pornographic cards etc. That is what I find annoying!
I got an apartment here and I sign the lease and move in tomorrow.
My new place is right next to the college and still close enough to explore the city. I’m going to finish this semester with online classes and then transfer for the next one.
I feel really good about things, and Jenny I wont be gambling!
Hey Josh, it’s great that your parents were so understanding of you doing this. I think they see that you do well for yourself and need not worry about you being out of state for school. My niece wants to go to a school in New York but my sister has mentioned she doesn’t want her that far away, so they are some parents out there who are against what you have done for yourself with parents approval. Harrayy! for you Josh. Hoping things are better for you there and hoping you can get where you want to get career wise. For you to find things annoying walking the strip tells me you aren’t there for fun. You seem like a really smart person, so where you are with all the site seeing and temptation of gambling for some people I don’t think you have all that in you. I think you are in Vegas for a better life and I hope that you get it 😀
Good luck in all you do, Josh and of course keep us posted 🙂
Thanks for your kind words; it means a lot to me 🙂
I’m all moved into my new place, I like it here. It’s so quite. The only thing is for the past 2 nights around 1am a neighbor will play music so loudly I can feel it vibrating my walls! I’m new here, so I’m going to wait to see if it’s just an occasional thing, if not I’m going to tell on them lol. I did hear someone else playing a Spanish version of “piano man” lol so that was pretty cool.
The one thing that I have yet to adjust to is the heat, as soon as I walk outside I’m already sweating. I give it 2 months before I get a buzz cut. I do like it here though; it’s so pretty and as strange as it is to say, off the strip Vegas can be a calm and relaxing place.
I still don’t know anyone here, so I have moments of loneliness but I will make friends. I’m looking forward to what this place holds for me. I have to admit that I did gamble only twice. The first time I won 2 dollars on penny slots and I cashed out as soon as I got it! Then the next day I played them again and won 7, I cashed that out too! That’s enough gambling for me, because as fun as it is to win, it sucks to lose.
My Dad doesn’t understand the time change though, and he will call me at 4 or 5 in the morning and ask what I’m doing lol.
I’ll keep you posted and thank you for your well wishes! Congrats again on winning the contest, I can’t believe you and I both won 🙂
You’re welcome Josh. You seem like a good person with a good head on your shoulders and deserves to get what you want out of life. I’m sorry your Dad calls so early, but at least he’s thinking about you. He will adjust in due time. I know it sucks when neighbors are rude. I hope that’s just a faze here and there for you. If it’s not then I don’t blame you for telling on them…lol…and Josh it doesn’t hurt to enjoy yourself every now and then if you have the money to do so. I’m glad that you won but please take Jenny’s advice on that one. Don’t let it get out of control. I have faith in you that you are still a smart person and will do the right things living in Vegas. Just remember why you went there to begin with. I think you know when you can and when you can’t spend and chance it at gambling. Stay cool and don’t let the heat get to you this summer and continue to keep us informed and updated 😀
Take care Josh…
Jenny and everyone,
Recently I have decided to move to Vegas. There are several reasons, such as the weather, the culture of a large city, better schools for me and a lot more jobs than there are here in Indiana. Not to mention the rent that I would be paying would be cheaper than what I’m paying here!
I’m so excited, but I’m also extremely nervous because I just bought my plane ticket and I haven’t told my parents yet! It’s been sort of last minute but it’s well thought out, I just fear it’s going to look like I’ve waited until the last second to tell them. We also live in different towns, but we are extremely close and see each other a lot. I don’t want to hurt them or cause them to feel like they will never see me again.
How can I break this news in the best way possible? I am telling them today because I can’t wait any longer, I just wanted some input first. Thanks 🙂
Wow! Well, first off, I used to live in Las Vegas and my stepmom lives there now. It’s a vibrant city with a lot of opportunities (as long as you don’t gamble – seriously – it’s for visitors only!) Tell your parents right away and I would consider canceling your flight and then re-book it after you’ve told them. Otherwise, they will surely be hurt that you didn’t tell them first. GIve them a little time to adjust to the idea. To help sell them on your move, remind them that almost everyone loves going to Vegas and now they’ll have a place to stay and someone who knows the best buffets. I personally believe you have to take risks in life. If you don’t make the move you will always wonder, “What could have happened if I had gone to Vegas?” I will also ask you the same questions they probably will:
~Where will you stay?
~Have you researched the job opportunities?
~Do you have enough finances while you look for work?
~What’s the long term plan?
Good advice from Jenny. Your parents should know before you make a move. Re book like Jenny said if you have to. I think your parents will come more of understanding if they think it’s something you are considering in a week or so instead of right away. They do need time to adjust to the news of you moving out of state. I know it’s hard to go to school and keep up with everything else and it seems you might be having difficulthies where you are in indiana. I say if it helps to make this move then go for it like Jenny said. I hope the move brings you comfort and makes things a bit easier for you…
Take care Josh and keep us posted 😀
I was surfing around and came across Rosie’s FB page and I figured I would see what’s up with her new show on OWN network and I found out she has been cancelled after 5 months. Wow! Didn’t last very long and I hate to say it but she will never be a star like she once was. She has put a bad image in people’s minds with her attitude and the way she is towards others. After seeing her on E.T. one night slamming Jenny and her show made me not even give her show a peep and watching the View the last year she was on I really didn’t like her. She’s just out and right mean and very hateful. I’m sorry but that’s my honest opinion of her…
I hate celebrities who think they are above others when they are merely an equal. Just because you have a lot of money doesn’t make you any better than anyone else. I can’t stand people like that celebrity or not. Jenny is the perfect celebrity whom deserves to be respected to the fullest. I’m sure they are more celebs like you Jenny but I’m just saying, because I’m venting again. These 2 really tick me off more than anyone because I loved Oprah once and Rosie was okay until they started bad talking other people. How RUDE!!!…
Oh and Jenny it seems Oprah moved Rosie’s show from New York to Chicago in hopes to be a hit and I was Youtubing and I got the feeling after watching a couple of Rosie’s clips it seems she was trying to draw in your audience from the windy city with musical bands and games and fun stuff like you would do on a show. I feel like she tried to copy your show. Shame on her!…
Rosie Show Cancalled from OWN
Rhonda, yeah like I said many times before Jenny actually cares about people and not ratings like all the other wannabes. That’s why their shows failed.
It takes more than good looks to run a talk show. It takes a special kind of person who is compassionate loving and caring. That’s why Jenny’s show lasted for a long time. I also liked Oprah and Maury. But this is a Jenny’s Page! lol.
Thanks for the code Rhonda, I’m going to write it down and the next time my connection acts up I will give it a try. Luckily though it’s been working fine lately.
I agree, Jenny is such a nice celebrity and really most people in her position wouldn’t even take the time to acknowledge us, let alone really care what we think and have to say.
I watched a few episodes of Rosie’s show, but due to it being on at night, I was doing other things most nights. It seemed like they were trying to do the old show, and recapture what that was, but in such a way that they were trying to make it look like they weren’t which caused a watered down, almost cheep feeling to it.
When I was in Chicago, I saw Jenni from “flipping out” on the sidewalk, and I must have looked like an idiot just looking at her, but she was so nice! She was on her cell phone and even told them she would have to call them back, and she talked to me and shook my hand.
I am totally with you Rhonda, Some celebrities aren’t nice people, and Rosie comes off a RUDE when she is not in front of the camera.
Our Jenny J is a wonderful person, kind and down to earth!
Thank you all for the nice compliments. It means a lot, especially after ten years off the air.
You’re welcome, Jenny and your show had a great run. 12 years is something to be very proud of and I’m sure you are proud 🙂
We fans think you are awesome. You give us something here to enjoy day after day and year after year and the good thing about it. You can enjoy life and the things you love to do and share them with your fans 😀
Well Jenny You were nice back then while taping your show and still are. I remember watching your show back in 91! Im 30 years old now. Back then watching you interact with your guest they seemed comfortable talking with you and felt safe telling their story to you. They didn’t seem to be shy and that all of America was watching,you were their friend.Your studio audience seemed entertained by what you had to say and they also cared for the person as well. I remember as a young boy thinking wow this lady is really nice. I felt like you were my friend. Im going to stop now I’m tearing up. lol. As an teen watching the show I felt the same way. I felt like I was growing up with the show. Your topics were one of a kind! your producers may I say were the best in daytime! or whom ever came up with the topics great job! As an adult one show really touched my heart. After the September 11 attack. You were wearing a baseball cap, and in the backdrop you had the American flag. Thats when you really made me cry! you said some emotional things during the show. You said the same things that I felt. In the end of the show you made a real plea for peace. You said that we are all family and should respect one another no matter what we all are gay/ straight. As a gay man that really just touched me. I know it touched so many people. Thats why Jenny, people still care about you then and now and forever. Thats why we come on your web site many years later. You are a real jem Ms. Jones. Your last show was sad as well I remember watching! We will always Be Jonsing for a bit more Jenny!!
Aw Danny you made me tear up reading your post, but you are so right about Jenny and how she made everybody feel at ease and comfortable. I always have said on other message boards Jenny didn’t interview her guests she had conversation with them and chit chatted like she had known them a lifetime. Jenny was comfortable so everybody was comfortable and being in the audience you really could feel the comfort level. Jenny made things fun during commercial breaks. I felt like Jenny never had a boring minute…
Jenny, I remember being in your audience and music being played and they were playing “Before I got High” and you were walking across the isles and you stopped and just looked up on the back wall and the music just stopped and you said something like we’ll have none of that…lol… One more thing I remember during a break. Someone sneezed and you said “We need some kleenex because someone just snotted on themselves…lol… 😆
There will never be another show like yours. They can try to be like your show was but you have to have the right Host doing a show like you did. You were great! I truly miss your show 🙁
You were lucky to be in her audience Rhonda! I bet you had a blast! Do you remember what the topic was? Still wish the show was still on the air. Now that I’m older I could have attended a live taping. The audience seemed so lively and seemed to be having fun. Watching Jenny’s show on youtube just isn’t the same! We need her back on tv. I remember one audience member wanting to hit a guest with her belt! It was a wild teens one. I remember being in high school watching her show during my last class. teacher didn’t seem to mind because I was her assistant. Eventually people found out what I was up too, they wanted to watch as well. Good times. My favorite shows (obviously all of them)were the season premiere’s new stage and her intro music videos were cool too!
It was a Geek to Chic topic with guest coming face to face with their bully. The look at me know topic Jenny had on her show. It was fun being there Live. If her show was still on air today I would’ve probably already went back and seen a couple shows. I still want to go back to Chicago because we didn’t really see a lot of the city. Just there for Jenny’s show mostly and some good pizza and chicken…
Oh and Jenny the chicken place was called Harold’s. There’s a girl at work who is from Chicago talking about Harold’s being the best chicken place and I remembered it when talking to her about me visiting there and yes Harold’s is the best 😀
Pizza and Chicken and The Jenny Jones Show, sounds like a good time.
I didn’t know that Rosie slammed Jenny. I know that she has a feud with Donald Trump. It’s really stupid going on TV and talking smack about somebody. That’s rude. I’m no shrink or anything but what I see in Rosies’s behavior is an act of jealousy and she is being a hater. Hating on one person , yeah but having this mean feeling towards more than one person??? ad its on TV, we all can see who the problem person is. Jenny didn’t respond. Donald did respond and yeah he owned! made her feel stupid. Too bad for Rosie, I did like her once. Safe to say not anymore.
Me not liking Rosie has nothing to do with her hating on my girl Jenny. Which by the way is rude! Nobody talks about our Jenny in any bad way! I did like her other show (rosie) but i did not like her new one. I think that OWN released it way too early. The OWN network I think that it was released way too early. It was too much too soon. The people behind the network thought that that just because Oprah’s name was behind it that it would really pick up. It failed. They should have waited. But that’s my opinion.
Rosie’s show failed because of her nasty attitude. Which will create an unhealthy working environment. People pick up on things like that, you can really feel tention. Jenny’s show was successful because she had and still has a great attitude. If Jenny’s show was still on the air I bet you her ratings would be great. She would be “winning” yeah I just quoted Charlie Sheen but who cares! lol.
Oh this about Rosie talking BS about Jenny’s show was aired on Entertainment Tonight years ago. When Rosie had her first talkshow. It seemed everytime a new talkshow came out they attacked Jenny and her show because I remember Sharon Osborne talking smack about Jenny and her show when she was about to be put on air with a show. The only thing I can say is it seems many were intimidated by Jenny and her success that they had to slam her show to try and make her show look bad but it back fired because they didn’t last no more than 5 years on air. Jenny lasted 12 years and if not so many new comers trying to have a talkshow I believe Jenny would still be on air today. I believe Oprah was intimidated too because Jenny was too close to home for her and on the same turf. They both were taped in Chicago and I sense Oprah didn’t like that…
I loved Oprah but her purse has become too big for her. I see that it’s all about money with her and that’s called greed in my book. Why couldn’t Oprah just stay put with her talkshow she had? Why take chances on something bigger when you are already a giant? Eventually you will fall…seriously!…I hope she falls hard just so she will be taught a lesson that money isn’t everything. When I first started watching Jenny’s show I felt like Jenny was on the same level as Oprah but Jenny is NOTHING like Oprah. In fact Jenny pulled me away from watching Oprah’s show because of the way she was as a host and just a person with a great personality. Jenny was the greatest and still is. I mean look what she does for us fans and she does it because she couldn’t interact with us being known as a famous celebrity star. I know she has to feel free and to do as she pleases. I miss her show but for Jenny to be free and do the things she loves doing I can see why she doesn’t want to be back on tv and I don’t blame her for making that choice to be honest…
Lately, I have been having trouble with connecting to the internet on my regular laptop. It’s so annoying because everything I need is on it. What’s strange is the other computers can connect with out any problem at all. That one just wont no mater what I do, but it has done it before and it usually goes back to normal and will connect again after a few days. I think it might be a bug in the Samsung software.
What’s even worse is get this, when I click the windows network troubleshooter, there is a place to searching for other options, and one of the options is get help online!! I’m like if I could do that I wouldn’t be troubleshooting my connection!
I’m just glad I’m able to use my old laptop, but I do hope my other one gets sorted out because I hate having to go back and forth.
You have to question though who put together that troubleshooter anyway?
That happened to me last week and when that happens I’m thinking it’s my router and I’m gonna have to buy a new one but I’m determined to work around it and avoid that because routers can be expensive. There’s one thing I do and I forget when my connection fails but this time I put it away so I would remember what I did to fix it. Try it next time if you haven’t already gotten it fixed. This is what I do and it fixes itself. LOL, yeah people who do our resets at work throw us for a loop every now and then because things don’t fit like they should on the shelf so we have to modify things and that can be a headache…
Go to “Start”, click “Run”, Copy and Paste” %windir%\network diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe ” into box and then click okay and follow the next screen’s directions that come up. It’s easy to follow. I hope it works for you…
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. It’s in the 70’s here during the day but come Monday it’s gonna turn cold again. I’m trying my best to save on electricity and I have to say in 2 years I have gotten it descent. I’m on budget billing because my Dad had it and it was just never changed. I like it that way because you know how much your bill is every month. When my Dad was here the bill stayed at $220+ a month. I’ve gotten it down to $175 a month and I’ve noticed that I have saved and lowered usage from a year ago, so I’m hoping it will knock it down another $50. I’ve also noticed when paying bills this month I’m also saving $14 on my water bill 🙂
The only new years resolution I managed to keep for 2012 was to save money which I did. I saved a few thousand (4,700) 😀
Hopefully in the fall of this year I can start replacing the windows for the house. Once that’s done I think I would save more on my electricity bill. I’m one who doesn’t like to spend money. Call me a penny pincher…lol…I will pinch my penny every chance I get 🙂
I haven’t posted a song video in a while. This one has been playing a lot this past week and it’s kinda grew on me…
Fun.: Some Nights [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
Hi Rhonda, I’m good. Last week it was in the 60’s here, now it’s in the low 30’s and 20’s lol.
My bill is about $200 a month, but the house is big and old. The windows probably don’t help either. I turn the heat down low at night, because I actually like it colder when I’m sleeping. I’m a big penny pincher!
My classes started Monday, and so far they seem alright and not anything that’s going to cause me to go nutty! I’m taking cultural anthropology, a class on literature, psychology of human sexuality (LOL) and a fitness class. OK the fitness class is one they make everyone take, and all you do it write short papers on ways in which you can be healthy and the changes you make in diet and exercise, and I guess also your progress. It seems like it’s going to be more discussion than actual action though.
I’ve been thinking of maybe applying to medical school after I get my bachelors. That idea may change but with the way that it’s more spread out than the anatomy class I took, I don’t think it would be as stressful as that one class, and I remind myself that by the time I finish, I would be that age anyway! Right now it’s just a thought but I might look into it. I did find anatomy to be very interesting!
I’ve heard some stuff by the fun band and I like them. I also like the song “home” by Philip Philips, he won American idle.
Our house is old too. That’s why I want to replace the windows and patio doors. I’ve used less heat this year. It’s just me and my Mom and she likes it warm. I like sleeping when it’s a bit cool too. If it’s too warm I can’t sleep and I’m tossing and turning all night and I can’t have none of that…lol…
My niece will be graduating this year in May and she is going right into college. She’s going to be on campus and she’s excited. She wants to be a doctor and if I’m not mistake she has already taken an anatomy class this year. It’s good you are doing as good as you are with school and Med school? Wow! That’s wonderful!! Like you said though it may change but at least you are considering it and I think it’s a great choice 😉 😀
I like the song Home by Philip Philips also. He’s from Georgia ya know. It’s funny I liked his song for a few weeks and I still like it but then Some Nights by the Fun band started playing more and more and it grew on me. I get caught up on one song to be a favorite for a while and to my surprise another one jumps in and takes it’s place and sometimes it’s someone I’ve never even heard before like with the Fun band and they are up for 6 grammys and album of the year which I didn’t know until I Youtube them. If I’m not mistaken the Grammys come on Feb10th at 8pm if anyone is wondering…
And Yay! American Idol has started. Try outs are okay to watch but I like when they have like the Top 24 and then the action begins…lol…j/k… 🙂
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving/Holiday!
This year I won’t be doing any black Friday shopping. Last year was enough for me. My nerves can’t handle the rude crowds lol. It makes you feel bad for the people who actually have to work in it!
Today I went to Bestbuy, it wasn’t even full, but this older woman kept getting right up on me, so finally I moved to the next isle and not even a minute later there she was again, right on top of me reaching over me. I was like, “Excuse you!” She looked at me all weird, and I thought I was going to have to say it again, buy thankfully she got the point. It’s sad how she must not have even realized she didn’t have any manors at all!
I think this year I will do my Holiday shopping online.
Hey Josh. Hope you are doing good. This time of year people can be rude. Just today at work we were so busy and here I am trying to work out on the floor and I don’t mind stopping and helping someone find something because that is part of my job, so I was helping this lady and what she needed was behind me and when I turned to go in that direction there was an elderly man not paying attention to where he was going in an electric wheelchair and he ran into me. It knocked the breathe out of me and made me bite the side of my tongue because I was talking as I turned around, so I was none to happy. I’m okay though. Just glad today is over with, but tomorrow’s a whole new busy day…
I work 6pm to 3am Thursday night into black Friday, so I will be taking me a nap tomorrow before going to work these sale hours. I was told I would be there for register backup, but if they have enough cashiers I will be out there on the floor with the crowd and to be honest up front on the registers is the safest place to be because these people are really wild at these sales. I’m sure you all know about them and how they can get out of control and thank you Josh for thinking of the ones who have to be there working trying to keep things well organized…
Have A Happy Thanksgiving Everyone 😀
That’s crazy Rhonda, but totally believable. I hope you’re alright! I also hope your big day at work went alright, I bet it’s frustrating, but I would also think time would fly!
I had a break from classes this past week and it was nice being able to do something other than read and study. We are working on the nervous system right now, it’s very complicated but on my last test I got a B, which is crazy because I had to guess on one question and thought I did much worse.
It’s an online class, but next week we are supposed to do an actual dissection of a brain. Up to this point they have all been virtual. I have no idea where or how I’m supposed to get a brain!! The school isn’t selling them anymore and I didn’t know I needed one for this class. I think I will be alright if I just youtube it though.
Oh, I was out somewhere the other day and someone commented on my Jenny Jones key chain. I was like “thank you it was a gift from Jenny Jones” haha.
Hope everyone is keeping warm:)
It wasn’t as bad as I thought and I’m alright. I was actually bored when I first got there, so I did returns and claimed those out and cleaned up the back hallway, so I missed the 8pm sale. All lights look like they were on up on the front end, so we had plenty of cashiers. I then was put on handing out tickets for TVs for the 10pm sale and keeping people straight in line. Time did fly by up until midnight. After midnight there weren’t hardly anyone shopping and I was off Friday, so the 5am sale probably brought in more people. Last year I dodge all of it and this year wasn’t bad. I can see why Walmart has 3 sales now instead of one big sale. Less chaos and crowds at once, but you still have people determined to get that one gift everybody wants. TVs are easier than anything I’ve done. I did a game system one year and OMG! We actually had to get security over there to stand with us before the sale even started…
Glad you got a break from classes you probably needed it. It’s good you are sticking to things and hanging in there and making a B is great news for a class that seems difficult. Just don’t get frustrated and lose your focus because I think you’re doing so well. I love Science but dissecting things wasn’t my favorite thing to do but to earn the grade it must be done. Sucks you didn’t know what you needed for this class but hey Youtubing it is the next best thing 😉 🙂
Kinda cool someone noticed your JJ keychain. I’m sure Jenny has tons of fans and would know her logo from the show. I had a JJ keychain and carried it around until I dropped my keys one day and the keychain broke. Call me clumsy…lol…seriously. I also have a bad habit of locking my keys in my car. Not so much now but man it was bad a while back. Good thing I gave my sister a spare key. Oh and it’s nice during the day here but at night it can be a bit chilly, but for the most part it’s warm here. Hope you are staying warm also Josh 🙂
I was at walmart today going down the middle of the store where they have those bins of stuff, and I heard this woman screaming at her children and then she yelled something like, “Get over here! NOW!” and then the child ran right into my cart. I guess you could say I mowed down a small child today!!
I felt so awful. The child was fine but started crying due to the shock I guess. I was like, Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Then as soon as I could I hightailed it to another part of the store, where I hoped I wouldn’t “run” back into them haha.
Aw Josh, sorry that happened to you. I would’ve felt bad too. For the most part customers at my store pay attention to where their kids are, but then again we have some parents who yell at the child which in turn causes them to cry and pitch fits. I see a lot. I see customers fight or struggle rather to keep their child in a cart. It’s best for small children to be in a cart so they won’t get hit by other customers. I wish parents wouldn’t let their small child ride underneath the basket part of the cart. That scares me really bad. A child can easily get his or her fingers stuck in the wheels and a parent has to realize how dangerous that is and not let them lay across the bottom of the cart…
Holidays season is coming up and I’m prepared for it. Can’t wait for our soup social again this year. Jenny, I’m making your Lemon Bars and I’m think I might make your Blueberry Muffins as well. I’m just doing desserts 😉 🙂
Jenny, Rhonda, Josh, I’m scared! Late last night before I could turn the bedside light off, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. It was one of those spiders that look like it’s coming to take you & your entire family hostage! I can’t even remember what I grabbed to kill it (my heels were not in bed or that would’ve been my first choice for a murder weapon!), but how exactly do you smash something in to an extremely soft bed?! When I took my hand (& I think the remote control?) away, it ran & went long ways down the bed! I screamed/let out a sound only most cats can hear & out of bed I went! Thank goodness I was sitting up & at an angle or I probably wouldn’t have made so much air time, (HAHA!) but it’s true. It was nowhere to be found & I debated several things; one being, rearrange the room? (Not at that hour & it’s still in the room so what’s stopping it from coming back to finish me off?!) So I went on a scavenger hunt for bug killer. I could only find the stuff that kills weaker things so that wouldn’t work. I brought it with me though & I even grabbed a full can of hairspray from my bathroom! If anything, I’d give it a new do?… I don’t know what I was thinking, HAHA! I kept looking to see if it came back & debating my limited options but I could not seem to get myself to get back in bed, so I decided to sleep in a guest bedroom. Today, my Mom & I went to the store & I had her double-triple-quadruple check to see if the right bug killer I bought would keep the filthy creep away. She kept reassuring me I would be fine since the stuff killed ALL spiders AND scorpions. We went to my place & SHE sprayed the room, around the bed, in all the other rooms & I (being the chicken I am), kept asking her, “Would you get back in that bed? I mean, it was RIGHT by my pillows! You don’t understand; if it comes back & my face is RIGHT there, you’ll be attending a memorial service…for ME!”
Why do they have to invade our space?! An unexpected sighting in the basement is bad enough. A run in while in the living room is not appropriate but we’re talking my BED?! …it didn’t even buy me dinner, first! The nerve!!!!!
OMG! I can’t think of anything worse than a huge spider gone missing – on your bed!! If I have bad dreams tonight, I’m blaming you! 😉
My mom is terrified of spiders and bees, so it’s a wonder that I didn’t grow up being afraid of them.
I live in a good size older house, so occasionally you will find a random spider.
There are these things called “Hedge Apples.” I guess you would classify them as a fruit, but you can’t really eat them. They are ugly looking green things. You get a couple of them and put them either, under your house or in your basement. They naturally repel spiders and other insects.
It’s weird how they work. We used them when I was a kid and they get the job done. You don’t have to cut them or anything, just throw um in whole and you’re done!
Not sure where you can find them other than farmers markets, but you should all look into them!
Okay Tiffie, I have to say your story is pretty creepy. I say I’m not scared of spiders and I’m not honest, but if one got in my bed like that one did I wouldn’t be sleeping there either not knowing if he’s still in the covers. Glad you’re okay even though it made you sleep in the other room…
Josh, I looked up the hedge apples and they are prehistoric fruit. Very interesting how they repel insects and bugs now a days…
Jenny, I know how you don’t like spiders. I hope you didn’t have any bad dreams because of Tiffie’s fright night the other night…
Hey guys,
It’s starting to get cool here, which I like a little. I just hope it’s not a bad winter!
I got my car fixed last week. It was the spark plugs! I even helped put in the new ones. It’s nice to know that now I will be able to change them in the future.
Today has been a lazy day. I need to go pay my electric bill, but I’ve been too busy watching Jenny Jones show on youtube haha. I’m glad someone has put them up.
I know you went to a taping Rhonda, what was the topic? I liked how they always rhymed.
Take care, I’m off to pay my bill 🙂
I love the weather right now, Josh. This cool weather is perfect for me! It’s perfect weather to wrap up & watch movies in. I’ve been doing a lot of that & that doesn’t happen often. HA!
Car problems are always a pain! I’m sorry you have to go through that & who wants to pay an electric bill when there’s so much money to win at casinos?! HAHAHAHAHA! Don’t listen to me; I’ll only get you in trouble 😀 No. If you lost your money I’d just introduce you to the right sugar daddy/mama & wah-la~NO MORE ELECTRIC BILL! HAHA! Now, I’m REALLY kidding 😀
Take care!
Tiffie, I like doing the same thing with cool weather approaching. Today though was kinda muggy here, but at night it’s so much cooler and relaxing. The fall is my favorite time of year. Now I can see why bears hibernate. I kinda feel myself hibernating like a bear when it’s really cold out. January is the coolest month here and it’s hard for me to get out from underneath the covers in the mornings…lol…
Glad you got your car fixed Josh and it’s great you helped, so you can do it yourself next time. I’m sure it easy and not much to replacing spark plugs. I use to like sitting outside and watch my Dad and uncle work on cars. They have been times they almost rebuilt the whole engine on cars they got just to have something to do on the weekends. I think my Dad use to say they tinkered with cars as a hobby…
I’m sorry Josh, but it’s been 10 years and I’ve been sitting her for the last hour trying to recall the topics, but I can’t remember right off hand. I do know that one of the shows I saw live was a Geek to Chic topic. People that were bullied that confronted their bully and one guest on that show ended up on the show more than once. Her name was Colette. I remember her, because she was really loud and very talkative and argued a lot. I liked her though. She spoke her mind well. If you are watching Jenny Jones shows from youtube look up “Rude Jude losses his cool” because Colette is on that show, but that isn’t what I saw live. I still have my tapes of the show I saw somewhere. I will see if I can find them. I didn’t buy a copy I just recorded them at home, so most likely I still have them stored away…
I went Monday to get 2 new tires for my car and they didn’t have my size for my car and told me they would have to get from another store, so I asked how long would it take for them to deliver from one store to the other. They said 2 hours maybe…ugh!…they reserved them for me and told me to call back, so I called back on Tuesday at noon and they still wasn’t there, so I called them back again around 3pm and still not there, she then told me they would call me and I haven’t heard from them, so I will be calling them back one day this week. Good thing I’m doing it a couple weeks early and don’t need it done right away…
I also like the weather, after having such a hot spring and summer; it’s nice to have a little break. We have a casino around here, but I haven’t had to time to go check it out yet. I hear that it’s nice though. I like slot machines and black jack the most.
My classes are going well, but I’m having an issue with my biology class. You are only allowed to miss 4 classes and if you miss any more than 4 you automatically fail no matter what. This is new to me and I think it’s only for this class, because the other ones if you miss a certain amount they will just deduct 5% of your grade. I don’t plan on missing a bunch of classes, but things come up like illness and things in the family, that causes you to miss.
I’m thinking about withdrawing from the class and then taking it next semester with a different teacher. The other classes I’m taking are hard ones and I feel if I have the extra time to devote to them, it would be better. I just feel embarrassed and like I’ve failed something by withdrawing, but I’m just telling myself it’s better than missing 5 classes and getting an F and then having that on my record and having to retake the class.
I also don’t want to sound like I’m ageist, because I’m not, but this teacher is in his 80’s and it’s a little hard to follow him sometimes and he is a little forgetful. cell phones are not allowed to be used or out in the class which I agree with, but he accuses people of using them when they were just writing on paper or something! I’m not a teenager I can keep from texting and keep my phone put away and I don’t need to be scolded for something I didn’t do!
Sorry this is so long. I just wanted to get it out somewhere. Thanks for listening and wish me luck. I think I’m going to withdraw from this one, just nervous about it.
Things happen Josh to make us revamp things for the better, so don’t feel bad for quitting a class you feel uncomfortable with or one you feel you won’t do good in. Your teacher does seem a bit strict and moody and treating you like children. That right there is enough to make you not want to even go to class. You seem to be making right choices for yourself, so I don’t think this one is any different in whatever you chose to do. I do wish you luck in whatever choice you chose. I think you will be okay 🙂
Thanks Rhonda,
Later that day I did withdraw from the one class and then I felt bad all day like I was a quitter. I’m feeling better now, and I do plan to retake the class with another teacher. I didn’t like being treated like a child, and I didn’t like his rule of only being able to miss 4 classes. I probably wouldn’t have missed that many, but sometimes when it snows you have to because the roads and everything.
I guess this way I will have more time to concentrate on my other classes. I really like anatomy. It’s tough, but so cool to learn about all the things that go on in your body that you have no idea about.
Thanks for your encouragement.
Last night I saw Ruthie Foster in concert. She’s a blues type singer. It was so great and I was no more that 6 feet away from her lol.
For class, one that I am taking at home, I had to put an egg in vinegar for three days and this is the last of the three days. It’s grown in size and the shell has come off. It’s supposed to teach about diffusion.
Next you have to put it in corn syrup. It will make shrink the egg, then after a day of that, you put it into water for a day. So the whole process takes 5 days, and the lab is due Monday. I feel badly for the people who probably waited until yesterday to even look at the lab haha.
On another note, my car needs to have the spark plugs changed. It’s doing what it was the last time, where it shakes and it seems to misfire like it’s going to stall or something. Yes, I thought about changing them myself and googled it, but then I realized I have no business doing that! lol. I will have a family member do it!
Hope everyone is doing good 🙂
I didn’t know who Ruthie Foster was and I checked her out. I have to say I like the blues type singer and she seems quite talented. I came across a song from YouTube called Stone love that I really liked, but I’m sure in concert is better than online. It seems you had a good time seeing her concert 🙂
Is it a Science class you’re taking to have to do a project with the egg? Just wondering because it seems interesting and my favorite class in school was Science. I hope it turns out the way you want it to and I’m glad you are staying on top of it because it seems like a long process with this project. Never fall short or you will always fall short on time, not with just this but with anything 😉
Sorry you are having issues with your car but the good thing about it is that you know what the problem is and it’s good you have family to fix it for you, so you can save money for your schooling. For the most part I take my car for maintenance when it’s due, so I won’t have issues. I got 2 new tires a few months ago and now I’ve noticed the older ones which are on the front need replacing, so that will have to be done soon. Probably will have that done my next oil change which is in a few weeks…
Take care, Josh and have a wonderful week 🙂
She was great in concert; the drummer even played the spoons for one song haha. I also like stone love, and her song hole in my pocket.
The egg thing is for my Anatomy class. Today is the last day!! Now I can throw this nasty thing out lol. The vinegar did turn it to rubber and then the corn syrup deflated it and then the water turned plumped it back up and now it feels like a water balloon! Now I have to explain everything that took place during those steps.
Thanks, I am lucky to have people in my family who know a little about cars. I have been stuck at home for the past few days though because I don’t want to drive it like that. My family lives 40 minutes away though and I can make it there no problem. I just wanted to catch up on my homework first and ignore the problem just a little bit, but I’m sure tomorrow it will get taken care of!
Oh, my tomatoes are nothing like Jenny’s but I’m getting like 20 to 25 a day now, I need to figure out what to do with them all.
