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The Worst Place To Find a Spider


Here are my Ten Worst Places to Find a Spider. Did I miss any?

  1. On a doorknob
  2. On the toilet seat
  3. In your underwear drawer
  4. In your salad
  5. Floating in the bottom of your cereal bowl
  6. On the ceiling over your bed
  7. In your hair
  8. Under your pillow
  9. On your face when you wake up
  10. Finding half a spider in the rest of your sandwich

10 Responses

  1. meghan says:

    Once I woke up to find a spider on the ceiling. You can bet this got me out of bed quickly haha 🙂

  2. john iwanyszyn says:

    Firstly, this was a scary one for me and my wife. We were in bed talking (for real) when i see something coming down from ceiling fan. At first i thought it was a piece of dust coming off the fan. Then my brain exploded when i realized it was a spider coming down on its web. I immediately pushed my wife off the bed and just that quick i jumped out of bed. The little critter hit the bed running and ran right under my wife’s pillow. i quick grabbed a slipper and and sent him to meet his maker. My wife was upset at first but when i told her what just had happened she was thankful i did push her out of bed. Normally i wouldn’t do that. That’s just one of my wonderful spider stories. Have a few more that are pretty good too.

  3. Karen says:

    In your garage, if I remember your joke correctly. We were at the Masquers’ Club, and at rehearsal you asked for a lights out at your cue: “I ran over it with my car!”
    The year was 1981. Blast from the past!
    You were so sweet in the dressing room, you even sold me a fabulous red dress! An amazing night for me.

  4. Lacy Bender says:

    The worst place is on the inside of your car windshield while you are driving and it starts running towards you.

  5. Sharon says:

    OMG…I have been watching your cooking show, and just realized that you are “the Jenny Jones”. Our lives parallel each other’s, only everything you touched turned to gold, me, everything turned to…well, rescued animals and kids…I love your cooking show. I am making your stuffed cabbage (can’t spell glumpkee) and quick Artisan bread for Christmas, along with lasagna etc. Love your cooking show.. loved your show in the 90’s.

  6. Laura says:

    Of course I don’t expect you would think of this one as one of the worst places to find a spider, certainly I didn’t until I saw one through my plastic bag of cotton balls. It froze (as they do) and then disappeared into the white fluff.

  7. Rose W says:

    In your slipper is the absolute worst!

  8. Catmom says:

    Finding a spider in the bed is not fun.

  9. Candy Barkley says:


  10. Niks says:

    In your ear! I promise, it was the WORST place to find a spider 🙂

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