I spent celebrating Labor Day yesterday up in North Georgia with my brother and his wife’s side of the family. We had Chicken, Baked beans, Cole slaw and corn and dessert was red velvet cake and cookies. They also fried their fish after they caught and cleaned them and had a sort of fish fry later in the evening a long with hush puppies, potatoes and bratwurst on a bun. They love a big gathering like we had yesterday. Most of the people there were staying at the campsite up until Tuesday I think and that’s why all the food was cooked Saturday. I didn’t get home until 1am because it’s a 2 hour drive. Last time we got together like that my Dad was alive and we all had tent’s to stay over night but this was kinda of a last minute plan to travel and plan for staying overnight wasn’t made…
I felt today I needed something simple and very light, so Jenny I just made your vegetable pasta and it was so delicious and way so simple to put together. As I’ve mentioned before about my Mom being a picky eater and just so you know she loved your vegetable pasta dish 🙂
I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend. Have fun and stay safe 😀
There’s a tropical storm that’s moving in closer to home. I’ve been keeping my eye out on this one and it don’t seem to scare me as bad, because it seems to be breaking apart throughout the US as it gets closer to land. I noticed it is moving fairly quickly across the states. Now I’m off to make some blueberry muffins, Yum! 🙂
Take care everyone and have a great week 😀
Oops forgot to share a link…
I love the ocean and I was going through email just now and thought I would share this video with you guys. It’s so cool to watch and very relaxing for me anyway 😀
Hope everyone is okay. I’m doing good. Just a bit busy with getting things done before getting back to work..
Take care everyone and have a great week 🙂
Beauty Under the Ocean
That’s really pretty Rhonda, I love the ocean. I haven’t been since the last time I went to California and that’s been a while. The closest that I’ve come lately was the Chicago riverfront and it does kind of look like the ocean lol. I’ve been thinking about Chicago more and more since my trip, I really liked it and I think I might look for colleges there 😉
My classes started this past Monday and they are going good, but the Anatomy class is hard, mainly because of the memorization and there is so much to the human body, it blows your mind! The photos in my book are so horribly nasty though!! It’s not even just showing you an organ this stuff is gross! I wont even speak anymore about it lol.
Hey Josh glad you are hanging in there with those classes. It seems you are doing really well with them. My niece went to a human exhibit a few weeks ago and she found it interesting. She’s about to go to college next fall. She graduates this year from high school and she’s wanting to go straight into college. She wants to go into nursing, but we’ll see. When they are that young they really don’t know what they want but she is smart and can make great decisions, so I’m hoping she choose the right school best for her success…
Rhonda, I remember thinking of what I wanted to do in the future, right before high school graduation. At my graduation party, people would ask me what I planned on going to college for & I knew I couldn’t tell them “get married to a wealthy doctor”, as I had planned, so I thought about it & I choose to go in to nursing school. I went through all that schooling & low & behold; I never worked as a nurse & married an attorney! (…& then, the doctor!) But that’s not the point! HAHA~! I’m sure your niece will have a great time in nursing or whichever career she chooses. Just as long as it’s one she truly wants to be in. Josh, I remember anatomy class TOO well! It was gross then, & I’m sure it’s just as gross now. I had an anatomy professor that had a stuffed cat on the end of a stick & he used it as a pointer for his chalk board! I aced the class because there was NO WAY I was sitting in that whack-a-do’s class a second time! HAHA!
Take care of yourselves! 🙂
Well I had to get a new laptop!!
My old one which I bought less than 1 year ago started acting up so I got spyware/adware programs and they didn’t even work. Finally it just shut itself off and when I tried to turn it back on the windows screen wouldn’t start.
Geek Squad was very nice but sadly i had no idea where my receipt was and I tore the house apart looking for it.
even more sadly, I am somewhat “good” witch computers and I could have fixed mine but I didn’t have my recovery discs. No way was I going to spend 99 dollars to have them do it for me when I could do it myself, but I was lazy and never got around to it.
So now I have a new laptop which is better than the old. The only sad thing is as always all of the photos and files are lost somewhere forever. On a good note though I did pay the 99 dollars this time and then another 99 dollars to have extended protection! I also just put the recovery discs from this computer into my old one and windows is installing.
Hope everyone is doing good!
Rhonda I haven’t seen you around here in a while, are you ok?
Josh, I’m okay. Stress got the best of me again. It’s happened before and I’m doing everything possible to fix the issues with stress. I haven’t been around because I’ve been busy with appointments. Right now I’m out of work until Sept 4th and there’s personal things I need to get done that I have not yet taken care of I’m behind with. Deep down I think it bugs me, so since I have time on my hands I’m gone take advantage of it to get things caught up. I’ve been doing what you told me to do and that is just breathe. I thank you for that comment 😀
Sorry you are having computer problems. I use Norton and I love it. They protect you. They even let you know what websites are safe or not. I’ve had no problems with them at all. I got mine through Comcast. Check to see if your cable offers it for free, if not here’s a link for you I wanted to share. Take care Josh…
The Norton Advantage
Thanks for the link. Since I now have two laptops I’m going to give my old one to my mom since she has never had a computer and I believe the only way to learn how to use them is to jump right into it. If I can’t get my disc to install I may give that link a try.
My new one came with built in protection. I even got the protection that covers damage like if I dropped it, which is good lol.
Sorry you’ve been stressed. I also get stressed out sometimes. I think sometimes it’s good to walk away for a few minutes then when you go back you have fresh eyes and you may be able to see things differently.
Classes start this Monday, so I will try to remember my own advice 🙂
You’re welcome Josh. I had McAfee when I first got my computer. McAfee isn’t bad but I kept getting spyware with them and maybe Comcast changed to Norton because of complaints with McAfee, but Norton is really awesome if you are needing one for your laptop 🙂
I guess I’m prone to stress and I’ve just to nip it in the butt before it gets out of control, plus I’m a worrier. I don’t worry to much like I did before. I think what got to me was I forced myself to drive through a monster storm after getting my Mom from my sister’s house and the weather was bad. Normally I stay put or if I feel I can drive in it I try but then I end up pulling over and stopping to let it pass through but I guess I wasn’t scared at the time and we got home okay. The next morning I woke up and didn’t feel good so I called out, because I didn’t think I was able to make it in to work. I was having anxiety attacks I think. My sister came by the house and she knew something wasn’t right because I wasn’t at work…
I’ve been reading and searching to try and understand myself better with my stress and this is what I’ve came up with so far. I could be wrong, but this is how I felt that morning after driving through a storm maybe I shouldn’t have…
Oh and Josh its great you can take your own advice but from time to time we all need others to help make a decision and the right choices. Just so you know, I don’t mind advising people to help them out. It don’t stress me at all 😀 😉
Here’s a link. I haven’t finished reading it yet. I’m posting it here so I know where it is. I’m going to my sister’s house for dinner, so I got to run for now. Take care Josh and good luck with your classes…
Anxiety Attacks and Anxiety Disorders
Summer semester is now over and I have a little break before I go back on the 20th.
It looks like I’m going to be taking math again!! you have to laugh. I think it was much harder because I didn’t take it in an actual class room, but this way at lest I will have some idea of what to expect. I also think I’m going to wait until next semester to take it, because my mind needs time to rest haha.
This fall I’m taking a lifespan class, a class on poetry, anatomy and biology.
When I first started school, they had us all look at our majors and write down every class we needed to take, and we got to choose from like different English classes etc, but when I was looking up the English class for this semester, It was 18th century British literature. I was like OHH NO!! so I switched it with a poetry one. I really have no clue why I wanted to take that one, I’m sure it’s interesting but nah!
Hope everyone is doing well. My tomatoes are turning red, but I still don’t have enough to compete with Jenny. The big ones are all still green though, but there are a bunch of them!
Josh, I am so proud of you for sticking to your schooling! I have never met you face to face but I am extremely proud of you, none the less. I was always good in English & Geography. I was present during poetry, HAHA! I can’t really say I was ‘in to it’. Like I said before, math was fine as long as we were not dealing with shapes (Geometry) but, when we got that far in to the class, my mind went straight to boys. What can I say? I was a serial dater! HA! If there were a class for Puppy Love/Gossiping/Hair-Dos/Make-up/Skipping-School-for-the-Mall, I would’ve taught the class. 🙂 I guess what I’m trying to say is; don’t use me as a role model! HAHA! I did graduate & go on to college & do well but you seem to have the drive to really get in there & succeed at something fantastic! I wish you ONLY the BEST! 🙂
My step father’s garden is doing great. I have enough tomatoes (different types), cucumbers, peppers of all kinds, & zucchini to last a while. I’m always sent home with plenty & I give some to my housekeeper. My Mother told me that I can have three of their watermelons when they’re ready, so that’ll be nice. I myself have large hanging baskets & I’ve noticed over the last three days that my petunias are looking sad. I’ve given them plenty of water & watched so I wasn’t scorching them or over watering. I think it was just their time to say, “au revoir”. All the ferns & other flowers/hanging baskets are doing great, so I still have a pretty front porch & balconies. I bought some new planters for the hens & chickens that were outgrowing their planter & would you believe, they have blossomed so much that I’ve had to replant them in to three completely new planters?! Things are getting a little crazy in the horticulture department, HAHA! Oh well. Everything looks pretty & I haven’t seen this place look this floral in six years. My hens & chickens have been passed down from my great-great-great-grandmother. It’s all on my mother’s side, & it’s traced back on each maternal side. I have exact bulbs that my Great-Grandmother had in her garden/planters, (which I know because she’s the one who gave them to me 🙂 which is pretty amazing, to me). I wish I were able to give you a starter. 🙂 It would be great to pass something like that on, to friends! To you as well, Jenny & Rhonda! 🙂
Take care! 🙂
Thank you Tiffie 🙂 and it does feel like a big accomplishment to cross off the classes that I’ve already taken! I wait for the day when more are crossed off than not!
I like hen’s & chickens, we used to have them in the yard and in pots when I was growing up. We also had a similar type that looked like they had spider webs in the middle. I forget what those are called though.
It’s cool that you’re family has had them for so long! They really take little care and they spread so quickly.
I still haven’t gotten any big tomatoes from my plants yet. They are all still green, but there are so many of them.
We’ve have been having thunderstorms almost everyday for 3 weeks now and I’m loving it. I had the worse dream last night though. It scared me so bad it woke me up. I had a dream a monster tornado was passing through. In the dream it was so dark outside all I could do is get on the floor and crawl to the hallway, but it was weird during my dream after the storm had passed I opened the door and everything was destroyed but my house and yard. I was terrified to see the destruction and that’s what woke me…
2 weeks ago a tree fell in my sister’s yard and destroyed here electrical lines to her house. She had to live in a hotel for 2 weeks and she hated it. After 3 days she was ready to be back in her house but it took time for things to get fixed. That’s why I made them your meatloaf dinner last week and my brother-in-law just loves your meatloaf Jenny. He actually took some home for meatloaf sandwiches the next day and he’s carpet helper enjoyed it as well…
With all that has happened in the past few weeks is probably why I dreamed what I did. I know Jenny has had bad dreams and they are not fun at all. What do you think about dreams? Do they have meaning?…
Rhonda, I have horrible nightmares about tornadoes, at least twice a year. It seems as though I have them around the same time each year. They’re terrifying! I hope we/you never have to experience them. They are an extreme fear of mine. I hope you start sleeping better! There’s nothing worse than waking up to a nightmare and being alone. I can sympathize with you, on that.
We are expected to have some heavy storms tomorrow, around 4pm & ending around 6pm. As long as no one is hurt/my electric does not go out/no lightning hits us/no tornadoes(!), I’ll be a-ok. HAHA 🙂 I just want rain & thunder is alright.
Take care & keep us posted! I’ll do the same.
Wow didn’t know that about you Tiffie, so we can relate on the same fear of high winds and tornadoes. Those are really terrifying for me and for you as well I’m sure. I can handle rain and thunder and maybe a little lightning, but high winds, no way. I don’t dream that often of tornadoes but I would say once or twice a year, but I think something has to trigger them for me to have a bad one. I’ve been keeping an eye on weather forecast for almost 3 weeks daily non stop. I want to be prepared for bad weather and not be surprised with one. The worse nightmare I had of a tornado was a few years ago and I woke up in a panic with my heart racing. The tornado was huge and it was coming right at me. I woke up before knowing the ending of the dream and I didn’t want to go back to sleep. Kinda like what Jenny experienced a while back, those kind of dreams are breath taking…It’s late, gotta run. Take care and stay safe, Tiffie…
The other morning I woke up at 5 to the storm, the power went out and was off until 3! The gas station’s power was also off so there was no place to get coffee lol. While I was out though, I saw trees everywhere.
We are supposed to get storms again today, so hopefully it will just cool things off and not do any damage 🙂
I’m not afraid of tornadoes, but I’ve noticed that as I’ve gotten older I’ve become afraid of heights. When I went to Chicago, I went to the John Hancock building, if no one has been the elevator takes you to the top floor is what 13 seconds!?
I thought I was going to have a panic attack haha, then once at the top I was scared to walk over to the windows. I did get some nice pictures of the city though. That ride was just so awful!!
Good luck with the storms and have better dreams.
Today, we had some serious rain, extremely dark clouds, thunder & lightning. It lasted for about half an hour & rained for about an hour. Then, it rained on & off, after the Sun came back out. My area did not get the extreme of it. There were never reports of tornadoes, just thunder & lightning. I can handle what we had today (thunder & SOME lightning), but nothing any more serious, please. It did cool down; thank goodness! The power flickered twice, but it came right back on. The first time, it was out just long enough for everything to shut itself off & start back up. As soon as the television found signal; it flickered again! I had to laugh because it was as instant to come back on, as it did to go off. As soon as the television found signal a second time, the power dimmed but never went out. I said out loud, “OHHHHH, NO YOU DON’T…..*it brightened up*…..THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT!” HAHA! Luckily, it stayed on. I just had to go around reprograming appliances’ clocks. Hey, I’ll take that over anything worse, any day 🙂
Our garden & flowers got the drink of a lifetime, that’s for sure 🙂
Lightning isn’t something I favor either but it’s okay not to bad. It’s funny…lol…it seems you and the tv are playing tag. I try and turn off things plus not be online when a thunderstorm rolls through here and talking about watering the garden and plants with the rain. I’ve done that too…lol…it’s been raining daily here for the past month now and I’ve been taking our hanging plants from the porch every chance I get to set them out in the yard so they can get rain water and with the yard plants we have probably watered 5 or 6 times this month. That just shows how much rain we’ve gotten…
When this heatwave first came my Dad’s peace lily plant I kept from his service looked horrible. All the leaves were hanging down the side of the pot it was in. I almost cried because I thought I’d killed it and I’ve had it for almost 3 years. I forgot to bring it in when the temps were really high. I watered it and left it outside until night time. I sat it on the floor inside behind his recliner until the next day and it may have had 3 or 4 leaves standing. I thought, let me put it in the bathroom because I’ve heard they like those type places. It’s doing a lot better but still isn’t 100%. It actually has a lily flower growing after all it went through 🙂
Don’t you just hate it when you don’t get that first cup of coffee in the morning, Josh? You must have went out looking for coffee…lol…can’t say that I blame you. I would have done the same thing. If I don’t make my own coffee. I usually stop by Quik Trip or Starbucks because both places have good coffee…
It makes me moody to be woken up too early. I feel like my best sleep is between 5am and 7am and if it’s interrupted I’m not a happy camper. If I go to bed early I’m up early and my normal wake up time is between 8am and 9am. If I have to be at work at say 8am I’m forced to be up around 6am, by 6:30am at least…
As I got older things came about or changed rather with me. Heights don’t scare me and I’ve been to Chicago’s John Hancock building and the ride up didn’t faze me, but when I was younger I feared an elevator. Don’t be surprised if your taste for food changes. I didn’t like cranberries for a long time because I thought they were just too bitter, but in my mid 20’s I had cranberry sauce during the holidays and I have just loved it ever since…Take care Josh and you stay safe as well 🙂
Yay!…remodel is over and we are back on track. It took 6 of us last week to get things straight. I appreciated the help but it made me feel out of place and I wasn’t capable to do it. Which with what we had to do I couldn’t grasp things. I think I do too much, that’s just me. I like things done right so I don’t mind doing the work if that means my day will run smoother. The dept manager told me last week it’s hard for him when I’m not there, so being off this week I hope they stay on top of things so I can grab hold of it Wednesday. Fingers are crossed 😀
Oh and the good thing about work is that last quarter we had a really good bonus and we are tracking for another good one. I’m hearing it might be better than last quarter. Walmart’s sales and profits are rising. Stock is like 68.00 a share and here lately we’re making 1.2 million a week in sales just my store alone. I’m feeling it, but that’s okay 🙂
And by the way Walmart had it’s 50th anniversary a couple weeks ago and there are 2.2 million Walmart Associates working for Walmart worldwide. In my opinion, they aren’t money hungry like some people may think. They have to take care of Associates when things come up like bonuses, etc., plus they have to maintain a business. Can you imagine how much they pay out to the electric and water company? Wow!…
I’m glad everything is back to normal & well for you, Rhonda. It must be a hassle going through a remodel. I’m sure it’s now worth it 🙂 When I was working in the offices for my Mother’s companies, I would take the new employees under my wing & teach them ‘the ropes’, around the office. In about two weeks, things seemed ‘back to normal’ & I was rarely needed for any questions. Transition can be very exciting, fun, & at times a little nerve racking, as I’m sure you’ve found out. Keep up the good work; it shows that you’re well appreciated 🙂
Thanks Tiffie, it was beyond hard. During the months of May and June. We got 5 or 6 pallets of freight almost daily and now that our inventory is in the system we now get 3 or 4, so it’s slowly coming down. The less freight we have the easier my day goes. I found out today that we are doing good with our inventory. We were at 24% and now we have it at 14%. They want us under 10%, so there is still work to be done to be right on track and I’m happy where we are now 😀
It was nice of you to step in and make things a little easier for your Mom’s new employees. I’m sure they appreciated you for being there to learn the ropes. It’s not easy being new on the job. I’m glad I’ve learned what I know the 12 years I’ve been with Walmart. It wasn’t easy first starting out…
I always liked voluntarily training the new employees. I would hear them talk to other employees & they would say stuff like, “I would’ve learned a lot of this the hard way if it weren’t for the great, indepth help at first.” That & other types of good comments let me know it was good training & that they truly appreciated it. People are not always nice but it’s nice to be a good one 🙂
Congratulations on finally getting the remodel done! I bet that’s takes away a lot of your stress! Good luck with your bonus too I think after going through such a large remodel you should get one just for sticking around.
I wasn’t able to take the math test, but my car finally got fixed. The test was only worth 100 points so if I do Okay with everything else I should still be fine. The math though is getting harder, now they have exclamation points in the problems. I had to google what it meant haha. apparently it means, say it’s 4!, It means 4 x 3 x 2 x 1.
Just confusing to get the hang of. I have to come up with a real world example of something that I would “count” in my profession. I’m getting my degree in Human Services to become a social worker within the foster care system, I’m just not sure of an example. So if anyone has any ideas!!? lol
The examples my teach gave are, how many different ways can you put tires on a car, how many different ways can you paint a room.. Can’t use though and they do need to be in my field of study.
Hope everyone is doing well, glad it’s cooled down some!
Man, Josh sorry to hear you are having it tough with trying to do this math test. I feel bad for ya because you are losing 100 credits and that’s a lot, but you seem to be doing okay without it. Math isn’t easy. I’m confused already with the 4!…lol…I don’t like math. I got as far as algebra1 and that was it for me. My favorite subject was Science. Very interesting subject. Lots to learn about from the stars in space to the ocean floor and everything in between. Good luck to you with earning your credits and I think it’s great to know you want to be a social worker. I think it’s a great choice 😀
Oh and the bonus isn’t going to be as great as expected. I was told we had an accident. Don’t know what type or anything about it but it affects our bonus when accidents happen. It’s still going to be a descent one but I was hearing this one was going to be the maximum which is $550. Last quarter’s bonus was $466. Accidents really do suck!…
I’m really glad the remodel is finished we are doing a lot better with inventory and freight flow. I feel refreshed and energized and yes less stressed 😉
I’m still listening to music for relaxing though. It helps. There is a song by Jessie J. I love. I hear it quite often on the radio. It’s my favorite this week…lol…
Jessie J – Domino Official Video HD
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. I had to work but went to sister’s house after work. They had BBQ ribs, slaw, baked beans, potato salad and mac & cheese. I ate a little of everything but the mac & cheese. I didn’t like it…Yuck! I’m really picky about how mac & cheese is made and Jenny, if I didn’t have to work early today I would’ve made your mac & cheese. I’ll have to make your mac & cheese for Labor Day and let them taste your yummy mac & cheese. Your foods/recipes should be called a “taste of goodness” because it taste good and it’s good for you 😀
Take care everyone and have a great week 🙂
Happy 4th to you guys! or 5th now lol.
Have you tried the Kraft mac&cheese that comes int he blue bag? I really like that kind. I haven’t tried Jenny’s but I’m sure I would like that too!!
It’s supposed to be in the 100’s tomorrow. I want it to rain so badly to cool off. My friends that live in TX are always complaining about how hot it is there and when I mention the heat here they always are like “Yeah right!” but lately it’s been hotter here than there lol.
I have a math test tomorrow so I’m hoping that the power stays on until I’m done that is one test I would not want to redo. I’m getting the hang of the math but it’s really tough, set theories etc yuck! It makes graphing seem so easy and Ive actually gotten good at that lol.
Hope everyone is keeping cool.
Good luck on your math test, Josh! My least favourite subject was always math. As the other classes were basically a social scene for me, math class was the true definition of school, HAHA! I was always ready for the bell to ring so I could LEAVE! 🙂 If the problems dealt with numbers, I was fine. If they dealt with shapes & theories, it was time for me to keep my mouth shut from talking about boys & pay attention (or at least look like I was! HAHA!).
Happy Fourth/Fifth/& soon, Sixth! HAHAHAHAHA~!!!!! I hope you guys had fun, on the holiday. I was flipping through channels & caught a glimpse of some prerecorded fireworks, with Neil Diamond’s ‘Coming to America’ playing in the background. I watched for about fifteen seconds & called it a Happy Fourth 🙂 I had my ‘fix’ HAHA!
Take care & STAY COOL!!!!!
Sorry Tiffie I didn’t see you there. Glad you got to see fireworks and a little music along with it for your 4th of July It’s really to heat to be outside. I went to my sister’s house had dinner and we did a few fireworks from last year’s fireworks that was leftover, but I guess you can say that was my fireworks fix 🙂
I hope you are staying cool. A few of us went and seen Magic Mike with Matthew McConaughey and Channing Tatum Tuesday for a girls day out and because it was the day before the 4th and everyone would be busy on the 4th. We had a lot of fun. It’s was funny, one girl with us said it was worth it just to see Matthew’s butt…lol…
Tiffie you and Josh take care and stay cool as well…
Hey Josh, mentioning mac & cheese I found out that the mac & cheese we had for the 4th of July was frozen Stouffer’s. No wonder I didn’t like it. I took 2 small bites and pushed it to the side and it was the only thing left on the plate and my sister asked, “you’re not going to it that?”, uh no…lol…If I make mac & cheese from a box I using use Velveeta with the shells, but Jenny’s is really good, so I will start making it her way using her recipe. Mac & cheese is better home made I think and I don’t know why they bought frozen for the 4th of July. Usually someone makes it from scratch and it’s good, but I will have to keep an eye out for the Kraft blue bag you mentioned. I’m willing to give it a try 🙂
Temps here have dropped a little but it’s still hot being in the upper 90’s during the day. Hopefully this heat wave won’t be with us long. I’m ready for fall weather to arrive. At work most my time is in a cooler trying to maintain it and keep it organized but my sister thinks I’m a bit silly. I go outside on my lunch to get fresh air and to enjoy a little sunshine, but here lately I’ve been going back inside before my lunch is over because of the heat, so yeah I’m trying to stay cool from the heat. It’s nice at night when the sun goes down…
You stay cool as well Josh 🙂
Aw, I’m glad your are in the swing of things and catching on to math. I hated math in school because it’s not the most easiest of subjects. I wish you luck on your test and my fingers are crossed that you have no problem getting your math test completed 😀
Well I missed my math test!! hahaha. I studied and was all ready then when I went to start my car I had left the lights on!! luckily I think they are open tomorrow.
What’s even worse is when I got home yesterday and took the keys out, the car was making the loud beeping sound, but I didn’t know what it was for, because it was in park, and it was daytime so I knew it wouldn’t have been the lights, even though I didn’t look. I just closed the door and noticed that when I did the beeping stopped so I thought it was fixed.
Live and learn I guess 😉
Josh, I’m sorry that happened, but the good thing about it all is that you didn’t have it finished like your other test. Oh and something like that happened to me too by the way, when I came from overnight to 2nd shift I had a habit of turning on my headlights when I left for work and when I was leaving work my car wouldn’t start and I got to looking for the reason and saw that my lights had been on all day. My brother-in-law came and charged my battery and it was fine, so I hope your battery is okay and you don’t have to buy another one 😀
Ah, we are getting lots of rain right now, but also lots of lightning and thunder with hail. I walked outside earlier and the grass was so dry it made a crinkle sound when I walk. I was going to water the grass later but now I don’t have to 🙂
WSB-TV Weather
Just want to add some sad news. Another celeb passes away…
R.I.P Andy Griffith 🙁
I still watch The Andy Griffith Show on TV Land in the mornings before work. I like watching Matlock but can’t seem to find it airing where I am. He leaves us with great entertainment. I had no idea he was a comedian until now…
TV Legend Andy Griffith Dies at 86
A look back at Andy Griffith’s career in show business
I was so sad to hear this! I called to tell my Mother & she said, “I heard. It was on the television, this morning.” Later in the day, I was at her house. The news was on in the background & when we both heard how quickly he was buried, we immediately asked, “Was he Jewish?!” That’s very common for us, Jews. I don’t believe he was though because the way the news reporter said it, it was implied that he just wanted a quick service. (I could be wrong, but that’s the way it was implied.) He will be sadly missed. His legacy of laughter will live on 🙂
Hello, hello! I noticed the last conversation box was filling up so I thought I’d start a new one 🙂
Rhonda, I’m not up to date with a lot of urban slang. I’m not completely out of the loop, but I’m not “hip”, either. Do we/can we still say “hip”? HAHA! 🙂
I’m closer to Josh, (I’m in Central Ohio). The storm you mentioned on Friday Josh, hit us, too. I was having lunch with a friend & the weather was fine (well, HOT!). When we were driving across town, I noticed an extremely black cloud heading our way. It was like one I had rarely seen before. We (strategically) found shelter in an ice cream shop. As we were getting out of the car, I could feel the wind get insanely strong & it was steadily raining. I told my friend to open her car door & go first (since it’s never good to open both doors at once, with there being so much wind & a car parked on her side). She went first & as she was walking around the back of my car (the shop was on ‘my side’ of the car), I kept trying to open my door. As soon as I managed to open it, stand up, & (it practically shut itself), the rain just fell like a ton of bricks! We scrambed to safety, fast! Later, I heard many people say they were expecting a tornado at any time. I was no where near a television & I never had my radio on, & since the storm came out of nowhere, I was completely unaware. After the storm, there were a lot of traffic lights out & many people lost electricity. I heard a news report today say that there are still people with out electric, from that storm. They expect it to take until Saturday for the final restoration! Can you believe that?! I feel SO horrible for those people!
Many trees were down & A LOT of limbs! We noticed an enormous trampoline had flown up & over someone’s privacy fence, across a grassy area, over three lanes of traffic, & half way in to a field. That had to have scared the you-know-what out of anyone who witnessed it! I’m still schocked on how powerful the wind had to have been, for it to have landed there.
I’m glad you two are keeping cool 🙂 I’ve been staying in, myself. I can’t wait until October-type weather! Then again, that’s my birth month…..& that means another year older…..Ok, I’ll wish for late-September weather! 😀 HAHA!
Take care!
Hey Tiffie, you are getting miserable weather also. Glad you and Josh are okay. It seems you both got one nasty storm. High winds scare me but over the weekend I think I wouldn’t have minded it at all. After work Sunday going to get my Mom from my sister’s house I was going south and there was a nasty looking huge cloud in the distance. I kinda sighed and thanked God for the break in this heat wave. We decided to go eat out for dinner. When we walked back outside it was a breeze of fresh air. It was nice after having 3 days of 100+ temps. It wasn’t much wind or rain here so we probably got the tail end of the storm you guys had…
I was looking at the west coast and it’s temps, because I have a friend who lives in the north west and Jenny you’re in the south west and I’m a bit jealous with you guys having temps in the low 70’s and low 80’s on the west coastal line, but maybe August won’t be so bad and temps will start to drop sooner than expecting, but if I am correct it usually don’t get cooler here until after Labor Day, so yeah Tiffie I can’t wait for September to be here either 🙂
How do you feel about urban language? Is it wrong?…
Tiffie, Jenny, and Josh I really what your opinions. I’m curious what you guys think…
Urban Dictionary
I think it can be funny and clever, but if not many people are using the sayings then you have to ask huh and for people to explain, which can be annoying.
Hey Josh. I hope things are going well. I was just wondering why people have a hard time with how people talk. It’s a misunderstanding in what’s being said, so I agree it can be frustrating and annoying to some people. Being from the south it’s all around me, so it’s in my vocabulary. It’s considered southern slang, country grammar and ebonics, so I see it as another language being from the south and something I’ve grown accustom to. One I can relate to and understand. I try to watch myself but at times urban words just sneak in on me without realizing what I’ve said and many times it has to be brought to my attention before I can see that I’ve used a certain word. I’m not too bad with how often I use urban words. I don’t see anything wrong with urban slang, but some people do. If people would take the time to study up on the language they would understand it better and not have so much of a problem with people who use such language 🙂
Josh, I don’t know where you live but it’s sooo hot here, 100+… The last couple days have been scorching hot, sticky and clammy. I hate this type weather. It’s makes me miserable. Can’t wait til September when it starts to cool off, but that means 8-10 weeks of nothing but hot, very hot weather here…
Take care Josh and I’ll talk to you later 🙂
I live in Indiana, and it is never this hot! The other day it was 107 and I about died from the humidity and heat. You walk outside and it takes your breath away.
Luckily it did rain Friday and cooled off for the rest of the day then heated back up haha. I was at the school taking at test on the computer for my online class and I was done with it and reading through to make sure I chose the right answers and right as I was about to submit it the power went off and they told us to get to the bathrooms!
OMG we were in there for 30 minutes waiting for the storm to pass and when it did I had to redo the test from the beginning.
People talk funny here too, I think no matter where you are people do. Instead of saying “wash” some people say “WARSH” haha I say wash though. They talked about it in my communications class.
Hope you are staying cool!!
Aw Josh, I’m sorry you had to do your test over. Falling short on time isn’t fun, but it had to be done. Glad the power was back on for you to do the test again. I would’ve been so mad but it seems you are taking it pretty cool 😎
How much more do you have with school before you get a break?…
You’re having miserable weather too and it sucks. It was 109 degrees here today, suppose to be 102 tomorrow, but we got rain late this evening and the temp dropped 20+ degrees really fast. Which made it 82 around 7pm and it’s made it a comfortable night. With temps as high as we’ve had them lately it makes you appreciate 80 degree weather 🙂
Gary Indiana is a state we drove through when we went to Chicago and I have to say I loved it. We drove through Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana and my favorite state on our trip is Indiana. It seemed peaceful and free with open land. It was day break so the morning sun was coming up beyond the horizon and it was so relaxing to see that. 2nd trip to Chicago is when we ran into a snow storm in Gary Indiana. It wasn’t bad but it took twice the time to get to Chicago because of the snow…
Today I’ve just be laid back because I don’t know what my work week will bring. I don’t know what I’m going back into Wednesday. They are a day behind doing our cooler and that being said it didn’t affect my work schedule. I didn’t want my schedule to be messed with, so I’m happy about that 🙂
Instead of doing our cooler Tuesday night they are doing it Wednesday night and I’m hoping they have it emptied out before I go back to work Wednesday. We then have to work out of a refrigerated trailer and I’m hope it’s not going to be difficult. Hopefully by Friday things will be back to normal and this remodel will be complete. Oh and I was surprised last week. We got a new parking lot on top of everything else, but that wasn’t so bad. It looks really nice 😀
Oh and one of the remodel guys gave me the name Dairy Queen…lol…I gained that name on 3rd shift 10 years ago. They use to call me that when I worked overnight and I kinda like it. It lets me know they acknowledge my work…
And this song just relaxes me so much. I here it everywhere even at work. It’s grown on me. My favorite song lately 🙂
Natasha Bedingfield
I’m so glad you had a day to relax, Rhonda. Isn’t it nice? I just LOVE those days! I didn’t do too much for the first part of today, but I did manage to do some grocery shopping. I even bought myself a book. (Yes, a real life book, HA! Remember those things we used to read from & we had to even turn the…..what were they called…..pages?…..HAHA!) It was only $3.97! It’s by Jackie Collins, called Poor Little B**** Girl I hope it’s a good one. I very rarely read fictional stories but this one jumped out at me, so I’m taking a chance 🙂
I like your nickname; Dairy Queen! HAHA! 🙂 It seems to fit, just right. It’s good to feel acknowledged & I’m glad you feel that way. If you weren’t feeling that way, you would not be working in the place you rightfully belonged. Keep up the good work; it seems you are much appreciated 🙂
The overnight manager actually gave me the name Dairy Queen and before going to day shift they shortened it and called me DQ. Childhood nickname is Nah-Nah and the way that came about is my oldest sister couldn’t say my name correctly and it sounded like she was saying “nahnah”, so I kept it as a nickname. My brother still calls me that…
That’s too funny 🙂
I think I’ve said it before but I’ll tell ya, again; Friends call me Tiffie. My family always called me by my middle name, Rui (pron. “Rue”). Some of the kids will say “Ruby”…..it must roll off the tongue better, for a child because I doubt they’re referring to my red hair, HAHA! If I hear “Tiffie”, “Rui”, or “Ruby”, I know what I’m getting. Either an aquaintance/friend, a family member, or a rugrat HAHA! 🙂
I like the name Tiffie. Is it short for Tiffany? It seems like it would be. The name Rue I’ve never heard of before and seems a bit unique 😀
And kids are funny. We laugh about things like how my sister said my name and how the name is still with me. My brother is always coming up to me giving me a hug and saying “Nah-Nah!”. I think the name is cute and my sister said I should thank her…lol…and I do 🙂
That’s too cute that your brother does that LOL! 🙂
My first name is Tiffie 🙂 I get asked if it’s short for Tiffany, a lot. I also get my middle name mispronounced, only if it’s read off a paper. The person will say, “…..uh…..”roo-ee”…..is it”, & I say, “hahahahaha, no. Just “roo” ” HAHA! The “i” is rarely used; you’ll usually see it spelled with an “e”. Think of Rue McClanahan 🙂 I’ve had one person read my name off of a paper & say, “Tiffie ‘roo-ee’? It rhymes!” I said, “That’s just awful! HAHA! You’re saying it wrong….. 🙂 ”
Tiifie that is so funny…lol…Rue seems like a simple name and it rhymes with Sue, but I guess some people have a hard time figuring it out because of the “e” at the end. They want to add an extra vowel sound when the “e” is silent. Right? It really doesn’t seem that difficult…
Oh and my brother he’s really a sweet and caring guy. He loves his sisters and would do anything for us. He’s a big guy so I like the bear hugs he gives and he likes to joke around, so he’s the comedian of the family. He cracks me up all the time…
I was just watching your latest video clips and the one with Phyllis Diller is so funny…lol… I love Nelly and was excited to see him perform on your stage. Did you have Sysco appear on your show? I can’t remember. I also like Tyrese and Usher. You had some really good performers appearing on you stage and if I’m not mistaken I didn’t even know of Tyrese until he performed on your stage. I also liked the video of Brooke Sheilds. I didn’t like her when I was younger for some reason but I guess I didn’t know her and misjudged her. She seems like the most sweetest person after seeing her in interviews including the one from your show. She had me upset speaking at Micheal Jackson’s memorial. It was sad…
Michael Jackson Memorial Service – Brooke Sheilds Speaks
Seeing that you are adding new stuff to your website last night I’m doing a bit of exploring tonight on here and it wasn’t Sysco I saw on your stage it was Mystikal. I got the 2 mixed up. I actually went out and bought Mystikal’s and Tyrese’s CD after seeing them on your show. Already had Nelly’s and Usher’s CD 🙂
Oh and the younger pictures of you are amazing. You look like a top supermodel in a lot of them if not all. You look like you should’ve been in the movies with your looks. You actually look better than superstars who have been in movies. You have great poses for a supermodel look. You did very well for yourself back in the day 😉 😀
Work being so hard in the past few weeks I found myself listening to music more when online from YouTube today and it helps me to relax and today I found this full concert video from Adele and I know a couple of you (Jenny & Josh) like her and I just wanted to share it. I love her and her music. Can’t find anyone coming close to the way she sings. She’s funny too 😀
Adele: Live at the Royal Albert Hall (Full Concert HD)
My Mother & I just love her music! 🙂 (It’s safe to say, she is the bigger fan between the two of us.) I walked in to her side living room to see her sitting in her big comfy chair, with her laptop on a pillow on her lap & her earphones in. She was watching this very concert HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! My Mother is the softest, sweetest, loved-by-all type of lady (that’s not just my opinion; everyone loves her to pieces), & I get a kick out of going through the pre-set music stations in her car, when she drives. I’ll start laughing at all her “jams”, some of them I don’t even listen to, let alone, heard of HAHA! She’ll say, “Will you stop? Pick one, already…..wait…..go back, you’ll like that one; it’s new.” She’s definately part of the “in crowd”, compared to me & my forever love of 80’s music 🙂
I love watching Adele do an interview. She’s such a funny, bubbly, type person. She says the funniest things and she seems like a natural at it. She does interviews really well. She makes’em fun to watch, because she’s unpredictable in what she will say and I also like the way she wants others to see her. Her interviews talk about all that, so tell your Mom to check out her interviews and you too if you already haven’t. Take care Tiffie and I’ll chat with you later 🙂
Check it out! 500 comments! 😀 Let’s keep it up. I really enjoy chatting with all of you! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Take care 🙂
Aw Tiffie you posted the 500th post and yeah that is a lot of chit chatting 😀
I like talking to you guys as well. We do get busy though, but I try to make time before I go to bed to check in here. I play my games on Facebook and I have to keep up with some of them daily, but here recently I’ve just been playing cards for relaxation, which I feel I need, so I’m online almost every day/night…
Work is a little better. Things are back where they belong and it’s just organizing things and getting inventory/overstock back in the system right. That helps with the flow of freight and it hasn’t been done right for 2 weeks that’s why it was so hard to work, because things could be done right. 2/3 days last week we got over 10 pallets of freight but it was for 3 departments and dairy alone gets half of what comes in. Maybe once organizing is done our trucks won’t be so big and things will run a bit smoother. I hope so. I am start to see progress for the better 🙂
Hey Josh & Rhonda 🙂
I really need to get myself back here, more often! I haven’t been doing too much lately. I’ve been shopping, maybe a little too much but it’s nice to get out of the house. HAHA! I wonder if that’s what shop-o-holics start out saying? HAHA!
I hope work is getting more manageable for you, Rhonda. I understand what it’s like to be out of your normal routine & its surroundings. I bet you want it to be over with, already. Oh, Josh; I COMPLETELY feel for you by having to write about yourself. I had to do that in college, too. It was such a pain. I was always wondering if they wanted to know the boring me (things like; I have red hair, my signature nail polish colour is ‘I’m Not Really A Waitress’ by OPI, & could eat my weight in chocolate, etc.), or the reason why I signed up for the class! HAHA! I’m sure you’ll do well. It seems like yesterday you signed up for classes.
I noticed that this post will be number 498. Let’s see makes number 500! 🙂
I promise to pop back in here, sooner than later. Take care, everyone!
Glad to see you Tiffie. I know you get caught up with doing things you enjoy and I know you’ll pop in when you can 🙂
I really don’t care for much shopping. Working in retail has just made me not so into it as I use to be. I will shop for groceries, because I have to, but to just do it for fun just isn’t happening. It seems some people take it as being a sort of hobby like yourself and some people become addicts. I do enjoy shopping on vacation and that’s about it. That’s usually when I buy new clothes is vacation time so it can be fun I guess. I just don’t shop as much as others do…
Work isn’t any better. Now I’m being told that they may need me to change my off day on the 25th to help clear out our cooler so the remodel people can do my department and usually when they change my off days I have split days off and I like having my days off together, but whatever they decide I need to know soon and not last minute so I can plan my week on when to get errands done for that week and appointments if any need to be changed, but I’m okay. I can’t let work stress me out like Josh said. Remember to breathe and I do. Oh and my store has finally started playing music again, so that helps listening to it as I work…
You take care as well Tiffie 🙂
Hey guys. How are things? Just wanted to vent a little I guess about work. They are finishing up our remodeling that started months ago. Remember I posted that the coolers and freezer units will be done later? Well they started working on that right after Easter and they still are not finished and it’s beginning to become a headache. Things have to be moved from one refrigeration to the next and it’s not easy to work with things out of place. Most the time I have to make room before I can actually do my work and today was awful, just awful. As you might can tell I like to be organized and I just hope tomorrow is a better work day. I don’t know how much I can stand…uggh!…
That’s got to be such a hassle! You can’t even start your job until you move everything out of the way. I hope they finish up soon, because I know it has to be really stressful.
I’m doing good, I start class this Monday. I’m taking four and half was going to be online and the other half was going to be in a classroom, but I found out last minute that one was cancelled so I had to quickly sign up for a new one and it’s online too lol. I was going to have to spend 8 hours every other day in those two classes so at lest now it’s only 4.
I talked to my neighbor a few weeks ago, the one with the curbside/roadside garden. She is really nice and i really got some insight. I thought she was just tacky and trashy putting a garden right there, but it’s because everywhere else, front yard, back and side are already taken! She has a huge garden and is growing everything you can think of. She even offered to give me some veggies when they are ready. I’m not one to turn down free food 😉
Now if we can only hush the one neighbors up. They are always being so loud and disrespectful. They will be out on their porch talking like they are at a rock concert, trying to talk over the music, this goes on even at 3, 4 in the morning and I have to keep calling the cops.
Some people have no manors.
Hope work goes better for you, remember to breathe and to try not to stress out!
Josh, I’m really glad you are hanging in there with your classes and adjusting to them at last minute changes. You seem like one busy guy but well with it 😀
Neighbors can be the nicest people but then every now and then you get a bad apple in the neighborhood. Sorry you have to deal with rude neighbors, but I’m glad you meet your neighbor so you could get a better understanding of her actions. It makes sense now as to why her garden is where it is and it was nice of her to offer you fresh veggies 🙂
I’ve decided to take this remodel day by day. I can only do what is allowed. I feel I’ve lost control of it because of the interruption and that’s what bothers me. I feel I’m not doing my job and it bugs me. It’s just hard dealing with merchandise that is scattered throughout the store and unorganized. I literally got a headache when I got to work today and had another one right before I left work. They are half way finished and I really am going to hate it when they Start in my area. I’m trying to stay positive because at the end when all is finished it’s going to be better than it was before. I can already see other areas who’s area is finished run a lot smoother, so that helps me stay positive and just go with the flow…Oh and Josh thanks for the advice about remembering to breathe. I need to do that more. I actually did that more than once today and it helped me get through the day, so thanks for reminding me to do that 😉 🙂
One more thing, I appreciate Walmart doing this for us. It needed it really bad, so I shouldn’t complain, but going through this remodel isn’t easy, but we manage the best we can. We are a grandfather store and the units we had were 16 years old and I just appreciate them for putting money back into our store to make it easier for us all…
I went to visit my family yesterday, they live about 40 minutes away and I stopped at the store on my way back as they have a nice selection of healthy foods, an entire section really with isles and frozen section! That store is also doing a remodel and it’s all messed up, with things sitting all around and walls have been put up in crazy locations and it hard to get around. Not to mention there are areas with no flooring, so I can understand if you have to work in something like that just how frustrating it has to be.
Thanks for the nice words! Classes start tomorrow but the info is already online so I’m trying to write my post that introduces myself, it’s hard to think of something to say, especially when you have to use 150 words! I’m sure it will come to me though lol. It always takes about two weeks to get into the swing of things.
Disco legends pass away days from each other 🙁
R.I.P. Donna and Robin…
Donna Summer Queen of Disco dies at 63 (May 17, 2012)
Bee Gee Robin Gibb Dead at 62 (May 20 2012)
Hello, hello!
Josh, I had to laugh. I was with my Mother in Clearwater, Florida. She’s looking to buy & I’m not looking to visit. HA! I don’t “do” (very) hot weather! I told her, “I’ll visit during your cool season & you just fill me in on the gossip, over the telephone.” HAHA! Kidding aside, I ALWAYS have a wonderful time with my Mother, even if she dislikes my three prong dinner forks. HAHA! I call them “diet forks”! 🙂
Rhonda, I loved watching Bob Ross. He would make me anxious, the longer I watched him paint, though. I would think, “You’re going to ruin it, if you keep adding all those happy-little-trees!” He always knew what he was doing because he never left one looking shabby. 🙂
Have a good week, everyone! Take care!
Hey Tiffie, how are ya? 😀
Bob Ross was amazing with the speed of his brush. Painting on canvas isn’t easy. It’s easier for me to grab a pencil and sketch tablet and draw lights and shadows. Call me lazy…lol…I get told a lot that my drawings are good, so I enjoy that most when it comes to art, but I do want to paint more often than what I do…
Oh and Josh that’s pretty cool that his show was taped at the school you’re going to. Didn’t know where it was taped, so thanks for the info. I found a couple videos I liked since talking to you about Bob Ross. I enjoyed seeing these and wanted to share them. He makes everything look so real…especially mountains 🙂
Bob Ross: Splendor of Winter
(I want to check this out. Looks like fun)
Bob Ross in GIMP – Part Two – The Mountain
Anybody watching American Idol? There are only 4 singers left and I like when it gets this close. My favorite is Hollie. She makes me nervous though. She has a great voice. I love the way she carries her voice. I’ve only had 3 favorites win out of the 11 years I’ve been watching Idol and that was Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood and Jordan Sparks and out of those 3 my favorite is Jordan Sparks, Hopefully Hollie came win this year. Here are some of Hollie’s best performances I like most…
Hollie Cavanagh: The Climb – Top 6 –
Hollie Cavanagh: Rolling In The Deep – Top 7
Hollie Cavanagh: All The Man That I Need – Top 13
How is everyone!? I hope you are all doing well, Tiffie is probably off at some great vacation home haha.
I’m doing well, I just finished my second semester, I was worried about my math class, so much that I couldn’t even bring myself to check the grades, but it turns out I did good in that class too 🙂
I have a couple weeks off before I start again and I plan to finish painting a room that I started and then abandoned lol one wall is still unpainted! It’s ok because It’s just my office and I hardly go in there now since I have my laptop, but with the paint job finished I just might!
I also haven’t “painted” on canvas for a while either because I haven’t had the time, so I might try doing that too. Oh and now that I have some free time I will be able to monitor this page better haha.
Hey Josh, glad to see ya back and glad you did well in your math class 😀
I figured you were busy with classes and I’m glad you get breaks in between. It would be horrible if you had to work all way through the year with no breaks…
Looks like you are going to busy at home though. I need to paint 2 rooms myself and I would probably not finish it either like you have, but at least it gets done right? Once you are done enjoy your office because I know it’s going to look great. We have a fun room. I have things for the kids to do. No game system because they get enough of that at home. I have board games, puzzles, crafts, tv, with cable, stereo and of course the computer but they are limited on the computer. They can get online but they can’t live on it…lol…
I love art. I sketch/draw every now and then, but painting on canvas is something I want to do more of. I’ve taken art classes but painting isn’t easy. I use to watch Bob Ross (forgot his name until I Googled…lol…) and I loved that show. His show aired on PBS. It was probably my favorite show after school back in the 80’s. I linked you in case you didn’t know who he was and you can probably find him on YouTube doing his work. He was awesome with his brush 🙂
Later Josh and enjoy you time off from school 😀
The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross
Thank you, and it is so much easier to close the door and ignore it than to finish haha! But since it is almost done I’ll see it though and I will enjoy it once it is done.
I’m taking an art appreciation class this summer and I’m excited about it. This time I got some online classes so I don’t have be gone so much, but also got some actual ones as well because I think having it in person does also help.
Yes, I know who Bob Ross is lol I used to watch him when I was a child! It was so weird to see how he create a painting in such a short amount of time. His show was actually filmed at the college here!
I’ve been seeing this commercial a lot on tv and find it so funny 😆
Don’t you just love super bowl commercials?…lol…
Oikos Greek Yogurt SuperBowl XLVI 2012 Commercial – “The Tease”
I loved your show. I enjoyed watching you play the drums. I am also a female drummer. I will always love rock and roll. I grew up in Dublin, Virginia and you had a segment on your show where average working guys would come on your show, because they were really handsome etc. etc. My friend dated one of the UPS drivers that was on your show. I think he was from Radford, Virginia. This was so cool all of my friends watched this segment. This really brings back memories.
I remember that show – the one where the fireman picked me up. And I remember the UPS guy! How could I forget a stage full of hunks? It’s nice to hear from a fellow drummer.
I never thought I would be corresponding with Jenny Jones – how cool. Technology has really come a long way. I was very envious, I remember that good looking guy picking you up, and yes you were surrounded by several hunks. ~Valerie W.
Hello, hello, hello. Guess who! 🙂 Sorry for being M.I.A for so long. I took a long vacation in one of our get-a-way homes. I needed a change, for a while.
I use to take my laptop with me but my cell phone company made me upgrade to a new phone & I get the internet on it so I left my laptop at home, figuring I would just use that. I was using a MAJOR “dinosaur” phone & it was holding on by a thread. Finally, it went to cell phone Heaven & I was given the latest & greatest of the phones. It took a while to figure it all out but I’m getting use to it. I can’t believe how nice it is. I never wanted to get rid of my old phone because I was so use to it, but I’m glad I have what I have now. I still wish I would’ve taken my laptop with me! HAHA!
I went back & forth for about two weeks so I was able to check in when I got home. I’m home for good & getting back in the swing of things. It was a much needed, much loved vacation. I promise not to go so long with out a heads up 🙂
Thank you Rhonda & Sue for all the nice things you said over in the contest comments. That was very sweet of both of you. It made me smile, from ear to ear 🙂
Josh, you MUST post a picture of your neighbour’s “garden”! HAHA!
Are you talking about an Iphone!? If so you’re lucky lol.
I just got a new phone myself and it also has the internet. You wouldn’t imagine how many things you need to look up when you are watching TV and have your phone hands 🙂 It’s so great being able to look up a case from 48 hours and see if there has been any change haha.
I registered for summer semester the other day. You have to take 12 credit hours in order to be full time, and if I don’t go full time it will mess my loans up. It’s going to be busy because classes only last a little over a month! Luckily two are online so I can stay in my pajamas 🙂
I’m doing graphing in math now and it sucks! Not to sound like a 6th grader but this is something that I will never use! If the job calls for it I wont even apply lol.
Glad you’re back!
Welcome back Tiffie. I figured you were out enjoying yourself. Sounds like you had a lot of fun and I’m sure it was much needed and your welcome I was just wondering where you were since you hadn’t been around. I know we get busy with other things so i try not to worry about others not popping in. It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Lesli though. I hope she’s doing okay…
Josh, I get what you’re saying because my neighbors have a huge back yard and I don’t get it either. I can see something what they’ve done in the back yard, but to turn your whole yard into a garden in the front just don’t seem right. It don’t look good at all. I think they just didn’t want to deal with cutting grass and replaced the grass with plants all over. It’s tacky as well. Jenny has a very nice garden and yard from the pictures she shares with us and what I can see it’s really nice, so Josh, you must share a picture 🙂
Oh and Josh take it easy and stay calm and relaxed, because you seem to be one busy dude with your classes. 12 credits for just a month does seem to be a lot of work involved. I think you’re a strong people and you will be able to handle it though 😀
I to got a new phone last year. I like a flip phone, so I’m still old time because the other day my youngest sister asked me when I was going to get a new phone and I told her I just did, a year ago, and she told me I need to get rid of my “dinosaur” phone and upgrade…lol… I have a Convoy. The only flip phone Verizon had, so probably my next phone will be to upgrade, because my brother-in-law said they are doing away with flip phones, so I need to make a change, so Tiffie I know how it is to hang on to something. Even though you had this new phone with internet. I would’ve wanted my laptop as well 😉
It’s been rough at work because of Spring Break this weekend, so I’m preparing myself for the rest of the week and Easter weekend. I go on vacation in a couple weeks and it’s much needed as well. We’re thinking of going camping at the lake for the weekend, so it will be relaxing to get away for the weekend 🙂
Thanks Rhonda, I’m trying to stay calm 🙂
in my communications class, we have to present on a theory of communication, well it’s just me and three other people in my group and none of them are from America so they have a little trouble understanding me and I have to say “what?” a lot lol it’s funny.
Speaking of cell phones, has anyone heard of Cricket-wireless? oh man, it sounded like a great idea, 50 a month for talk text and web so i ordered the phone and the service. They say it’s processed within one day and shipped the next overnight. Months and months later I have still not gotten this phone, and there is NO WAY to contact the company. the phone number is automated and wont let you speak to a person or select the option you need.
I just want to cancel the order because I got a new phone and service while I was waiting, and plus this company seems like a scam, and if they don’t respect their customers that much then!! OK!
Finally yesterday I emailed the president of the company explained the situation and was like if this isn’t resolved within three working days and I don’t have the money back into my account I’m going to tell everyone how awful this company is. Yeah I went there, but sometimes you do.
They said they are going to look into it. It did sound like a good deal, but I guess you get what you pay for.
Aw Josh it seems like a scam to me. I can sense your frustration. It sucks you had to go with something else waiting for those losers. I would’ve went there too. I hope you get your money back. Keep hounding them and maybe they will get tired of you calling. Don’t let them get away from doing people wrong. You seem like one who will make these crooks pay for ripping people off. I’ve never heard of them, but good for you for giving them a bad name 😉 😀
Oh no I hope your classmates don’t make things harder for you, but I see you’re laughing about it, so maybe it won’t be so bad for you…
I got an email yesterday telling me that the order had been cancelled and the money was returned to my account!
Josh, I’m so glad you got your money back. They may not be crooks but they are still losers for giving you a had time 🙂
I’ve been looking to see if you shared a picture of your neighbor’s garden and it’s made me want to take a picture of my neighbor’s yard but I’ll have to try and take one when I know the neighborhood is slow to be able to stop. They live on a street that’s busy with people going to and coming home from work…
Happy Easter everyone. Have a wonderful weekend 😀
LOL Well yes I did take a picture. I’m afraid Jenny will think I’m proud of the curbside garden! haha.
I will upload it soon.
Happy Easter to you too
Hope everyone is doing well, with the weather being so nice it makes it hard to go to class lol but I’m not skipping I promise!
I just wanted to share. My neighbors across the street, keep in mind that I don’t live in the country, I live two blocks from my school, yet my neighborhood isn’t a party street/trash place you know what I mean..
The neighbors across the street have started a garden, they have stakes and posts, a small fence, lights trellis’ you name it! I’m all for gardening and starting one where you can grow food, it’s a smart thing to do, however this garden is not in their yard, it’s in the space between the sidewalk and the curb!!!
It’s so trashy looking! I don’t know how it is where you guys live, but here you have to get a permit just to plat a tree in that area, and you have to get permission to paint the house numbers on the curb.
I should take a picture of this lol last night it got cold and this morning when I looked outside some of their “crops” were covered in sheets and bedspreads hahaha
The weather here is about the same. At night it can get a bit chilly and I had to use the defrost this morning on my way to work…
We have a new guy who does the yard and he’s done a little trimming on my mom’s rose bushes and they are starting to bud. He also cut the grass and he will be back in a couple weeks to do some trimming on the bushes in the back which need it really bad. Friday my sisters want to plant some azalea bushes for my mom for Mother’s Day. Which Mother’s Day is a little less than 2 months away but they want to plant them now. I like digging in the dirt but I’ve got to work, so I’ll have to plant her something in her little garden in a few weeks…
Neighbors on the street over from us has turned their whole yard into a garden. They cut down all the trees and they have very little grass in the front yard. I don’t like it. I think they should have left one or 2 trees standing because it looks so bare and it’s kinda boring. Maybe it will look better once everything is in full bloom…
…lol…I bet it was funny seeing things covered like you did from your neighbors’ garden. I think it’s still too early to plant some things in some areas. That’s why we try to plant what we know is in full bloom, because if not, it’s a waste of time and money. Oh and I would think that your neighbors would have so many inches\feet from the street to plant things. I’ll have to remember to look at my neighbors yard. If I’m not mistaken my neighbors do have grass so far back from the curb…
there is not much space at all in this garden but it must be their pride and joy lol. I don’t get it because they have a yard that they could plant things in. I think I will take a picture just so you will have a better understanding of the tackiness haha.
I planted some basil seeds two weeks ago in a pot and they are starting to grow!
Just wanted to say hello and happy Friday! I’m so glad the week is over, even though it flew by! I’m ready to rest lol.
Last week I went to Olive Garden and ordered a margarita to drink with dinner. I hardly ever drink but felt like I deserved it. I hadn’t eaten all day so it hit me really quickly lol I felt like a fool! Got to laugh though!
I’m going to Chicago tomorrow. I have never been!
Rhonda I know you’ve been to see Jenny’s show, do you know of any cool spots to see?
I want to see that big chrome thing, the fountain, and oh if I see Oprah walking around I will be sure to tell her we are all still mad at her for ignoring our Jenny!
It wasn’t built when I lived there but everyone tells me that Millennium Park is fantastic. Also, try to see the lake front – there’s a great bike and walking path that runs for miles. Oh, then there’s Rush Street, and OMG – Michigan Avenue! I LOVE Chicago!! Have fun!
p.s. Potbellies has the best subs.
Aw Josh, sorry if I’m late with my reply and a thank you Jenny for replying for me and I will have to keep Potbellies in mind for when I do go back to visit Chicago 🙂 Jenny’s right. Michigan Avenue is fun. We walked it because we needed the exercise after sitting in a car for 10 hours. My grandmother stayed at the hotel so it was me and my 2 sister out roaming around. Long trip but well worth it. We were there 3 days and mostly stayed close to where Jenny taped her show and didn’t go to far into the city. That’s why I want to go back and see more of Chicago. I heard it’s a lot to enjoy there. The Navy Pier is something you should check out as well and of course the Buckingham fountain I love. It’s really pretty at night because of it’s lights …
I’m sure Potbellies is a awesome place to eat but Chicago pizza is the bomb 😉
It really is a nice place to visit. Enjoy your trip to Chicago Josh 🙂
Thanks for all the tips!
I found Rush Street, and Michigan Avenue lol. They were both great with so many things to see and do!
I don’t know if any of you have ever seen Flipping Out, but the woman from it was standing on the sidewalk!! It’s so crazy to see someone in real life that you have watched on TV! She was so nice and even got off the phone to shake my hand and talk to me.
I saw the lake front and went to the top of the building on the sky walk. It was so high up I thought I was going to freak out, but I did manage to get some pictures of the city.
Chicago is such a great city, It’s kind of like New York but the people are nicer. I was surprised at how clean the city was!
I can’t wait to go back.
I agree Chicago is a great city. It’s one of the largest cities I’ve been to and to think of it Josh it was quite refreshing and clean to me as well. I’ve been twice and want to go back and stay a bit longer to be able to see more. I take it you went to the top of the Sears Tower and are afraid of heights. I visited the sky walk as well and loved it. The water front was nice too. We stayed closer to where the boats dock. There’s a building close by where Jenny taped her show that I love. It’s called the Wrigley Building and it’s structure is awesome. I like the way it was built and I love the big clock at the top of it. You actually had me searching online about Chicago and the Wrigley Building has beautiful lights at night like the Buckingham Fountain does and I bet it just as pretty as the fountain is with all it’s lights on…
It seems you had fun and enjoyed your trip by wanting to go back 🙂
Jenny, I was looking at your heroes section and I clicked into “press room” and was reading some articles and I had no idea you lived here in Georgia. If I only knew you worked at the Punchline Comedy club here back then I could’ve seen your Girls Night Out show…bummer! 🙂
It’s funny the Punchline is still here and us women are all wanting to have a “girls night out” with limo and go to the Punchline for some drinks and laughs…lol…that is so funny 😆
I’m back from my annual January (extended) weekend getaway; let’s chat! 🙂
It was so nice to get pampered! It was just myself & a friend & we had a blast~! Manicures, pedicures, all sorts of spa treatments…I’m exhausted just thinking of all the things we put ourselves through…
How was everyone’s weekend?
Hey Tiffie, glad you had a great weekend of relaxing. My weekend was good. Was off work Saturday and went to a bowling birthday party. My brother has 3 girls and they were born in February different year of course, so they had one birthday for all 3 girls to celebrate. It makes it easier to get together. I was gonna bowl but my carpal tunnel was messing with me last week, so bowling wouldn’t have been the best thing to do with a bad wrist. The wrist is better after wearing a wrist band for a few days…
It seems like the weekend goes by so fast!
I didn’t really do too much aside from being happy I had a few free days haha.
I’m also happy that it’s starting to get nice outside! Today it was in the 50’s here.
It’s been nice here also, Josh. Suppose to be in the mid 60’s by the weekend. It’s weird that we haven’t had any real cold temps this year. I think for the month of Jan. temps got low twice, in the 20’s. The temps drop fast after the sun goes down. Enough for a light jacket or sweater. Glad you had some free time to enjoy your warm days 🙂
Happy Friday you all!!
I have a three hour computer class today.
I’m pretty good with computers, but it’s just one of those classes that you have to take. Last class the teacher spent an hour showing us how to make a new folder in your documents haha.
Most of the people in that class are new to computers and they are still learning, so they are very slow. The teacher paired us up so we could help one another.
This guy has a question about every single thing. He would not leave me alone last class lol.
I understand him being new and it takes time to get comfy with computers but by the time I left class I was exhausted lol.
And he was asking how to do other things like add a class, so I was telling him and the teacher goes, “Josh are you paying attention to me!?” LOL haha
But I’m happy to help.
lol…funny Josh. You made me laugh at what you said about it taking an hour to learn how to make a new folder, but when you’re new to the computer it can be tough. It took me a few months to learn when I first got my computer back in ’99. Glad you knew already what to do and it’s always nice to help others out not knowing your way around in cyber space. It can be a bit confusing if you don’t know what you are doing…
The snow has turned to ice & with tomorrow being Saturday, I doubt if I’ll leave the house. Thank goodness we’re all stocked up here at Chateau de Tiffie! HAHA! How is it where you’re at? Stay safe (& stay warm, if it’s anything like it is here).
It was fine here until the other day when I woke up to snow! I can see the roads from the window at the stop of the house and they didn’t look clear so I just stayed in and walked to class lol It’s only three blocks away.
It snowed last night and now everything is covered!
I’m not sure if it’s all ice covered of what but you could hear it hitting the windows and such.
I hope I’m not stranded inside all weekend lol.
It’s funny you mentioned hearing the ice hit the windows because, right after I made that post, I could hear it hitting my windows. Everything here is covered in a big blanket of snow but the roads are still okay. I stayed home all day & went in to hibernation. Tomorrow, I’m definately getting out of the house because another day like this & I’m going to go stir-crazy! 🙂 I can’t believe you walked three blocks in this. Then again, years & years ago, my friends & I would bar hop in weather way worse HAHAHAHAHA AWE HAHAHAHAHA! 🙂
Glad you were prepared for your weather Tiffie. People here wait til the last minute to stock up in snow storms and they end up wiping us out and people are none to happy and Josh it’s a good thing you live close by school to be out in it. I guess it’s safer to walk in it than to drive. No snow or ice here. It’s actually warm here and a front moved in today bringing tornado warnings and fog after the sun went down. It’s hard to drive it that foggy mess. My sister told me to drive with my hazards on but I just went under the speed limit and stayed focused on the tail light in front of me and kept my distance. We just got home safe and sound. Suppose to be thunderstorms all the way til Tuesday. I hope it’s nothing like it was today…
Stay safe and warm guys and try not to get out in it if you don’t have too 😀
Hello, hello! How are my blog buddies?
It’s so windy, here! If I wore a wig, it would’ve flown off hours ago! I’m sure with the windchill, it would be carring one powerful punch, too! LOL!
I just wanted to see how you were doing. Keep in touch, pals. 🙂
Hey Tiffie. How are you? It’s windy here also. Yesterday was horrible. At work on my lunch I went to my car and going back in the store was a struggle because the wind was so gusty. Still a little breezy but nothing like yesterday thank goodness. It’s suppose to warm up over the weekend and get cold again mid week next week. It’s not cold for me unless it’s in the 30’s. I work in a cooler at work and the temp stays around 40, so the 40’s outside isn’t so bad…
Take care Tiffie and have a great weekend 😀
☆•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ To All Jenny’s Blog Buddies ☆¸.•*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
☆ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸A BIG New Years (((HUG)))¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ☆
★.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ To spread Love & Happiness ☆.•°*”˜˜”*°•.★
☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.☆ Have a wonderful New Year!!☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.
Happy New Year, everyone! I was so excited to wake up to snow, this morning. This year is starting out great, all ready 😀
so sorry i have been awall for a few months been busy around here.
Just want to make sur I wish you Jenny and all the other lovely friends I made her a wonderfull healthy and happy safe new year!!!! Hugs to all, what will everyone be doing this new years eve? me and hubby will celebrate 28 years wedded Jan 1st (the day we met exactly jan 1 1983
Glad to see you Lesli. We’ve missed you. I know how it is when you get busy and don’t have time for much fun. Stick around. We like your company 🙂
I hope you have a Happy New Year and Happy 28th Anniversary to you as well…
Take care and have a great weekend…
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas &/or חנוכה שמח Rhonda, I was at a party & a white elephant exchange was held. It was pretty neat. I ended up with a couple sprinklers for the yard (not by choice, HAHA!) & my Mother received two holiday coffee cups. They were brand new & we had the chance to use them 🙂 So, one gift out of two isn’t bad. We think the game was rigged b/c the lady that decided to have it drew the first number out of the cup (to go first, surprise surprise) & said that once everyone had taken a turn, the person that started the game got to go one more time after everyone had played. A couple women made some comments about how she was sort of making up rules as the game went along & so the lady never took a second turn. She was upset with the video game remote controllers she got HAHA! Oh well 🙂 It’s all in the name of the game.
Jenny, I had posted a comment under the picture of Kathy’s cookies but it never showed up. I didn’t know if I did something wrong? I’m just checking 🙂
Sorry, Tiffie, but nothing showed up from you. Can you submit it again?
Tiffie, the game is a lot of fun. It can be played with different rules and it seems we might have to make new rules next year. Players 12-15 wanted 2 main gifts and towards the end of the game those 2 gifts did nothing but circle and it didn’t end until a couple of them gave up. Which we played it different. Usually the gifts are separated boy/girl. This year we had one big game and the rule is if you have a gift taken you can only open a new gift and not take from anyone. Well those last few players didn’t follow that rule and was taking gifts from each other, but it was still fun. I pick a pocket knife which was a guy gift and my nephew ended up taking that from me so I got a chance to open another gift which was a coffee mug 🙂
I just got on this site after reading Jenny’s Book. Would you happen to know how long it takes for Jenny to answer when you go to just ask me anything ?I ask a guestion about a week ago and have never gotten a answer. Maybe I’m not looking in the right place . I had to get my email I thought I would get the answer there but nothing yet.Have you or anyone else in this room ever ask her something and got a answer? Thanks, Charlotte
Charlotte, your question never came through. You can ask it here if you like.
Hi Jenny, While promoting your book ,on your show,you made a comment some big star propostioned you while you was on a USO show with Bob Hope. You said we would have to read your book to see who it was. I finished the book a month ago and you never mention your tour with the USO. I just wondering who the big star was. Thanks Charlotte
Charlotte, I never toured with the USO nor worked with Bob Hope and I don’t recall being propositioned by a big star. I’m sorry but I wonder if you may be thinking of someone else. In any case, I’m sorry that I don’t have an answer.
Thanks Jenny, Maybe it was someone on your show promoting a book and I thought you was talking about your book. Anyway I loved your show and wish you would have another one.I didn’t realize until reading your book how many different talents you have . God bless you Charlotte
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I wanted to make sure to tell everyone; Merry Christmas & חנוכה שמח
Please be careful, have fun, & enjoy this wonderful time of year.
Ditto Tiffie, I hope you have a safe and jolly good time as well…
Merry Christmas to everyone. Take care…
Happy Holidays to you all!!
I hope you both, and whoever may be reading this has a wonderful day today.
How did your white elephant go Rhonda?
Thanks for asking about our game, Josh. It was okay. I ended up getting another Quesadilla maker. I like getting the Quesadilla maker because so many people want it, so I took a chance and got it again. We had 15 people and 5 people wanted it. My Mom picked it first but my sister took it from her and she even told my mom “I feel bad taking it” but then someone came up behind her and said “you won’t be feeling bad when I take it from you”. It was just hilarious. Maybe I’ll keep getting the Quesadilla maker until I know only one person wants my gift, then I might consider the pizza-pizazz. Heck Josh, I like the pizza-pizazz. I might have to get myself one of those. Those look pretty awesome…
I hope your Christmas day was a good one as well, Josh…
Take care and have a great week…
It sounds like you had a lot of fun at your white elephant party!
I guess this way you have a good idea what you can get your mom for her birthday, that is if it wasn’t before Christmas lol.
The Pizza-pizzaz is really good, I’ve only used it with frozen pizzas but it makes them perfectly, which can be hard to do sometimes in the oven.
I think it’s because it cooks from the top and bottom.
Glad you guys had some fun. I also enjoyed my Holiday 🙂
I hope everyone is doing well! Its getting cold here, but it’s only snowed twice and both times it was gone by the next day. I’m not complaining though 🙂 I do hope it snows by Christmas, as it helps to set the tone and makes the holidays seem as they should be!
My classes are over the 16th! I’m going to be so happy to get a break and have time to paint again, as I haven’t been able to with all my homework and studying.
I’m all registered for next semester. I’m taking another speech class, because I know it will help in the long run. Luckily this one wont be making speeches, it’s more about conversation which should be fun and easy lol.
I’m also taking a psychology class which I am excited about.
For my English class I just wrote a 12 page research paper which made me so tired! They press upon you the importance of not plagiarizing and how easy it is to do without even knowing it. You have to cite every single source you use and everything you say that is not a new thought. What a drag haha.
I’m doing good and I hope you all are too! I finally put up my Christmas tress.
One big on, one table top and one mini!
I’m so happy you have one semester down & ready to take on the next, Josh! You should get out & have some fun. You deserve it, after all your hard work! On your last day of school, I’ll be seeing Sandra Bernhard, in concert. I can’t wait!
I haven’t bought anyone a gift yet. I’m ready to do some serious retail damage, though! Time is flying by so, the next time I walk in a store, things are going to get serious HAHA I’m going to spend, spend, spend~! My Mom gets so aggravated when we shop together. She’s constantly telling me, “Stop shopping for yourself!” I hate to admit it but, I’ve already bought myself a Coach purse, two pairs of lounge pants (I wore a pair the day after Thanksgiving b/c I felt like such porkasaurus), & a big container shaped like a gingerbread man to put cookies in. I really should think of others & give out all the things I’ve already bought, as gifts. Talk about a Christmas miracle HA!!!!! HA!!!!! HA!!!!!
Haha I’m the same way! I’ve already bought myself a few things while shopping for the others on my list!
I do plan on having a little fun once school is out. It will be so nice not to have to give speeches anymore, that gets old really fast 🙂
I love Sandra Bernhard! That’s great that you get to see her!
Glad you can get a break, Josh. I know you don’t like those speech classes and it’s good you’re keeping the class and don’t have to speak in the next class you take. I think the hardest of speech class is passed you. Keep up the good work, Josh 😉
Oh and about the sandwich maker. I’ve never made anything but sandwiches. I will have to figure out the pies because that’s a great idea. I haven’t had the maker long so if you have any more ideas shoot’em my way 🙂
And I’ve given a Quesadilla maker as a gift before. We play a game for adults at Christmas time called white elephant and it’s where you only buy one boy/girl gift and draw a number and the first person can take a gift from under the tree or take someone’s gift and my Quesadilla maker got picked and taken from everybody. The last person got the Quesadillas. They loved it 🙂
I need to think of another good gift like that one. Any ideas?
That sounds like a fun game.
How about a pizza-pizazz I think they are called.
They are a little expensive in stores but I’ve found them online for cheaper prices.
They make pizzas perfect. I even make garlic bread on them sometimes.
I’ve even baked cookies on it haha.
Thanks Josh for the idea. I thought about getting another Quesadilla maker since everyone wanted my gift but I’m scared they will be bored of it. We all love pizza. I’ll have to checkout the pizza-pizazz. The game we play is fun and I like to get a gift everybody wants. It makes it that much more fun. I thought they were gonna fight over the Quesadilla maker the year before last. Last year I bought a air popper that makes popcorn but 2 other people thought of the same idea, so we had 3 of them as gifts, so the game last year was kinda blah and not exciting…
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•°*”˜˜”*°• From my house to your house •°*”˜˜”*°•
•°*”˜˜”*°•Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!•°*”˜˜”*°•
Hey ladies!
I hope you are all doing well. I’m pretty good, keeping busy lol. I just bought a lap top so now wherever i go I can be connected.
Jenny goes to a pharmacy and buys a new wardrobe, I’ll know! lol
Hey is it too early to put the tree up?
Hey Josh, I wouldn’t think it’s too early to put up a tree. We were going to put our tree up this weekend since I’m off but I told my mom we will do it on my days off the following week. We will get things out and ready this weekend, plus I’ve got to see if we need anything new for the tree. I like buying a new ornament for the tree each year. I started doing that after my dad passed. I try to find one that’s for him. It helps me deal with him not being here during the holidays…
Take care Josh and try not to work too hard 🙂
Oh Rhonda that is a great idea! I think I will do that for my cousin who passed. I hadn’t thought of it, but it would be a good way to keep loved ones close during the holiday.
I’m glad to hear you got a laptap, Josh. You can connect anytime, anywhere 🙂 I love mine~! It’s nice to go portable, huh?
I’ve been pretty low key for the last two weeks. Can you believe less than a week until Thanksgiving?! I’m still wondering where Easter & Passover went. I think Christmas trees should be put out after Thanksgiving. I like to take each holiday as it comes by. It’s officially Christmas time for me when, I see Santa at the end of The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. We always keep the television on as we do our annual “food-a-thon” (HA!) preperations & someone is always in the room to be able to yell “HURRY! He’s almost here!” We watch him go by & then we’re back to whatever we were doing. I’m guessing that is sort of an unspoken tradition because everyone seems to know the drill. HAHA 🙂 At our house, we display Christmas trees & menorahs (for family heritage sake) & I truly enjoy decorating this place (AFTER) I’ve forked down fifteen pounds of turkey, two serving bowls of sweet potatoes (WITHOUT marshmallows), nine to ten pecan pies, & anything else I can get my paws on 🙂
Rhonda; when my (one certain) Great Grandmother passed away three years ago, my Mother gifted my Grandmother an ornament for her Christmas tree. It held a little poem that made it comforting on the loss of my Great Grandmother. My Mother has always held tradition by getting all of her nieces & nephews, my Grandmother, & myself a new ornament for our own trees. Each one is dfferent & unique in its own special way. I think it’s so nice that you have found a way to start a tradition close to the one we have. The holidays are so wonderful & yet, they can be cold at times without the love & support, memories, & love from family & friends. I’m glad that you have found a way of comfort. You’re doing a great thing & I’m sure he’s happy you’re finding ways to keep these times enjoyable.
Hey Tiffie. Been a bit busy and haven’t posted in a couple days. I like the ornament idea. I’ve even thought to do that with my nieces and nephews. They get plenty of toys and this could be something new to them and something they can collect through the years and maybe they will start doing the same tradition. I wait until last minute for shopping sometimes because work is so busy and sometimes it takes the fun out of shopping when I have to be rushed. I hate being late and rushing I try to avoid, so just giving ornaments out for Christmas would make things a lot easier for me, plus I love going to Hallmark and looking at all the different ones they have. I think my dad’s first ornament I got for the tree the year he passed is a Hallmark ornament, but it’s fun to add new things to the tree. Plus keeping my dad in memory is what he wanted from us. He told us all he ask for is for us to keep him in our hearts and don’t forget him, so this helps me feel like I’m doing just that with the ornament each year…
Take care, Tiffie…
Hello! I haven’t been around here in a bit. I was on a week vacation with my cousin from (last) Monday to Saturday. It was very nice. I went that entire time with no internet, unplanned, and completely by choice. After the first day, I said “That wasn’t so difficult!” It was so nice to be able to shut off the electronics and have fun. I did have my cellphone on me but, I limited my calls & told everyone in advance that I would get back to them on Sunday/Monday (today). How has everyone been? Can you believe Christmas music has ALREADY been playing on the radio?! AAAAAHHHHH~!!!!! 🙂
Hey Tiffie, glad you had a fun time. Vacations are nice when you can get away from everything and just relax and yeah the holiday season is here and I just enjoy hearing Christmas songs from the radio in my car. Reminds me when I was a kid riding with my parents and siblings in the car on Christmas Eve looking at all the decorations in the neighborhood 🙂
You take care as well…
I love it when you get those feelings/memories of when you were a kid. My Mom & I were talking the other day & I said, “Can you believe that was 20 years ago?” Then, I got a wave of memories from around that time. It was so wonderful & such a rush! 🙂
I was a little alarmed that, as I drove through town & the kids were trick or treating was when I heard my first Christmas song of the year. That’s a little TOO early. I say, let the turkey have its worst day of the year & then bring on Christmas & Hanukkah. 🙂
Hi Jenny and gang, I know i been missing in action for months now, I had comp issues and finally got my laptop fixxed (so happy that Im even doing the snoopy happy dance) he he. I adore you all and send out group huggie!!!
(Ps…heres my little corner of the vlogging world) http://www.youtube.com/chasingmoonlite
Hey girls
I’m glad you both had such a great time with your friends. I hadn’t seen one of my friends for 10 years and it was just like old times, like no time had passed at all.
I hope you both have a nice Halloween, if nothing else just eat some candy 🙂
That’s what I’m going to do as I eat a couple cheese pockets 😉
I had one of those years ago. Have you tried making little pies in it Rhonda?
I also have a quesadilla maker, but it’s silly if you ask me, not to mention that sometimes I can’t get it to open after I’ve put my tortilla and cheese in.
I make mine on the stove in a skillet. I lightly butter one side of each tortilla fry it put my cheese on and the top one, flip it and then cut it. it’s pretty simple but it’s good.
Hope everything is going well for you both, I will try to come around sooner next time. I’ve just been so busy lately.
Thanks Josh and Halloween was good. Hope you had a great Halloween as well 😀
I was off work so I carved a pumpkin and handed out candy. We had tons of trick or treaters for about an hour and I still have candy left. If it were a weekend I probably would have more come by so next year I’ll know to get less candy. I handed out fun size candy bars and tootsie pops was for the younger kids. My sisters were here today spending the day with me and my mom and I told them to take the candy, but I still have some left, so now the candy will be here for when my nieces spend the weekend, because I don’t eat a lot of candy. I do at Halloween time, but I think I’ve had enough. My weakness for sweets are cookies, cakes and pies and I’m sure I’ll have plenty of that from holiday cooking 🙂
Well I missed out on being promoted. My department manger stepped down and I knew he would, so we on going on a 3rd department manger in 2 years. It makes me wonder if I would really want that position now. They can’t keep people in there and looking in doesn’t seem that hard to do. Which I’ve been working in the same department for almost 12 years and it comes easy for me to do the work, but we’ll see if this one last. I hate to be negative but I can bet they wont last…
Rhonda sweetie Hi Hon, I am so sorry you didnt get that promo, They just dont know what their missing. Hugs, Lesli
Hey Lesli, glad to see you back 🙂
It’s just not meant for me to be there yet. I’m actually comfortable right where I am. Part of wanting this position is making more money but the biggest reason is wanting just a better schedule…
Take care…
I hope everyone had a great weekend! On Friday, I spent the evening with my two young cousins. I use to spend a lot of time with those girls until, life just had to creep on in and do its thing. We had a really good time. I took them to a restaurant that they had never been to before and, they LOVED it! I was so happy they enjoyed themselves. Saturday, well; I canceled my invitation to a party. I was just not in the mood for hanging with “the gals”. It’s rare; yet, it happens. Today was WONDERFUL, though! I went to lunch with my mother and my best friend. My best friend is the closest thing I have to a sister. We went the longest without seeing her than ever before. You can just imagine how much more special it made today. We talk almost everyday on the phone but, seeing one another in person is incomparable. Not to mention; I had my nails done today! That was an extra bonus! 🙂
Aw Tiffie, the friend that just came for of visit is my best friend and I haven’t seen her in 4 years so I know what it’s like to catch up on lost time, She also seems like a sister to me as well. That’s how close we are. It’s nice to see someone you haven’t seen in a while, so I’m glad you spent time with her and it’s always great to spend time with your Mom and/or Dad…
We are having a girls day next Tuesday. We’re doing lunch and then a movie. My oldest sister said we should go see Footloose. I remember seeing the old Footloose and my niece saw the new one this weekend and she liked it…
Jenny, your Roasted Tomato soup turned out so yummy. I also made grill cheese pockets to go along with the soup. What’s tomato soup without the grill cheese?…
I noticed more men eating it than women and I thought “Yeah, they just don’t know how healthy that soup is, especially for men.”…
My dad’s brother and his son-in-law indulged themselves and actually told me they loved it 🙂
What’s a “cheese pocket”, Rhonda?
I have a Sandwichera sandwich maker and the sandwiches come out tucked around the edges that forms a small pocket, so I call them pockets. Makes good sandwiches but you have to stay on top of it or it will get too hot from being in there too long and you then have a mess to clean up and cheese is no fun to clean from this maker because it gets everywhere if you aren’t careful. I’ve learned its best to clean it when it’s hot…
Here’s a link to give you an idea of what it looks like, Tiffie…
Hey Evervyone,
This is for all the music fans the die hard Beatles fans espically. Get on your computer and punch in ‘a toot and a snore in 74’ . A real piece of history if you asked me. See ya.
I would say fall is here. The weather is so nice where I am. It kinda gets nippy at night but not cold enough yet to use the heat. I had to use my heat in my car last night after getting off work because I didn’t take a jacket with me. We also have the county fair coming in a couple weeks. I went last year but not sure if I’ll have the time off to go this year AND if you’ve been in a Walmart recently they have Halloween AND Christmas items already in stores. I love this time of year 🙂
I love this time of year, too. I love all the colours outside and how it’ll change progressively, my birthday coming up (okay, not so much the age thing but I’m all about the gifts, HA!), and enjoying all the soups and comfort food. A lady asked if I was already buying gifts for people and I said, “Just let me enjoy my birthday cake first and then, I’m on it.” 🙂 I like to enjoy this time because, for me; it goes by SO quickly.
I love the colors of fall also, Tiffie. The leaves haven’t started falling yet but with the weather the way it’s been the past few days it won’t be much longer. Mentioning soups and comfort foods. We are having a soup social at the house the 15th. It’s usually just close family but we’ve invited more this year. It’s almost like a small reunion from my mom and dad’s said. Close aunts, uncles and cousins just hanging out. We usually start burning debris from over the summer from trees and bushes being trimmed and have a sort of bonfire. The kids love it because they can make s’mores. I’m making my beef stew but I’m also wanting to make Jenny’s tomato soup. That just looks so tasty from her book. So I might make both…
Josh, I am SO glad that my story helped you! The expression, “everything happens for a reason” is SO true. I’m glad it gave you that little bit of a push in your confidence. Now that I know it helped, it was worth going through for myself. Public speaking is horrible for so many people. I use to be okay until I was out of the loop for so many years and then once I went back to school, I thought “how did I get like this?!” I got to the point where, giving speeches stopped bothering me. I looked at it as an opportunity to see if the guys I thought were cute, were interested enough to watch me give my speech ROFL~! My only rule was; never look at the guy(s) you like while you’re speaking. It keeps you from going speechless, losing your train of thought, and blushing. If you want them to know they exist, do it while you’re going back to your seat 😀 HAHAHAHAHA~! Leave it to me to turn everything back around to guys~! 😀 HAHAHAHAHA~!
Happy Friday everyone! Although I will read that about Tuesday and feel depressed that it’s over lol 🙂
I made lime bars yesterday, from scratch. They came out great. Although the next time I think I might try adding just a little coconut milk to my lime curd. 😉
I’m off to class, just wanted to wish everyone a good weekend. Talk to you soon!
Yumm!…your lime bars sound as good as Jenny’s lemon bars. I’m glad they turned out and I’m sure they were delicious. I’ve been wanting to make Jenny’s lemon bars but keep forgetting to buy a zester. I might have to make a double batch when I do make the bars. I’ll do half lemon and half lime. Josh, are your lime bars made like Jenny’s lemon bars?…
Glad school is okay. It seems you have moved right along with things with no problem 🙂
Oh and guys my vacation starts tomorrow so if you don’t see me around that’s why. I’ve planned the weekend and my friend from out west will be here tomorrow evening and we will plan the rest of our vacation Monday. Not quiet sure what I’ll be doing next week but the weather’s nice so I’m sure I’ll be out and about enjoying this blackberry weather we are having. It’s so nice and I’m glad 🙂
Take care everyone and have a great week 😀
I’ve been enjoying this weather like crazy, today. I’ve been snuggling up with my oversized white comforter with the pink polkadots all over it. I can’t seem to get my lazy self up for anything. Josh, if you could; ship me a dozen lime bars. ROFL! I’ve never tried them but, they sound really good. I’m sure I would have them all gone by Sunday 😀 I have absolutely nothing planned for this weekend so, I may be seeing a lot more of this big, comfy, blanket.
I hope you have a great weekend, as well. Take a break from school 😀
Hello and Happy Friday again lol.
The lime bars didn’t last long, I ended up making a second batch, but I didn’t try them with the coconut milk but I still plan on trying that sometime.
Rhonda after you mentioned Jenny’s recipe for lemon bars I looked for it, but was unable to find it. They are one of my favorite things and I would like to give her’s a try. It was my own recipe. I just made a simple pie crust and added a stiffer lime curd that I made, so that it wouldn’t go all gooey once it was cut.
This week gone by so quickly, yet I am so tired from it 🙂
My public speaking class started Monday, so now I have three classes Monday and Wednesday.
Last Wednesday we had to interview a classmate, then they interviewed us and then we had to go stand in front of the class as they introduced us and then we had to introduce them, all with things we got from the interview we did.
I went second and as the guy was introducing me my anxiousness started skyrocketing haha I don’t even know what color I was turning, but for a second I was afraid I was either going to faint, throw up, or just die right there.
Once it was my turn I took a deep breath and tried to quickly gather myself.
Tiffie I remembered the story about the pick nick table you told and it kind of gave me the push that I needed. It reminded me that everyone is nervous.
I gave my speech as quickly as possible and sat the **** down!!!
I felt so much better afterwords, but now I am worried about all the others I will have to do. Luckily they are spaced out and I’m sure I will do fine. I have no idea how Jenny could speak to millions day after day with just ease and grace.
I do feel better now though that I have an idea of what it’s about. It’s just so strange to think a few months ago I would have ran from this and now I am trying to embrace it.
Sorry for the long message! I hope you are doing well.
thanks for your support it means a lot to me 🙂
Glad your schooling is moving right along for you and it’s great that your speech went so smooth. I tell my nephew the more you do something that makes you nervous the easier it becomes. So keep at it with those speeches. You can do it Josh 😀
Oh and Jenny’s lemon bars are in her cookbook. Maybe when Jenny has time she can post it for you or better yet buy her cookbook. You seem to enjoy cooking and her recipes are real easy to follow and so delicious 😉
Take care guys and have a great week 🙂
It’s funny I listen to my horoscope and sometimes it’s right on how I feel and today this is what it said…
“Unexpected disputes and challenges in your extended family may seem a little heavy in places, today. Remember the old truism that music soothes the savage beast. Not loud, booming hip-hop music now, the kind of music that THEY like instead.”
I found myself youtubing Adele. Her voice is amazing and I love her songs. She will be in Atlanta at the Fox in October and I wouldn’t mind going to see her sing Live. “Rolling In The Deep” is a bit up beat, so I tried listening to other songs she sings and the way I’m feeling it really is soothing for the soul. It’s totally relaxing. I still haven’t got her CD because I can’t find it in stores. I will have to order it online…
Someone Like You
Well inventory is over, thank god. I’m still feeling it though. Haven’t totally recovered just yet. I was not a happy camper by Saturday. I had the moody blues…lol…but vacation starts this Saturday and I’m so ready to be off for a week. I’m glad I didn’t take vacation this week because I don’t think I would’ve wanted to do much but by the end of the week I’ll be ready to get out in this nice weather we’re having. Temps during the day is in the low to mid 80s and at night in the 50s. Oh so nice to open the front door for some fresh air 🙂
By the way, we had a good inventory. Did better than last year. They expect shrinkage because of thief, so under 200 thousand is what they expect in shrinkage. Last year we shrank out 700 thousand, but this year we had a shrinkage of 350 thousand. It’s still a lot, but that’s what happens when we have dishonest people or should I say shoplifters in our store…
Oh one more thing, the good thing about it all, since we had a better inventory that mean we have a better bonus for the quarter 🙂
It’s good to hear your store did so well. I’m glad you’re looking forward to your vacation. It sounds like you really deserve some time away from there. The weather has been SO nice. I’m glad that the hot weather has passed. My motto is, “no one looks good when they are sweating their tush off!”
Yeah Tiffie, I’m ready for a break. I’m looking forward to being off. Last week was hard. It will take 2 weeks for things to get back to normal, because after we inventory freight comes in like crazy because of on hand stock adjustments. Like Sunday we worked through stock for Friday and Saturday and Sunday’s truck we got well over a half truck load (15 pallets). I thought, I’m glad I’m off the next 2 days because I’d had enough by Sunday. Hopefully this week will tapper off a bit and freight will slow down if things are done right that is…
Tomorrow, we are taking off and spending the long weekend with distant family. We’re heading out of state for our annual family reunion. It should be fun 😀 I’m going to take my laptop but I don’t know how often I’ll be able to get online to chat. Last year, my phone had zero reception because they’re no where near what I like to call “civilization”. Just incase I don’t “hear” from anyone on here; I hope you have a safe and very relaxing extended weekend~! 😀
Tiffie, reunions are nice because you can see relatives you care about but don’t see that often. Enjoy your reunion with family and have a safe trip 😀
Same goes for me if you guys don’t see me posting this month. Remodel is over, but inventory is Thursday and I have to work 6 days this week which mean a day of overtime. Only 2 people from my division (frozen/dairy) could work an extra day. I hope I don’t regret it because that has me working 2 days, the weekend, then off Monday and doing 6 day straight before having another day off, then back to regular schedule for a week, then I go on vacation Sept. 17th. I haven’t seen my friend out on the west coast in almost 4 years. I miss her so much! She’s been busy with school and that’s completed and now she has time to come see me 🙂
And by the way Josh, I hope things are going good with you and school 🙂
Thanks Rhonda It’s going very well and I really like it. I like all of the teachers too. I will say though, that now I see why everyone loves the weekend lol.
I’m glad you finally got the remodel done! Sorry you have to work so much the next few weeks, I’m tired just thinking about it! Try not to let yourself get overwhelmed.
Are you going to the west coast for your vacation!? You know I love the west so much!
Hope you have a good time Tiffie 🙂
You’re welcome Josh, just was wondering how things are with ya and I’m glad things are smooth sailing 🙂
I’m not going to the west coast. She is coming here and we’re doing things around here. She’s been out here more than I’ve been where she lives, so I plan on treating my niece to a trip after she graduates to the west coast to visit my friend out there. My niece has never been on a plane and not to far from home so i think it would be the perfect gift for her graduation present…
Fall is in the air. We had a tropical storm come through from the gulf and it’s suppose to be as low as 58 degrees tonight and it’s kinda chilly out there now…burrr…I hope the temps stay like it is, with no more hot days 😀
Hi Jenny how are you doing? Hope you are doing well. I just wanted to say that I just finished reading your autobiography. It was a REALLY REALLY great read! I was just so amazed by it.
Thanks for saying that. I may have to write the next chapter soon…
It is a really good read Jenny. It really tells what kind of person you are and where you came from. I suggest your book to anyone, so those fans out there who hasn’t read it. I suggest you get a copy before Jenny make the next chapter…lol…I would love for you to make part 2 of your autobiography. I think it would do you some good to vent in chapter 2 like the mishaps you had with Oprah. I’m glad you expressed yourself and didn’t hold back from us here. We’re here for ya, Jenny 😉 🙂 😀
Something unbelievable happened in my neighborhood, right next door. I got home from work and I heard cats fighting outside so I went to see what was up with the cats and I stopped to look out the front window and there were 2 police cars outside so I waited a minute and I stepped out on the porch and there were 3 policemen, guns drawn, at my neighbor front door. Which he’s caught someone breaking into his house before and it seems to be his house is a target because he’s hardly ever there, but I stayed back closer to the door because it scared me. They actually found somebody inside and it was 4 kids ranging from age 8 years old to probably 14. I was expecting to see an adult come walking out with hands raised but to see such young kids come walking out floored me. I was shocked. Parents were called, but one lady showed up. Don’t know if all kids were hers, but those policemen were none to happy…
And Jenny, one officer was so outraged he looked and sounded like Raymond Moses. That’s what I thought about. He was those kids worse nightmare I’m sure…
Rhonda that sounds just awful!
I’m glad that they caught these kids and I hope their parents actually try to do something to correct their lack of respect for everything, and everyone including themselves! I hope you aren’t too scared.
You know, because your neighbors house was broken into the statistics that you’re house will be broken into are greatly, greatly lowered! So I hope you can take some comfort in that.
I liked Raymond Moses, He was really tough but you could tell her also cared a great deal.
Thanks Josh for the statistics. It does help me feel better knowing that 🙂
I feel pretty secure here. I lived here since I was a teen. I wasn’t too scared that someone was in my neighbor’s house. He works for the state penitentiary, so he has his house bugged with all kind of security cameras and alarms. He takes care of his elderly mother and I told my sister his house must be a target because he’s never home…
He’s asked me to keep an eye on things and to call him or his son if I notice something strange and I try to watch his place but I don’t get home from work most nights until 9 or 10pm. It scared me more to see weapons drawn by police. I didn’t know what they were going into and they probably didn’t either. I could tell their adrenaline was racing and to see they were up against kids caused one police officer to go into a outrage. Kinda teaching them right from wrong kinda way…
I liked Raymond Moses also. I could tell he was a caring person as well…
We are FINALLY finished with the Horrible Renters Adventure of 2011! What a thrill it was, too (not!). I’m SO glad to see you getting in school, Josh. Being nervous is normal. Listen, when I went back to school I had an odd first day. I was SO nervous that I walked up to the building, sat at a picnic table with a group of strange girls (much younger than I am), they eventually talked to me and everything was going great. Once everyone started to notice the time, they went in for their classes. I waited for them to all go in the building because that’s when I got in my car and drove home. I was THAT nervous. I laugh AND I think, “how stupid of me!”. It really was a stupid thing to do but hey, sometimes you just have to ease your way in to things. Once I attended the second day, I was fine though. (Moral of story; go to class????? ROFL! :-D) I went every other day too and I loved it that way. It gives you more time to get things done. If I can do it, you can do it 😀
Glad your rental is back in tip top shape, Tiffie. Renters can be horrible and rude. They just don’t care because it’s not theirs. I’ve only lived in 4 places in my lifetime and I have to say my parents made sure things were taken care of and was never left messy. My Dad was a handy man so when things needed fixing he fixed it. We never left a place trashed like I know some people do. Before my Dad passed we had to have the house, me and my Mom live in, put in my name. I took off a month from work to spend time with my Dad and to do such paperwork. I’m glad he decided to buy this house. It’s comfy here and I’ve been living in this house since I was 12 years old. I feel secure here. I like calling it home 🙂
LOL Tiffie, thanks for that story, that sounds like something that I would do! The first time I went to the school to register I parked played with my phone and then drove home.
Classes actually went really well and I feel good about it. Glad the stress of it is slowly fading, although Financial aid has been giving me trouble.
I’m dyslexic and I have it under control most of the time, Well I inverted the second and third social security numbers so they needed to see my card which I had no idea where it was and I wasn’t in my town. So I went to the social security office and got a new one and I gave them the proof so that was OK,
then they said I didn’t sign up for selective services and I told them that I did and they said that, it would probably come in, in a few days.
I kept looking at the website and nothing, so I go to the selective services website and sure enough it said that I was registered so I went to tell them and they said that I could just print that off of the website. I was thinking, “Then why didn’t you tell me that to start with!!” The woman looks like Palin btw lol.
So now it’s all pending, which means I can hopefully get my books tomorrow before classes. Good thing is you don’t really use them the first day.
I’m kind of an introverted person and they have me going to a public speaking class, where I will be making several speeches in front of lots of people. That has me nervous lol Maybe Jenny would have some advice on that one.
I’m glad your awful renters are gone! And thanks for letting me know that I’m not alone in being nervous!
Thank you too Rhonda It’s such a nice though to know that people out there that you’ve never met in real life are rooting for you and cheering you on! It means more than you know 🙂
You’re welcome Josh. Even though I don’t personally know you. I feel like I know you enough to know you are a good person and one who deserves the very best. I do wish you a lot of luck with going to school. I know talking in front of a lot of people isn’t easy for me either, but I see it this way… stay calm and ease your way to do the speeches and the more you do them the more open you will be to others. You can do it. You seem to have that move forward attitude like my nephew does. You are the same age as my nephew and he just went back to school as well. He wants to be an EMT and then eventually work at the fire station and I’m glad to give some support to you and him both. It’s good to know young people still try and do good for themselves instead of throwing their life away. Just hang in there and don’t let anything get in your way to succeed in your life goals…
Classes start tomorrow, still waiting for financial aid to come through which should be next Monday so that’s not too bad, and the woman made all of my classes afternoon and she made it so I have every other day off!
I’m excited and still a little nervous , but it’s all good.
I will still come here as much as always you know we have to get our Jenny fix.
She is always hanging out with wild animals hahah!
welcome back Lesli
Hey Josh, it’s hard for some people to get going with school and a new routine, but I think you’ll do just fine once you get passed the first week or 2 and you know what your classes are going to be. Thank you for keeping us updated on how things are going for you, I like hearing positive things from people like you and it’s good for you to do this for yourself 🙂
And Josh, since Jenny has no show we get our Jenny fix online now huh?…lol…and wild animals is right. Jenny, has a zoo of the wild where she is for sure. I love animals and wild life and it’s great Jenny can share her photos like she does. We have a place here where endangered animals are and it’s like a small zoo. They have some pretty cool animal there. My favorite is the cougar…
Here’s a link for you to checkout. http://www.dausettrails.com/
I go on vacation next month and this might be a place to go and spend the day and take pictures. I enjoy taking pictures myself but not near as good as Jenny’s photos…
For some reason I thought about a song that was from the 80’s that I can’t stop thinking about, The Curly Shuffle, so I youtubed the 3 Stooges and I had to share it with you guys. I know Jenny likes them and I can remember watching them in the morning before school when I was about 5 or 6 years old. I thought Curly was the funniest. Does anyone remember this song? I was a teenager back then and use to sing it all the time…lol…
The Curly Shuffle – Jump ‘N’ The Saddle’s version
Thanks everyone for your well wishes! It does mean a lot, It’s been scary and nerve racking and there is still things to do!! Tomorrow I am going to meet with an adviser and hopefully after that I will be able to chose my classes. They want you to do a 2 1/2 hour orientation (that I’m sure will be very tiring lol)
Luckily I found out today that I can do that online if I wish. I just have to think if that would be best or if actually going in person would be better.
Rhonda I have heard the same thing about the OWN channel. A lot of new channels start out very rocky. I haven’t been watching it, it just doesn’t seem like something that I would really want to watch. It’s like when the hallmark channel started running every show Martha Stewart ever did, It’s good in moderation but too much is overkill.
Tiffy sorry about your drama with your renters. I hate how filthy some people can be. I guess they wont be getting back their damage deposit?
Hope all of you are doing well and look forward to hearing back from you soon.
take care 🙂
Keep up the good work with school and trying to get back into it. I hope everything works out for you. I know you will be busy and it seems you’re busy just trying to get thing underway, but you’ll get there 😉
Speaking of Hallmark. I use to watch that channel every afternoon but like you said too much Martha Stewart caused me to find something else. I really don’t watch much tv anymore. I like watching tvland late night. Everybody Loves Raymond and Rosanne are my favorite shows. Those 2 shows have me rolling. Such funny shows. I also like Hot in Cleveland. Those girls are hilarious. I like shows like Law and Order CI and SVU, Bones and House. I also watch food network, USA, TNT and SciFi…
Hi im back anyone miss me (lesli)
I just wanted to say i
Love roseanne and raymond too 🙂
Hey Lesli, glad to see you back 🙂
I was wondering where you were. I know last time you were here you mentioned computer problems, so I figured that’s why you weren’t around. That happened to me once and it took me a few months to get back online…
I’m so glad to hear you are starting classes, soon! I attended an orientation very similar to what I think you’re talking about. (Not for myself; with a younger family member). If you go in person and it’s anything like the one I had to sit through, be prepared to be “bored out of your gourd”~! It was awful! HAHA! Oh well. I guess they’re helpful (?).
The family of renters that we are STILL cleaning up after has become the WORST family we have experienced! We have several rentals and over years (and years), we have never had one become remotely close to being as bad as this. You’re right when you asked about not returning any deposit. I should take some of that money and send them all to The Housekeeping 101 School for the Lazy and Disrespectful of Others’ Property 😀
I also love Roseanne. I have seen it countless times and never get tired of it. I also love the closer and It’s always sunny in Philadelphia, which is such a rude show but it has me LMAO lol.
People really are disrespectful and there is no excuse for it. A friend of mine lives in a house that has been made into apartments. The font doors are inside of the house, if that gives you an idea.
Well first this really weird old couple moved in and they would “scream talk” and they had a portable fireplace going and it was Summer time haha but that’s not here nor there.
One day when I was there these people were inside yelling for help so we go to their door to see what’s wrong and they yell how they have locked their selves in the apartment. I’m like “turn the **** lock.” I think they were only there for two days..
Then this other couple moved in and they were there for a week before they were evicted and when they were moving out they decided to “throw” the sofa over the stair railing.
I’ve never had much problems with my own neighbors, I feel lucky!
Oprah’s channel-“OWN” isn’t doing too good from what I’ve read. Check it out…
Oprah’s New Channel Struggles to Pull in the Viewers
What a week this has been, so far. I THOUGHT I was going to sit back and relax this past weekend but, no such luck. We made an inspection on a rental house of ours and we had to immediately begin repairs. I can’t begin to tell you how sad, angry, and hurt I was by the way this family had left the place. They moved out (THANK GOODNESS!), before they could be evicted. I’m glad to see them go but I am NOT okay with the trash, grit, and grime they left for OTHER PEOPLE to pick up! By the end of all this; there is going to be a bottle with my name on it! (HAHA I’m kidding…..for now :-D) Tomorrow is my Grandmother’s birthday and we’re going to do something nice for her. It’ll be our day to take a break from doing repairs at the rental, so tomorrow should go great 😀 I hope everyone is having a great week…..
I just hate messy people and it seems you have a mess on your hands. I hope it’s not too bad because I hear stories my sister tells about her rentals. She has a couple of rentals and she works in real estate. I’ve heard it all and I’ve actually helped her clean up after a move out with one rental that she sold because she was fed up with who she rented to. She was tired of dealing with families like what you are dealing with. I’m sorry you have a mess left behind and I hope when you rent it out again those people will be better…
Hope you have a wonderful time with your grandmother on her birthday. Those times are special 😀
Tomorrow is August 1st…..is anyone else wondering where in the world the last seven months went?
I’m wondering where time went too Tiffie. School starts back tomorrow for some kids and it’s like summer break flew them by. It seems proms and graduations were weeks ago. Back to school and plus having the remodeling of the store going on kick my behind this weekend. I’m tired! Glad I can re-coupe the next 2 days. I think I need it…
Yes time seems to be flying by! Tomorrow is Friday and it seems like I was just griping that it was Monday! Hope everything is going well with you two.
How’s the remodel going Rhonda?
I’m going back to school starting in the fall semester. I have to take some kind of test today before I can choose my classes though. I’m really nervous. I know I can do it but I haven’t been to school in a long time. I took some time off and that turned in to years!
I’m hoping I can take basic classes and then transfer to a college that has a more specific program. Wish me luck 🙂
Sue Are there any developments regarding your friend and her son? I’ve been praying for them. Hope everything is going better for them.
That’s great Josh that you are making time to get back into school. Do you have a main study and what are you interests?…
Keep us in tune with how things are going. I think you will do just fine with school. You seem to have the motivation, so stay positive and move forward with it 🙂 …I hope you get the classes you want and I wish you lots of luck 😉
Oh and remodel is blah. Thanks for asking. I hate it. Last weekend, which was back to school weekend, they had my department a mess. It look like a tornado came through. They finally did our floor in my area but I hear we won’t get new cooler units until after the first of the year and I’m thinking they are behind schedule is why, because we have inventory and then the holidays hit us and we don’t need a remodel going on during that time. That would be just awful if we did. I don’t even want to think about that…lol…can you imagine?
” Tomorrow is Friday and it seems like I was just griping that it was Monday! “-I hear ya, Josh! Oh wait, TODAY is Friday! OH YEAH 😀 I’m so glad! I’m going to do as little as possible this weekend. On Monday (I shouldn’t even say that word, today), I have inspections to make on our rental homes. I’m not too thrilled about that but, atleast it’s not done often. Good luck with school, Josh. You’ll have to tell as all about it like Rhonda said. Rhonda, it’s hard to imagine a well kept store during the holidays, let alone one that would be under a remodel HAHA! You’re right; who would want to think of the mess? 😀
I’m off to do very little. Wish me luck 😀 HA!
Hey Tiffie, Good Luck with your inspections. I can just imagine how important that can be for you and your rentals. Enjoy your weekend of not doing much. I hope my weekend is better than the 2 past weekends have been because of remodel…
Oh and I don’t know what’s going on anymore with remodel. Now I’m hearing our cooler units will be placed after inventory…
Man! no break. We are gonna be busy from now until new years…whew!…
Hope I can stand it 🙂
I need some opinions here. Every now and then there’s a cat roaming around and I was feeding him until he started fighting with my cats and I don’t need a vet bill because of my cats fighting with him. I feel bad not feeding him but he looks well taken care of and that tells me he has an owner. I think he lives behind us because he’s always jumping the fence in the back. I do leave water in the yard towards the back, because it’s so hot here…
What would you do in this situation?
How bad are they going at it? I know sometimes cats will just fight and then be done with it.
Is it mainly happening when you are feeding them? If so it could be because the food is too close to the other cats. Ours are all indoor cats and they each have their own food bowl, but still sometimes the other two will go over to other ones and push him away. I will feed them and then move his bowl to a different spot and monitor them as they eat lol.
You could try a spray bottle to get the cat to stay away.
Hope this helps a little.
Oh by the way I went to pet smart the other day and almost had a little episode, it’s so incredibly sad to see those little cats all in cages! I of course made my way to each cage and tried to pet them through the bars.
I swear if I had the room and the money I would have a house full of cats!
I do that, too! When I pet one, I have to pet them ALL!! HAHA~! I wouldn’t feel right if I missed one and, when I can’t get to one (or they won’t come to me), I feel a little bad. HAHA! I think, “but you HAVE to love me back!” HAHAHAHA!
I have a great-aunt who is a 110% cat freak! She has all kinds of cat trinkets; everything short of wearing them on her clothes (which will not surprise me when she does because, it’s just a matter of time HAHA~!). I have a running joke with my Mother that, I’m going to carry out my great-aunt’s legacy with her love of all felines. HAHAHAHAHA~!!!!! I’m always saying, “one of these days this house is going to be filled with Garfield and Felix knick knacks!” We laugh now but, I doubt it’ll be so funny when it actually happens HAHA!!
It’s not too bad. I just feel bad feeding him and then having to stop because of his behavior. He jumped one of my cats and when I saw him do that. I had to run him off. After feeding him for a week they kept their distance from each other, but the visiting cat became a bit cocky and territorial. My cats are indoor/outdoor. They don’t go anywhere when outside and stay around the house. He shows up in the morning and at night meowing sometimes in the back yard and to hear him makes me feel worse…
Our Pet Smart keeps their cats behind a glass window separate from each other, so unless we ask to see them they can’t be touch. It’s nice that a store let’s a rescue use space to try and find homes for cats 🙂
I have 3 female cats. Names are Gypsy, Dixie and Cleo. 2 long haired and one short haired. How many cats do you have and what are their names? Oh and by the way, my cats hate a spray bottle. I don’t even have to spray’em. When they see it in my hand they take off running. They don’t like the spray bottle at all…
I have a seven year old, blue Cornish Rex named Mameha. She is tiny, even for a female, and even for a Cornish Rex. She is a total love-bug! She has a pink blanket where she hides all sorts of things. She has “stolen” and stashed books (that are always heavier than herself), socks, dvds, you name; she’ll try (and usually succeeds) taking it. She LOVES LOVES LOVES make-up brushes! I don’t allow the little thief around make-up and have to keep it put up. Thank goodness for caboodles! HAHA! She has three make-up brushes of her own because, once she sinks her teeth in to it/rubs her face in to it, it has officially become hers. HAHA! I never thought I’d see the day where I have to keep my stuff (pretty much) locked up but, that day has come HAHA!!
Sorry, I forgot to ask about your cat. My bad. Nice cat and sneaky one too…lol…She’s just playing head games with you by hiding things…lol…I think it’s funny she takes things and hides them. It’s nice of you to let her keep things or you would always be looking for what you need…
Gypsy is a 8 yrs old tortoiseshell maine coon. My stray, Dixie is 4 yrs old and I thought she was a black and gray tabby, but the vet said she looks more like an Ocicat and if so she’s part wild and they said she is probably with some money and my youngest, Cleo is 2 years old and she looks a lot like a gray and white rag doll and oh so soft. I’ll have to check with the vet to make sure. I could be wrong. Normally I ask the vet but I forgot when I took her for shots last year. Shots are coming up due soon…
I wouldn’t put any food out if that’s the reason why he shows up. He was eating somewhere else before so, I’m sure he’s ok. It’s nice that you keep water around, though. I have one cat that stays inside and NEVER goes out. There are two thom-cats that have gotten through the gate and love to admire her as she “flirts” from the window HAHA~! They show up at different times (THANK GOODNESS!), because; I would HATE to hear that mess.
I hope he leaves your cats alone 🙁
I think that’s why he shows up is to eat because it was cool last night so I opened the door to get that night air and he comes in and straight to my cats eating place. I had to run him out. I hesitated for a minute but I went ahead and ran him out. He does look healthy and not feral. If he seemed feral I would probably go ahead and feed him and then run him off…lol…, but since he looks healthy I’m sure he has someone taking care of him. I do leave water for him because it helps me feel better knowing he at least has water to drink…
I didn’t like cats for the longest but they are my favorite pet now. I grew up having dogs as pets and about 8 years ago I decided to try having cats for pets and they are easier to take care of because they are somewhat independent…
Hello gals and pals,
I hope everyone has a great week~! I was ready for this weekend to come around, last Monday. Now, it’s OVER! AH! lol!
Today, I attended a family reunion and it was very nice outside until lightning and (extreme!), rain took over. You have never seen a redhead run inside as fast in your life! HA! 😀 One of the most stunning things happened, though. Once everyone had gathered inside, one of my Mother’s cousins asked for everyone to collect in to a living room. He showed us a dvd that has (old) family movies on it. I got to see my Mother when she was three years old at a bithday party! (I get teary eyed just typing that!) It was one of the biggest surprise-Blessings I have ever been given. On the dvd were great-aunts and great-uncles, my Mother’s two sisters, and even my Grandmother (a double Blessing to see!). My Grandmother was much younger than I am now and I was almost froozen where I stood. We were given a copy and all I could think was, “…..wow!” I had no clue that any of this footage existed! Talk about being COMPLETELY schocked. 😀
I watched it with my Mother to my right and my Grandmother within a foot from me and I got teary eyed (thank God for waterproof mascara!)., To see them from the ages they were then from now, was amazing. I don’t do this with pictures (HA! Could you imagine? I would be a blubbering idiot :)), and I wondered why I got a little emotional today, though. I think it was because in the film they were interacting and showed full expression to the camera. It was truly as if someone gave me an opportunity to go inside a photo for just a little length of time and be a part of everything that was going on. To say I feel fortunate is an understatement. 🙂
Aw Tiffie you kinda got in touch with family and how it was before. Family reunions bring back memories for the ones who are there at the gathering and does that to people. It seems you have a good relationship with your mom and to see her in those home movies at a young age triggered your emotions and was quiet emotional for you I’m sure. All in all it sounds like you had an enjoyable time with family 🙂
We had a family reunion in March it was at a park but it turned out cold and rainy, so we didn’t make a full day of visiting with each other. They are suppose to be making it for another day but haven’t yet. I’m glad someone had it planned for you to watch home movies because of the rain. That was smart of whoever thought to do that and such a surprise for you 😉 😀
that sounds great Tiffie! I’m so happy you got to see those videos and you got a copy too! Not long ago I saw a device that allows you to transfer tapes to dvd, and they said that a lot of tapes can deteriorate and or be ruined completely over the years, which is a scary thought! Glad you had a nice time and that you didn’t let the rain ruin your fun 🙂
I had to go to the store before the rain came and I made it back just in time. It’s pouring rain but no thunderstorms and high winds. Just a calm rain storm which we need, but since it’s raining, I was bored so Jenny I broke out your cookbook and I’m making your blueberry muffins. They are in the oven now. Can’t wait to try them 🙂
I wanted to make your lemon bars but I don’t have a zester. That is on my list to pick up when I go shopping again…
Yum!…your blueberry muffins are really good and so moist. All your cakes and muffins are so soft and delicious I’m sure. I already had 2 muffins. I’m hooked…lol…I will have to put them in the closet and lock the door and wait to have one for breakfast if not I will have a 3rd before bed and that’s just too much in one day…lol…
Oh and Jenny the best part about the muffin is how the blueberries just melt into the muffin. Your recipes are addictive, seriously. I love it! 🙂 😉
Happy Birthday, Marty. I thought of you when I ate the last slice of strawberry cake! 🙂
Happy Birthday, Marty~! 😀 I hope you had a GREAT day 😀
Jenny, you have me googling and youtubing squirrels and the things I’m coming across are so funny. I had to share this…lol…
And Jenny, it reminds me of the small zoo your yard attracts, so if you ever own a Jeep Liberty drive it with the sunroof closed. You have to see this guys 😆
Squirrel Wolf Bird Jeep Liberty commercial Pouring In
Is it me, or is the Monday following a four day work week a little worse than an average Monday that leads in to a full five day week? This time last week, we had another free night and a complete day to ourselves…..:( why can’t we have three day weekends every weekend?
I think we should petition this! 😀
Ok, well I’m off to bed. Being a total bum all weekend has me tired. LOL!
I think a lot of people wish for longer weekends. I put off going to the bank today because I wanted to sleep in and it’s just too hot to get out in the heat, so I was a total bum today. I put off house cleaning which it’s just me and my Mom so the house doesn’t get too messy. We pick up after ourselves, but tomorrow I will have to get back on schedule because it’s back to work Wednesday…
I COMPLETELY understand about being a bum. I (yet again!), “bummed it”-as they say 🙂 Tomorrow, I’ve planned on seeing my cousins at their county fair. They’re showing rabbits, (how does one show a rabbit?! HA!!). I don’t do fairs, however; I’ll go to support them and then, “high tail it outta there”!! 😀 Who knows, maybe I’ll cave and get a giant jug of tea to wash down the enormous elephant ear I keep hearing about…..ya, right!!!!! No, thank you. I just hope it’s not hot (here’s hoping!), because I can just imagine the SMELL! 🙁 Why do I sign up for these things? HAHA! Oh well, it’s for them 🙂 That’s what matters. 🙂
If I see another farm animal….. I WILL PASS OUT~! 🙂 (this smile should be more of a mild grin) HAHA!
LOL…too many animals in one day is too much. I agree. We went the the zoo a month ago and I felt the same way, Tiffie 🙂
Tiffie are you sure you just aren’t worried about messing up your hair and nails :p
Yes Fairs can tend to be smelly!!
I haven’t been in years but I do like the lemon shake-ups!
It’s so odd how now days people deep fry everything and people will stand in such huge lines to buy it. I saw a photo a while back of a bacon double cheese burger and the bun was two krispy kreme donuts haha that just seems like over kill to me.
Have any of you heard of Josh Ritter? I was doing a search and it came up for some reason I like his music.
Hope you both are doing well 🙂
Josh, I didn’t know of Josh Ritter until you posted about him. I’ve been listening to his music and he’s pretty good. My favorite is “Real Long Distance” the other’s I’ve heard are soothing for the soul. It’s actually relaxing to hear him sing the softer tunes. It’s kinda cool you came across he’s music from out of the blue. I can see why you like his music. It kinda grows on you…
Thanks for sharing your findings of Josh Ritter and Josh I’m doing good. I hope things are good with you as well 🙂
Josh and Rhonda, I’m doing good 🙂 I’m just thankful I haven’t been deep-fried! LOL! I went BACK to the fair tonight, (I torture mysefl, right?! HA!) and, we had a good time. My cousins are showing all sorts of animals. I didn’t get to see them in competition; just their pretty ribbons. Josh, I think you nailed my personality on the head. I don’t DO smelly, dirty, grit nor grime. 🙂 I like my hair to stay in place and my nails to remain ON my hands. (Breaking a nail would nearly bring me to tears; HAHA!!!!! Ok, I’m not THAT bad 😀 ) The weather was PERFECT! When we went through a cow barn (hell almost frooze over; NO HAHA!), I could’ve fainted if it weren’t for what was on the floor…..ok, I’ve said enough. Use your imagination because it won’t take long 😀 HAHAHAHAHA 😀 Ewwwww, ICK!! How are you two doing?
I’m off to a nice CLEAN, goat/cow/chicken/sheep/horse/donkey-free bed 🙂
I’ve been seeing a lot of people keep the memory of Caylee Anthony alive by keeping her imagine alive and this just touched my heart when I came across it 🙁
Rascal Flatts’ Gary LeVox pens song for Caylee Anthony
That is very touching. It’s so awful. I watched the news a lot when it first came out three years ago? But I didn’t watch much of the trial. In fact I was shocked when I heard Dr. G, (Who I love) did the autopsy and took the stand.
I, along with a lot of people think the system failed this little girl, but hopefully everyone who Casey lied about and slandered will sue her, and even though she is going to be “set free” I highly doubt she will ever have a good, carefree life.
Things even themselves out. O.J. is in prison after all and hopefully she will be as well someday.
I hope out of this whole thing people take from it and will begin to speak out when they suspect child abuse, sadly Caylee is just one face of the many, many. children.
It’s so heartbreaking.
It is a sad case and I’ve been following it since before the trail. She is the most hated person right now. She might be set free soon but her life will never be the same. I saw on the news where they had her hearing and jurors were talking saying they weren’t enough evidence. I believe they were enough evidence to convict her…
It’s a shame the system failed this little girl 🙁
I love this fountain. Wouldn’t mind seeing it someday…
Happy 4th of July guys. Stay safe…
The Bellagio Fountains – Las Vegas – God Bless the USA
They really are beautiful. I hope you get to see them in person, some day. I LOVE to travel. If only I could pack along my own bed, I’d almost never be home HAHA! Yesterday, before my Mother and I left her vacation home at Lake Erie, I tried to make reason why I needed to come back home. The only reason I had was my hair appointment that I had today at one in the afternoon HAHAHAHAHA! I’m glad I kept my appointment 🙂 Who doesn’t like to be pampered?! I know I DO 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Now, I’m ready to go back to the lake HAHAHAHAHA~!
I like too travel too, so I’m sure I will go to Vegas some day to see The Bellagio Fountains. I’ve seen Chicago’s Buckingham Fountain and it’s really nice at night when the lights are on. I even enjoyed seeing The Navy Pier’s fountain and of course the Fountain of Rings here in Atlanta are a site too…
My bed is what I miss most when I travel too 😉
I love the water whether it be the beach of just streams and waterfalls. I’ve also wanted to go see Niagara Falls. I’m a water sign and I found it true what they say about Pisces 🙂
It’s good to pamper yourself and treat yourself. It keeps you in check with yourself. Most the time I do my own manicures and pedicures, but it’s nice to have someone else do it every now and then 😀
If hair & nail salons and day spas shut down, I’d go in to panic mode! I LOVE getting everything done. I go in for what I call “The Works” and I wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂 I’m finicky, though. I only let one person do my hair, a specific length for my nails, etc. I don’t treat anyone beneath me at the salon/spa and I love to tip good because “Team Tiffie” does a fantastic job, (at making me feel good about myself which, is the most important thing). 😀
I would also love to go! I hear that the fireworks there are great and they time it so all of the casinos do their grand finale at the same time.
Hey Tiffie I’m close to lake erie, you should have came to say hi lol :p
Weather has risen again in the south. Not good. High winds, lightening, thunder and a freaking down pour. It’s raining really hard. I got off work at 6:30 and in my neighborhood a tree was down blocking the road. I prayed, “just let me make it home before things get worse”…
I’m sorry to hear about the horrible weather in your area, Rhonda. Please stay safe 🙂 Everything has been good here. I woke this morning to a tiny mist of rain that lasted til a little after noon. Luckily, it didn’t warm up after and get hot. It stayed nice and cool. I had another three day spa getaway with a cousin and a lot of friends. There were fourteen of us that got to have a great time, and on Saturday night we had a wonderful party. The food was great and I REALLY enjoyed the teriyaki chicken mini-sandwiches and a couple chocolate dipped strawberries. I was in my own little piggy heaven! HAHA! Well, it’s back to reality 🙂
I actually tried to do a Jenny move with my camera…lol…I wanted to take a picture of the tree that was down near my house and I got the nerve up to drive around there before it got dark but where the tree was the picture was too dark. I like the calm cool rainy days like you had but here lately our weather has been mostly monster storms and I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of them. They usually let up around September and then we get nicer weather. I love October weather. I enjoy those rainy days then 🙂
Glad you had an enjoyable spa day with friends. Sounds like fun. I love teriyaki chicken and fried rice, but never had teriyaki chicken sandwich. I like lemon pepper chicken among the flavors. Rotisserie chicken with lemon pepper is my favorite. I also favor lemon pepper wing over hot wings, but I’m trying to stay away from fried foods, so I curb the craving of lemon pepper by having the rotisserie and not fried…
I hate weather like that, and side note I’m always afraid I’m going to spell it whether haha. I also try to get photos when it storming but I can’t ever seem to take a picture that does it justice, or I forget where I put my camera.
Glad you had a fun time Tiffie 🙂
My new favorite thing is fried rice, I forget who makes it, but I get this fried rice seasoning and mix it with soy sauce, rice and some veggies and it’s great!
I would eat it every day if I could lol but I guess if I did I would burn out on it real fast.
It’s wild how you guys are talking about fried rice. We went to a gourmet Cantonese restaurant, tonight. It was GREAT! I LOVE this place. It’s extremely healthy and I haven’t met anyone who hasn’t enjoyed going. If only I could place a take-out order (they do not offer it there), to the spa…..I don’t think I would ever leave, HAHA!!!!! After three great days of pampering and the harsh reality of having to come back home, going tonight made it almost worth leaving. 🙂 I guess we can’t have our Wor Su Up and eat it, too…..
I made a phone call and found out that the sandwiches consisted of; teriyaki marinated chicken off the grill, grilled pineapple, and some sort of white cheese on little sandwich buns. YUUUUUM YUUUUUM! HAHAHAHAHA! 🙂
I would stay away from the fried foods, Rhonda. You don’t want that stuff going to your heart. Leave that to all the stuff that actually tastes good 🙂 like the cheese that isn’t 100% good nor 100% bad for you, if you know what I mean (moderation-foods is what I call it). The healthy fats are needed but there’s just no sense in putting your body through all that. Plus, we like chatting with you, we don’t want you falling apart on us 😀
I almost forgot; I love lemon pepper chicken and October. My birthday is in October and you know what that means…..GIFTS 😀 yaaaaay 😀 (plus, the weather is really nice around that time, haha!)
You’re funny Tiffie…lol…Speaking of not falling apart my friend from out West has brought me to taking an interest in yoga. It’s not as easy as it seems, but it feels so good after a workout. I feel refreshed the next day. She said I’m getting up there in age and need to stay fit and plus my horoscope said I would be good at it, so I atleast do something for 10 to 20 minutes a night to keep up with it, so I will get better with it. The more I do the easy it gets it seems 🙂
I only treat myself to lemon pepper wings every now and then, but I haven’t had fried lemon pepper wings in almost a year or so. I’ve learned to get a fresh pack of wings from the store, skin it, lemon pepper them and bake them in the oven and it keeps me from deep frying them which I know is bad for you and that’s why I hold back on eating them the fried way. I will splurge though if I’m on vacation or something but for the most part I don’t eat too bad. I also try to eat as much fruit and veggies. I’ve thought about just not eating any type of meat for a while and getting protein from eggs and beans and such…
Josh, what are some good tasty protein foods that isn’t a meat produce do you get your protein from? I know you have mentioned you stay away from meat produces and was just wondering 🙂
Oh and by the way, I like talking to you guys as well 🙂 😉
Beans are good and quinoa is a perfect protein.
I use morningstar products as well. If I want to make a quick hamburger helper I just use their meat crumbles instead of hamburger and it comes out great. They also make chicken pieces which are good on salads and in stir fries.
There is a lot of meatless options out there, even fish, but even when I ate meat I still wouldn’t eat fish lol, but I’m not the type of person to push my views on anyone else.
Thank you Josh. I didn’t know what quinoa was, so I looked it up. I think I might try it. I like brown rice and oatmeal, so I’m thinking maybe I would like it. It wouldn’t hurt to give it a try…
I got a question that might be a bit silly but is eggs considered a meat product? After I posted yesterday it dawned on me, maybe it was…
I don’t think I would consider eggs meat. I just have never really liked eggs. Vegan’s don’t eat them because they come from an animal.
I have substituted eggs in cakes for applesauce and it’s worked really well. They make a “fake egg” which is a powder you mix with water and sometimes it has worked but other times it has ruined things. I used it in a brownie batter once and the brownies boiled. I had to throw the pan away lol.
My assistant manger was being funny today. She told me I wasn’t allowed to go on vacation anymore. All I could do is laugh…lol…
That just tells me that my work is appreciated. They miss me when I’m not there and they actually tell me that when I go back to work after being out on vacation. It’s not an easy job but I’ve worked for Walmart for 11 years and I’ve gotten use to staying busy. Would rather be busy than slow. I hate those slow days. Makes it feel like the day is longer that what it is. I guess that’s why I don’t mind working the weekend…
Would rather not work the weekend but maybe down the road a department manger spot well come about and catch my interest. I’ve been wanting frozen/dairy for the longest but I have a write up. Back in Feb. I got wrote up for salsa sitting on top of a case of eggs and they consider that cross contamination. What do you all think?…
I don’t think so lol I would have just said, “then don’t eat the salsa”
Do write ups go away after a while or are you just stuck with them?
I don’t think so either, Josh. I mean come on. You put raw eggs with ready to eat foods in your shopping cart and in your frig. I don’t see any difference if they are on top of each other in the cooler. I thought it was a silly write up, but if Kay Chemicals say it’s a no no then I was in the wrong. KC gave us a red because of it and it was my fault. I put it there and didn’t remove it before I left work. I totally forgot it being a pick, meaning it would go to the floor on the shelf. My manager said since it was on paper, I had to be written up and she hated doing it. She even told me that she didn’t want to write me up, but she had to…
I guess I’m kinda venting about work, because I feel like I’m going miss out on getting frozen/dairy again. I missed out on getting frozen/dairy before when my Dad passed and I was out for a month. The person there now is a bit frustrated and mentions stepping down, if not demoted first. He’s just having a hard time and I think it’s because he worked GM side and Grocery is no joke. They say Grocery carries the store in sales most the time and I can believe it…
Write ups keep you from moving up to higher positions. They stay in your file for a year and they drop them after that. So I’m stuck where I am until Feb. of next year. You have to be on you toes, because 3 write ups mean possible termination. I just have the one write up…
Hey guys and gals 🙂
I missed out on the whole Adele conversation; I LOVE her! I was a way for a bit and look what I missed, LOL! I went to The Go-Go’s concert with my Mom on Saturday and we had a BLAST! The B52’s opened for them and we both had SO much FUN! It was well needed after all the pain that’s been in the air over the passing of Patt. I thought of Patt some, while at the concert. I was just thinking of all the happiness that can still be enjoyed and how much I know Patt wanted nothing but laughter, peace, and joy for everyone. I was able to have a good time because I got that feeling you get when you know that everything is a-ok and your not alone on this “big-ole-ball of dirt”. (Isn’t life just full of lessons?)
Josh, thank you for asking how I’m doing 🙂 That was very kind of you! How is everyone? I hope you’re okay, Rhonda. I wasn’t able to have a strong relationship with my Father the way you did. I know your love for him is just as strong as ever and I hope yesterday was as easy on you as possible. 🙂
Aw thank you Tiffie. I know that things are a-ok with my Dad as you do with Patt. I was fine for most the day until later when I got home. I thought about my Dad at work and my emotional side wasn’t there, happy times were. I thought about times we had together as a family and we still manage to stick together. It feels odd without him around but I know he’s looking down upon us, so knowing that make me a-ok too 😉
Hearing Luther’s song on the radio got the best of me, but I think it was meant for me to hear that song to keep those memories of him alive. Jenny said on her blog she didn’t know if it was sadness or joy and I think with me on Father’s Day it was a combination of both, but I’m doing good and I’m glad too see you are as well 🙂
I like the B52’s also, I’m glad you enjoyed your concert with your mom 🙂
I’m so glad you were able to have fun at the concert. I was worried you might be too down to go, or to truly enjoy yourself.
The b52’s where there? Now that must have been great!
I dedicate this song to my Dad. I’ve been thinking of him today and this song just grabs at my heart…
Happy Father’s Day, Dad…
Luther Vandross – Dance With My Father Again
I love this song by Adele. I didn’t know of her until the other day when I heard this song on the radio while driving and it’s grown on me…lol…
I had to share it with you guys. Have any of you heard of her? What do you all think?
She has an awesome voice and I love this song 🙂
Adele-Rolling In The Deep
I’m a huge fan of Adele. She is awesome and I love this song!
I also like adele and I love that video. For some reason the glasses of water speak to me lol don’t ask I don’t know why.
I had heard people talking about her for quite a while so finally I looked her up to see what all the fuss was about.
Have you heard her sing “Make you feel my love?” That is my favorite by her. She has a lot of talent. As soon as she sang the first line, I went to itunes and bought all her albums lol.
Jenny and Josh, I can see why you both like her. She is amazing and I’ve found in her interviews humor and I love that in a person. It’s so funny how she talks about P. Diddy on the golf course…lol…
I find meaning to her songs and me being a Pisces I think it’s a connection we Pisces find in people that has drawn me to her. I didn’t know she existed until I IDed her song. I thought…WOW! what a nice song, so I reached for me phone. Luckily I was stopped and had the chance to find out who sang it and I like her also…
I like the video I posted and I’ve heard the more softer ones and I like them as well. And Josh the glasses of water do have a sort of life to them. I don’t know why it seems that way either. I’m getting her CD next time I’m out and about…
I’m having a lazy day today because I’ve been on vacation and I go back to work tomorrow…ugh! I’m sure I will get back to my work schedule in no time. It’s just the first day back is a little rough but I’ll manage…
Well you will love the album 🙂
Going back to work after vacation is a drag lol. Is your store still in the middle of the remodel or have they not started yet?
They started the remodel 2 weeks ago. Before I went on vacation they were re-doing the floor and our break room. I don’t know where they are with things now. They work fairly quickly and mostly at night but they have things roped off for customers and it makes things congested. The remodel will end sometime in August if not before then…
They call our store the grandfather store because it’s one of the older stores that has been transformed into a super center. I was told we are getting new cooler and freezer units and of course all the shelving for Grocery & GM (general merchandise) side. Customers hate a remodel because they are use to the old way things were. They get lost and so do we…lol… but once use to the new way things are everybody’s happy with the outcome. It takes time to get use to where they move things. Walmart usually does remodel every 2-3 years and this is a major remodel for our store…
I hope it goes quickly and smoothly. I know it’s got to be just as frustrating for the people that work there as it is for the people who shop there.
I do hate walking around and not knowing where anything is, but when walmart does shuffle things around they tend to leave them that way, unlike some store I have gone to, where they move things every other month!
It’s frustrating for us all, but the remodel team doesn’t work the weekend because we are too busy. Customers, and us too, hate for items to be deleted also. They actually deleted my favorite coffee creamer and customers complained to home office so much they brought it back in a smaller size. Regardless what size, it’s better having it instead of not having it at all 🙂
They’ve started painting the walls and they’ve taken self checkouts out because of thief (under ringing items) I think. I hear we are also get new touch screen registers and the store will be closed Monday for 4 hours over night to put in the new registers. It’s actually coming along great. I’m kinda getting excited for the outcome because it’s long over due We had remodels before the 11 years I’ve been with Walmart but nothing like this 🙂
I found out a little bit ago that my friend Patt passed a way this morning. She was one great girlfriend! She was the first person to take me to get my nails done, helped me gain that extra bit of confidence during my early twenties, and had a larger than life laugh. I was able to trust her with questions I wasn’t exactly comfortable asking anyone else; those, “can you help me figure out my direction in life”-type questions. She wasn’t even an entire month younger than my Grandmother yet, I had more fun hanging out with her over the gals my own age. (I’ll miss you until I see you again, Patt) <3
Tiffie, I’m sorry for your loss. You were lucky to have had someone like that in your life. May good memories of her stay with you forever.
I’m sorry for your loss, Tiffie…
I have to say, older people are wiser than people my own age and there are a few that are younger who are wiser. Not many people my own age seem as wise. I guess we trust others rather than our own peers…
Patt seem to have impacted your life. Keep those memories of her with you. It will continue to help you through life…
Tiffie I’m sorry I’m just reading this now.
I understand how awful it is to lose someone so special to you, especially when they were a part of your everyday life. It can feel so hallow at times and you just don’t know what to do next.
It’s alright to allow yourself to feel the sadness, I know this sounds so corny and exactly what people say in “times” such as this, but times does lessen the sadness.
The memories will help get you though. I find that it also helps to continue to speak about the person.
we are all energy and that is still here and around us and continues to go on, even once the body is no longer.
You are in my thoughts and prayers!
Thank you SO much for your very kind words Jenny, Rhonda, and Josh. They really did lift my spirits. I had a couple tough days after the day she passed. I couldn’t get over the fact that I wouldn’t be able to reach her by phone anymore. I replayed many, many happy times her and I shared over and over (and over), in my head and that helped by keeping myself sane. Holding all those precious memories in my heart is something I will treasure forever. Patt was so wonderful and I know she’s in a great place. Thank you again for all your support. 😀
How are you doing with everything Tiffie?
Talking about the Go Go’s concert and mentioning Wilson Phillips had me looking at both group’s music and I have to say Wilson Phillips songs were so uplifting to me. It was my favorite song that they sang. This is my favorite song by Wilson Phillips…
Hold On
I love Wilson Phillips! I use to know every word to their debut album, by heart. I’ll have to find the cassette (lol), and see if I still do. I know every word to every Go-Go’s song because I’m crazy like that 😀 I can’t wait to see them, again. I’m SO glad that they announced that, this is NOT their official ‘farewell’ tour!!!!! They said, they are going to play this summer and continue on. YAY! 😀
If you haven’t seen the movie Bridesmaids; go see it. Not only is it HILARIOUS; there’s a surprise at the end I think you’ll LOVE!
Just wanted to say hello to everyone.
The rain and cold has finally stopped and it’s now in the 90’s and very humid!
Oh can’t there be a happy medium? I’m not really complaining though, besides it does cool off at night so you only need the fans on.
I hope everyone is doing well and having fun.
Yeah Josh, I like the medium temps also. Some days are hotter than others here, because of the humidity changing from day to day. Today the humidity seems better. I actually sat outside mid day today and could breathe, so that means maybe a cooler night after the sun goes down. Once the sunsets behind the trees I like sitting outside until night time which is about 2 hours…
The last time I got to do that I did some pruning on my cherry plum tree. I’ve been reading and researching how to care for them because it needed some attention. I have 2 seedlings growing underneath the tree I just hope the grass guy doesn’t mow over them. I might try and mark them later so he will know to go around them. My next project is my red plum tree. It’s only 3 years old and needs to be in a different location, so I will be tending to that one next…
I actually bought a Mandevilla plant which is a running vine plant. The stars and striped ones caught my eye and these plants attract hummingbirds which I like watching. I want to plant it on one of my mom’s metal rose fans which probably would be the best place for this plant. I linked you to what they look like in case you didn’t know what they were.
Mandevilla Plant
Stars and Stripes Mandevilla Plant
How are you doing with your herbs and have you had time to work in your garden yet?
I’ve been able to do a little in the garden. I planted tomatoes and bell peppers. Inside, I’ve been trying to grow a lemon from a seed that I got from a lemon lol. I’m not sure if it will do anything other than grow leaves but it’s still fun and nice to daydream.
I haven’t heard of Mandevilla but it really is pretty. It kind of reminds me of a hibiscus for some reason. I really like it.
Hello everyone! 😀
I hope everyone is doing great. I had a wonderful week at one of my Mother’s vacation homes. I had a great time and relaxed to the nines. Rhonda and Lesli; I thought about you ladies. I tried the almond milk after all. It was good. I think it tastes like a coffee creamer. It was great when I added it to my coffee and the extra bit of vanilla kicked things up a little. I’m not big in to vanilla like most but I have to say, it was yuuuuummy! You ladies should really try it that way, sometime. Now that I’m back home, it’s time to get back to reality. (Feel bad for me please, LOL! I’m kidding.) I can’t wait for the next couple weeks to come around because, I have tickets to a Go-Go’s concert! AHHHHH I can’t wait!!!!! 😀 I hope this summer turns out to be just as great as it has started!
Hey Tiffie,
Everybody is out enjoying vacations and outings. My vacation is coming up. I usually take a week off right before inventory and plus we have remodel to do before inventory, so our store is busy, busy busy. I take another vacation right before the holidays to rest up for the madness at Christmas time. I have to say work went smoother than prior years, last year. I guess Walmart has figured out the right plan and that’s a good thing 🙂
I love the Go-Go’s. Belinda is my favorite. I also like Wilson Phillip back then also, so enjoy your concert. I hope you have a great time 🙂
Oh and by the way since you said the chocolate almond milk is yummyyy I will have to give it a try and I’m still having coffee but not as much. I have cut back. I’m still having hot teas and now Iced tea to try and cut back even more…
have fun at your concert! The Go Go’s great and Jane is my favorite 🙂
After hearing you all talk so much about this almond milk I just have to give it a try! I can’t have regular dairy so this might come in handy!
I hope the remodel goes by quickly and without problems. I know that sort of thing can be stressful at times.
Hey Josh 🙂
I LOVE Jane! I can never pick a favourite Go-Go. I think they’re all great. Jane and Kathy are hysterical while Gina is just right down awesome! I love Charlotte and Belinda, though. I have to say Jane and Gina intrigue me the most. They were on Good Morning America, this morning. Of course I couldn’t miss it. I hope you get to see them, too! 😀 I’m counting down the days til the concert…..it’s killing me~! 🙂
I must have missed them on GMA! Were they on today? I will try to catch it on youtube. I saw them a year or so back (on TV not in concert) and they all looked great. I would love to see them in person someday.
They were on Friday (yesterday), morning. It’s already on youtube (lucky you :-D). You better hurry if you want to see them. This is their farewell tour and after next weekend (Ohio’s show), they’ll only have eleven dates left. Most of the last shows are in California, Colorado, and Texas. I really hope you get to see them, Josh 🙂 Take care and “rawk hawn”!!!!!
I LOVE the GOGOS!!! you are so lucky have fun at the concert.
Jenny, I had to hop over here and say I appreciate your show being what it was. It helped me understand people better. People are misjudged in this world by our society and your show was merely a reflection of our society and people who didn’t like your show was too scared to see it. I will judge those who do wrong, like Arnold and the Botox mom and not feel bad about it because it’s wrong doing. The type of wrong doing who put respectful people to shame. I don’t like that type of behavior…
I think a lot of people are misjudged for the wrong reasons and your talk show has shown me that within our society. I didn’t get that from other talk shows, I only seen that through your show and I think it’s because of how you hosted to give audience people a chance to speak their minds as well. You were a terrific host and the best 🙂
You seem to have a heart of gold, Rhonda. Don’t allow others to place their flaws on it.
I hope you have been doing well and staying off your feet, from all that work they make you do 😀
That was sweet rhonda and I agree with you tiffie 🙂
When I was a child I would watch talk shows instead of cartoons and Jenny was always the high point. It was on late when I was a kid so I would secretly stay up so I could watch it.
I remember seeing a woman who drank milk up her nose and then made it come out of her eyes and trying it with coke haha.
I loved how Jenny made no judgments about the people on her show and how she would even tell the audience not to “boo” the kids who were bullies even when they probably needed a little more than just booed.
I remember watching a bio of Jenny and being floored when they said her age, which I wont even say because it’s rude to speak of a woman’s age.
She simply didn’t look it and she doesn’t now. She looks amazing.
I watched through many time changes and when it was finally moved to 3pm (where it stayed for years) I would rush home to catch it.
As with many it was a big part of my life and I hold a special place in my heart where I keep those memories.
One night I was wondering what she was up to now so I googled and found this site which has been a great experience! and even more so since the “comment” feature was added 🙂
Aw thank you too Josh 🙂
I have to agree about Jenny not judging anyone any different. That’s how I’ve learned to approach others and for the most part I feel like that type of attitude should be with us all but it’s not with some people so I try and make anyone I meet feel valued as the person they are no matter who they are. I do meet the nicest people and it’s because of the understanding I have of people…
Oh and Josh the weather is nice here. How bout you?…
Aw thank you Tiffie. I am a kind hearted person even to the rudest people. I feel rude people only strive for kindness and understanding, because something about them they don’t feel good about. Kind of like kids are with being bullies. So that tells me adults who act out in a negative way is immature and need to be approached like children, seriously. We do have adult bullies out there who strive for things they lack in life. If everyone had kindness and understanding towards the people around them, there would be no hatred in this world…
I Agree I watched and was a loyal fan of your show also Jenny.
It was the only show I feel was different refreshing and real.
I agree you had such a lovely way about you, you always made
Your guest feel welcomed,
You always had a variety of topics for each week,
I could go on,
The day your show went off the air it sadden me.
I felt just like when you loss a good friend thats
Moving far away. When i discovered you were back with this website
I smiled and thought “yeah we ve got our jenmy back”
Ty Jenny its good yo have ya bavk hon, love and hugs, Lesli
Lesli, I liked the word you use “real”. I have to agree with you. Jenny’s show was the real thing. I have to say it was refreshing to connect to her show like I did. I may not be that understanding person I am today. I do give Jenny and her show a lot of credit, but working in retail, being in society, meeting different people has helped too. I guess that’s why I don’t have a problem working in retail because you do meet different people and I treat people all the same, no matter who they are…
It’s also nice here. upper 70’s and they say it will be all week 🙂
Well it was very hot for two days last week, and now it’s cool again lol I don’t get it, but after the heat I’m kind of liking it. still wish i could get my garden together :/ well there is always next week lol.
hope everyone is doing alright.
Josh, if you don’t mind me asking, what state are you in? The weather is the same here in Georgia. It rained all weekend and now we have low temps. I agree, it can be nice when we go for a while with hot temps and then cooler temps. It almost seems like fall is here but I know this isn’t gonna last long. Hoping the temps aren’t as scorching as they have been in the past summer days…
I was able to put down mulch last week for my mom around her knockout rose bushes. I got poked a couple times but it didn’t hurt too bad because I used caution…lol…they have thorns as big and sharp as sharks teeth…ouch!
I hope you can work in your garden soon. I agree with Lesli it can be very therapeutic…
I’m in Indiana. About an hour from Indy.
Aside from roses what else do you grow?
To be honest Josh, I myself like to grow your common house plants. I never really had luck with plants/flowers outside. It’s been a while since I’ve worked around a garden. The plants are my Mom’s and she has lots of roses, hydrangeas and begonias and some that are new to me, because my sister got them and planted them. I’m sure I’ll figure out what they are soon enough…
I like fruit trees and fruit plants. They are easier to take care of, especially with the heat that we get. Helping my Mom out with her flowers outside has made me want to start my own garden and give it a try with my own plants. I don’t do too bad with hers…
There’s a tree that started growing in the front yard, which I’ve got to research and see what kind of tree it is. My Dad wanted a dogwood out front so once I get the dogwood planted I’m wanting to have a little garden to enclose around the 2 trees and start my garden there. I’ve seen gardens enclose around trees and I like how it looks. I’m researching flowers now to get ahead of myself…
I’ll have to find out and get back to you on what we do have outside. I know we do have 2 plum trees and variety of berry plants and seedless grapes which are my plants for outside…
We have a plum tree and they don’t get huge but they are good.
We also have roses, I’m not sure which kind they are. We also have several different kinds of peonies.
I am also better with house plants lol. I do enjoy growing herbs.
How’s the weather where you are? It’s finally nice here 🙂
I have a red plum tree and the other one is a cherry plum, probably what you have. They are bite size plums. About the size of a grape and I loved those as a kid and had to have one in the yard. The way I got it is it started growing in the front yard, so I guess that’s why I watch for seedlings of trees just to try and figure out what it is growing out there. I love being outside in nature, because it just gives me things to research. It’s fun and interesting…
Oh and Josh I forgot to mention the black cherry tree in back. It’s in the far back of the house and I didn’t start that one. I guess I don’t claim it since I didn’t plant it. I really didn’t know it was there until I researched it one day. I like rainier cherries. The common red cherries are good too. Don’t really care for the black cherries…
i am sorry been mia been busy working on yard and put in a second garden well I have yet to plant the veggie but took a long time to dig over grass to invert into a garden. I love doing this thou something so theraputic its worth all the hard work. How is everyone doing this fine friday? Hugs to Jenny and all my friends here Love ya all. Lesli
After the cold winter days people need to get out and about and do things after being stuck at home in the house. Like I told Josh it can be very therapeutic for people who’s been couped up for a few months. In the winter time I somewhat hibernate and don’t do much except normal house cleaning but outside I love it. I will just sit outside sometime and do my thinking there. I do that when I’m trying to change things around in the house or it’s good for me to sit outside to see what I can do to enhance the yard…
No need to be sorry for being mia, Lesli. It’s nice weather in some places and I don’t blame you for taking advantage of it 🙂
Ty hon. Its good for me because im homebound
And do not get out and about. Sp being outside
Lately has helped my spirit.
I have to say, my last post had me in tears, happy tears 🙂
Jenny has did something good for herself and for her fans. I took myself back in time when I defended you Jenny and to have a place like your website just makes me happy it’s here. It was a battlefield out there when I did things at Yahoo and Acme-City, but it was well worth it 😉
You deserved better and I did my best to help people see that you did and I have to say at tvtalkshows.com I gained respect from others and I may have put another image of you in there minds to help you gain some respect there as well…
Tvtalkshows.com has closed their site down. Trevor liked the chaos it brought and it truly wasn’t a nice place to chat. This place is like my yahoo club I had and Acme-City I patrolled, but I’m on the other side and I hope you aren’t having a hard time with haters wanting to intrude and cause problems…
When Josh said he was grateful to have this place, I am grateful as well…
Oh my It’s not even fun to go yahoo because people are unbelievably rude! The same with youtube, I can watch something but I fight myself to not look at the comments because it seems people just say whatever awful thing pops into their head.
I think it would be fun to have a chat room lesli. maybe Jenny could work that out in some way.
Some people can be so rude on the internet, Josh. I like places monitored to weed out the negative posters. I consider these people internet bullies and lost souls. They just say rude stupid stuff for attention and want a reaction from someone…
I haven’t been to yahoo message board and chat rooms lately. So I’m sure it’s no different than when I last chatted there. At Youtube I don’t even read comments I just surf and watch what I’m searching for, because I know there’s someone in the mix who has posted that are not very nice…
It use to get under my skin to see someone be so rude to someone else. I think it still does, so I won’t post where there is chaos anymore. I think I’ve had my share at tvtalkshows.com and I don’t want any part of rude people anymore. I try to ignore such people, they feed off your reaction, so why bother giving them what they strive for. They do disappear if no one notices them…
Scheduled time chats sound like fun. I think it would be one more fun filled thing to add to Jenny’s website 🙂
Ok now i may being going out on a limb here but Jenny please tell me what ya think, I had this awesome idea (not sure how you feel about it, but)
wouldnt it be awesome if you could get a small gathering of us regulars here on chat, me you josh, rhonda, tiff, ect, and go on a chat like we could all talk in a chat room you could even make it private somehow, us gals could look into a free safe chat room (where not everyone could get in for privacy sake) but wouldnt that be so awesome, Jenny – you and me and tiff and rhonda Josh how do you all feel about my idea. we could make it for mid summer maybe one night, what ya all think? If not i understand but i thought it was cool idea. Hugs, Lesli
I had a yahoo club for JJ fans and they have chat rooms like what you are talking about there. I liked it because me and another girl monitored it and it was actually fun…
I also use to monitor Jenny Acme-City community when Warner Bros. had communities for their television shows. I kept haters out of Jenny’s community there. That was fun too…
So I like the idea Lesli, because Jenny’s site is monitored and controlled by her and Damon, maybe I would be up for it. It does sound like fun…
I didn’t realize this until now, Lesli. I’m a Pisces too. My birthday is Feb 26th. I don’t know why I didn’t realize that when you posted your birthday a while back…
It’s nice weather finally, so I might be doing some yard work myself. I want to work around the flower beds and get them looking nice. One of my sisters has already started on one side of the yard. I want to do the front Monday or Tuesday. I’m behind doing it, because of the weather we’ve been having and it usually rains when I’m off work, so I’m hoping this week the rain will stay away so I can get things in order…
Sorry to hear about the computer problem. Glad to see you’re back…
Oh and Good Luck with your garden, Lesli 🙂
I have been wanting to clean up my garden and get some things planted as well but it’s either been raining or too cold and they say it’s going to rain all week lol I hope they are wrong. At lest I can plant my herbs in pots 🙂
Happy mother’s day to you all!
Yeah Josh, I know the feeling. I’m a month behind doing stuff out in the yard because of the rain we’ve had as well. There’s a 20% chance of rain tomorrow but I think it will be okay to start this week with my yard work…
I bought some gloves for weed pulling today but couldn’t find the mulch. I will have to go to Home Depot or Lowe’s but regardless if I have the mulch or not the weeding has got to be done tomorrow before it gets out of hand. I might place pine straw underneath the bushes until I get the mulch for them. I hope I don’t get poked by the knockout rose thorns. I’ve been poked before by them and it hurts…
Hopefully the rain will stopped so you can work in your yard as well…
Good luck with your plants and garden, Josh…
Wow! yet another storm coming through Atlanta. Really dark where I am 🙁
I wish these storms would go away and not appear on a weekly bases…
Here’s a link to Atlanta’s tower cam…
Still kinda cloudy where I am, but not as dark 🙂
It will be heavy rain and some wind tonight. There’s a stronger storm behind this one that is still lingering. They say low threat of servere weather, but any little bit of darkness and noise scares me now after dealing with so many storms in the past month. After the damage the last storm did to Alabama and Georgia, it freaks me out now. I’m okay though. I try not let it get to me. I can’t do anything to stop it. All I do is pray it don’t harm us when they do appear. Prayer is good 🙂
You’re right, Rhonda. Prayer is good. I’m glad you’re okay and my heart goes out to all the victims that have suffered, due to the horrible storms. It has been raining a lot, here. It’s flooding some areas but nothing close to me. Some yards look like inground swimming pools! Between the rain and the unusual cold temperatures, the wind has been the worst (when it was doing its damage, last week). Luckily, everything has remotely calmed down. I pray your area will be a-ok.
We’ve decided to revamp our gardens this year; any suggestions?
Thank you Tiffie. Sorry to hear about the flooding in your area and I’m glad you’re okay as well. This weather all over needs to calm down some it is kinda weird and odd here lately. This time last year we were in drought. I don’t mind a lot of rain but too much of it can be damaging as well….
Umm… I like double knock me out roses. They could be a filler and take up large space, so I suggest you add those to your garden. We have 2 double knock me out rose bushes out front and my mom loves them. I’ve got to get out there though and pull weed underneath them for her and maybe add some mulch to stop the grass from growing. We have a lawn guy who cuts grass every 2 weeks and it’s time to pull weeds up and do some trim work. I enjoy the outside, so I don’t mind doing things like that. Plus it makes the yard look so nice 🙂
Sorry Tiffie, correction…
They are called double knockout roses not knock me out roses, but here’s some pictures of them if you haven’t seen them before. They are beautiful roses…
The true flooding is ways a way. My area is showing very mild-wet lands; where they may be. My heart goes out to anyone who, has the hardship of dealing with such matters. We shall all be blessed when times are peaceful, yes?
I LOVE the roses~! Thank you for the idea. I have already handed over your advice to my gardeners. I think those roses will be a wonderful bonus in our gardens.
How have you been Rhonda? I’m wondering how Lesli is doing, as well. I hope she touches base, soon. If anyone else has an update; please share! 😀 We LOVE to hear from each and every one of you!
I’m doing okay. Thanks for asking Tiffie 🙂
My car is finally fixed. That was a major headache tryingto work it out with the insurance company and it still didn’t go right for me. I ended up paying out of pocket for a radiator. I had too. I needed my car. I didn’t have time nor much patiences left to wait on these people, but that’s all passed me now. I’m kinda stress free and enjoying life 😉
Work has picked up and it can be a a headache at times, but for the most part work is fine. I like staying busy rather than those slow days…ugh!
How are things with you Tiffie?…
And yeah, I hope Lesli is okay. I haven’t seen her around. It’s been weeks now since her last visit here…
Lesli, I hope things are going good for you…
“awe!!!!!!” You guys rock!
Thats so sweet of you to be worrying about me Rhonda 🙂
I am fine, I am so sorry I ve been having computer issues and as well busy for a change lol.
I have been getting artistic moood, and trying out painting for the first time. My father was an Artist when He was alive, and being a pisces thats one thing Ive always loved was Art but never could be one, But still I am finding it so theraputic. And then secondly I been busy last few days digging over dirt (which I prob shouldnt since I have problems with my back to began with, but me and my Daughter wanted a garden, we said that for the last two springs and never did, but this year I said thats it we’re gonna have a dam garden lol. So I went out there and started digging, today got the fencing for around it, needless to say (and hense the reaosn why nededing the fencing, My Dogs are sitting by the fenced in garden and sighing with their sad faces. the love to dig in the dirt and I could never have anything growing hadn’t I fenced it in. So Im excited, blueberrys, strawberries, and rasp berries is what we will grow in garden, Im so tempted to do one more garden in another are aof our yard since I have seeds, we ll see. oooh my poor back lol. Hugs to Jenny Tiffie, Rhonda, and bless you all my ladies. Happy Mom Day to you all. Lesli~
As you all know we have been having tornadoes at least once a week for the past month here in the south and yesterday and last night was the worse. I was praying that it would stay away and where I live we were sandwiched in between 2 killer storms with deadly tornadoes about 25 to 30 miles north and south of me. I’m in central Georgia. !5 people killed in Georgia and more were killed in Alabama…
I linked the news coverage if anyone is interested. I’m sure coverage has been on CNN and Fox News too. It’s a terrible thing to happen and this is why it scares me so bad. I get knots it the pit of my stomach just looking at the damage 🙁
We didn’t get any damage here, aside from a few shingles blowing off the house.
It’s awful to see all the damage and all of the people who have been hurt.
Is the weather calming down any where you are? Did you have any damage?
No damage here. It was actually calmer than I thought it would be, but the storm turning like it did made it mild where I am. 2 weeks ago was bad for me with a 17 hour power outage. Nothing like that here this time. Just high winds and rain. The lightening never made it to me, so I sleep until about 5am which is a bit early for me to be waking up, but it’s because I fell asleep early. The hardest hit closest to me was about 25-30 miles south of me. The storm north of me was closer to Tenn.
Glad you’re okay as well Josh. These storms really are nothing to play around with. They are so powerful and that’s why I am scared of high winds. It is awful just knowing how many lives were lost and the damage it brought…
Rhonda Are you still OKAY?
These storms are scary stuff. We had a huge thunderstorm here last night and a tornado touched down a few county’s over. it knocked my internet off until this afternoon.
Just wanted to check and see how you were doing.
Thanks Josh for asking. Tonight I’m fine. I’m sad though because of how many lives were lost in these storms. Almost 300 people totally so far and that’s sad…
Last night was really heavy winds and lightening and thunder in the distance, but I was a nervous wreck. Didn’t really know what was coming my way. It seemed one of those “super” tornadoes was crossing over the state line from Alabama around 9pm last night and that’s when I was most nervous, but I couldn’t stand to even think about it, so I tried to get some sleep in case it was another night like 2 weeks ago when I had no sleep but the storm that was headed NE of me started going East after it crossed over…
It killed 3 people 2 counties south of me. If it would’ve stayed on track going NE it would’ve cut straight through central Georgia, which is Metro Atlanta, which is where I am…
I agree Josh scary stuff for sure…
How are you doing and was it bad where you were? Anything damaged close by?
Before I go to bed, I wanted to stop by with an update. My kitchen is D-O-N-E 😀 and I LOVE it! Everything was finished, just in time for Passover. I couldn’t be any happier. Have a great weekend, ladies and gentlemen. 🙂
Congrats I bet finally getting it finished takes a lot off of your mind. Can we see a pic sometime? 🙂
Glad you are finished with the remodeling because I know it can be a headache until things are back in place. It seems you love it and I’m glad things worked out to your liking 😀
Hi all, haven’t been around because I’ve been stressing over trying to get my car fixed. Insurance companies are a major headache and it’s like pulling teeth with these people. Highly annoying…
It’s in my paper work clear as day that my radiator was shifted in the accident and they had to realign it but fail to notice the damage to the radiator. I don’t get it, if they had to pull it back into place then what’s the hold up with making that decision…
Maybe I should become an adjuster because the ones I’ve dealt with do a crappy job. I actually got the dealership people involved and it seems to be coming along just fine now…
Sorry, had to vent a little…
I hope everyone is having a great day…
Take care,
Awe sending hugs to you sweetie hope things are going better.
It was sunny today and i had a good day today amazing.
I felt like planting sunflowers even,however got a tad to cold.
Mybe this weekend. Hugs Jenny and everyone.
Aw Lesli, I’m okay but I have slipped a little with the coffee, but not too bad. I’m back to having one cup in the morning again. I am still having tea though 🙂
I called the dealership guy and he said it was damaged during the accident. I thought once the guy at the dealership made a decide they would take his word. but Nooo! They are wanting to send an inspector out now to look at my car, but you know? I’m tired of dealing with this insurance company and I’m tired of waiting. I told my sister last night that if I didn’t hear from them by the end of the week I will just pay out of pocket and have it fixed myself. I’ve already checked around and I can have it fixed for $300. I would rather do that to get rid of the stress and headaches…
Hey Jenny and my other sweet Gals here, how you all doing, And Rhonda so glad to hear you are safe hon.
Sorry I been MIA, Lots going on this past week.
And You ll be glad to hear Hubby is all better and back to talking,
now if I can only find that MUTE button (lol J/k)
HE’S HAPPY HE can once again eat to his desire reg food and not soupy mush lol.
His words.
Anyways just touching base with You Jenny, Rhonda Tiff.
And Oh yes I’m still reeling with the news that they are taking All my children off the air, thats like as american as apple pie 🙁 Hugs to you all, Lelsi have great Sunday Gang. And a terrific week. Lesli~
Rhonda, are you okay? I just saw the news about more tornadoes in your area – I hope you’re okay.
Aw Jenny, I’m okay. It was bad about an hour ago but I hear it from a distance coming my way, and since it slowed down for a min I thought I was hop on here to check a few things, including here. I’m glad I got a break, I didn’t want you guys to worry…
We still have tornado watches out, so I’m sure there’s more to come. It’s suppose to do this all night and I’ll be sleeping on the sofa again 🙂
Rhonda, I am so glad to hear you’re doing ok. The rain poured down last night and the winds became heavy, in my area. Today, the winds are worse and the sun is no where to be seen. Last weekend was perfect Spring weather and now it’s gloomy and cold. Earlier, it sounded like a bear trying to get in through the side of the house! LOL! (Bears only live in zoos around here! :-D) The wind is terrible!!!!!
Glad your OK Rhonda, I didn’t know about the storm but I thought something was up because I saw you hadn’t posted much lately.
The winds are also picking up here. luckily the rain has just been little, and it’s supposed to be in the 70’s tomorrow. That’s what they say anyway.
LOL!…so funny! 😆
That’s why I wanted to get online last night to let you all know about another storm coming through, but Jenny had posted her concerns and that was so nice of you Jenny. I thank all you guys for being so concerned…
It’s good being a JJBB-(Jenny Jones Blog Buddy)-(sigh) 🙂
Hey Tiffie,
The storm last night hit hardest North of me. I’m in south Atlanta. Most the damage and power outage was north Atlanta. Any time they call for tornado watches and warnings it scares me and they had extended the watches until 6am. At least I did get sleep this time, because it got quite around 1am. I live not too far from the airport and I could hear planes flying over which was music to my ears 🙂
It was really windy today as well, but a beautiful sky with very little clouds and the sun is so bright. My sunglasses glared a reflection, because it was so bright…
We might have to turn the heat up tonight. The suns going down and it’s quite chilly outside. It almost feels like fall weather. It’s nice though 🙂
Just wanted to let you all know that they make dark chocolate Almond milk. At work today I was making sure the labels were right with the product and there it was. It’s fairly new so some stores may not have it yet. I haven’t seen the chocolate Coconut milk yet, but I’m sure they will have that eventually…
Lesli how is the hubby doing? I hope he’s doing better…
Tiffie how are things going with the remodeling?…
And Josh I hope everything is good with you as well 🙂
Thank you for keeping us up to date 🙂 I’m going shopping tomorrow so, you got me right in time. I’m going to keep my eyes open for it.
Everything has been going smoothly and so far, nothing has set us back. LUCKILY it remains that way. Work will resume this weekend and I’m pretty thankful because it is nearly freezing outside. Over the weekend we had a record breaking high and now you can see your breath! What a difference in our weather, in just a few days. With the workers going in and out, it would be so difficult to keep the house warm.
How have you been, Rhonda? Lesli, I hope everything is well with you and your husband. You take good care of him 🙂
I’m okay, but I’ve been better, thanks for asking Tiffie 🙂
I am dealing with my car being fix. I was in a car accident in January. Nobody hurt and it wasn’t my fault, but they did a crappy job with the repairs. I had to have my bumper, fender and headlight replaced, which is fine, but then Saturday, my nephew was changing out the other headlight for me and he noticed a crack in the top corner of my radiator. Not good! I’ve contacted the insurance company and I was told she would look over my claim and paper work and get back with me about it, but I haven’t heard from her…
It took 2 months for them to give the okay to fix what they fixed and I just hope they are willing to fix their mistake. I’m kinda annoyed about it, because it shouldn’t have been overlooked…
I had an accident last year. It wasn’t my fault, I was parked and in the house lol and the person ran off. I turned my forms into my insurance company and didn’t hear back from them for the longest time so I just went by the office and they had gone out of business!
Thank you for asking, I am doing alright, and taking it one day at a time, although it still hasn’t totally sunk in yet. I am grateful that she is in a better place an no longer in pain. I promise once I am able to actually take a moment, i will write a little about my cousin as Jenny suggested. That alone may help in dealing with it.
Josh, some people can be so inconsiderate. That’s happened to me before. I was at work and my car sits in the parking lot all day and it looks like someone tried to cut across the parking lot and clipped my back bumper. I went to management about it, but they couldn’t do anything because it has to be reported within 24 hours and I had no idea when it even happened…
Take care,
OMG I’m so gonna wanna try that one almonds and chocolate yes yes! 🙂
I have been busy, busy, busy! If anyone is planning a kitchen remodel; stop and rethink it! HAHA! I warn you now.
Everything is looking wonderful and I’m trying my best to keep everyone comfortable while they work. The weather is PERFECT and things are looking great 😀
Yeah Tiffie, it can be a job and things be out of place, but the finished work you will enjoy. It seems you are keeping your patiences with all the chaos there, because I know how things can be jacked up during a remodeling of a home…
I bet it’s going to look fantastic 🙂
Here at the house, after the major replacing of the floor and counter was done, I helped my Dad add more cabinet space. The house is 60+ years old and the windows need updating. He was in the process of getting a new roofing job done but he passed before he could do that, but we have already taken care of that last year. My Dad never got around to replacing windows and patio doors either, so me and my sisters are trying to get that underway…
One of the best things about remodeling is, getting the chance to grill out. LOL! Even if it is gloomy out. (It’s what we’re doing tonight.) 😀 You make the most of things, huh? 🙂
I said, “PERFECT” weather and on the local news, they gave a report on how our area had a record breaking eighty four degrees. Hmmmmm? I don’t know how I didn’t feel it. The breeze was great here so, I’m guessing they were referring to the inner city.
Oh well. I didn’t feel it so I’m happy 😀
Today was my cousin’s funeral. She died Wednesday.
I can’t even begin to process it, it’s still so raw and it doesn’t feel real.
I just wanted to write that somewhere, and i am grateful that there is such a place as this website.
I know it’s going to be OK and that she is in a better place now.
Please keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers.
Thanks guys or should I say girls 🙂
Josh, I am so very sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers and I know all the rest of your friends here will feel the same. When you feel up to it, tell us as little about your cousin.
I am sending my prayers and love, Josh. Stay strong, sweetheart.
So sorry for your loss, Josh. Stay strong, it’s gonna take time…
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family…
Take care, Josh…
so sorry to hear of your loss. May God be with you all. Lesli
Thanks everyone for your kind words, they mean a lot to me 🙂
“OMG Jenny!!”
Today I made the Meringues, Ive never ever made them before, and let me tell you I was amazed at how simple and easy they were to make, and rather fun to, Both my Dogs Freedom and Bella were at my side to help (more like begging for some batter).
I LOVE THEM!!!! I wonder Jenny how many calories are in them, a friend was asking after I told them about making them. Let me know. They are amazing hon. You have some of the neatest ideas and recipes. HUGS to jenny and my gals here. Have nice night. Lesli
Aw, thank you all for your concerns. I had to run to the store after the power came back on and you wouldn’t believe the trees down in my neighborhood. I had to take a detour out of the subdivision and take the long way out. These trees I saw were huge oak trees and some pine. It gave me goosebumps to be face to face of what high winds can do…
Not out of the woods just yet. I was listening to the radio and we still have tornado warnings 🙁
I’m calling it an early night since I didn’t get much sleep last night and I hope there’s not another night of bad weather…
Hi gang,
hubby had outpatient surgery today (hes fine they took out a cyst and he can only eat soft food for ten days, ladies give me some ideas of what i can make for him besides mashed potatoes, ect. He cant talk right now either, and he writes everything down. Im waiting on him hand of foot, but this not talking ya think its a girls dream lol, but i tell ya I dont know whats worst not talking or trying to read his notes every ten minutes lol. Anyways give me some food ideas Jenny and gang. Hugs, Lesli
There are certain foods that help promote healing of wounds and I would definitely recommend he eats as much of these as possible. They are: sweet potatoes, carrots, potatoes, mango, papaya, eggs, yogurt, beans, avocado, & bananas. Fresh pineapple is a great wound healer (not canned). The healthier the foods he eats, the faster he will recover. You could also make oatmeal, rice pudding, cream of wheat, refried beans, scrambled eggs, cheese omelette, and what about crustless cheesecake? Make sure he gets protein. Babyfood is good too and when he can progress, try mashed tuna or sardines. My best to your hubby.
TY Jenny and Rhonda for your great suggestions I will pass this along as well to my Hubby. Hugs, Lesli
Your welcome Lesli. Glad it’s helping and I’m glad he is feeling better. I’m sure maybe by next week he will get that steak. Just make sure he eats things that Jenny listed for about healing and what foods to eat. She knows a lot about health, so I would take her advice 🙂
Hey everybody, Update on Hubby.
He is doing a lil better today still not up to talking however.
So another day of pen and paper (writting notes to me all day).
Poor guy is so wishing he could have a steak right now.
Im trying to sit in the other room and not eat in front of him.
But just wanted to thank you all for your food ideas and we been using some of them as well.
Hugs to you all, Lesli
Lesli, I’m glad to hear he is moving in the right direction. He’ll make it to a full recovery in no time 🙂 You must have a lot of patience and love 🙂 I can tell you are full of both.
Here’s a few things that might be helpful, Lesli:
Applesauce, Ripe Banana, Soft Ice Cream, Yogurt, Pudding, Jello, Soups, Refried beans and baby food if he can stomach it…lol…
Ensure would be good for him to drink 🙂
This is what I’ve been dealing with all day 🙁
No power since midnight last night. We had a 17 hour power outage because of a storm that came through last night around midnight. I was so scared. Such high winds and I just can’t bring myself to be comfortable with those kinds of high winds we had last night…
We have more trees in the back of the house, so I stayed in the front of the house and sleep on the sofa. Trees and high winds are not my thing as I’ve said before. It was a scary night. I couldn’t sleep because of the lightening and thunder all night and not to mention the hail hitting the windowing…
I added a link of the outcome of the storm here. There are picture here of the damages this storm brought if anyone wants to check it out. 6 people were killed and the damages are estimated at $32 million…
omgosh Girl I am so sorry to hear this.
Im glad your all ok there thou.
I will pray for you all hon, Hugs and healing, Lesli~
Oh Rhonda, I am terribly sorry to hear about the deaths.
Weather like that is aweful to deal with, not to mention it being at night. I always tell my Mother that I can handle nasty weather in the daytime, a lot better. Hopefully, your sanity has come back. I bet you will have excellent sleep tonight 🙂
geez glad you’re ok Rhonda!
Thank you Lesli and Rhonda (CCA pride!), for the best of wishes to my new kitchen. If it’s not the kitchen of my dreams, after an estimated month of (long) weekend remodeling, I’ll just scream LOL! Like I said; I went through SO MANY samples of anything you could imagine. At first, I was critiquing everything. Then, I went to a simple, “Love it. Hate it. Love it. Hate it. Hate it. Love it.” method, ROFL! I am half way finished and so far, I LOVE the outcome.
Your welcome Tiffie, it’s good to go with your gut sometimes if undecided…
Keep us update on how things are going with the remodel of your kitchen. I’m sure it’s coming along great 🙂
Jenny, in your reply to me about using loose leaf tea or tea bags I realized I needed to google the difference. No wonder she gave me the IngenuiTEA tea cup. Loose leaf is better. Tea bags are convenient. No wonder I liked it better 🙂
Josh, I know that catnip tea relaxes the body, but what I didn’t know is that it helps with headaches..
Yep Lesli, it help with sleep and headaches. It’s good for numerous things. I linked you to my finding 🙂
ty hon when i can afford it ill try some of this for tea. Hugs.
Okay now you have me testing one more time…lol, because I’m not able to get through
Yayy! 🙂
Rhonda, things seem to be working now.
Chat Room Update: There is a limit of ten comments per posting so if your comment is not accepted, just start a new thread by clicking the Comments link above…
Since I’ve cut back on coffee and drinking more hot tea at work, a co worker notice I wasn’t drinking coffee and making my hot tea instead and she got this for me the other day. I thought it was so nice of her, but to be honest Jenny’s way is easier for some reason 😉
I feel bad, because I don’t feel like I would use it as often as I would the microwave and if I don’t use it at work she may wonder why I’m not using it, so I don’t know what to do or say to her. Any advice 🙂
Jenny have you always used tags bag or have you also used loose tea to make your tea?
Adagio Teas
I use loose tea more often than tea bags.
i also use loose tea. sometimes i make tea out of catnip it’s soothing and great before bed
Jenny this brings up a good topic, Is there any TEA that we can drink for us people that take forever to fall asleep? ALSO: Is there any natural herb or food we can eat that might help aid sleep? signed: sleepless in michigan zzzzzz (or: Lesli)
There are several herbal teas for relaxation with ingredients like valerian root, chamomile, catnip, & hops but they have never worked for me. There are also herbs like melatonin you could try but here is how I deal with insomnia:
1) Don’t drink anything with caffeine after 12 noon.
2) Expose yourself to bright sunlight for an hour or two a day.
3) Exercise in the morning, not in the evening.
4) Eat carbs or drink warm milk before bed. (I have cereal for both)
5) If you take calcium (and you should), take it before bed.
5) No alcohol before bed. It disrupts your sleep cycle.
I hope that helps.
Thank you so much Jenny, I also will share this info with my 19 year old Daughter that has been having the worst time falling asleep at night (and shes in her first year of college and needs to be bright and aleart in the morning) Hugs – Lesli
“Happy Saturday to all”
I slept in (lol) oh well it is the weekend. 🙂
Its bright and sunny today.
But so far its 44, hopefully it warms up from that.
Have good day my friends, Hugs oxoxo, Lesli
Happy Saturday, Lesli 🙂
I got to sleep in a little, myself. I had to get up at a decent time because I am having some things done around my kitchen. Last weekend launched the start of a new kitchen floor. The floor is all finished and now I’m getting new faucets put in. This weekend is not as labouring as last weekend or next weekend, (next weekend is all new cabinets), but then again; I’m not the one in there working.
Oh Im happy for you hon, its nice having a new kitchen 🙂 I bet your excited. have fun hon. L~
I’m LOVING the outcome of my new (woohoo!), kitchen. Every time I walk in there, my eyes are looking at everything, trying to picture what else I can have remodeled. I like to keep everything up to date so, I felt it was a good time to mix things up. I looked at flooring samples to the point that, I almost passed on the project. When I about gave up, all I could hear in my head was, “You still want marble floors. You still want marble floors. Do it. You still want marble floors.” Now, I’m THRILLED I went ahead and went with the plan. My kitchen isn’t finished with ‘her’ facelift just yet. It’ll be all worth it, in the end 😀
Tiffie, how long is the remodel going to take from start to finish? Just wondering because it took my Dad and a friend of his to redo our kitchen almost 2 weeks to finish. I’m hope it’s what you wanted when all said and done. You seemed undecided at first what you wanted 🙂
Your kitchen sounds awesome and lovely.
You should post some pictures of your kitchen when its finished.
Enjoy hon, Lesli
And a happy Saturday to you both and you guys are lucky 🙂
Glad you got to sleep in. I had to be at work at 8am this morning. My schedule is being generated and modified because my assistant is on leave for 6-8 weeks. At least I get off work earlier 🙂
Oh and I bought some vanilla Almond milk, but it’s a little too sweet for my taste. What do you suggest I do to make it taste to make it taste good to my liking?
I don’t want to waste this milk and I was thinking maybe buy some unsweetened Almond milk and mixing the 2 together and kinda do it like Jenny does her milk to cut the fat. What’cha think? Jenny?…
OH I bet then hon you would like the coconut milk because its doesnt have a huge bang to it, its just a very mild coconut taste.
Yes I suggest you buy a carton of the plain almond milk and mix it with the one (almond vanilla) you already have and it will prob be to your liking.
Oh, so you’ve tried the coconut milk, Lesli? I was gonna try the coconut milk next but the Almond milk seemed healthier, but I will try mixing the 2 and see how it taste. I had a feeling I should have got the original Almond milk…
Today I think i am gonna make my first attempt to make Meringues. Wish me luck Jenny. Hi to my CCA Sisters to by the way lol (hugs) Lesli
Good luck on your little kitchen adventure, Lesli 😀 I’m glad to hear you are doing good. I’ve been trying to keep warm, from the latest snow fall we’ve received.
Awe Tiffie sorry to hear its cold where you reside.
Im midwest and we hit a heat wave temp today of 44 degrees lol.
I do not like hot weather, it seriously makes me feel ill at times, thank god for AC. But my fave season is Falltime (aaahhh I love Falltime…..
Which Jenny, I have an idea, here at the chat, wouldnt that be so awesome this Sept/October to do a theme.
You could have us send in some falltime recipe idea’s, along with your fab ideas,
and you could do some cooking or even artisy type fun how to videos, What do you think, I think it be so much fun. Lets all chime in on this idea what ya all think.
jenny I love the fact that I found your website hon, I feel like im welcomed here and have met you and other gals that are so sweet here. TY For making this website for all of Us Jenny. Hugs and have a good night (stay warm too Tiffie, its cold here this evening as well) P.S. Jenny, I just made my JEN MICROWAVE POPCORN for my midafternoon snack, Lovin it. Peace~ Lesli “skye”
Oh, don’t be sorry for cold weather. I LOVE cold weather~! Call me crazy but, I think hot days are horrible. I love the snow we just got. I was all sorts of excited. No one else around here shares my enthusiasm for snow. I’m a loner, HAHAHAHAHA!
I !LOVE! the Fall~! Not only is my birthday in October; the weather is nice and cool with beautiful colours EVERYWHERE. I always know that the cruel Summer days are out the door and, the holidays are getting closer 😀 (Not to mention, snow is on its way!) You’ve picked the right girl to share in your love of Autumn with, ROFL! I don’t like ice on the roads so, that is the one MAJOR downside with all that freezing, white puffy stuff. If it were not for the ice, I’d be in my own little snow angel heaven. 😀
I really enjoy Jenny’s site, too. I am so happy to be able to chat with you, Rhonda, Jenny, and the others. Here’s to more laughter and good times 😀
I love Jenny’s site too! 🙂
It’s a lot peaceful than what I’ve seen on other boards and it’s great Jenny is doing this for us fans. It should have been done long before now…
I also like chatting with you guys. I’m a talker as it seems to be you both are as well…
I’m with you on more laughter and good times, Tiffie 😀
Thank you again Jenny for giving us fans a positive, peaceful, fun place to talk among each other and with you as well, of course 🙂
I think the Sept/October fall theme would be a lot of fun. Lesli 🙂
Fall time is my favorite season as well. It’s just so relaxing. Not too hot, not too cold. It’s just right for relaxation…
Oh and Jenny’s recipes are really simple, so I’m sure you will do good making the Meringues 😉
I’ve been wanting to make her lemon bars. I might try making those soon…
That’s a great suggestion. I like the idea of people sending in fall recipes – maybe there could be a contest… Damon and I will work on a plan.
Jenny, it’s okay to send my e-mail address to the others wanting it…
I don’t mind sharing it…
And Tiffie I would like a send out of you recipe for candy bars as well 🙂
I’m so happy Jenny that you like my Falltime theme idea, and we all certainly have plenty of time to gather ideas and recipes right? Cool.
Its always been my favorite time of the year as well. Seems like we all love our Fall 🙂
Hugs – Lesli “Skye”
Hey Lesli. I noticed where you asked about giving up candy bars. Some were easier to give up, over others. I had to keep reminding myself that, all the chemicals are horrible to my body. Now, I make my own version of Almond Joys and a couple others. I still enjoy chocolate; just certain brands/types. I love dark chocolate with either pecans or walnuts. It’s fun to get a couple gals together, get out some pots and pans and, bake up a storm. It’s good to do it that a way because, it keeps you from eating them all (LOL!) and everyone is rewarded with healthier alternatives.
Tiffie can you post how to make the homemade candybars? Id love to learn how pretty please (I would love to give you gals my email addy but I am not sure if thats allowed here (Jenny can we or would you rather we didnt?) Hugs to Jenny and my gals here. Lesli~
Lesli, we are happy to help anyone share email addresses as long as it’s requested by both parties. In that case, we will send each person the other’s email (privately, of course, not on this site). 🙂
Ok Jenny I was just being respectfull of Your site hon, thats why I asked first and didnt post mine.
Jenny Ive enclosed my email addy where it states mail on this post, You have my permission to send it on to Rhonda and Tiffie, TY so much, and good day to you. Hugs, Lesli~
I am more than delighted to share this recipe with you. If anyone else would like a copy, I’d love to share it with them, as well. It would be pretty lengthy to post here so, mentioning an e-mail address helps 🙂 It is perfectly fine to send an e-mail my way, ladies.
The recipe is simple. It’s just putting everything together that can be time consuming. It does tend to be a little bit of extra work in the kitchen but, just think of all the chemicals you’re eliminating by making them yourself. 😀 Plus, it’s fun to make them with friends so you’re not stuck in a kitchen, all alone! LOL!
Can you please reply back to this comment with your email address so we can then forward it to Lesli & Rhonda. We will keep it confidential otherwise and won’t post it to the blog. Thanks, Damon
Thank you for connecting all of us 😀
Jenny I didnt get to make the Meringues just yet I do not have the cream of tartar in my household pantry, so soon as I can I will try. I did hear that you can sub lemmon for cream/tartar, but that wouldnt work with this recipe would it Jenny? L~
Actually, you CAN use either lemon juice or white vinegar in place of cream of tartar (use the same amount as the cream of tartar) but you can also make meringues without cream of tartar – just make sure you beat the bejeebers out of the egg whites. The cream of tartar just helps along to make the meringues firm. They mixture needs to be very stiff and very glossy. Good luck!
When you get them all made; go to the store and get a big box, then pack up as many as you can and ship them to me! I don’t even expect a fancy bow on top because it would just get in the way of me devouring every single one of the them! LOL! I LOVE them!
When you beat the egg whites, think of an ex-boyfriend’s face. (Don’t have any? I can refer you some names, ROFL!) 😀 I myself, use a blender and it cuts the time WAY down.
lol about the when you beat them think of ex boyfriends – comment (good one) lol
i am gonna make them for sure tomorrow, I got sidetracked and didnt make them thata day as planned me bad 🙁 Hugs and have a safe night all. Nightnight, Lesli
hey JENNY You were RIGHT!!!!
I have been doing some side work studying dif things that are healthy foods, here and there this past week and a half. And You were ahead of the game when you told us about your homemade granola rem you told us about Canadan maple syrup, well lookie here, another reason to use it…
Hugs Lesli~
Wow, I did not see this and it’s great to know. I just had some this morning on my French toast. Thanks.!
Yes see your a step ahead of everyone Jenny 🙂 (smiles)
I like to research and google things too, Lesli and yeah Jenny knows her stuff when it come to eating healthy. It shows when she does her How to Videos 😉
And the funny thing about it she didn’t even know how healthy she was eating from that link you shared…
Thanks for sharing it. I read it and yeah Jenny…WOW!
I’m surprised also 🙂
How has everyone been doing, lately? How are my fellow CCA members? Any progress or struggles?
Hey Girls, Thanks for asking hon,
Being as how I am now a member of the CCA, I cant hide anything, lol
Yes I havent done well lately with the no coffee, Im afraid I am weak right now lol.
I have had terrible sinus/migraine headaches these last 3 days (straight everyday) Last night was terrible, I ended up sleeping with an ice pack under my neck it was that bad, so I still am drinking coffee (I get bad withdrawl headaches)
Hugs to everyone. Lesli~
Aw, I hope you feel better Lesli. I’m sorry you had to deal with a headache for 3 days. I rarely get headaches but when I do they don’t last no more than 30 mins or so. I try to massage first to try and work the headache out and most the time it works but if it doesn’t I take something for it…
I would wait about trying to cut back on the coffee too until the headache is gone. Don’t want to make it worse…
I’ve been doing okay. Thanks for asking Tiffie 🙂
I think I’m gonna make it 2 weeks with the every other day having coffee. I almost had a cup today on break because I forgot the tea for hot tea on the no coffee days but I had water instead and ice tea for lunch. I think if I can remember to take tea to work on those no coffee days I’ll be doing good for another week like I did last week. Decaf is just not tasting good these days, so I’m not drinking that. I figure why bother, just stick with hot teas with cream/milk and honey…
Oh and Jenny I like the green tea with a splash of lemon. It’s really good 😉
I don’t know what type music you all like, but Bon Jovi rocks. I found this video and wanted to share it. He’s so sexy! 🙂
Bon Jovi performs “What Do You Got” at the 2010 AMA’s – 11/21/10
Love the video hon.
I’m a DARYL HALL in lust addict lol.
That man is SEXY/BEAUTIFULL!!!!
Daryl Hall and John Oates has some pretty cool music. I use to listen to those guys long before JonBon Jovi…
Bon Jovi is my favorite. I had posters on my wall of him back in the day…
I love how he flashes his smile in this video 🙂
Lesli and Tiffie, I thought about you both today at work and I actually stopped and looked at the milks you both keep talking about. The only difference in Almond milk and Coconut milk is the almond milk is high in antioxidants and the coconut milk is low in calories. They both have 50% more calcium and both are lactose free and dairy free, so out of the 2 I think the Almond milk is more healthy. Coconut milk is healthy as well but if I had to chose, I would chose the Almond milk 🙂
I love almonds. Sometimes when I want something small to snack on at work I will get a trail mix of nuts and dry fruit and I love picking the almonds out first and I try to find the one bag that I can see more almonds inside, so I might have to try the almond milk. I don’t drink a lot of milk, so I really didn’t give it much thought…
Thank you for the information, Rhonda. I’m going to keep all that in mind. When I find good things like this that are beneficial, I hold on to them for as long as I can. 🙂 With them being lactose free, I’m going to try them both. I LOVE coconut and almonds. I especially love them both with chocolate! YUUUUUM! I’ll hold off on the chocolate…..for now! HAHA~!
You’re welcome, Tiffie 🙂
I’m around that stuff all day and yet my curiosity got the best of me again 🙂
I might have to try the almond milk. We carry it original and vanilla. I haven’t seen the chocolate yet but I wouldn’t be surprised if that one comes in behind these because these are new milks we just got…
It’s funny, when you said coconut and almonds together, it made me think Almond Joy candy bar and with the chocolate it really would be an Almond Joy…lol…
I LOVED Almond Joys! They were one of the hardest things to ‘shake’ once I gave up all the junk/chemically added foods. I had a weakness for Snickers and a couple others but, Almond Joys were near the top of the list.
wow Tiffie you gave up chocolate too?
I am addicted to chocolate (Jenny gave me hope thou she says dark chocolate is healthy) yah Jenny 🙂
How did you ever give up the candybars Tiffie thats so so hard, I love candybars. I rarely ever eat anything like cookies or cake anymore, but Girl CANDYBARS are a weakness. Lesli~
Yes If I had to pick now after trying both of them between almond and coconut,
Id say I prefer the almond milk because its tast richer. But I prob will have both in the house at times when I can afford to that is. I still love my soy vanilla milk, but I HEAR GOOD AND BAD ABOUT SOY, so I do not know if I should drink it or not.
Jenny do You know about Soy milk (and do you drink it Jenny?
I love the idea of the trail mix too. ALSO I tryed about a week ago Jen your granola LOVED IT!!!
Hello Jenny/everyone here:
Just wanted to come on tonight and wish everyone here a blessed and safe week ahead. hugs to all, Lesli~
Aw, you have a great week as well 🙂
I had to laugh at myself yesterday I was having popcorn withdrawls.
I went to make me up my daily healthy snack of “Jen microwave popcorn”
as I do now thanks to you Jenny.
And low and behold, I get the popcorn all packed away into its brown bag,
and “Oh no …..no staples!!!!”
Thats right I was out of staples.
I was so bummed out.
Well happily to report today I found the box of hiden staples.
Yah!!! Its popcorn Friday tonight! Woo hoo. 🙂
Everything is now back to normal and I can breath…ahhhhhhhh.
Signed: Jens num 1 popcorn fanatic 🙂
Did you ever think you would be looking for staples to put in your microwave?! HAHAHAHAHA! Not to mention that, you were bummed out by not being able to put metal IN the microwave?! HAHAHAHAHA! 😀 I’m glad you found your back-up staples. I also know the pain and suffering of going through what you have to, in order to get a good (healthy) snack in 🙂
Tiffie you made me laugh with the letter about
The staples, ha ha.
And Rhonda ty hon yes i enjoyed my Jen microwave
Popcorn Friday night, hugs
I’m sorry that happened, Lesli. I would’ve had popcorn withdrawals too 😉
I guess you know what that means though. Time to buy staples!…
You don’t want to go without Jen’s microwave popcorn especially on a Friday night…
Enjoy your Friday night popcorn 🙂
Jenny (and Gals)
I have a into Friend out in new York (20 years younger then I but we hit it off so nicely) and shes healthy choices, she told me that I should get off the soy milk i been drinking now for the longest time I try ALMOND MILK instead, says its very healthy to drink.
I wonder if you jenny or anyone else has tryed it?
I got my first carton of Almond Milk (by Silk) (rem this is almond milk not soy milk)
The one I purchased was with a lil vanilla added, but you can sure tell its almond has a very nuttie rich smooth flavor to it. And no i dont work for silk i swear lol. Just putting out there some healthy info for us all to try. Hugs. Lesli~
I’m so glad you suggested this! I am so close to being lactose intolerant. It is always good to find alternatives. I’m going to try this out. I LOVE almonds so, let’s hope that’s a good bonus. Dairy is so wicked on my body that, I have to use a non-dairy coffee creamer. I’d prefer Bailey’s~! ROFL! …..aaaaawh!!!!! 😀
Keep at it, Lesli! I’m here to cheer you on, as well 😀
Okay you 2. You both are talking my line of work…lol… 😆
Seriously though, I work in retail and my main area is the Dairy department. The Almond milk sales really good, so I’m assuming people really like it. I stock case after case of that stuff (Almond milk)…
Soy milk sells real well too. We actually got a new milk in, Coconut milk. Have any of you had Coconut milk before? I’ve tried soy milk, but I don’t like it. I do kinda like the soy chocolate, but it’s not a favorite. The way Jenny makes her chocolate milk isn’t bad. I like it 🙂
I love coconut milk but, I can’t say I have it on hand…..ever! HAHA! The only use I have for milk of any kind is used to cook with. I’ll try some of those out, though. I’ll just have to use caution. Thank you for the suggestions 🙂
I would never have guessed you were in that field of work! 😀
I’ve been in retail for almost 11 years. It’s a job that keeps me busy. I actually like it. I think Sue said I seem like a people person, so I think I got my people skills from work. We have some really nice customers, but they are some that come in at times that can be difficult but I treat them nicely. Most the time treating someone with respect no matter what type of mood they are in changes a person. I like to have that affect on people. If I can put a smile on your face then I’m happy 🙂
I’m right there with ya’ 😀 Being polite and courteous is the way to go.
Hey Gals, Its ironic you bring up the coconut milk, the other day I spotted on line that silk now makes coconut milk, I screamed out like a teenager when i saw it, My daughter thinks im nuts, lol) the things you get excited about mom, geeze! she said.
lol. I love coconut, i cant wait to try it, first I have to get thru my almond mllk thou, ladies you will love the almond milk, for three days now been drinking it, and i kept thinking whats this remind me of, and finally last night I thought “snickers candy bar, thats it” I even blurted it out at midnight while laying in bed with hubby. He’s like what ???? with a puzzeled look on his face. I said dont worry I’m just thinking bout my almond milk hon, you can go back to bed now. lol.
Okay Lesli, coffee update…lol…
Thanks for the pep and cheer yesterday but I broke the rule and had coffee this morning 🙁
I’m still working at it and I’m determined to do this. I think it’s gonna take more time than what I first thought but like I said I’ll get there…
I think this week instead of alternating every other cup I’m gonna try only having coffee every other day for the week. I feel like I’ve got to go about this slow so I don’t fall off the bandwagon and feel defeated…lol…
This really isn’t easy. Almost makes me regret even having the first cup of coffee, seriously…
You can do it, Rhonda! I know you can. It’s like everything in life, you just have to go slow at first. I posted something in the conversation below. Read that and, you’ll learn that you have more will-power at this than I’ll ever have.
Thank you for the complement from below, Lesli. It’s nice to meet you. You and I can help cheer on Rhonda in her Battle of the Caffeine 😀
Thanks you, Tiffie for the encouragement 🙂
And you are so right in the post below, because most my coffee drinking is at work with other coffee drinkers, so I had coffee on my breaks and sometimes on my lunch as well. Today I didn’t have any at work. I think maybe tomorrow I will take some tea with me and have hot tea at work. I forgot to do that this morning…
Jenny, you don’t know this but in reading your book I knew you were into healthy living before your site became what it is today. I tried green tea not long after reading your book because back then I wanted to cut out the coffee but knowing what I know about how to make hot teas taste better not bitter helps more now than before, so thank you for the info on how to make hot tea without the bitter taste 🙂
I’ve made this one of my new year’s resolutions for the year, because it’s been one for years and plus the influence from Jenny and her health tips encouraged me to go ahead and try to do this 🙂
Tiffie Hi, but its not only Rhoda that needs the cherring on I do as well – Im sup to stop coffee as well, But i aint easy at all argh!
So yes cheer me on too lol Thank you hon. Hope you and everyone is having sunshine today, we finally got some here in Michigan however temp is like 30 🙁
I hear ya girl same here gonna take me some time as well, I’ve drinken coffee evereyday since the first night home from hospital after having my first born Child In order to stay awake for those night time bottle feedings) never drank it before then. I got hooked on it there after. Doesnt help when hubby drinks coffee as well, I can smell it brewing and its sinnfull way it speaks out to me with its aroma….”lesli come here you know you want me, if rich dark and very tasty”
You know that Rhonda you love coffee so I know you relate. But yes I tryed going without yesterday but got the dreaded withdrawl headache from hell. Yes we need to take babysteps and maybe we ll get there, all in good time I say. Hugs to you and Jenny signed with best wishes, Lesli~
Aw I’m sorry you got a headache from not having coffee. Try having something to replace the coffee and see if that helps. That’s why I’m drinking the hot teas so headaches and mood will be stable…lol…seriously
I’ve been cutting back almost 4 weeks now but it is getting a little easier each day. If you are just starting to cut back, my advice to you is to get some instant decaf and alternate your cups of coffee. one coffee the next cup decaf. Hot teas might have to wait until maybe next week or the week after…
Just letting you know how I started cutting back on the coffee…
How much coffee do you drink a day Lesli?…
Oh and Lesli, we can be considered Jenny’s “coffee buster blog buddies”…lol…
It can be a sort of “Coffee Anonymous”! We’ve already talked about the difficulties and methods to quitting, the cravings, and how it’s socially acceptable, LOL! We could call it: Coffea Canephora Anonymous~! 😀 You have the addict that is trying to quit and succeeding in her recovery (Rhonda), the one that is reaching out for help and wants to quit (Lesli), and the one that is bullheaded and refuses to quit (myself). All stages of one, good ole’ fashion, support group.
See you ladies at CCA? hahahahaha!
Funny! but well put…lol…
I can’t top that one. You said it best and it’s so true 😆
Lmao Tiffie you are a riot i love it….
cca!!!!! Lol
Thanks hon for the advice
I drink some days a tsll cup of java and some days 2 cups
It shouldn’t be too difficult for you. Me on the other hand I can drink up to 4 or 5 cups a day. It started when I worked overnight. I work at Walmart and when I was hired, they were only hiring overnight help from 10pm to 7am… Ugh!…
I worked 2 years overnight and was transferred over to 2nd shift and then day shift and now I’m back to 2nd shift again, so I can relate to the staying up late night and needing the caffeine to do it…
I’m was on a coffee day today and some hot teas but tomorrow I’m restricted from coffee…lol…it seems to be working out okay, so maybe after this week I’m wanting to only have coffee every 2 days and just slowly do it that way. I think it would be great to get to where I have one cup a week. That’s my goal 🙂
Lesli, I’ve had no coffee today. Yay! How bout you?…
It’s been tempting to maybe have a half cup, but I’m sticking with and trying hot teas for today. That’s the rules 😉
Oh and Jenny, I agree fast food is bad. I would say 5 years ago I’ve cut back a lot on eating it. I rarely eat fast food now. I will get Subway when I’m wanting to eat out or like today me and my mom had lunch at the Waffle House. I had a BLT with ice tea. The last burger I had was from a grill at one of my sister’s house a few weeks ago. I will splurge when on vacation and traveling though and maybe get that burger from Burger King or Krystals…
On the way back from our cruise. We were hungry and they were suggesting fast food, but I spoke up and said why not Subway, so I guess even when on vacation at times I will think healthier. We ended up getting Subway 😉
Hi Rhonda, I must confess im still trying to talk myself into no coffee, i am gonna work on it. Your so sweet to wanna help 🙂 You are doing great thou hon woo hoo, keep it up girl, im cheering ya on, Hugs.
I started out a few weeks ago alternating coffee and decaf and really sticking to the routine. Then I slowly started adding hot teas. I added green tea first and then I really was wanting coffee, so that’s when I started adding the black tea. I told myself this morning to try and hold back on the coffee, so I made a black tea with a little cream and honey and it killed the craving for the coffee. Then around dinner time the craving was back so I made another thing of the black tea, before bedtime I will have the green tea…
I actually have cut back a lot. I was having 4 maybe 5 cups a coffee a day some days, but having the tea I’ve realized I have maybe 3 a day. Which I had ice tea for lunch. I think I’m gonna drink more water. I do okay with water but maybe drinking more of it with the hot teas will help keep the craving for coffee away…
Ladies, I can only DREAM of the day when I can go with out coffee! It has been a staple for many, many years. It’s good that you’re trying to eat better. When I decided to cut fast food out of my life, it was a little difficult at the very beginning. Only because, (nearly) everyone around me related a lot of things to food. It was easy for me to stay a way from the restaurants myself, however; when you’re use to going to certain places with certain people, it can become tough to finally say, “no, thank you.” I thought of it this way; if I had to compromise my choices, (which eventually lead to my health) then, I would rather go home and eat a healthy meal. Even if I had to eat alone! I would have to say, coffee is definately my flaw.
I drink A LOT of water, though! Does that count for anything? 😀
You know Tiffie I drink a lot of water myself and it’s good for the body, so yes if you drink lots then you’re doing good 😉
I drink 2 16oz bottles of water and then a half of a 3rd bottle today. I try to drink 2 bottles a day, Sometimes it’s more. Sometimes less…
Jenny sweetie, I JUST turned the big “50” Yesterday on March 19th, My Family threw me an awesome Party with good friends and music last night, it was a blast.
I think we are all blessed to have Friends in our lifes.
I am thinking positive about the new chapter in my life turning 50 and all.
I just wondered if you have any advice on the big 50?
hugs Jenny love and peace to you, Lesli
First of all, Happy 50th Birthday, Lesli! It sounds like you had a great celebration. As for advice, I know that any bad habits you have will catch up with you after fifty, so it’s even more important to not smoke, not drink excessively, eat a healthy diet, and eliminate junky foods. Personally, I think soft drinks and fast food are the worst things you can do to your body (besides substance abuse, of course). Also, wear sunblock every day and most important: laugh every day. 🙂
I don’t mean to interrupt, but I’m 45 yrs old, so I’m mid way being the big 50…lol…I loved your advice to Lesli and wanted to say something on the topic…
Jenny, bad habits are hard to break sometimes, but they can be broken and I’m working on it now. I have to say your site here has inspired me 😉
I don’t smoke. I will drink sometimes when socializing, but very rare. The only problem I probably have is coffee and the caffeine. I have one cup of coffee for breakfast and I try to have decaf if I want coffee during the day after that. I’m starting to have the hot teas. Like tonight I’m having green tea. The other night I had a black tea, so I’m trying, but it’s not easy. I’ll get there though 😉
Great advice, Jenny 😉
Oh and Lesli Happy belated Birthday!…
TY so much for the Birthday wishes Hon.
I had to tell you, I’m like you im addicted to coffee as well.
I have heard that coffee can be good for us thou to, But I really need for health reasons to try and get off of it, I have one big cup of it each morning as well.
I think its so neat here Jenny and Rhonda cause we can also use this chat room to become healthier and inspire one another here, we can sort of cheer one another on. Rhonda we can even help each other perhaps with trying to get off of the coffee 🙂 What ya say? Hugs, to everyone here in the Chat Room (Ty Jenny so much too) 🙂 Be blessed, Lesli
I’m with you on breaking the coffee habit, Lesli. I’ve been drinking more and more hot teas and cutting back on coffee for a couple weeks now and I have to say it’s getting easier. I had a cup of coffee again with breakfast though, but I’ve stuck with green tea all day today when the craving for coffee was there. I tried decaf coffee and I actually poured it out. For some reason it didn’t taste good. Which I’ve had 2 cups of green tea and I might have a 3rd cup later with a splash of fresh lemon. I drink more coffee in the winter time than I do when it’s warmer weather, so now that it’s warmer it might be a lot easier to break the habit with coffee 🙂
Oh and I can do without sodas. I really don’t care for those. I will get a craving for one once in a blue moon, I don’t drink sodas enough, so I haven”t tried Jenny’s 50/50 combo with the sodas yet, but I will next time I want a soda…
Hi jenny 🙂
Yes I totally agree with you about LAUGH everyday, Comedy heals and makes ones life so much healthier I believe also.
i do need to give up my colas, what do you drink instead of colas, What is a healthy but tasty alrternative? I’m learning alot from you Jenny.
Hugs, Lesli~
Look at my “Healthy Combos” video under Cooking Videos for a suggestion on reducing soft drinks. If you can start drinking green tea, or any tea, that would be a great choice as tea is full of antioxidants. But if you must have a soft drink, at least buy them at Whole Foods without high fructose corn syrup. And I commend you for taking an interest in improving your health!
Ty Jenny, I will try that out what you suggested.
Will you be making more of your cooking and health and beauty Videos soon? I just love them and I’ve learned alot from them.
P.S., Totally off the subject but I just wanted to say How beautifull you decorated your Home I love it, Its so cozy pretty and elegant – I love the white too, Its so airy and fresh looking, Just love that look. 🙂 Hugs, Lesli
jenny would you believe for the last two days finally Michigan got up to 58, but they are predicting snow tomorrow and an advisory!! Thats my State for ya, lol.
Jenny does have a beautiful home. I love her backyard. It’s nice! I could probably spend all day outside with a yard like that. Looks so peaceful and relaxing…
I like your living room Jenny, where the piano is with the custom made chandelier. I wish I could see the chandelier closer. I’m sure it’s a beauty to look at 🙂
I also love wood floors in a house and I’ve noticed the floors are wooden floors. We have wood floors too. I would never have carpet. Maybe a throw rug here and there but no wall to wall carpet…
HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY, Lesli~! It sounds like you had a great time. That’s wonderful that you have family and friends that love and care about you. 😀
Thank you Tiffie (cute Name hon) for the Birthday wishes.
yes Family and Friends I think one of Lifes best and most precious treasures we can have here on earth.
Hugs to you all here on the Chat. 🙂 Lesli~
Lesli, I treasure family and friends as well. They are one of the greatest things to have in life, so I agree with what you said 🙂
Do you have children? Sisters and brothers? Nieces and nephews?…
And hey Tiffie, how are you doing? 🙂
Okay Marty look what you’ve done 😆
Your post is having me look at some pretty cool music. Thanks, I’m enjoying it…
I like Creedence Clearwater Revival also. I like almost all their songs. I know my mom has some of their music on record…
It’s funny how time changes. Now I can enjoy the oldies online with a touch of a button. I use to always pull out records back in the day 🙂
Creedence Clearwater Revival “proud mary -Rollin’ on a river”
For all of the true music fans out there. Have you heard that th herd is back. That’s right the Buffalo Springfeild is back you can see the reunion on you tube. Ther is a tour this year. To me their are the best American rock band ever. That is the equivalant to a Beatles reunion in my book.Just think after 43 years.WOW!!!!
That’s awesome! I’ll have to check it out, Marty. Watch out Youtube, I’m on my way!
Hey Marty,
I’ve always loved music since I was a little girl and at first I didn’t know who you talking about but I youtubed and I remember hearing this song on the radio when I was younger. I wouldn’t be surprised if my mom had their records in her mix of albums. She use to let me play her records when I was younger and I love the oldies. This one was one of my favorite 🙂
Buffalo Springfield – For What It’s Worth
*PSSSSST* Hey, Jenny? What’cha doin’ for good ol’e St. Patrick’s Day, las?
(Ok. I TRIED to type that in my best-of-the-worst accent) LOL! I hope I did well/mediocre 🙂
What about you, Rhonda las? 😀
Hey Tiffie, I’m not doing anything spectacular. I’ve got to work on St. Patty’s Day. I work 11am-8pm, so my day is pretty much a done deal. I’ll be too tired to do anything after work. How about yourself? Any plans?…
By the way, you did great with the Irish accent 😉
Oh AND are you going to share a photo of yourself? Have you found one yet?
I’ve been lounging around, today. Just relaxing and chit-chatting on the phone; nothing new. I have (naturally) red hair so, I wonder how many leprechaun jokes I’d have come my way if I left the house in green, compared to the previous years?! HAHA 😀
I haven’t found a picture/I need to RE-learn how to add one. I’m not too technologically advanced as I’d like to be. Sad, huh? HAHA! I’ll get there soon, I hope.
Maybe later, I’ll meet up with my Mother and go some where OTHER THAN an Irish pub. I don’t know of any Irish RESTAURANTS, just PUBS! (“oh those Irish” LOL) There are a lot of (Irish themed) pubs around here, seeming how we have the city of Dublin, just a few miles a way. The city, pubs, and parade are always so packed on St. Patrick’s Day that, the local news crews make it an annual event.
I hope your day was great and, you’re not sick of seeing green 😀
Hey Tiffie,
My day was a bit too much. I was by myself in my department all day. Somebody overnight went on vacation and the other person was off so my area was a mess today when I went in, but after work I had went to go get my mom because they (mom, sister & family) had went out to eat and when they walked out they all had on green shirts. I thought wow, that’s what you call a lot of green…
I hope you had a great day also
Rhonda las? (hehehehehe!) Did you become a “dd”, tonight’? If so, good for you! A lot of us girls (in my family), are natural redheads. I’ve noticed that, the colour green is RARELY worn by any of us. Today would’ve been our day, huh? However; I think most of us will leave that up to the little party animals across town. HAHA!
I’m so sorry you had such a tough day. Have a seat, kick up your heels, and free your mind 🙂 May tomorrow bring you relaxation 😀
p.s. I spell most words ending in ‘or’ with ‘our’, such as; colour and favour. That’s the way I was taught over seas so, please do not think that is ignorance on my behalf 😀
Aw Tiffie it’s okay. I’ve seen words spelled like that before. I know what it means and I’m sure others reading your post do also 🙂
By the way, if you don’t mind me asking, where are you from?…
This might be a dumb question Tiffie, but what does “dd” mean? Sorry, I have know idea what that means 😆
I actually took a nap when I got home this evening and that’s why I’m still up. I don’t like naps because this is what happens when I do nap. I’m up all night…Ugh!
Work should be better tomorrow. At least somebody is there tonight working and the person I work with comes back tomorrow, so there will be 2 of us and it’s a lot easier with someone working with you…
“D.D.” means ‘designated driver’. It seems as though, nearly every thing is appreviated these days; ‘lol’, ‘rofl’, ‘brb’…..dare I say, ‘etc.’? HAHAHAHAHA!
lol….I told you it was probably a dumb question and to answer your question, if my Mom would have drank then yes I would’ve been the “dd”…
My Mom don’t drink. She don’t even like wine. Nothing. Which is a good thing…
Hello sweet Jenny, I wondered do you have any healthy ideas for snacking, I love chocolate but I eat it to much (Im slender and all but still I relize this is not a good thing to be eatting it everyday. Can you give me some better ideas when my sweet tooth screams out in mid afternoon/nighttime….What can i do when i want chocolate, any ideas?
Hugs from Lesli (Wrona)
Actually, chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, is full of antioxidants and is good for you, but in moderation of course. When I’m craving chocolate, I only have it with nuts. My favorite is dark chocolate almond clusters from See’s. The dark chocolate satisfies your sweet tooth and is also anti-aging, & good for your metabolism and brain and immune system. The almonds provide protein for extended energy and a healthy metabolism, plus they also protect the heart as well as improve your skin and hair. So don’t give up chocolate, just have it in moderation, with almonds.
Thank you Jenny, I think Im gonna try your chocolate suggestion, can you give us some other healthy snacks that are sweet tasting for those days that we need a healthy but sweet alternative? I love your youtube channel I have learned so much from it, and trying out alot of your recipes. But I got to tell ya everywhere I am online Im tlaking bout your verson of microwave homemade popcorn. What an awesome idea that was. Its so healthy compaired to store bought. I even am trying it with dif healthy toppings like cinnamon, cayenne peper with garlic powder or even chilli pepper spice (I love zesty) think of all the things you can add, olive oil, ect. Next when I have it I am gonna try and make your margerine sub recipe. Can I ask you is there a way of making a healthy kind of cool whip Jenny I LOVE that stuff. Let me know ty so much for this web site, Im so loving it and its at the top of my GO TO every day, Hugs, Lesli “Skye” Wrona
Another healthy sweet snack could be kettle corn. It’s slightly sweet, high in fiber, and nice & filling. I’ve made this sweet popcorn before and loved it. I did it in a pot using a little oil and about 2 tablespoons of sugar, heat it up, add the corn, then just shake the pot as it pops. As for Cool whip, it’s made of water, corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated coconut and palm kernel oil, sodium caseinate, vanilla extract, xanthan and guargums, polysorbate 60 and betacarotene. That’s a pretty scary ingredient list. I use real whipped cream, that I whip myself – it takes about a minute: whipping cream + a little sugar.
Jenny I just discovered your new blog and new channel on youtube and girl i was like so geedy when I saw the video on how to make homemade microwave popcorn I never ever knew you could make it in a bag and staple it never ever, so i tryed it last week and I was so happy and excited you would I have thought i made some huge discovery the way i was smiling lol. I been making it that way ever sence. it is so much healthier, how did you ever get into the healthy foods and all, you have given me alof of good healthy cooking and eatting ideas hon, ty so much. We sure miss you, are you going to do another tv show in near future? hugs and have a lovley weekend. Lesli Wrona
Hi Lesli. I’m glad you found me and that you liked the popcorn. I make mine that way all the time now – fat free and fluffy! I won’t be doing any TV – I really don’t want to. I enjoy my blog and website as well as spending time with my foundation, Jenny’s Heroes. http://www.jennysheroes.com
Oh my goodness ty Jenny for writting back. Yes the way you prepared the microwave Popcorn is now becoming an everyday way / recipe of life for me, Im trying to eatting healthier and im so appreciative to you jenny for showing me a better and (easier) healthy wya to prepare it, I know that the food ingred. they ADD to microwave popcorn is not good for any of us. So ty again so much for showing us all a better way.
Hugs Lesli ~
Welcome Lesli…
Glad to see you chatting. We really are all nice people here 🙂
I wanted to post to you and suggest Jenny’s chocolate french toast. It’s really simple and she has a video in her “How to videos” up top. It really is delicious. I heard her lemon bars and granola is good also. I haven’t made those, but I will one day…
Thank you again Jenny for what you do share with us here with your health tips and what you do to stay healthy 🙂
Hello everyone,
I have a complete “Ladies Weekend” ahead of me~! I’m leaving a (little) later in the day to meet up with the others, check in to our personal suites and, get the show on the road 😀
We have spa treatments, manicures, pedicures, etc. awaiting us. (I can almost feel the relaxation now!!!!!)
If I’m not too “exhausted” from everything, I just may have the energy to watch The Academy Awards…..
Oh that sounds like fun, Tiffie. I was on vacation this week and I sometimes do things like that on vacation with a friend or my sisters, but this vacation was an early spring cleaning week…Ugh!…
I had things to do around the house and completed most of it. The rest will have to be done on my off days, because I go back to work tomorrow. It seems I never have enough time to finish tasks…
What are your choices of winning The Academy Awards?
Post them on Jenny’s “Academy Awards” post. I’m curious and want to know more guesses. I’m sure Jenny does too 🙂
hello to all I’ve been reading all the blogs for a while now, I’ve just been so shy to respond, until now. You all seen very friendly and that’s very cool. This is my 2nd day posting I think so now seems like the right time to formally introduce myself to Jenny and to all of you nice people
My name is Danny 28 yrs young
In a relationship ( Me and my man been together 1yr and 2 mos)
Im a Gay male ( feels good saying it out loud)
Loved The Jenny Jones Show My fav show was when she sang Silent night @ 2nd fav was when she did Jenny’s Jam 96!! When Amber sang This Is Your Night!! fabolous Show! I also missed the Jenny Jones Dancers! I also remember when Youngstown played and Ashley Ballard sang oooh the memories. Raymond Moses!! HOT! lol
Favorite beverages and Foods
Pizza, Beer, Wine!!!
Fav. Celebs ( Besides Jenny Jones)
Denise Richards, Mandy moore, Shia Labeof, Megan Fox, Bradley Cooper, Brendan Freiser. The list goes on and on lol
Fav. singers
Mandy Moore,Belinda Carlisle,
Fav. Bands
The Go’Go’s, Oh Land, Florence and the Machine, Greenday to name a few
Fav. Music
80’s, Punk Rock, Indie, Metal, Sooome Counrty.
So thats me in a nutshell, I hope to make some friends on here you all seem very cool. Thanks for reading this loooong boring post lol
Danny, if you’d like to post your photo, you can send it to blogbuddies@jennyjones.com and we will add it.
Hi Jenny it’s very cool that you love to cook. It’s like we have something in common YAY! I was just wondering if you have some easy to follow spicy recepies (the hotter the better) because my boyfriend just loves spicy foods ( yes I’m gay, for some reason I was the last to know lol) I just wanted to suprise my man with a new recepie I think I’m boring him with my style of cooking, He says he’s not but, that’s the boyfriend answer right girls, and some boys? lol if you don’t have a recepie Im also throwing this question out to your wonderful fellow readers! Thanks a bunch in advance Jenny! You rock!
Danny, I don’t eat much spicy food but I do have a spicy cabbage salad that I love. It’s very healthy and easy. Here is the recipe:
6 cups shredded green cabbage
1/2 cup sliced green onion
1 thinly sliced jalapeno pepper, seeds removed
1 Tablespoon olive oil
2 Tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon salt
Toss it all together and serve! I love it!
oh thank you so much Jenny sounds yummy and easy benefit for me lol
Welcome Danny. I see you’ve mentioned being shy and not posting either, but it is a nice place for Jenny’s fans to talk to one another and to Jenny as well without the rude comments I’ve experienced on other message boards. Jenny’s recipes are really delicious and most of them are really simple to make. Like the cabbage salad she just posted about 🙂
By the way Jenny, I love cabbage raw or cooked as I mentioned before. I will be making this and trying it out myself. It does sound yummy! 😉
Take care,
Jenny, I made your cabbage salad today and I have to say it’s better than what I thought it would be. I don’t like salting my food, if I can help it, but this don’t taste to bad at all. I can see why you love it 🙂
It was so good I had to go back for seconds…lol…
How long does it keep for? I got it in the frig, but I’m thinking with the fresh lime juice it should keep for a few days…
Hi my brother!! I am one of the blog buddies, my name is Sue. My fiance has a real spicy nacho recipe that maybe you and your boyfriend will enjoy! He calls them nasty nachos!
Round tortia chips, spread them evenly on a baking sheet.
Put Mrs. Renfro’s habanero salsa on each chip, and a slice of spicy pepperoni, then sprinkle them with monterey jack cheese and bake under the broiler until cheese is melted. If you want them even hotter, you can sprinkle with cayenne pepper! (the cayenne pepper is really not necessary he says but it depends on how hot you want them:) I hope you both like these, I personally am alergic to hot spicy, but I know when we entertain, everyone loves them!!
Talk to you soon!
Hi Ms. Jones,
I know that you and your readers love cooking, especially heathy things. I in the other hand do love cooking but it’s really not healthy lol. I consider myself a okay cook. I can make Posole. I think that the way I make it it’s okay, but my man LOVES it. We take turns cooking he’s an amazing cook girl!, but any way, my recepie for posole is very simple. Boil butt roast in water you can also add ribs (boneless) is better ( The Longer the better, depends on how tender you like your meat) after20 minutes (or when ever One Life To Live goes to commercial break lol ) I just add a bit of salt. Boil the meat for as long as you like depending on your taste. Then you add a can of enchilada sauce ( I personally add the red kind) there’s a green one too. Then I add the hominy. I usually add all those ingredients an hour before my boyfriend gets home, so by the time he get’s home he has a hot posole dinner. You can add cilantro, my man loves very spicy food so while it’s cooking i would add some spices. With posole you can really get creative and add things you like. So Jenny thats my recepie I hope you and your readers like it.
Jenny, whammy83 must be a fan of yours. I keep running into videos of you 🙂
I grew up watching game shows like Beat the Clock and the old Let’s Make A Deal, so I enjoy looking at old game show reruns. Whammy 83 has close to 3000 videos of mostly game shows and while looking through the videos, I came across this video of you…
I find it funny and had to share it here 🙂
Junie Moon and Ginger Snapps
Jenny, gals and guys,
You may get a kick out of this. As I had said before, I was a little nervous to put my “voice” on your blog…..
Well; I have a housekeeper that comes in and we chat about just-about-everything, (as we have now become close friends), and with that, I mentioned to her how I read your blog(s) and always thought it would be nice to get in on the fun. My housekeeper Virginia said, “Oh just start talking”, and I never did.
So she said, “If you’re not going to, then you talk and I’ll type”. This is where it gets interesting, (and embarrassing on my behalf!)
Over the last couple posts, I would start to type and then I would delete, then retype, then delete, then retype, so on and so on. It got to where Virginia would say, “Oh just let me type and you talk”. She just became my designated typist on here from the first post-on. (Embarrassing!)
Since I never proof read anything she typed (I wasn’t sitting beside her), I never noticed Virginia’s mistake until I got on here to look at some recipes and got curious enough to see if there was anything new in the daily blog. That’s when I went to read old comments to old posts and see my name spelled, “Tiffi”. I looked at it…..then again and thought, “Virginia has to know how my first name is spelled. She knows my middle name is spelled ‘Rui’ opposed to the common spelling of ‘Rue’. Maybe she just made the mistake once.”
Sorry for such a long story but I HAD to share this! As shameful as it was to admit my bashfulnesss of talking in blogs (I over critique myself constantly is why), I’ve learned my first little blog lesson! Yet I’m starting to think there is more than just the one lesson I need to learn. HAHAHAHAHA! It’s partially not funny but I can’t help myself at the other part of it
I can’t wait until she shows up this mid-morning! Do I have a day of fun planned for ole Virginia
*My name is spelled Tiffie (not Tiffi) and, the “real” Tiffie will be the one typing everything out from here on…..Lesson LEARNED!
If only the lack of an ‘e’ at the end of my name is the biggest ‘problem’ of the day then, I doubt this will be a Monday to dread
Aw Tiffie, you overcome your bashfulness for blogs and message boards. I was the same way when I first got my computer 14 years ago. I’ve gotten use to talking to others and you will too. I love to reply to blogs and message boards and talk to others. I met my best friend who lives in Washington State through a message board. We have the same interests and love to travel together. I met her through a Jenny Jones message board by posting back and forward. I don’t have kids, so I see her as a daughter/friend. My youngest sister is her age, so I also see her as another sister as well. You can meet cool people on the web who can be friends for life 🙂 But you have to be careful and chose wisely…
You got it easy though posting on Jenny’s blog, because of the monitoring she does. I on the other hand was at tvtalkshows.com message boards where Trevor let posters be rude and ugly to other posters and I guess I can say it caused me to be tougher and stand my ground in my own space and just pour out my thoughts, replies and opinions…
I do get lost in a post sometimes and I’ve apologized to Jenny for my long post and typos and just rambling on about the topic. I’m not a good typist either, but I do need to proof read more before submitting my replies. Mistakes happens and most the time we all know what each other is saying with or without the typos being there…
It’s not hard to get lost in your thoughts. Jenny’s even done it before 🙂
You seem like a really honest person to post what you just posted and I like honesty in a person 🙂
Take care everyone and have a great week
Hi Rhonda,
I just read your blog, and funny thing you mention that you helped out trevor out on tvtalkshow site. People on that message board let’s just say they were NOT the nicest people lol. I remember posting on the Jenny jones Show and some hater from another talk show blog came on to bash us!! and its funny how WE didn’t sink to their level and didnt do anything about it. All i did was write this day and a half long blog about Jenny and how she is doing good inthe world. So yeah the hater felt bad and didnt post anything bad so say. So long story short it is nice to meet people here and we could share our opinions without feeling shy
Trevor seems like a nice guy but to have a website that has such hatred on his boards just is something that bugs me. I didn’t help Trevor I was merely just a Jenny Jones fan posting on her message board and trying to be civil to other fans but haters would intrude. At first I would sink to their level but I then learned to ignore such people and they would go away. I considered those type posters “internet bullies” and nothing but “lost soul” just striving for attention so they hate and disrespect others to get what they lack…
Posting here on Jenny’s blog is more peaceful and friendly for sure 🙂
Thank you again Jenny for opening up your website to us fans and keeping things under control like you do. You’re the best ❗
I am a 30 year old mother of one small child and I have one on the way. I can only cook the easy stuff, hamburger helper, shake and bake….so on. So, you all seem to be pretty knowledgable about cooking. I want to learn how to cook before my kids get older. Any ideas on how to get started? Easy recipes?
My “Easy Casserole” recipe might be something you could try. There’s a printable recipe and a How-To video. It’s really good and goes as long way. http://demo.jennyjones.com/kitchen_recipes.shtml 🙂
Dana, making Jenny’s “Easy Casserole” will put hamburger helper off the menu in your kitchen. It’s really simple and delicious 🙂
Good suggestion, Jenny 🙂
Take care,
Tiffi, welcome to the board here. It IS alot of fun. Just jump right in whenever, like Jenny said. We’re all nice and respect each other. Jenny makes that possible and I’m glad she’s in control
If you’re not use to blogging I can understand the hestation…
Oh and Jenny I had to share this. I was youtubing and came across this amazing little girl. Check this out….
Amazing Grace 7yr old Rhema Marvanne
Take care,
Hello Jenny/everyone,
I’ve been reading your blogs for a while now. I have always loved the conversations that go back and forth on here. Everyone seems so much fun and I just never knew what to say as a response (as in a way), to get in to the conversation(s). With saying that (HA!), I’ve always kept quiet. I guess you can say I’m “taking the plunge” by putting my name out here! (HAHA!) I’ve never blogged before so, here is hoping to the beginning of many great friendships.
~Tiffi Rui
Welcome, Tiffi. It seems that my regular visitors chat more in the daily postings so feel free to put in your 2-cents anytime, anywhere. And make sure you check Monday’s posting (tomorrow) for a new contest. You’re the first to know! 🙂
i loooove jenny jones miss her show!
i know i really miss Jenny’s show too! lol i was a huge fan ( still am) you can always watch it on you tube, thats what i do
I put up all of the Christmas trees.
I have a smaller fiber optic one and I swear the motor was so loud I had to break it to get it to hush up lol. it still lights up nicely, it just doesn’t make the awful noise.
I have decided to make picture frames out of rolled magazines.
they seem so easy to do, and I like the way they look.
Now I just need to get some frames and hot glue and we are good to go!
I am about to brace the col and snow. The road outside looks pretty clear luckily 🙂
I hope everyone has a nice day
Hey guys! I’m Mohammad,
I’m new here, I heard about Jenny Jones while I was searching for recipes on YouTube.
I love cooking by the way..
Hi Mohammad. Welcome! Do you have a favorite recipe to share?
Oh my God ! I got a reply from Jenny !
thank you very much,
sure, I’ll put it soon.
I know some of Jenny’s hobbies are cooking and taking photos, but I was wondering if anyone else has any hobbies?
I think cooking for Jenny is not only a hobby, it’s a talent!
Hi. With the easy casserole, is it okay to use thin spaghetti instead of angel hair? Or would that affect cooking times? Also, I can I measure 10 ounces of pasta? Even the small box is 14.5 ounces.
Do I chop the garlic?
I’m not a good cook.
Jason, I’m thrilled that my recipe motivated you to cook. So here are my answers:
1. You can use thin spaghetti.
2. It will not affect the cooking time of the casserole, but check the package label for how long to cook the spaghetti.
3. Yes, you chop the garlic using a knife as finely minced as you can, or use a garlic press.
4. To measure the spaghetti, you can eyeball it this way: Take it all out of the box and divide it into three equal parts. Use two of the three parts and save the remaining 1/3 for another time. That should give you just under 10 ounces (you could add a few more strands if you like to make it closer to 10). Good luck.
Thank you, Jenny. I appreciate the cooking advice. I tried it tonight and it turned out well. I am a terrible cook but somehow I was able to make it taste edible…to the point that I had seconds…and thirds… I’m so full now! lol
Once I get proper cookwear and utensils, I’ll try cooking more difficult things.
Thanks again, and take care.
Jenny, they LOVED 🙂 the spaghetti casserole. It makes alot and even with a couple people going back for 2nds, it was still more than I needed to keep for me and my mom, so I didn’t want it to go to waste and they loved it so much they took the rest of it home for leftovers tonight 🙂 but of course I saved some for me for today to have for lunch…
My mom is a picky eater and I thought I was gonna have to tell on her…lol…
But I’ll have to let her slide because she did eat half a serving. She loved your meatloaf, so I’m thinking she’s not to fond of pasta…
Thank you for sharing it with us Jenny. It was a really good dish and delicious 🙂
Jenny, I’m having company over tomorrow evening and I’m making your spaghetti casserole. I’m excited about it like I was making your meatloaf, but no dessert… Your sweet potato cake will have to wait until probably next time. Holidays are just around the corner and I’ll fix the cake again maybe next month or so. I love the cake 🙂
Whoever has Jenny’s cookbook I suggest making the sweet potato cake. It’s really good. It’s so good you would want more of it. It’s a cake you would never get sick of 🙂
hmmmm!! I haven’t heard of the sweet potato cake, but it sounds very good. what type of icing do you put on it rhonda cream cheese? that would be even better :p
Josh, it’s sweet potato CHOCOLATE cake with chocolate frosting and it’s really good!
Some people may think it’s cream cheese, but nope….
You may not believe this Josh, but it’s made with sour cream…
I can’t get the icing right and I’ve made the cake twice. Next time will be right I hope. It really is a delicious cake. I would rather have a sweet potato cake over a plain chocolate cake any day 🙂
Take care Josh and have a great week…
The combination of sweet potato and chocolate sounds so good. I just may have to make it. I made those no bake chocolate peanut butter oat cookies the other day, they are so simple and everyone seems to know them. No one I know likes them though, except for me that is. It’s alright though lol. they are gone now and I need something for my sweet tooth.
OMG! Oprah is everywhere. Internet and tv and probably radio…lol…
I respect Oprah to a certain point because she did diss other talkshows once and I kinda let it go but she used the term “trash talkshows” in an interview once and it didn’t fly too good with me when seeing that interview. In my opinion, “trash talkshows” is nothing more than the reality of our society we live in and Oprah was wrong to stick a label like that on these talkshows because that’s how she started out with topics you had Jenny and the others like you…
People shouldn’t down grade these talkshows we once had that showed us the reality of the type of society we have. If you can’t see the reality of something how can it be fixed?…
Sorry if I offend any Oprah fans…
And sorry Jenny for even talking on this topic but I felt had too…
Make the judgement on this one Jenny weither to post or not. I just had to vent a little because I know I’m gonna be sick of hearing about Oprah’s last season on air. For the past hour that’s all I found myself running into, seriously…
Well I got another Saturday off again, but I’m beginning not to like it because I end up having split off days when I like my off days together which is Mondays and Tuesdays, so now I have to work Monday because some manager aproved overlapping vacations for 2 people in one area, so that makes them short handed. I got enough time in I like taking my own Saturdays off, but this time was okay I’m going now to my youngest sister’s birthday at her in laws. Wow she’s 31 years old.
That makes me feel old…lol…
Have a great day everyone 🙂
Take care,
Happy Labor Day everyone. I love this and had to share…
On my way to Dawset Trail (linked) and maybe swimming and BBQ later…
Everyone have a great day! 🙂
The Bellagio Fountains – Las Vegas – God Bless the USA
Dauset Trails
Take care,
I feel a bit of relief knowing hurricane Earl has weakened 🙂
I heard at work that Earl is still a strong storm but not too threatening…
I’m off to check out updates…
Rhonda I read your comment yesterday about the storm and I meant to reply but I have been having a **** of a time with my computer and in the process i totally forgot.
I’m so glad to hear that it has weakened.
I have never had to deal with hurricanes but I would surly think it would be very frightening. I hope it stays away
They are frightening. They have really high winds and I’m terrified of high winds. Even a hail storm is scary with the winds they carry. I won’t even look out the window during a strong strom in fear of seeing half a tree coming at me. Yikes! I usually get in the hallway away from windows and patio door…
I live in Georgia and I remember hurricane Opal coming through here and we had blackouts all over. We were without power I think 16/18 hours (guessing). The worse storm I’ve seen is hurricane Hugo. He was a monster…
Now we have Fiona and Gaston right behind Earl. I youtubed Fiona lastnight and there’s one video that caught my attention. It’s talking about Fiona hitting the east coast further south of Earl’s tracking path, so that means Florida, Georgia and S. Carolina is in Fiona’s path if he’s right and he seem to be died on Earl’s path…
By the way, I sometimes have issues with my computer and it can be really frustrating. It seems you’ve got it running again and that’s a good thing I’m sure 🙂
Everyone have a great holiday weekend and stay safe 🙂
We have a hurricane lurking on the east coast and it’s made me a little nervous. I hope I can sleep. It’s a bit depressing ontop of being scared…
I just hope and pray Hurricane Earl, which from the last I read is a cat.4, starts turning and stays in the waters. It scares me, because I don’t see it turning. It’s too strong. I hope I’m wrong, but we’ll see…
Jenny, I almost know what you go through with earthquakes and not knowing when it’s the big one 🙁
Take care everyone and if you’re in the path of this hurricane stay safe…
Yay! Inventory is over and done with. Thank God 🙂
I’ve had a rough 2 weeks at work. Inventory tires me out and today is the last day for it and I’m off…Yippie! 🙂
Time to relax, but I have a few errands to run and then it’s chill out time 🙂
Everyone have a great day today and a terrific week 🙂
Take care,
Are any of you guys on FaceBook? I spend a lot of time on there. Just wondering. Jenny you should create a page with your real name so we can be friends!!
I’m on FaceBook. I’m guessing some of my regular visitors are too.
Color me stupid but with such a common name as Jenny Jones which page is yours? I saw more than one Jenny Jones and they were related to your show. Is that what you were talking about?
It’s the one with my picture. It’s a headshot of me in a white top.
I give up on trying to find you, Jenny….will you request me as a friend?
Kathy Layton Fyke Barnes
Blog buddies, if you want to request me be sure to include a msg so I know who you are so I don’t reject you!
Here’s a link to friend me on FaceBook:
I’m on facebook as well. I mostly play games there…
I guess you can call it my game spot 🙂
If anyone wants to add me I don’t mind adding you guys…
I play lots of games to…Word Drop 2, Pathwords, Bejeweled. I used to play FarmVille but I quit do that because it was taking up a lot of time!!
What games do you play?
I play most of the Zynga games like..
Treasure Isle
Resort World
Cafe World
Mafia Wars
Texas Hold’em
Egg Buddies
Happy Aquarium
I have played other games like Blitz and Family Feud. I think I may have played Bejeweled before as well. Some of these I haven’t played in a while. Which I need to catch up on. These games can be very time consuming like Farmville and Mafia Wars. If you don’t stay on top of the game you fall behind…
I used to play FarmVille…I even had 2 accts so I could have 2 farms. I finally quit! As a matter of fact I just buried my alter ego Kathy Bates. She and her one eyed boyfriend Clyde were out cow tipping on FarmVille and he didn’t see her. She was crushed by one of the cows he tipped…it was very mooooving! He inherited the farm and it when to crap after that!
Oh dear!…lol…such a funny girl. I love your humor. It’s growing on me 🙂
By the way, I love Kathy Bates. She’s really a good actress. Her role in “Friend Green Tomatoes” is my favorite. “Misery” is okay, but she was mean in that movie, but I guess that’s what makes her as good as she is 🙂
One more thing, check out Jenny’s “Ask Me Anything” section. There’s a link there for you 🙂
My off days at work have changed this week and next week as well. I’m off today and tomorrow. What? I get a Saturday off? Yeah! 🙂
I’m going later to get my 2 nieces and we’re hanging out by the pool, having dinner out and possibly a movie night. Don’t know what else they want to do…
I want to make your cake again Jenny and try to get the icing right, plus my oldest niece Marissa wants to know how to make it, because she took a piece of the cake to school and her friends loved it, so she wants to make one for them when they come over for sleep overs. Now for Kristan, it’s going to be a treat. She’s never had it 🙂
Okay guys, here’s a question for everyone and the question is…
Out of all of the clips with Jenny doing stand up what line from one of her acts do you like best??? ( I will post mine later)…
Okay here’s my favorite line from Jenny’s stand up comedy act. It’s from Star Search, the part about blind date looking like a catfish in a suit…
So funny Jenny, I about wet my pants when I first heard it…lol… 🙂
“I suppose you’re going to be late”…
“Why? Do you have to get back before low tide?”…
I was going through old entries to your blog Jenny the other day and decided to browse through your staffer section and someone mentioned missing the show and would like to see clips, so I went searching and I found this. I remember seeing this show. It’s one of my favorites. It shows the whole show broken down into 5 parts. I really enjoyed watching it again 🙂
Jenny Jones -PT 1- What’s Happening!, MASH, Three’s Company Stars Plus Gene Rayburn
Hey all.
I was wondering if anybody here could recommend a good blogging site? I have heard of thoughts.com but am curious as to what other sites are out there. Cheers, Tara
Hello Tara. Nice to finally chat with you 🙂
Let me see if I can help you out here…
A friend of mine introduced me to this one. I dont have one, but I think you would enjoy it 🙂
Let me know what you think about it 🙂
Thanks Ronda. I checked it out but ended up creating a blog at thoughts.com . blogger.com wasn’t too bad though. Maybe it will grow on me 🙂 Thanks for the help 🙂
You’re welcome Tara. I actually checked out the video tour from thoughts.com and it seems to be better than blogger with more features. So I think you made the right choice 🙂
I think Google is part of Blogger. Maybe google needs to add more features to make blogger average up to the others 🙂
Take care,
Damm!! I guess nobody has anything to say????? Hope everyone is well!
Love, Sue
Hey Sue. It is kind of slow this weekend on here. I was here lastnight but not for long, because I searched for jokes online…
Work has been hectic this week because of inventory coming up (August 25th) and back to school wasnt an easy week at all. I think all surrounding counties where I live have all went back to school…
Today was one of those days I wish I had off. Hopefully tomorrow wont be so bad. It’s my Friday 🙂
I’m guessing Jenny is most likely working on her pizza video. I love pizza and I cant wait to see how she makes hers 🙂
Hey all!! Is this a BYOB room? LOL! Great job, Jenny & partners! Should be fun!
There you are, Becky! I was about to post a call out to ya, but I got off track…
I havent seen you around and was wondering where you were. I was beginning to think you got lost somewhere…j/k…lol… 🙂
But seriously, this is a great idea to keep Jenny’s BB’s grouped together, so it wont be hard to search through all post. I’m still going through all Jenny’s post to make sure no one has posted to me…
If you look over on the left hand side of the page Jenny breaks it down for us and it seems alot easier to go through sections one at a time instead of looking through old entry pages page by page 🙂
Take care,
Hi Rhonda!!! Glad I made it back before you called the law on me!
I’ve been out and about, trying to plan a trip overseas. Family awaits!!!!
The additions to the webpages/blog/etc are terrific!! Spot on!
Hugs to all,
LOL…funny. I knew you would be back 🙂
I know it takes time to plan trips like that. It was alot of time comsumed planning for our criuse, so I understand you were busy 🙂
Yeah Jenny and her boys are doing a great job and its so nice for Jenny to be a celebrity I can appreciate and respect for being who she is 🙂
I agree about missing if someone has posted something to my attention….sorry I don’t get back to you guys…it is confusing to find the posts.
Oh my goodness, Jenny. I just got home and got online to come here to see what was happening. There’s no telling what you’ll post about and it has become my new favorite place online 🙂
Thank you Jenny , and the boys, for all you all do for us…
What a way to surprise us with this and adding fun things to your site for us to enjoy and learn about as well 🙂 🙂 🙂
Rhonda, I’m sorry I missed your post about the passing of your father. I think I miss some of them because there is always something new to respond to so I don’t always check back. I hope you did as well as could be expected considering the circumstances. I’m sorry you lost him so early in life and I hope you spent the day with good memories over tears. Thank you for your condolences towards my uncle.
For me to give condolences for your uncle’s passing just triggered my emotions and made my emotions run freely and got away from me in that post. After I posted I had to go outside and get some air, because my heart felt like it was breaking into. I have my moments but for the most part I’m doing okay…
Hospice takes care of the patient and after the loss of a loved one they take of the family’s emotional state, so I think without the advice they give us, they still are sending letters, I dont know if I could hold up as strong as I feel I am now. We all appreciate all they did and still do for us before and after the passing of our dad. They are greatly appreciated 🙂
Thank you for responding…
I spent the day going to the cementary, relaxing by the pool, cleaning my car and having dinner at one of my dad’s favorite places 🙂
Feature request: Can you have it so that when you click on the pictures (in this case the chat room photo) it takes you to the direct link (instead of just the enlarged picture)?
I love the idea of a chat room!
Excellent idea – I’ll ask the boys.
We did it! You can now click the pink button to chat. Thanks for the idea!
(when I say “We” that would be Damon) 🙂
I give you credit as well Jenny 🙂
You did have to give Damon the go ahead 🙂
By the way, who are “the boys” you mentioned?
Damon and my website developer, Robert… both awesome talents.
Thank you Jenny. You should be proud of what they do here and I can see that you are 🙂
They do a terrific job with your site. The more you all add to it the more I love it. They deserve credit for what they have given us to enjoy 🙂
Most social places on the web arent monitored and those are the ones I dont care for. Internet haters/bullies are a major pain in the rear, they really are. I think you already know how people can be and I like the fact you keep those people out 🙂
Thanks a ton! Works great!!!
How fun but I don’t have a thing to wear!!! I’ll be back when I decide!!
LOL…I’m beginning to like your humor, Kathy 🙂
Hurry up and make a decision and get back here my best friend…lol…